Yeah revolution always sounds romantic when read about while in a comfy chair. Many of these people grew up fantasizing about the Russian Revolution and want to live that dream now. I think the reality will not live up to their expectations.
We need to love unconditionally. But that’s hard in a society with poison deliberately attached to nearly every molecule and nearly every word from our ruling Elites.
The enemy is not your neighbor who fell for the lie. The enemy is Lucifer and those who have chosen to devote their lives to the Father of Lies.
Different people have different giftings. Some are called to be judges, some are called to be encouragers. Tom Fitton and James O'Keefe aren't going to hold your hand and tell you God loves you and has plans for you. Joel Osteen isn't going to go chase people down and drag them into court to prosecute them legally or socially. You don't judge people for not doing what they aren't called to do. A body is made up of many parts.
By your own scripture links, I don't see how you can feel right about calling out someone who professes to be a Christian, and has fruit on the tree as evidence of that, and badmouth him in public where he can't even defend himself. How is that right?
My neighbors are great. Yours probably are as well.
It's a handful of paid agitators serving Soros that are the problem. There just aren't that many of them. They were flown and bussed around the country, bailed out, and all charges were dropped by Soros-funded DA's. They wore all black and facemasks and they are filmed with tight camera angles to make them look like a devastating legion- but you've seen the mug shots.
It's all theater.
Don't fall for their nonsense. They want us to hate our neighbors. So they take a handful of desperate people, do market research to find out their price, and then pay them to make a scene so they can pay their bills. The intentional poverty the Cabal creates gives them the opportunity to recruit desperate people who otherwise wouldn't give them the time of day. And decades of brainwashing and virtue signaling makes some of these people true zealots. But deep down, they know they are full of crap, hence the wild depression and mental illness rates.
Jesus gave us very few direct commands. Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. Make Disciples of All Nations.
I hope you're right! But given how many people in scotland were ratting people out during lockdowns and police arresting people in own homes has me worried for when the chips really are down.
FUCK Joe Fag. In his first Pod after the "election" he said, and I quote, "It looks like there was some fuckery, but for the good of the country we should just let Joe Biden be President."
Here is what the average gun grabbing Democrat doesn't understand on why we have so many guns and stockpiles of ammo. One man doesn't need an armory. The armory is for our friends and family. For our neighbors. For when we have to organize our circle and arm up. So we can defend ourselves as a group.
Says who?
Fact is ..the way this all ends is we the people rise up..
That's the only way it will ever end.
We are waiting for the opportune moment.
But dont sit there smugly thinking the military is going to carry your ass .
Revolution can only be fought n won by we the people.
This isn't some ground war over square footage.
This is for everything & life itself.
We dont call for needless violence.
But we arent goi g to sit on outmr asses like liberals expecting it to be handed to us already done.
Freedom must be won by everyone.
If you arent willing to fight and died for it you dont deserve it!
The left and the globalists will continue to raise the ante until someone- or some many are compelled to defend themselves.
Next on the kumbaya list is to import "African refugees" to the U.S.. Will they transport victims or the deranged perps?
But no, the veterans and the patriots will not commit violence to prove a point. If it happens (& globalists won't stop until it does) it will be to protect against murderers.
I think everyone is leery of rogue players losing their patience.
in the revolutionary war, the red coats were in amwrica and burning down peoples houses, raping and killing citizens before it really popped off. self defense is different than violence
Shush. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Reaching the level Their evil isnt even remotely accessible by the violence we promise if needed.
If you have no stomach then go to your home and wait. If you idiots don't think violence is being committed at this very moment against some of the deep state then you may as well quit coming here.
Wtf so you think the military is for? Of theybare the only way then violence is on the menu.
The American people aren't going to allow themselves to be thrown into Fema camps without defending themselves. Plan or no plan. It's not going to happen.
Those that would allow themselves to be taken and imprisoned in a camp have already taken the death VAX or will allow themselves to do so. They will comply with whatever the Deep State wants. They will never see the inside of a camp. They aren't even a factor.
