A Federal Mandate is not a LAW!!
-Please share this message throughout the Patriot, MAGA and Q community for me for maximum impact-
It is now long past the time that we take back control of the systems that we built and that are now being utilized to control us in America.
-Patriot Act
Look at Jan 6. We have a very big problem here America.
At this point it is time to stand up and call a spade a spade. I am damn well “sick and tired” of all of this BULLSHIT. Not to mention my Countryman walking around oblivious to these simple truths…
- If a Law is enacted whether by Congress or a POTUS EO or anyone else that goes against the freedom afforded you in the Constitution and BILL OF RIGHTS, guess what!!! It is your Constitutional duty to ignore it and be FREE!
- Federal “rules” are not LAW. FAA, FDA, AMA, USDA and all the rest DO NOT have authority over you. YOU HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THEM!! These are recommendations of conduct and procedure NOT LAW.
- These events below led up to and were ALL engineered and carried out in the US by the “Intelligence agencies” FBI/CIA for a very specific agenda. To make you comply with Federal mandates. -HIV/AIDS -Waco, TX: David Koresh -Ruby Ridge: Randy Weaver -OKC: Timothy Mcveigh -9/11
This was their plan. To subdue America into submission over the course of multiple decades and FFS it worked like a charm. Who the hell are we now? I walk around and I am everyday looking into the eyes of fear based, emotionally unaware, pharmaceutical hazed, fact starved human souls with no destination or purpose. That ain’t Americans. That is not who we are. It is who we were engineered to be, Intentionally by your “intelligence agency” overlords. Not your government!!
This is the absolute unadulterated TRUTH!!
Now they have conspired and literally stolen the 2020 election of President DJT by We The People. That is and will be the “camel back straw” for each one them that participated. A bridge to far if you will. And I, along with millions of newly awakened Patriots are here to make sure of it. Justice will be served. What is supposed to be the servant class has become your “officials”. Global Elite (Invisible Enemy). And then lied and cheated to maintain POWER.
Patriots are now here, informed, updated, educated and ready to take the control of America back from those who “serve” us. All institutions have been corrupted by the above mentioned conspirators. Its all just a conspiracy theory right? The Supreme Court, Congress, State Dept, State Houses, Governors, Mayors and every level of Government. All as a result of those mentioned events above.
Fear is your enemy. Fear is used to control you. Fear is what they bet on on Jan 6. And then they compared that day to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. So after a year of lockdowns, isolation, mask and vaccine mandates. Coupled with Country wide escalation of violence, reduction of police in key D controlled cities, looting, prosecutor dereliction of duty and mass releases of soldiers(prisoners) onto the streets along with a wide open border. They thought it would work perfectly the day before Jan 6. They then made their move against the Republic and that mistake woke up America.
Now as they have wanted since before WW1 and before all of the other events over a century, they grabbed the whole enchilada without a care in the world for what you thought. Now a Patriot is a domestic threat they say. Now someone who wants to see Justice is a violent extremest. Now a person who believes in the Truth is a “truther”. That was the plan for well over 100 years.
Question: Did it succeed?
Law and Order replaced the monarchy system upon the founding of America.

Can you now reconcile why that would be what is actually under attack, the Law? Do you see any clearer now? These organizations are corrupt to their core and we intend to use the public exposure and discussion among true Patriots of their crimes to bring them to Justice. Working together as an informed electorate to reclaim America from the ground up. Each politician, each system, each unlawful long arm of tyrants from coast to coast. We do not need any violence to get them. We simply replace them. Using the Constitution. This is why I say “the Constitution is your weapon”. It represents “Law Way”. Before the Constitution, LAW really didn’t exist. Equality didn’t exist, it was an I tell you and you do or else from the King type of law. The Kings law.
In America you are a King. Each of you. That was specifically the design. And the beauty for that matter. Sovereignty is not a myth. You just were never informed of it or were directly lied to as to how it applies you or just plain prevented from knowing it. Censorship is not modern and it certainly isn’t new.
I am tired of being told to wear a mask on an airplane, I am tired of being forced to comply as a criminal would to even fly on one. Hands up, shoes and belt off. None and I mean none of this prevents terrorist attacks or terrorism and you all know that. It is only to teach newer and younger generations to OBEY or else. And this was orchestrated by the highest levels for decades from a group of godless communist infiltrators at the most senior levels of every “intelligence agency”. Working together tirelessly practically unimpeded to steal Americas ideals and principles back for the Tyrants that lost it 250 years ago.
I suggest we start using GETTR and any other social media that comes along to scream this message from the rooftops.
