That’s great, but will they start supporting people fighting to retain their God given rights? Or is this another empty apology not worth the paper it is written on?
Yeps I they seen the writing on the wall expect many more cowards like him to come out and say they sorry. "They didn't know they thought they were doing the right thing"
We sincerely apologize for all the fearmongering we’ve done over the past 18 months with our coverage on Covid. I wish we could turn back the clock and do things differently but we must set our sights on how the Delta variant is destroying the world, hospitals are under pressure, the cases are rising, and the unvaccinated are spreading these disease even more. We live in unprecedented times, we are in this together. Please mask up, and get the your shot. Danke.
People make mistakes all the time. Horrible mistakes. Horrific mistakes. At each an every point, the very best thing you can do is stop making mistakes, apologize genuinely, and fix it. Many people bought all the lies; and many people sold them. If you hope to see that stop, this is exactly how it will look.
Can this apology and candor fix the damage? No, not really. But it's also exactly what is needed to stop the further, accelerating lie-driven destruction of the world.
You don't have to be "Oh, it's ok, no worries." But dammit, this is encouraging. THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING.
That's how we find out how sincere this apology is.
It might very well not be followed by action, although I have to, at a minimum, think it will at least make future fearmongering much more difficult, notably less likely at this particular outlet.
And even still, even this editor does not become a veritable hammer for the truth, this is still a big, notable, crack in the damn of lies that has created our present world of utter insanity and tyranny.
Wow, half the post on this thread are shill posts - people arguing that abetting murder doesn't matter if you tell mommy you didn't mean it and you're sorry and now you want to go back out and play.
Please do share what "action to undo the damage" this newspaper editor must take, beyond telling the world the truth, will make his apology "acceptable" in your judgement, dear hard hearted neo pharisee :-)
yep, this dudes apology won't mean jack shit unless we see him act to stop the scamdemic evil he helped create. Even then he will still be punished for his part in it.
We don't have complement the guy. But isn't this guy doing our side a world of good by pointing out that it is all propaganda? Don't we want more of them to start calling it bad propaganda?
Don't we try to red-pill people all the time? Well maybe this guy has just been red-pilled. And OP wants to hang him?
I seriously wonder if ANYONE commenting on this actually followed up and listened to or read hsi statement.
I cannot hear anything in the "apology" that actually refers to Bild's coverage of the Covid19 pandemic. Nothing.
His actual statement says (assuming the translation is accurate):
To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares tell you. We ask you to forgive us. When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so, it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided. It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic.”
Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation, and loneliness.”
“We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven.”
I mean, if you actually IGNORE the headlines that assert that he (and the paper) are apologizing for THEIR coverage, and listen to the actual words, you would come away with a completely different conclusion:
He is apologizing to the Children of Germany for what the Chancellor, and the Government, has been doing for the past 18 months. He is apologizing, because they will not.
He says “we”, which ordinarily would make for a weasel apology, but in this case, I think it is both a) quite clear as a penitent self-implication, and b) a much more devastating indictment of the far further reaching conspiracy of lies which he unambiguously admits to being a shamefully guilty party of.
No, it’s certainly not a sniveling apology - it’s a genuine and public coming clean of just how horrifically, destructively wrong the entire collusive DS/OWG/media conspiracy has been on this all, himself and his organization certainly not excepted.
Again, this is exactly how the Great Awakening was going to have to begin.
Now what are we going to see come of it? Will he be destroyed as an example to the others? Will he start a chain reaction? I don’t claim to know. But this statement itself is nothing but an unmitigated reason for additional optimism.
But this statement itself is nothing but an unmitigated reason for additional optimism.
himself and his organization certainly not excepted
Probably correct, although I'm not fluent in German and I don't know anything about what kind of coverage Bild has been doing except for a few big stories about charging the CCP with crimes and Attacking Merkel.
He says “we”,
Just curious. Have ever been in a position where you FELT collective guilt, collective responsibility, even though you were NOT the person who did the crime, or mistake, but felt responsible as a member of a larger group that collectively WAS responsible?
I have. On many occasions, actually. (I'm a human being, and what has been happening to human beings for millenia, and what happens every day, is something I certainly feel responsible for.)
I see him coming from that angle, more than from "Our newspaper has been spreading propaganda, and I apologize". It may be both, but I find the almost blanket focus on the latter, and virtual ignoring of the former, to be problematic and shoddy journalism.
I genuinely appreciate your attention to detail and accuracy. I think we’re likely of reasonably similar mind on this here, however I can’t be bothered to parse it any further… because I truly was indeed just going off the headlines in the first place.😆
This isn't a disagreement. There is NO believable way that coming to this realization should have taken 18 months. They're only taking these stance because they've had their windows filled with protesters for the past two weeks. It's not "oops, we were fooled," it's "oops, please don't break in and lynch us."
