If you make your bed, you should be forced to lie in it.
Dems trying to leave the west coast and NYC for Texas and other red states should be barred from doing so; you can’t create disastrous consequences then just pack it up & bring your terrible policies elsewhere.
The die hard lefties aren’t leaving. It’s the normies and red pilled that are. The die hards are now sticking around out of pride and arrogance. To give up and move would admitting Trump and Republicans are right. They will stay until it falls into the ocean out of principal. I would say most people leaving have been red pilled. They realize everything is shit because of democrat policies.
The great awakening isn’t just for us. We are already awake.
As a Cali resident, could you please get a 2020 election audit going in your state? You have the biggest state in the union and from what I can tell Cali is red.
Dems demanded signature verification on the Newsom recall. It seems to me that you could use that very benchmark standard and demand the same for ALL 2020 ballots?
I’m glad to hear this. I’ve had some people tell me the opposite; that their new neighbors haven’t realized their political beliefs are the reason for things in those states having gone so terribly.
I even have friends who refuse to see the light of day. Haven’t totally given up on them yet, but I’m starting to worry that they’re in the 4-6%.
California is RED. We didn't elect all these assholes. We need to do the 2020 audit here for President and Governor. When Gavin Newsom ran for governor, in the voting pamphlet, his statement of intent and vision for San Francisco was BLANK. NOT A SINGLE WORD. Did he know Auntie Pelosi would make sure he won? Same going on in New York. They're trying to drive everyone out. Why? To sell it to the CCP? To purchase it at a good price themselves?
Latest gifts from the Dems here (among many): Pooping on the streets; Banning plastic straws while handing our free plastic syringes for drug use; Also not responding to shop-lifting unless it's > $950; Arson set "wild fires" blamed on climate change, Rolling blackouts because of arson set wildfires, dumping fresh water into the ocean while claiming drought. Strictest fake Covid rules.
Two lane streets are changed to one lane streets. Roadblocks EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE, even the suburbs to discourage cars. You have to check the computer to see what route to take to make it to your destination. Downtown is starting to look like a shanty town in Africa and smells of urine.
They plan on giving farmers 8% of the water they need for crops and we will have to conserve water. They are staging a food shortage, gas shortage, drought and energy shortage so people will welcome Communism for relief.
I can't believe people still think all of these leftwing cities have been voting dem for so long. The fraud is right out in front of them yet they can't piece it together that this shit has been stolen for decades.
Qell let's not get ahead of ourselves. Cities are jam-packed with lefties, universities, Marxist ideologies. I live in a very blue area and I can assure you while there are very based people, even moderates and normies generaply see republicans as racists or only for the rich and democrats the lesser of two evils.
It's a self fulfilling process, election gets stolen by Dems, normies assume "most people must agree with what these elected officials say", normies take on the job of pushing the bullshit that no one voted for.
Big cities have their Commie strongholds, but that's also where they can cheat more easily, overriding the votes of the conservatives and moderates.
Even New York City voted for pro-law and order Giuliani in modern memory. Yes, there are a lot of lefties there, but there used to be some common sense, some people there to make money and enjoy what used to be one of the safest big cities in the world. The NYC progressives are surely cheating right now with their new ranked voting, which can't be tallied for weeks, and their 135,000 test ballots "accidentally" left in the system and who knows what else.
Interesting how [THEY] downplayed Giuliani's successes, then memory-holed them. The book Freakonimics tried to attribute the drop in crime to Roe v Wade: the subsequent abortions supposedly killed off much of the lowest of the lower class who would have grown up to be criminals. Glad the failure of the Defund the Police movement disproved that theory.
People shouldn’t run away. These so called blue states are in reality mostly red. If people would ban together, make some noise. Start saying NO! We may have never gotten to where are now in the first place. Running away only prolongs the fight.