They will kill the ones who fight back and call it self defense -- imho.
So some who are snared won't fight back -- I guess my point is, if they come for us and we are alone or outnumbered, its game over. Best not to be where they think you have no allies.
Not really. The whole point if the plan is to galvanize people and to wake them up. We still need to rise up. Were just not half assed about it.
If you arent willing to get off your ass like a liberal. Then you dint deserve freedom either.
Digital soliders will have to make a stand un the real world as well.
Rising up, like the recall election in CA or the new audits being pushed for PA? How about patriots taking over local school boards where they formerly ignored them? How about Stacey Abrams getting her fat ass blown out of the water (loss by 26 points) in the GA special election yesterday? This is rising up by the citizenry, the military will handle the shooting if need be.
This. Too many are talking about this crap when many of us haven't even done the bare minimum needed to take this country back the right way. The deepstate wants civil unrest and destabilization into larger scale civil conflict. Let's focus on kicking the commies and rino's out of our communities and local governments first. This is our path to victory at this point in time.
At the moment. But I trust other humans zero. I've been promised shit by these.politicians my whole life they'll lied. We will see if the trump.plan a conclusion that I accept as a private person. As it is we have no country, we have no freedom unless we take it and we have no satisfaction until the evil is destroyed for the moment.
Vengeance is God's, likely the devils own kingdom will destroy itself so you can be spared the violence that nobody including me wants but we still do not know if it's avoidable.
These Marxists WANT a big reaction. So that then they can come in over the top with a big, draconian response.
But they severely underestimate what would happen. Like.... SEVERELY.
Only an intellectual who knows nothing about real violence could think we can press GO on War and just have a small little tiffle they need to stamp down. If that button gets pressed they are in for the surprise of their lives.
I think this is going to go right up to the brink. Right up to the line, we will be as close to civil war as we've ever been without going to civil war. THAT, is when the Storm hits.
The line in the sand that brings us there will be the Xiden Administration losing patience and then they start rounding up the unvaccinated to go to FEMA camps. THIS will spark a defensive reaction by Patriots, which will lead to an over reaction by Xiden and the murder of thousands of Americans. Think the end of V for Vendetta. THEN, the Military takes control and mass arrests start.
I do think there has to be some kind of event that wakes the people up, but doesn't it defeat the purpose of the whole "plan to save the world" in the first place, if you allow the bad guys to commit yet ANOTHER crime on top of the ones they already have committed? Surely, the plan is not going to allow for actual damage to come to ordinary folk, right? Because we are really straddling that line here.
It's war. There will be casualties. Maybe those casualties are needed to create a tipping point. I don't like it. But the more I research, the more I come to understand it. All we can do is hunker down, research, prepare to defend our families, and be active in our communities. It's going to get much much worse before it gets better I believe.
The globalist want civil war? People keep saying that but I don't believe it.
Plus we are not talking Civil War. We are talking a citizen organized police action against all corrupt government bodies anywhere in the USA. They certainly don't want that.
Want has nothing to do with it. We won't allow ourselves and our families to be taken and thrown into FEMA camps. We won't allow ourselves to be force vaccinated. I trust the plan. But understand this. Our trust only goes so far. This isn't a suicide pact.
This is true even in "blue" states. In those states the left has consolidated control but does not mean that majority of people there agree. They've just become apathetic.
It's not. DOD stopped releasing their civil war simulation results for a reason.
Midwest warlords become very powerful very fast. Look at a interstate map of the middle of the country. Tell me you couldn't block that off with like 7 good interstate checkpoints.
In 2019, there were about 19.3M veterans in the population. Joe Rogan is correct. No veteran wants to fight, especially their own countrymen, but when pushed to fight back, there's no return. The left simply has no coordinated intelligence capability with any level of understanding of warfare. It would be a terribly lopsided fight, regardless the number of thugs and felons they have on their side.
