Original: I emailed yesterday and no reply.
I emailed AGAIN today and got an automated reply saying I was number 1.2 whatever MILLIONTH email and they will respond when they get to me.
Thanks and thanks for your service. AATW!
I sent them an email. Number 1.215 million
Sent another from a dif acct- 1.2163xx million now LOL
Im out of the loop, what did they do now?
The owner said he would pay "proud boy types" to leave his client base
They also have a fist with BLM on their package now.
Going for the unemployment demographic
What a dipshit.
Proud Boys are a psyop though.
edit: downvotes but no evidence to the contrary? Enjoy your Jayish psyop, stupid goy!
lol this is why they call you cattle!
That may be true but it's not pertinent to his comment. He basically means any pro-2A, patriotic, oathkeeper types. People that would fight to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic.
I hear ya.
Fuck off retard. The Proud Boys where such big White Supremacists, at least one of the founders wasn't White. Also, the only real "violence" they were involved in was when they were forced to defend themselves and getting ANTIFA blackbloc to BTFO. False narratives are still false, even if you think your fantasy is reality. Feeling the walls starting to close in yet? It's coming.
Right on! Proud Boys are are what real men should be when defending their own and Americans. True Patriots. By the way, the shill making a mockery of Rush Limbaugh joined two days ago. He needs to be deported!
Went f̶u̶l̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶ WOKE.
Sincerely, the Redundancy Department of Redundance
Can attest
This is complete bullshit. The owner was talking specifically about anti-semites because he was personally attacked due to his heritage. He was not talking about patriots or conservatives. The rest was manufactured drama. Disappointing to see this board hop on a fake news bandwagon.
Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Thank you so much for your service to me and my family and our country.
U da man!
We canceled our subscription as well! "go woke, go broke"
Background: Kenosha Kid was tagged in an IG post right after he got out of jail, he was wearing their t shirt... and the company responded by saying they don't condone his actions and asked him to stop wearing their shirt.
St Kyle of Kenosha? 🤣
Much better than Saint Floydius von Fentanyl.
was done long before that, like their shenigans of making accounts on right leaning websites. never posting from account with their name then crying they wanted it removed
So it was a honey pot of sorts for the right? All run by the cia. Glow fags collecting data on the right again. Now there’s a void in the coffee market. A real conservative should scoop up their lost customers. The right has a big market share if you have a product to sell.
Switched to Stocking Mill Coffee after they cucked on Kenosha. Smoking Musket and the Hi-Caff are noticeavly better than BRC.
Yup, BRCC is a surveillance and data-mining CIA op on patriot customers and businesses. Read about the BRCC founder and executive--all "former" CIA. Now they're trying to open coffee shops in red states so that they can spy on the offline activities and discussion of their conservative customers.
Agreed. I wouldn't be sending them an email or communicating in them in any way, as you'll end up on a (another) list. Plus pasting your email here allows them to correlate your email with your s/n here - not to be paranoid but...
I think there are a couple of real patriot coffee subscription organizations. Don't drink coffee so I never looked into them much.
Matt's videos were funny, too bad he and Evan worked (still work) for the Clowns.
On the MyStore thru My Pillow there is a Freedom 1 Coffee stating Veteran Owned. I have not purchased, but if you need an excuse to visit this website (My Store) Check out this link also.
Stocking mill, its a great company
Salty brought up that one on Friday.
Yep. They are great. Funny, based, and the coffee is great
When they shit on Kyle I stopped using them. You either support this effort or you can convince the liberals to love your veteran asses and buy your shit. Retired Navy. You don't get many shots at being right. You guys suck at business.
The Kyle thing pushed me over the edge and I said fuck 'em. Further digging showed that little bitch Evan donated to Obama's campaign multiple times. Navy vet here.
Go Navy! 85-05
Tell them off with our dollars. They will go out of business.