I’m a red part of CA and most know about and disagree with the BS politics but “don’t want to get involved” or “don’t have time.” I keep telling them that that’s the problem that got us to this point. It’s not red vs blue it’s WTP vs DS it’s good vs evil. United the American Spirit can’t be stopped(goes for patriots worldwide)
I'm not moving either. I love the beach, the weather, the geography and the home I have created for myself. Easier to change the asshole politicians than for me to move at this stage in my life.
When asked why his predictions were so accurate he responded by saying that unlike the other big pollsters, he does not work for "a client." Right there on CNN for everyone to hear and yet the sheeple will not listen.
Everyone who works in the business of public opinion from the media to the pollsters to the politicians understands the game and how it is played.
This applies to other corrupt industries like pharma and finance too. Everyone from the key actors in the regulatory agencies up top down to the entry level wholesalers at the very bottom know it's all a racket. Best red pill for holdout normies might be encouraging them to go get a job so they can see how things work!
At the very least, sometimes seeing kind neighbors in conservative communities can open minds.
I remember the former CEO of NPR wrote a whole thing about how he went to conservative America in flyover states and was treated so well and got to see a whole different side of America that he never realized was there.
The way he was groveling made him seem like he truly admired it and felt it was being misconstrued by the metropolitan based media stations.
I lived in Oakland for 10 yeas, moved out 25 years ago. Partly due to earthquakes, partly due to politics, and partly due to having family in the Northwest. I do miss the weather.
It's really messed up. I live on the other coast, minutes from Washington DC. We don't have the magnitude of issues that SF, Oakland, LA, Portland, Seattle, etc. have re homeless, shoplifting, property crimes, and violent crimes. Everyone still seems to be moving to this area. Real estate prices are out of control. Yet the liberal lunatics continue....
I can't imagine being stuck in an area you want to leave so bad, and not being able to GTFO.
Honestly, that's what I'd do. I met a woman from Long Beach recently who went through a divorce. She literally picked up everything and moved to NC, knowing no one, just based on her research on best places to go to. Time to leave CA.
If the Great Awakening is real and is coming, CA is going to improve a lot in the coming years as the damage gets undone. I'd be buying real estate there if I could afford it.
That's horseshit and you know it. That's like the millions of hood rats that refuse to leave the inner cities and the concrete jungle. My Grandparents went to where the work was. Took them from Oklahoma to San Francisco to work in the ship yards during WWII. That's the problem these days...the propaganda and non stop bullshit was designed to make you feel helpless and powerless...I see it has worked. There's still time my fren. Ever thought about ranch/farm work?
I wish we could simply drone bomb everyone with paint that attends those side shows. I sense that the growing events represents a breakdown in society.
A close friend lives in a nice neighborhood in Fremont. House on the corner has been taken over by some Latin gang and they are running drugs out of the house. Real shame.
I spent a lot of time in SF years ago, Financial, Mission, and Castro districts. 10 years ago, was back and there was a def uptick in homeless, but no more than most major cities. 4 years ago, I went back and was shocked. Homeless/Junkies/Crazies/Criminals were abundant, leading to a measurement of BPB - bums per block. I came out of the Hilton in the morning, which was largely unmolested when I turned in about 2100. When I came out at 0600, it was a homeless encampment as far as the eye could see, other than the drive through at the hotel.
I cannot imagine what SF looks like now. A real shame, I've probably spent 6 months of my life in and around SF. Zero interest in returning.
she thinks government should protect people.. government shouldn't get in the way of people protecting themselves and others. When seconds matter, police are minutes away.
This is the fundemental flaw in her logic, shes a women that has likely been protected her whole life and thinks government can usurp the duty of herself and her family.
Gov. punishes lawbreakers, it rarely ever and is most incapable of stopping them FROM lawbreaking.
"muh women are affected" Man I'm so sick and tired of hearing this trope from universally every part of the political spectrum. It's the one thing every politician from Trump to AOC are all on agreement with, "Muh women".