The left can only destroy, not create. Everybody should remind themselves that if you see them pushing for civil war, they want to cause as much damage as they can before they go out, because they are out of options. A civil war can be very deadly. It is in all our interests to prevent it from reaching that sad state.
Well Joe. You've gained some wisdom. I'm not promoting violence but I am standing right behind that door with the other pipe hitters who are patiently waiting our Presidents orders.
The first thing Nancy Pelosi will do, if there is a civil war, is request UN "peacekeeping" forces to "help".
It'll be like WW2 except everyone will be attacking nationalist American patriots.
An endless stream of armed UN peacekeepers will flood into our homeland with a mission to murder and disarm us and sabotage our farming and power infrastructure... and it won't matter how many of them we kill because the New World Order banking dynasties will keep sending more, knowing that our blood and treasure will eventually be spent.
And the foreign New World Order bankers will be rubbing their hands together and licking their lips and counting every death as a pleasing sacrifice to Moloch.
I always kind of figured rogan for controlled opposition. the left goal is to have soldiers disarm and enslave the population, the SHTF scenario is what they want, not because the koolaid haired masses of noodle-armed pronoun warriors will defeat us, but because the beatdown of them will justify the use of soldiers against the population, and if it wasn't OUR military they'd use " UN peacekeepers "
it might not take many, if they raid individual houses in overwhelming shows of force, there probably wouldn't be much resistance. I don't think neighbors, let alone neighborhoods would defend each other from a perceived authority figure.
From black masked soyboys throwing molotovs, sure, but from blue helmet ding dongs in gear who roll up in APCs ?
Reading the comments on this, I truly wonder how much you folks know. Or Rogan, for that matter.
There are more than 20 million vets. More than half would take up arms initially, if the goons get started. Half of those who didn't, would in the shtf event. But that's only a part of it.
Another part is that there are a lot of Rednecks (a term which includes farmers, ranchers, country folk and so forth). Now, you may believe that most of those Rednecks are stupid and ignorant: they are not - most can do shit the vast majority of the keyboard warriors cannot. Think bloomberg and his statement of vast stupidity - anyone can be a farmer; poke a hole, drop a seed, up pops the corn. Well, the fact is that a 12 year old farm girl can shoot better than a lot of soldiers, and is far more willing to use that gun, including an AR-15 in the recent decade. The Redneck population began stocking during BHO in a big way.
And they formed groups. They quickly discovered that large groups became infiltrated by dingbats, so they formed smaller groups; in many cases those small groups were trained by or associated with SOG personnel. Most of you wouldn't believe how capable those groups are; let's just say that a SEAL team would have a very tough time with them.
The point here is that all of these people want to be left alone. If Q's military plan is competent - something we don't know - then those people will remain as they are. If the goons begin spilling over, the Q plan will go by the wayside locally: they WILL protect themselves and their communities. The violence will be last resort, but it will be awaiting. Look up what happened in Eminence MO.
The message here is that while we ARE aware of much of what Q is up to, we are NOT putting our eggs all in that basket. And, being as we are well trained and millions of us have experienced war in brutal form, a civil war is NOT what the left can survive. That includes all those UN subversives that the caravans and recent illegals brought in, along with the violent mozzies. So if the crap does hit the fan, good luck to all of you: if you can't handle yourselves, hide until it's over.
I'm not calling for violence but I don't understand why a few vigilantes haven't already put and end to medical / political tyranny. Seems way too safe to be an oppressor.
I'm a combat veteran and I think about this every day. I hope we can solve all this without developing into a civil war which nobody will win, we all lose that scenario. I won't let my country be stolen from me much longer... but he is right once the door is open it will not be shut, and things will be changed forever.
Hope to be there real soon, guys--Central Texas has become a super-lefty saven, and is almost not recognizable as a city in Texas.
IDPA, IPSC, and Steel Matches are what I used to do for fun, and am looking forward to starting up again. Dillon and Hornady presses keep me in the black as far as ammo goes. Sorry, just some unrelated blabber there...
I pray that we will not have to take action which may cause harm and hurt our fellow neighbors, but if NECESSARY, I still stand by the oath I took to defend this country many decades ago.