Freedom is earned not given, Tyranny is and will never, as long as it exists, leave the doorstep. It will never stop knocking. Your Founders knew this a long time ago. That is why you have a Constitution in the first place.
You need to learn it, read it, share it, spread it and focus on it because at the end of the day…It’s all you’ve got. This is why the Fourth of July is celebrated.
FREEDOM, not hamburgers..
Peace for the sake of Life
Exactly !
Just use gab
Fuck gettr
Trump ain’t with it
And they use google
Just use gab
Really just use gab, GETTR is censored beyond belief and has severe privacy issues.
SPOT ON! Watch video below to fuel your patriotic fire!
Came here to post this. SUPER RELEVANT TO THREAD
Just wow.
I cannot thank you enough for this link, anon.
Here, up at midnight, and I have to be up in 6 hours, this is time well spent.
Thank you.
Yes this is a must see video! Very informative!
Will check it out.
That was awesome very smart woman wish I was half as smart as her, good info to take in. Thanks!
That is some Paine-level pamphleteering. Well done.
Police are the standing army the Founders warned us about.
I've been saying similar things for 2 decades and all I get is a shrug from most people.
That is buy design. People have been trained to be dumb and not pay attention or care.
As long as they are not overly inconvenienced. But we've gradually learned to accept an increasingly higher level of inconvenience.
Read it in … 2.5 mins
looked towards the horizon for … 1 min
got my gear on, boots, bandana, thunder-stick(s), applied war paint of face and muscled arms, gloves … 1.5 min
Let’s go.
My state's governor issued a mandate on masks. I tried explaining to a store employee that a mandate was not law. He stated multiple times that "the law says we have to wear masks". When I refused to back down, he just got louder. Pretty sure he was at the front of the line for the "vax". So many sheep, such poor critical thinking and comprehension skills.
Very nice write up. 👍
Awesome read! I've said for years flying the airlines make you put your hands over your head like a criminal ("hands up!") and remove shoes/belt/clothes to humiliate you. It has nothing to do with keeping us safe. Enough with complying with bullshit! It's time to say enough is enough!!
Has anyone that has been at the airport recently to see what those scanners you have to walk through do when someone who has been vaxxed went through? I'm curious to know if the alarm goes off alerting them to a metal object in their bodies, because of all the magnets sticking to peoples arms.
I haven't flown in a few years, but everytime I go through those scanner things they flagged me and have to pat me down. I have no idea why, I never wear any jewelry, no belt, no underwire bra, nothing in my hair and had nothing in my pockets.
just wait till they go in for an MRI brain scan.
"Woe unto you lawyers. For you have hidden the key of knowledge." Luke 11:52
This "game" that attorneys/judges have played to increase their power at the expense of everyone else has been going on for 2,000 years and probably a lot longer.
Americans need to rediscover what it means to know the law and handle their own cases. After all, attorneys lose more often than they win. Attorneys always waive the rights of their clients, which makes it very difficult to win.
This awakening must include a discovery of what law is, and how it should be taught from the youngest ages.
I know someone who did this. He lost his case and now the state is coming after him for legal fees.
How do attorneys waive others' rights?
And yeah, judges are tyrants in black robes.
Upon the restoration of our original Republic, common law will replace the Maritime law we are stuck with now. lawyers and judges will have to relearn the English language..
"You know what really grinds my gears? " The destruction of this great country.
But you are not tired of paying taxes to this criminal organization. So we are not there yet. It could be our "revolutionary tea spilling" moment when it arrives.
I stopped paying taxes, it’s not in the constitution.
I listened to Shady and Matrixxx during the time Q was posting and they were doing research and boom Q would post while they were decoding live on YouTube before they got de-platformed. It was an awesome time. I miss those days when my life was less complicated. 😟
https://redstatetalkradio.com/podcasts/ They are on here 6-8 am & noon -2 pm everyday if you're looking for them.. Eastern Time Zone
Thank you for this! Sometimes it’s all so exhausting and confusing with so many strands of the web, one can get lost in the fray. Focus is necessary and easily removed; as [they] intend it to be. Again, thanks. 🦅🇺🇸
Saved this post. Amazing. It's like a mini-Constitution. I'm printing this out tomorrow.
Just thinking over the past few days. . .Whatever happened to the celebration of the "rugged individual" and the "American Spirit"? Clearly, this was still in our DNA in the post-WWII era, where Madison Avenue had the Marlboro Man and Hollywood gave us John Wayne.
Understanding our inalienable rights is critical, but we need a resurgence of symbols and icons to rally our spirits while we conquer the New Frontier of technocracy.