Wow, she's so close
"I see smug ignorance of the laws of unintended consequences" - if she works this out, that it's not "unintended," she'll get there. Moderates will be subsumed.
Oh the irony. They consider themselves to be "the smart ones". Only in their own minds though, since reality strongly disagrees with their self-assessment. They have a lot of incentives to avoid figuring that out for themselves, however.
Their whole world of make-believe and their self-image within that world will come crashing down if they even start to consider the fact that leftist ideologies don't work and have never worked anywhere they have ever been tried.
I'm staying in California because I can't wait until it's confirmed that the elections here have been rigged forever. And then maybe just maybe we'll turn red.
Are you talking about classical liberals vs. the leftist Democrats? Classical liberals would absolutely flee the Dems upon being red-pilled, as today's Dems are communists, pushing for the exact opposite of the individual liberty classical liberals support.
Let's not pretend voter fraud is the sole reason these blue strongholds are dogshit. The vast majority of dems lack the introspection and forethought to understand THEY are doing this to THEMSELVES. Either they think they know better than their "cousin-fucking redneck" conservative counterparts or are too old and stubborn to realize they are part of an old guard that died with JFK.
They have been complacent, nothing was robbed of them because they refuse to change. Conservatives have been forced to be the "bigger and better men" since the formation of the Dem party, by constantly taking one for the team and compromising or bowing out to leftist pressure. It's time for them to rise up to OUR level and have some damn accountability for once. Dominion machine fuckery is only a fraction of a tainted, corrupted whole. If you want to think that way, that's perfectly fine, but I'm done kidding myself that these blue sanctuaries were formed against their will. You could ban all state-to-state migration and they STILL wouldn't understand.
Voter fraud doesn't excuse their behavior and rhetoric. What's stopping them from finding out the info that we know? We live on the same planet after all. Is their internet access cut off? Maybe if they put down twitter, reddit, instagram, etc for one minute and go read something that goes against their preconceived notions then maybe I will be kind to them.
I will not disagree that the entirety of humanity has been brainwashed in various ways, and that includes our side too, but if you can't recognize that you have been brainwashed by now, then I really have no sympathy for people who only serve to get in the way.
I will not go out of my way to harass or prod liberals about their views. I know what they think. Their shitty views are all over the internet, in the workplace, in schools, all over real life. You can't seem to get away from it. But that doesn't mean I want to shake hands and go all kumbaya with them either. When the truth comes out, they have a lot of reflecting to do. And I'm not going to be there to hold their hand and pat their head. Let them think about what they've supported all these years. I've had it with these people. The day the truth comes out is the day I can finally stop worrying.
I know it was said that you must show them (ie personally). Though I think it is more that they need to feel the pain of those consequences. Logical individuals can be shown something. Emotional people need to go through the process of feeling that choice.
I know it’s easy to bash Californians and say things like, “They get what they deserve!” But honestly, California is a very diverse State - not everybody lives in LA or SiliconValley/SF. And when you consider how long these crooked politicians have been in office you begin to realize Californians have not had much choice for a long time. I am born and raised Californian and lived/worked there for 47 years. I believe California has been the test case for how to gradually impose a one-world-order on the populace. Very few of my friends are liberal - the majority who are worked in Silicon Valley or local government. The populations of LA and SF are large - the rest of Californians are spread out over a large area. Most counties are red, but they don’t have the population to overcome the big liberal cities. Factor in the big cheat, and California looks hopelessly left. But looks, as we’ve learned, are deceiving. So when you talk about Californians looking to get out of the big cities and move to more rural areas, or even to get out of California altogether, don’t assume they’re all liberals who want to “spread their terrible policies elsewhere”. There are likely many more Patriots in California than there are leftist nut jobs. But many who are redpilled can’t stand the liberal chaos anymore and are trying to find a home in a red county or a red State. I know a lot of lifelong Californians - friends and family - who have left California for that reason. I know very few people who are actually fine with what California has become.