Unfortunately the left will find out the hard way when they'll attempt their shenanigans with the wrong people one day.
yup, and i think that day is quickly approaching
i think you are right
Well its what they think they want, so its only natural to stomp on the gas pedal toward their impending doom
Yeah revolution always sounds romantic when read about while in a comfy chair. Many of these people grew up fantasizing about the Russian Revolution and want to live that dream now. I think the reality will not live up to their expectations.
AKA, the Saxons -
That is chilling and relevant.
We need to love unconditionally. But that’s hard in a society with poison deliberately attached to nearly every molecule and nearly every word from our ruling Elites.
The enemy is not your neighbor who fell for the lie. The enemy is Lucifer and those who have chosen to devote their lives to the Father of Lies.
exactly, shepards had sheep dogs as well to keep away predators.
Different people have different giftings. Some are called to be judges, some are called to be encouragers. Tom Fitton and James O'Keefe aren't going to hold your hand and tell you God loves you and has plans for you. Joel Osteen isn't going to go chase people down and drag them into court to prosecute them legally or socially. You don't judge people for not doing what they aren't called to do. A body is made up of many parts.
By your own scripture links, I don't see how you can feel right about calling out someone who professes to be a Christian, and has fruit on the tree as evidence of that, and badmouth him in public where he can't even defend himself. How is that right?
We're going to agree to disagree here, so I'll call it there.
Pretty filthy language coming from you here, what's up with that? You need to check yourself.
But its your neighbour who has the flaming molotov bottle aimed at your house bro
My neighbors are great. Yours probably are as well.
It's a handful of paid agitators serving Soros that are the problem. There just aren't that many of them. They were flown and bussed around the country, bailed out, and all charges were dropped by Soros-funded DA's. They wore all black and facemasks and they are filmed with tight camera angles to make them look like a devastating legion- but you've seen the mug shots.
It's all theater.
Don't fall for their nonsense. They want us to hate our neighbors. So they take a handful of desperate people, do market research to find out their price, and then pay them to make a scene so they can pay their bills. The intentional poverty the Cabal creates gives them the opportunity to recruit desperate people who otherwise wouldn't give them the time of day. And decades of brainwashing and virtue signaling makes some of these people true zealots. But deep down, they know they are full of crap, hence the wild depression and mental illness rates.
Jesus gave us very few direct commands. Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. Make Disciples of All Nations.
I hope you're right! But given how many people in scotland were ratting people out during lockdowns and police arresting people in own homes has me worried for when the chips really are down.
FUCK Joe Fag. In his first Pod after the "election" he said, and I quote, "It looks like there was some fuckery, but for the good of the country we should just let Joe Biden be President."
im not a huge rogan fan at all, but hes right here
It looks like you're agreeing with Rogan on the election. I think you meant to agree with him on his statement in the meme?
correct, if i agreed about the election then i dont think i would be here
Haha right. We don't want to "threaten our democracy" or anything like that.
This is very dangerous to our democracy.
I see wut you did there. I heard this in NPC unity.
And each of them will be leading eight to ten armed citizens who may lack military experience but are able to shoot a firearm.
Here is what the average gun grabbing Democrat doesn't understand on why we have so many guns and stockpiles of ammo. One man doesn't need an armory. The armory is for our friends and family. For our neighbors. For when we have to organize our circle and arm up. So we can defend ourselves as a group.
This has inspired me to buy more guns. Thanks!
That would make it the same as Iraq. Dangerous idiots with guns Re still trouble.
Do you mean don’t condone?
Or condemn.
Says who? Fact is ..the way this all ends is we the people rise up.. That's the only way it will ever end. We are waiting for the opportune moment. But dont sit there smugly thinking the military is going to carry your ass . Revolution can only be fought n won by we the people. This isn't some ground war over square footage. This is for everything & life itself. We dont call for needless violence. But we arent goi g to sit on outmr asses like liberals expecting it to be handed to us already done. Freedom must be won by everyone. If you arent willing to fight and died for it you dont deserve it! 🇺🇸
The left and the globalists will continue to raise the ante until someone- or some many are compelled to defend themselves.