I am starting to think that the DS has a massive slush fund that they are paying out to these CEO's for them to behave in such an asinine way. It makes absolutely no business sense. We have all known that Big Tech, Wall Street, and Hollywood were bought out long ago but now they are going after everyone!
I've wondered that about the razor companies as they seemed to go woke in sequence just after absorbing customers from the previous one: from Gillette to Dollar Shave Club and then Harry's to who's next?
The shaving redpill is that you don't even need all those fancy consumable razors. A decent shaving cream and a straight razor you can sharpen yourself is all you need.
If your dad doesn’t have a beard you have two mums.
I am not going to try shaving my head with a straight razor, I'm clumsy enough as it is.
Safety razors, my friend. Blades are extremely cheap, and it's damn near impossible to hurt yourself.
My WWII era brass safety razor is absolutely perfect.
Straight razor for detailing and fine tuning.
Safety razors last forever and the blades cost pennies.
Uh, they do, it's a piggy bank called the federal reserve.
Aka American tax dollars
We fund it. We fund ALL of it. Read through early Q, they talk about it
The further left the left goes, the more people shift right.
Remember the stimulus checks and how less than 10% went to the tax payer?
All of these companies knowingly destroying their business in an effort to cram global tyranny down our throats.
They know something we do not. Put yourself in the place of a CEO. These are smart people, good at predicting outcomes. They know what happens when they "go woke".
Why do they keep doing it?
Ah, yes - that would make sense. Let's hope that's the reason they are destroying their multi-million and billion dollar companies.
ONe of BRCC founders was a CIA contractor, so who knows how they set their hooks in, assuming blackmail or control is the name of the game.
Someone above said that it's a cia honeypot to collect data on patriots.... makes sense, as everyone jumped onto a 'subscription' right away based on their based marketing, which turned out to be fake. They were compromised from the very beginning.. Now they have your address on file.
They are propped up by the system. Customers don’t matter now.
That's a worrisome thought. Let's hope it's just because of blackmail.
I've had that talk so many times with others: how many of these CEOs are actual believers vs how many are surrounded with shitty advisors and have long since fallen out of touch with the real world.
Veterans do not brag about their status to turn a buck. That’s what a grifter does.
Yeah, veteran-owned is started to feel like the same red flag as black-owned or woman-owned. It's just more identity bullshit.
Yip... he’s a fat too
Talmudic Jews are an enemy to all of humanity, including other Jews. Most Jews are amazing people however, especially Orthodox Jews. These are amazing people who care about the community and would die for the rights of you or me.
Try not to fall into that trap. It's easy to notice a certain pattern within the cabal, but the focus is the specific crimes that specific people commit, not demonizing a group of people. `
Wait, whats happening? This is new
BRC went woke. CEO said he will pay us to leave his customer base.
They were already sus months ago, only new thing is they stopped pretending they aren't woke.
What a bunch of dickheads. Wish I did have it just so I could email them and get paid but I'm not one of their customers
They aren't going to pay anyone to leave their company. We already know they have no morals, they won't stand by their word.
As i was reading this it made sense... damn this board and its being right so often, DAMN IT!
Yeah! Fuck the racist democrats (which is all of them) and racist liberals (again, every single liberal is racist)!
your just mad because your stupid AND poor.
We are being brigaded. I've noticed a lot of people on here lately trying to sell us the death VAX.
Email is
Hafer is a classic CEO cunt. Can't belive he went there after the dust-up a few months back over his Clinton donations.
Fuck these guys...plenty other genuine coffee companies out there.
"Hey grandpa, how did the meme wars of 2022 start?"
"First they came for the coffee, then they came for the pillows..."
It started with GamerGate.
Here's the sauce... take from it what you will:
🤦 Don't direct link left wing rags.
Archive to deprive them of clicks.
You mean like all of those youtube links you post?
People who live in pretentious shit houses shouldn't throw faggoty-ass facepalms
other than that, thanks for the archive link
If they archived video I would archive youtube.
Just throw a "" in front of every url and someone will generate an archive if it's already not.