Everyone I know living in the Bay area is trying to figure out how to move farther from the cities (Oakland and SF) and/or GTFO CA.
If you make your bed, you should be forced to lie in it.
Dems trying to leave the west coast and NYC for Texas and other red states should be barred from doing so; you can’t create disastrous consequences then just pack it up & bring your terrible policies elsewhere.
I’m in CA. Not SF or LA but close.
The die hard lefties aren’t leaving. It’s the normies and red pilled that are. The die hards are now sticking around out of pride and arrogance. To give up and move would admitting Trump and Republicans are right. They will stay until it falls into the ocean out of principal. I would say most people leaving have been red pilled. They realize everything is shit because of democrat policies.
The great awakening isn’t just for us. We are already awake.
As a Cali resident, could you please get a 2020 election audit going in your state? You have the biggest state in the union and from what I can tell Cali is red.
Dems demanded signature verification on the Newsom recall. It seems to me that you could use that very benchmark standard and demand the same for ALL 2020 ballots?
Pretty please, por favor.
I’m glad to hear this. I’ve had some people tell me the opposite; that their new neighbors haven’t realized their political beliefs are the reason for things in those states having gone so terribly.
I even have friends who refuse to see the light of day. Haven’t totally given up on them yet, but I’m starting to worry that they’re in the 4-6%.
California is RED. We didn't elect all these assholes. We need to do the 2020 audit here for President and Governor. When Gavin Newsom ran for governor, in the voting pamphlet, his statement of intent and vision for San Francisco was BLANK. NOT A SINGLE WORD. Did he know Auntie Pelosi would make sure he won? Same going on in New York. They're trying to drive everyone out. Why? To sell it to the CCP? To purchase it at a good price themselves?
Latest gifts from the Dems here (among many): Pooping on the streets; Banning plastic straws while handing our free plastic syringes for drug use; Also not responding to shop-lifting unless it's > $950; Arson set "wild fires" blamed on climate change, Rolling blackouts because of arson set wildfires, dumping fresh water into the ocean while claiming drought. Strictest fake Covid rules.
Two lane streets are changed to one lane streets. Roadblocks EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE, even the suburbs to discourage cars. You have to check the computer to see what route to take to make it to your destination. Downtown is starting to look like a shanty town in Africa and smells of urine.
Democrats are encouraging this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arss9V3A1VA&list=PLE-mhFoHlkdAPvp0001w1oJ9lp6Z3iEpk&index=41
They plan on giving farmers 8% of the water they need for crops and we will have to conserve water. They are staging a food shortage, gas shortage, drought and energy shortage so people will welcome Communism for relief.
Being a Texas resident and seeing a bunch of Cali plates, I really want to believe what you are saying.
Be careful, the CA liberals will infect your area and vote their crappy politicians in place.
Yep, they're like herpes.
Exactly what I am most concerned about
The people leaving California are RED. They can't take it anymore. By and large, I don't think you'll have any trouble from them.
Most people staying in California are either RED and waiting for Q who said "watch California, they're special".
Yeah, I lived in Orange County from the early '80's until 2014. It used to be the republican stronghold of CA. Not so much anymore.
They didn't make their bed, they've had their elections stolen from them for decades.
I can't believe people still think all of these leftwing cities have been voting dem for so long. The fraud is right out in front of them yet they can't piece it together that this shit has been stolen for decades.
Qell let's not get ahead of ourselves. Cities are jam-packed with lefties, universities, Marxist ideologies. I live in a very blue area and I can assure you while there are very based people, even moderates and normies generaply see republicans as racists or only for the rich and democrats the lesser of two evils.
It's a self fulfilling process, election gets stolen by Dems, normies assume "most people must agree with what these elected officials say", normies take on the job of pushing the bullshit that no one voted for.