Next on the kumbaya list is to import "African refugees" to the U.S.. Will they transport victims or the deranged perps?
But no, the veterans and the patriots will not commit violence to prove a point. If it happens (& globalists won't stop until it does) it will be to protect against murderers.
I think everyone is leery of rogue players losing their patience.
in the revolutionary war, the red coats were in amwrica and burning down peoples houses, raping and killing citizens before it really popped off. self defense is different than violence
I agree 100%. And I think they will bring in the Africans for some of those crimes 😡
Shush. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Reaching the level Their evil isnt even remotely accessible by the violence we promise if needed.
If you have no stomach then go to your home and wait. If you idiots don't think violence is being committed at this very moment against some of the deep state then you may as well quit coming here.
Wtf so you think the military is for? Of theybare the only way then violence is on the menu.
I sure fucking hope there's a plan that springs before me and the other Iraq/Afghan vets gotta be that plan.
Cause ours is literally just kill people til the bullshit stops.
We clearly don't need violence when our memes already give the left mental breakdowns 😂
I do condone violence when its needed. It's not quite needed yet but we are getting g close.
No we dont, Isn't that the whole point OF the plan, To avoid the violence. The whole reason were having to wait wait for nearly a year.....
The American people aren't going to allow themselves to be thrown into Fema camps without defending themselves. Plan or no plan. It's not going to happen.
Some will, some won't. They'll identify the threats and take them one at a time. I think where you live will be very relevant here.
Those that would allow themselves to be taken and imprisoned in a camp have already taken the death VAX or will allow themselves to do so. They will comply with whatever the Deep State wants. They will never see the inside of a camp. They aren't even a factor.
They will kill the ones who fight back and call it self defense -- imho.
So some who are snared won't fight back -- I guess my point is, if they come for us and we are alone or outnumbered, its game over. Best not to be where they think you have no allies.
I keep thinking of WWII.
It will be just like the infection injection. Some sheep will, others wont.
Not really. The whole point if the plan is to galvanize people and to wake them up. We still need to rise up. Were just not half assed about it. If you arent willing to get off your ass like a liberal. Then you dint deserve freedom either. Digital soliders will have to make a stand un the real world as well.
Rising up, like the recall election in CA or the new audits being pushed for PA? How about patriots taking over local school boards where they formerly ignored them? How about Stacey Abrams getting her fat ass blown out of the water (loss by 26 points) in the GA special election yesterday? This is rising up by the citizenry, the military will handle the shooting if need be.
This. Too many are talking about this crap when many of us haven't even done the bare minimum needed to take this country back the right way. The deepstate wants civil unrest and destabilization into larger scale civil conflict. Let's focus on kicking the commies and rino's out of our communities and local governments first. This is our path to victory at this point in time.
this too, theres no reason we cant do this as well as defend ourselves and country too
Digital soldiers need electricity. When the power is out you a all become useless.
At the moment. But I trust other humans zero. I've been promised shit by these.politicians my whole life they'll lied. We will see if the trump.plan a conclusion that I accept as a private person. As it is we have no country, we have no freedom unless we take it and we have no satisfaction until the evil is destroyed for the moment.
Vengeance is God's, likely the devils own kingdom will destroy itself so you can be spared the violence that nobody including me wants but we still do not know if it's avoidable.
i believe to lessen the amount of violence, but this will end in blood shed one way or another. theres no way it wont at this point
We aren’t facing mandatory vaxxx, like Paris yet.
give it a week
Name checks out 😎
It means what we think it means unless somebody who knows better wants to fill us in on what they really mean. If not oh well.
thats exactly what i think it means too
Can't believe this is coming from the same guy who would watch people eat bull testicles on Fear Factor.
Problem > Reaction > Solution.
Hegelian Dialectic.