Definition of rugged individualism (Merriam-Webster.com)
the practice or advocacy of individualism in social and economic relations emphasizing personal liberty and independence, self-reliance, resourcefulness, self-direction of the individual, and free competition in enterprise
As the great el Rushbo would say. Right on right on right on
Not just America but worldwide, here in UK especially.
Shak a laka love it lets roll patriots
Excellent. Good stuff. Truth.
funny how these ass-holes always leave the IRS out of the package. Wake the fuck up and STOP paying income tax. if you want a fight, take on the biggest bully or go the fuck home.
Very nice! Thanks for this!
We celebrate Independence Day.
Yup; the legislative branch makes laws. However, anything contrary to the Constitution and in violation of the rights of we, the people, is null and void...........Marbury -v- Madison 1803 and many others.
The easiest way to explain this to a Normie is this- Have you ever been near a coastal area when a hurricane was heading it’s way to your area? The government creates a mandatory evacuation, however, most folks don’t evacuate. Are they arrested? Of course not! Why? Because mandatory “laws” are by consent only. All of us didn’t legally have to wear a mask!
Good point I will remember that !
I just want to point out, the Patriot Act is no longer active and it was allowed to expire during Trumps term. On the flip side, i think there is so much surveillance on social media that they do not need the act to get the info they want on people. Delete your facebook and twitter people!
No, they don't. Nobody, no employer, school, merchant or government has the right to deny you your Constitutionally guaranteed rights. It's pool 'logic' like yours that has led us to this mess.
I think private businesses can reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. But I'd sue on the grounds of discrimination anyways.
The problem is people need giant piles of money to fight these legal battles. They keep folks poor so they can't fight back.
Perhaps true and uninfringed freedom terrifies people, that's how Karens came to be during the maskaholic months...
"Maskaholic" love it. I'm gonna steal this one.
Fren, no need to steal-all I print is free to take! 😁
Pool logic. You crack me up! 🤣🤣🤣
So say for example I don't want guns in my house. I still have to let someone in with a gun even if they terrify me?
(just using that as an example, I don't fear guns)
You don't have a constitutionally protected 'right' to be in their house.
You are the king of your domain. You don't have to let ANYONE in your house.
I know. I think back to seeing No shirt, no shoes, no service signs in windows of bodegas in my neighborhood in the mid 90s. Do stores have the right to refuse service? This is where I differ with some people. If an establishment wants to set hard rules on entry, then that's perfectly fine with me.
Our rights do not come from the constitution. They are from God. Unalienable. Constitution defines the role of the government, not for " We the preople" and they are few and well defined. There is no "guarantee" unless "We" stand up for our rights or "We" give them up.
Most people think we have a right to free speech under the 1st amendment. So I can say what ever I want, when ever I want, with no consequences. 1st amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech....
"...No Law" does not mean "no consequences" . Try bad mouthing the company you work for and let me know how that works out for you.
No kidding. That's why I said "guaranteed" by the constitution. Reading comprehension is your friend.
If the airline is subsidized by your tax dollars you have a say. And we do!-Billions! Gut wrenching truth is we have been paying for our own enslavement with our representatives just a phone call away.
A statement made by an elite when they were pondering the morals of enslaving us: A man that does not use his brain is no different than an animal that has no brain and therefore become useful beast of burden through choice and consent.
your first sentence proves what I've been saying....the American people, since FDR own lots of stuff and the rich just get richer when they shouldn't be getting richer.
If I was told to put on a mask, I told them to mind their own business. If they had asked me to leave, I would have. No one ever did.
Cut a hole in the mask. If you are scared, make it small and out of the way, bur every day, make it a little bigger, as you grow your courage, until nothing but a strap is left. Then just stop wearing one altogether (or move to FL).
If they saw the hole is too big at any time, ask them what it's supposed to block. Then show them the size of the virus vs the size of what cloth lets through.
Or tell them you are immune. And tell them any more information is a violation of HIPPA and you will be retaining a lawyer if they push further.
Karen's are cowards and only attack those they perceive can't fight back.
Alternatively, just wear it very wrong, like with your nose exposed, etc.
Tell them yoy are emulating the assholes in DC who made the rules.
I've shut Karens down by telling tham I'm immune. Works well.
I like your brain. Sometimes I won’t fight an unworthy opponent 😉
Resist in any way you can. If you must comply to survive, then please survive to fight another day.
I just stopped wearing the damn thing. I work for a "major chemical company" with sites worldwide. They said it's punishable by up to and including termination. I said fine! Fire me. Lose 18years experience. So far, I haven't worn a face diaper since May '20. Everyone is retiring or quitting because this rule. We're short handed, and they'd have to shut down if 1 or 2 more leave. They choose to do nothing now. They can't afford it.