Big cities have their Commie strongholds, but that's also where they can cheat more easily, overriding the votes of the conservatives and moderates.
Even New York City voted for pro-law and order Giuliani in modern memory. Yes, there are a lot of lefties there, but there used to be some common sense, some people there to make money and enjoy what used to be one of the safest big cities in the world. The NYC progressives are surely cheating right now with their new ranked voting, which can't be tallied for weeks, and their 135,000 test ballots "accidentally" left in the system and who knows what else.
Interesting how [THEY] downplayed Giuliani's successes, then memory-holed them. The book Freakonimics tried to attribute the drop in crime to Roe v Wade: the subsequent abortions supposedly killed off much of the lowest of the lower class who would have grown up to be criminals. Glad the failure of the Defund the Police movement disproved that theory.
Thank you, came to say this. I'm in CA, best friends just moved to Idaho. I am still fighting for my red state but growing frustrated.
People shouldn’t run away. These so called blue states are in reality mostly red. If people would ban together, make some noise. Start saying NO! We may have never gotten to where are now in the first place. Running away only prolongs the fight.
I’m a red part of CA and most know about and disagree with the BS politics but “don’t want to get involved” or “don’t have time.” I keep telling them that that’s the problem that got us to this point. It’s not red vs blue it’s WTP vs DS it’s good vs evil. United the American Spirit can’t be stopped(goes for patriots worldwide)
I'm not moving either. I love the beach, the weather, the geography and the home I have created for myself. Easier to change the asshole politicians than for me to move at this stage in my life.
Except they didn't. If you haven't noticed no one's voted in a long time. Ffs.
I know of plenty of people who think AOC, Xiden, etc. have our best interests at heart. They expressed those beliefs at the polls in 2020.
Not saying it wasn’t rigged against the rest of us; just saying there are people out there who can’t see the forest for the trees.
Polls were meant to influence you, not to give you information. Remember Hillary's 90% leads, lol.
Totally agree that polls were meant to influence. Also, and more importantly, the polls are designed to condition normies to the planned fraud before it is perpetuated. Great interview with an honest pollster, Robert Cahaly, with Trafalgar group (10 mins). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2020/10/31/the-outlier-pollster-who-called-2016-for-trump-says-hell-win-again.cnn&ved=2ahUKEwjWnaGlg9HxAhVUsZ4KHcGwDekQtwJ6BAgDEAI&usg=AOvVaw1Bf-GpLVEnhJW0HIgyrleT
When asked why his predictions were so accurate he responded by saying that unlike the other big pollsters, he does not work for "a client." Right there on CNN for everyone to hear and yet the sheeple will not listen.
Everyone who works in the business of public opinion from the media to the pollsters to the politicians understands the game and how it is played.
This applies to other corrupt industries like pharma and finance too. Everyone from the key actors in the regulatory agencies up top down to the entry level wholesalers at the very bottom know it's all a racket. Best red pill for holdout normies might be encouraging them to go get a job so they can see how things work!
The Left's most used tool: Gaslighting.
People need to trust their eyes, instincts and common sense. Look at the rallies for Trump and Biden. Trump won by a lot.
All new neighbors should be scrutinized.
And do exactly what? Not bring them a casserole?
Good question. Get to know them. Red pill them if needed.
At the very least, sometimes seeing kind neighbors in conservative communities can open minds.
I remember the former CEO of NPR wrote a whole thing about how he went to conservative America in flyover states and was treated so well and got to see a whole different side of America that he never realized was there.
The way he was groveling made him seem like he truly admired it and felt it was being misconstrued by the metropolitan based media stations.
You're referring to Ken Stern. I met him at his office in DC (K Street) and got a signed copy of his book.
My man! Only signed books I have are Trump, Trump Jr, Bongino, and the British angry chef guy that was gifted :(
Always bring the cassarole.
with a listening device implanted in the dish.