Evan was quoted saying this:
In particular, Hafer used the interview to denounce the Proud Boys and other violent white nationalist groups that he says "hijacked" the brand's imagery.
Proud Boys and OTHER white nationalist groups? Does he even know there are Proud Boys of all colors?
Most Proud Boys I've seen weren't white.
Not for nothing but he might not have even said that... it is The NY Times for Pete's sake. They cannot be trusted.
They’ve been on my shitlist since they dogged Kenosha Kyle for wearing their Tshirt when he was bailed out. Fuck them
I member berry
Need a GREAT coffee company?
10% of every purchase goes directly to HeartCry Missionary Society as a means to help share the Gospel around the world through their faithful local pastors.
And, they certainly won't be giving interviews with the New York Times.
Never had their coffee before but I sent an email anyway. When's Lindell gonna launch MyCoffee lol
I never ordered from them because I could never make the connection to black rifles and coffee... For coffee, I go to coffee companies; not companies engaged in gimmicks to sell a product.
Apparently, most aren't as picky about coffee as I am.
Funny you should say that, there's a local one by me named Gunbarrel Coffee. I can't vouch for them as I dislike coffee anyway.
Another one to avoid ...
I wish I could pin this
Sucks that their employees that aren't CIA / Deep State hacks will suffer.
Anyone who willingly works for a person like him knows what they’re getting into.
Not necessarily, we're seeing Amazon, Google, Facebook, Hasbro and all of these companies are super woke. Because the cabal steals money and passes it around to their friends, it makes evil companies look more appealing to work at, and the culture at work can often be very positive (easy to not stress when you get backdoor money).
Ever since they disowned Kyle Rittenhouse they showed their true colors. Even before that they were such TRYHARDS to make themselves look like bearded, conservative veteran types. So cringeworthy. I'm glad the CEO has outed himself as a fag, hopefully this will precipitate their going into bankruptcy.
Remember the brickbots, the wallbots, the trainbots of good old and r/the_donald?
I feel there is good meme potential in keeping count of how many more million emails these dipshits have to read every time they open their yap and whine about the outcomes of the dumb shit they have said to date.
You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket!
How long before the wokeness catches up to them and they get canceled for "Black Rifle"..
I just got on their chat and demanded they pay me for not drinking their coffee... and that I was a combat veteran, and I can prove my status.. at first "Derek E" didn't want to help me, but he did end up taking my contact information and said "I will forward your request and contact information to my supervisor".
Throwing out hubby’s tshirts I bought him. I’m glad I haven’t been supporting their coffee. In reality it wasn’t even that good.
Muh 👸
So I missed some of the background: 1: Are they really that big of pussies OR 2: Did they sell the company or give some equity investor fag a majority stake who thinks he knows what people want?
I would like to believe they have some morals and that basically the company is now being run by asshats but there are a surprising number of vets who are woke tards
It was a direct quote from the CEO, dunno if he's a true believer or just out of touch with woke advisors. Also yeah there are enough woke veterans out there that the title itself no longer commands immediate respect.
Thanks for that. And yeah it is sad for real
I've been emailing my governor weekly for a month with 0 replies.
Don't hold your breath.
Stocking mill coffee.
Dump the brand.
CEO Hafer is "Hafer, a former Green Beret and CIA. contractor who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, is the CEO"
I wonder if anyone has even checked into if he really was a Green Beret?
From my perspective the CIA works for the Cabal. At least at the higher levels.
someone have sauce on this?
found it. posted it in another response.
What’s their email?
Can we ask Trump for a Trump coffee line plz
There actually is a brand called Covefe.
I did see that! Its pricy though and tbh I don’t know that I am ready to give them a chance. So many trust issues now!!! 😂😢😭
Fuck BRCC. Ever since they condemned the Kenosha Kid, I knew they were controlled opposition. Just the Ben Shapiro of the coffee world.
You know they are pretty expensive. Along with a shitty attitude, makes me not spend my money with them.
Great win!