These Marxists WANT a big reaction. So that then they can come in over the top with a big, draconian response.
But they severely underestimate what would happen. Like.... SEVERELY.
Only an intellectual who knows nothing about real violence could think we can press GO on War and just have a small little tiffle they need to stamp down. If that button gets pressed they are in for the surprise of their lives.
I think this is going to go right up to the brink. Right up to the line, we will be as close to civil war as we've ever been without going to civil war. THAT, is when the Storm hits.
The line in the sand that brings us there will be the Xiden Administration losing patience and then they start rounding up the unvaccinated to go to FEMA camps. THIS will spark a defensive reaction by Patriots, which will lead to an over reaction by Xiden and the murder of thousands of Americans. Think the end of V for Vendetta. THEN, the Military takes control and mass arrests start.
It will result going hunting again. Been a while but I haven't forgotten how.
I do think there has to be some kind of event that wakes the people up, but doesn't it defeat the purpose of the whole "plan to save the world" in the first place, if you allow the bad guys to commit yet ANOTHER crime on top of the ones they already have committed? Surely, the plan is not going to allow for actual damage to come to ordinary folk, right? Because we are really straddling that line here.
It's war. There will be casualties. Maybe those casualties are needed to create a tipping point. I don't like it. But the more I research, the more I come to understand it. All we can do is hunker down, research, prepare to defend our families, and be active in our communities. It's going to get much much worse before it gets better I believe.
already happening, vaccines
I don't think promoting civil war would be productive. That is what the globalists want.
The globalist want civil war? People keep saying that but I don't believe it.
Plus we are not talking Civil War. We are talking a citizen organized police action against all corrupt government bodies anywhere in the USA. They certainly don't want that.
Want has nothing to do with it. We won't allow ourselves and our families to be taken and thrown into FEMA camps. We won't allow ourselves to be force vaccinated. I trust the plan. But understand this. Our trust only goes so far. This isn't a suicide pact.
Who says we need a civil war? I couldn't care less about fighting with my lefty/commie neighbors. They're not the problem.
The government is.
And there are more of us than them.
This is true even in "blue" states. In those states the left has consolidated control but does not mean that majority of people there agree. They've just become apathetic.
It's not. DOD stopped releasing their civil war simulation results for a reason.
Midwest warlords become very powerful very fast. Look at a interstate map of the middle of the country. Tell me you couldn't block that off with like 7 good interstate checkpoints.
How long can you keep poking the bear...
In 2019, there were about 19.3M veterans in the population. Joe Rogan is correct. No veteran wants to fight, especially their own countrymen, but when pushed to fight back, there's no return. The left simply has no coordinated intelligence capability with any level of understanding of warfare. It would be a terribly lopsided fight, regardless the number of thugs and felons they have on their side.
It's a check their collective asses can't cash.
The left can only destroy, not create. Everybody should remind themselves that if you see them pushing for civil war, they want to cause as much damage as they can before they go out, because they are out of options. A civil war can be very deadly. It is in all our interests to prevent it from reaching that sad state.
Well Joe. You've gained some wisdom. I'm not promoting violence but I am standing right behind that door with the other pipe hitters who are patiently waiting our Presidents orders.
100% spot on.
Looks like the freikorps in 1918-1920,they kicked commie ass far out of proportion to their numbers.
Vets with years of combat expirance vs. Snot nosed commies.
Yep, and it won’t look like BLM’s summer of love.
Why do you think veterans are so mistreated in society?
The vets will come out en masse (I'm one who will) and the NG and the active military will be on the side of American freedom too.
The left only controls a small portion of the military. I would guess not more than 10% over all branches.
Joe, right again.
That day is here. Now. It won’t get any better.
Joe Rogan is an idiot.
The first thing Nancy Pelosi will do, if there is a civil war, is request UN "peacekeeping" forces to "help".
It'll be like WW2 except everyone will be attacking nationalist American patriots.