I lived in Oakland for 10 yeas, moved out 25 years ago. Partly due to earthquakes, partly due to politics, and partly due to having family in the Northwest. I do miss the weather.
It's really messed up. I live on the other coast, minutes from Washington DC. We don't have the magnitude of issues that SF, Oakland, LA, Portland, Seattle, etc. have re homeless, shoplifting, property crimes, and violent crimes. Everyone still seems to be moving to this area. Real estate prices are out of control. Yet the liberal lunatics continue....
I can't imagine being stuck in an area you want to leave so bad, and not being able to GTFO.
Honestly, that's what I'd do. I met a woman from Long Beach recently who went through a divorce. She literally picked up everything and moved to NC, knowing no one, just based on her research on best places to go to. Time to leave CA.
If the Great Awakening is real and is coming, CA is going to improve a lot in the coming years as the damage gets undone. I'd be buying real estate there if I could afford it.
Sell while you still can and move
That's horseshit and you know it. That's like the millions of hood rats that refuse to leave the inner cities and the concrete jungle. My Grandparents went to where the work was. Took them from Oklahoma to San Francisco to work in the ship yards during WWII. That's the problem these days...the propaganda and non stop bullshit was designed to make you feel helpless and powerless...I see it has worked. There's still time my fren. Ever thought about ranch/farm work?
I’ve been debating moving out.
I wish we could simply drone bomb everyone with paint that attends those side shows. I sense that the growing events represents a breakdown in society.
A close friend lives in a nice neighborhood in Fremont. House on the corner has been taken over by some Latin gang and they are running drugs out of the house. Real shame.
I spent a lot of time in SF years ago, Financial, Mission, and Castro districts. 10 years ago, was back and there was a def uptick in homeless, but no more than most major cities. 4 years ago, I went back and was shocked. Homeless/Junkies/Crazies/Criminals were abundant, leading to a measurement of BPB - bums per block. I came out of the Hilton in the morning, which was largely unmolested when I turned in about 2100. When I came out at 0600, it was a homeless encampment as far as the eye could see, other than the drive through at the hotel.
I cannot imagine what SF looks like now. A real shame, I've probably spent 6 months of my life in and around SF. Zero interest in returning.
You can take out a pit bull with a fat bag of bologna.
she thinks government should protect people.. government shouldn't get in the way of people protecting themselves and others. When seconds matter, police are minutes away.
This is the fundemental flaw in her logic, shes a women that has likely been protected her whole life and thinks government can usurp the duty of herself and her family.
Gov. punishes lawbreakers, it rarely ever and is most incapable of stopping them FROM lawbreaking.
"We're from the government and we're here to help."
Well said
"muh women are affected" Man I'm so sick and tired of hearing this trope from universally every part of the political spectrum. It's the one thing every politician from Trump to AOC are all on agreement with, "Muh women".
Wow, she's so close "I see smug ignorance of the laws of unintended consequences" - if she works this out, that it's not "unintended," she'll get there. Moderates will be subsumed.
one by one they start to figure it out...lol
yeah that would suck lol
Oh the irony. They consider themselves to be "the smart ones". Only in their own minds though, since reality strongly disagrees with their self-assessment. They have a lot of incentives to avoid figuring that out for themselves, however.
Their whole world of make-believe and their self-image within that world will come crashing down if they even start to consider the fact that leftist ideologies don't work and have never worked anywhere they have ever been tried.
BQQM is the sound of their heads exploding...
Suicide weekend.
I'm staying in California because I can't wait until it's confirmed that the elections here have been rigged forever. And then maybe just maybe we'll turn red.
Being red pilled doesn't mean you change political "colors." I know plenty of true liberals that are both Patriotic and red pilled.
I'm still pro-labor and anti-war. But I figured, so was Trump.
Are you talking about classical liberals vs. the leftist Democrats? Classical liberals would absolutely flee the Dems upon being red-pilled, as today's Dems are communists, pushing for the exact opposite of the individual liberty classical liberals support.