An endless stream of armed UN peacekeepers will flood into our homeland with a mission to murder and disarm us and sabotage our farming and power infrastructure... and it won't matter how many of them we kill because the New World Order banking dynasties will keep sending more, knowing that our blood and treasure will eventually be spent.
And the foreign New World Order bankers will be rubbing their hands together and licking their lips and counting every death as a pleasing sacrifice to Moloch.
I always kind of figured rogan for controlled opposition. the left goal is to have soldiers disarm and enslave the population, the SHTF scenario is what they want, not because the koolaid haired masses of noodle-armed pronoun warriors will defeat us, but because the beatdown of them will justify the use of soldiers against the population, and if it wasn't OUR military they'd use " UN peacekeepers "
UN "peacekeepers?" how may do you think there are? now, how many armed patriots are in the USA? it would like vietnam for them but 1000x worse.
it might not take many, if they raid individual houses in overwhelming shows of force, there probably wouldn't be much resistance. I don't think neighbors, let alone neighborhoods would defend each other from a perceived authority figure. From black masked soyboys throwing molotovs, sure, but from blue helmet ding dongs in gear who roll up in APCs ?
Well put.
Precisely why the Democrats are trying to destroy and pussify the military.
Powerful and so true Joe... thanks for the reminder
Reading the comments on this, I truly wonder how much you folks know. Or Rogan, for that matter. There are more than 20 million vets. More than half would take up arms initially, if the goons get started. Half of those who didn't, would in the shtf event. But that's only a part of it. Another part is that there are a lot of Rednecks (a term which includes farmers, ranchers, country folk and so forth). Now, you may believe that most of those Rednecks are stupid and ignorant: they are not - most can do shit the vast majority of the keyboard warriors cannot. Think bloomberg and his statement of vast stupidity - anyone can be a farmer; poke a hole, drop a seed, up pops the corn. Well, the fact is that a 12 year old farm girl can shoot better than a lot of soldiers, and is far more willing to use that gun, including an AR-15 in the recent decade. The Redneck population began stocking during BHO in a big way. And they formed groups. They quickly discovered that large groups became infiltrated by dingbats, so they formed smaller groups; in many cases those small groups were trained by or associated with SOG personnel. Most of you wouldn't believe how capable those groups are; let's just say that a SEAL team would have a very tough time with them.
The point here is that all of these people want to be left alone. If Q's military plan is competent - something we don't know - then those people will remain as they are. If the goons begin spilling over, the Q plan will go by the wayside locally: they WILL protect themselves and their communities. The violence will be last resort, but it will be awaiting. Look up what happened in Eminence MO.
The message here is that while we ARE aware of much of what Q is up to, we are NOT putting our eggs all in that basket. And, being as we are well trained and millions of us have experienced war in brutal form, a civil war is NOT what the left can survive. That includes all those UN subversives that the caravans and recent illegals brought in, along with the violent mozzies. So if the crap does hit the fan, good luck to all of you: if you can't handle yourselves, hide until it's over.
I'm not calling for violence but I don't understand why a few vigilantes haven't already put and end to medical / political tyranny. Seems way too safe to be an oppressor.
I'm a combat veteran and I think about this every day. I hope we can solve all this without developing into a civil war which nobody will win, we all lose that scenario. I won't let my country be stolen from me much longer... but he is right once the door is open it will not be shut, and things will be changed forever.
Revolution not civil war.
How many skateboards does it take to fight for freedom? Lol
Joe Rogan is a liberal cuck. Stop listening to his nonsense he is bad for this country (I used to be a fan)
Mine too and active military and police. I'm retired from both.
Hope to be there real soon, guys--Central Texas has become a super-lefty saven, and is almost not recognizable as a city in Texas.
IDPA, IPSC, and Steel Matches are what I used to do for fun, and am looking forward to starting up again. Dillon and Hornady presses keep me in the black as far as ammo goes. Sorry, just some unrelated blabber there...
I pray that we will not have to take action which may cause harm and hurt our fellow neighbors, but if NECESSARY, I still stand by the oath I took to defend this country many decades ago.
Standing by in Texas...