The red pill is a giant suppository now. Get comfortable because it goes in very slowly.
You either take the pill or you get shoved into the pit with the rest of us.
Dumb beezy about to get shoved
You libtards built this with your ignorant voting. Fix it or shut up, but stay put and correct what you caused or live with it.
CA was probably red in 2020, they did vote for change but they got it stolen from them like the rest of the country.
Remember they want us divided.
Let's not pretend voter fraud is the sole reason these blue strongholds are dogshit. The vast majority of dems lack the introspection and forethought to understand THEY are doing this to THEMSELVES. Either they think they know better than their "cousin-fucking redneck" conservative counterparts or are too old and stubborn to realize they are part of an old guard that died with JFK.
Of course not but let's also not pretend like they didn't exercise their only power to change it and it was robbed from them.
We have to be the better men and rise above the division. We all need eachother more than we could possibly know.
They have been complacent, nothing was robbed of them because they refuse to change. Conservatives have been forced to be the "bigger and better men" since the formation of the Dem party, by constantly taking one for the team and compromising or bowing out to leftist pressure. It's time for them to rise up to OUR level and have some damn accountability for once. Dominion machine fuckery is only a fraction of a tainted, corrupted whole. If you want to think that way, that's perfectly fine, but I'm done kidding myself that these blue sanctuaries were formed against their will. You could ban all state-to-state migration and they STILL wouldn't understand.
Yes, Dominion just reinforces their grip on these areas it didn't create it in the first place.
Voter fraud doesn't excuse their behavior and rhetoric. What's stopping them from finding out the info that we know? We live on the same planet after all. Is their internet access cut off? Maybe if they put down twitter, reddit, instagram, etc for one minute and go read something that goes against their preconceived notions then maybe I will be kind to them.
I will not disagree that the entirety of humanity has been brainwashed in various ways, and that includes our side too, but if you can't recognize that you have been brainwashed by now, then I really have no sympathy for people who only serve to get in the way.
I will not go out of my way to harass or prod liberals about their views. I know what they think. Their shitty views are all over the internet, in the workplace, in schools, all over real life. You can't seem to get away from it. But that doesn't mean I want to shake hands and go all kumbaya with them either. When the truth comes out, they have a lot of reflecting to do. And I'm not going to be there to hold their hand and pat their head. Let them think about what they've supported all these years. I've had it with these people. The day the truth comes out is the day I can finally stop worrying.
I know it was said that you must show them (ie personally). Though I think it is more that they need to feel the pain of those consequences. Logical individuals can be shown something. Emotional people need to go through the process of feeling that choice.
Is that a red filter over Newsom...or can we call him red man bad?
Here's the thread at ThreadReader:
I know it’s easy to bash Californians and say things like, “They get what they deserve!” But honestly, California is a very diverse State - not everybody lives in LA or SiliconValley/SF. And when you consider how long these crooked politicians have been in office you begin to realize Californians have not had much choice for a long time. I am born and raised Californian and lived/worked there for 47 years. I believe California has been the test case for how to gradually impose a one-world-order on the populace. Very few of my friends are liberal - the majority who are worked in Silicon Valley or local government. The populations of LA and SF are large - the rest of Californians are spread out over a large area. Most counties are red, but they don’t have the population to overcome the big liberal cities. Factor in the big cheat, and California looks hopelessly left. But looks, as we’ve learned, are deceiving. So when you talk about Californians looking to get out of the big cities and move to more rural areas, or even to get out of California altogether, don’t assume they’re all liberals who want to “spread their terrible policies elsewhere”. There are likely many more Patriots in California than there are leftist nut jobs. But many who are redpilled can’t stand the liberal chaos anymore and are trying to find a home in a red county or a red State. I know a lot of lifelong Californians - friends and family - who have left California for that reason. I know very few people who are actually fine with what California has become.