Part of repentance is accepting the consequences of one's actions. Otherwise it is only vain, empty words of apology.
A child will often say "I'm sorry" when scolded because they want to avoid being punished by their parents, and not because they are truly sorry.
Of course, we don't know his intentions. Only God can see into a man and discern his heart, and only God can accept a repentant sinner into heaven.
It seems that this man is seeking the forgiveness of men rather than the forgiveness of God.
However, Luke 17:3-4 says this:
3 Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. 4 And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”
Choosing to share a GUESS framed as fact? Ok. I choose to celebrate the fact that the statement was made and getting coverage.
The rest is outside of my control so rather than being distracted from doing what I can do to help thwart Cult Death, I will pray for the editor and hope he inspires others. In times like this, even non drinkers may find AAs Serenity Prayer helpful.
The media aren't the machines they use or the buildings that house their offices, the media are people and those people have knowingly and willfully comittred a wide variety of criminal acts over a period of many years. Those criminal acts have caused the ruin of many innocent lives and many deaths.
It is critical that the media, the people, be held to account. Many of their crimes amount to sedition and some to treason.
Absolutely. What they’ve been doing for decades now has been nothing less than insidious and deliberate. Deliberate Deception.
Now that they feel the control slipping away and are coming to the realization they’re going to be held accountable for their roles in promoting vast human suffering, they want to apologize?! No. Punishment is coming and it’s not going to be a slap on the wrist or gentle admonishment.
This isn't a drinking problem; a victimless crime (unless you kill 3 people including a pregnant woman on Christmas Eve - DUI). This is mass murder - genocide - crimes against humanity.
So weird seeing so many GAW anons jump to conclusions and throwing out judgments about this guy and his actions....
Did ANYONE do a little digging? Or has GAW simply become a more hip, more 'awake' version of REDDIT? I mean, seriously, frens.
Firstly, listen to the actual speech. Then, look at ALL the headlines being spouted. Shit. So much misinformation.
I cannot hear anything in the "apology" that actually refers to Bild's coverage of the Covid19 pandemic. Nothing. Am I missing something here? Yet 100 different alt-media sites are saying he is apologizing for HIS coverage, aka BILDs coverage. I wonder if the so-called awake masses have slipped back into replicating the lazy and destructive habits that the Lamestream Media have institutionalized...
According to Cabal mouthpieces, Bild is a "Right-wing" magazine. This guy - they basically tried to Assange him - pull him down with allegations of sexual harassment and such. Put the pieces together. (I'll assume there are some German anons here who could rally add some clarity on this)
"However, after finding insufficient evidence to warrant action, Reichelt was reinstated in his role at Bild on March 12 following a four-week internal inquiry into complaints about his relationships with female employees and accusations of abuse of power"
his actual statement says (assuming the translation is accurate):
To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares tell you. We ask you to forgive us. When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so, it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided. It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic.”
Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation, and loneliness.”
“We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven.”
I mean, if you actually IGNORE the headlines that assert that he (and the paper) are apologizing for THEIR coverage, and listen to the actual words, you would come away with a completely different conclusion:
He is apologizing to the Children of Germany for what the Chancellor, and the Government, has been doing for the past 18 months. He is apologizing, because they will not.
Why is it that just about every report on this uses a clipped down version of the original 5 minute video?
To victims of violence, neglect, isolation, emotional loneliness. For politics and media reporting that to this day, like poison, gives you the feeling that you are a mortal danger to our society.” You’re not, don’t let that persuade you. We have to protect you, not you us, “admits BILD editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt
He mentions media, and he mentions politics, but no where can I see him actually apologizing for the coverage that BILD has done.
I don't know enough German to review. And it does appear that Bild has gone along with the general narrative. so maybe its a fair statement to say this is a Mea Culpa. But why the focus on Bild? Why not "apologizes for the fake and destructive policies of the government and media"?
Citizens Free Press is a tad more accurate:
Germany’s largest newspaper apologizes for Covid hysteria…
That's certainly true. But so many anons (??) here are either saying the guy has to back up his apology with actions, and others are saying "look, it's a start. Admitting you have a problem..."
How many actually investigated, or are we now reduced to simply reading headlines of prepared, regurgitated news? (Yes, I know I'm being repetitive, but seriously.... )
I'm trying to figure this out. It seems to me that so many of us are so pissed off, so tired, so angry at the war that is raging, that many of us seem desperate to find someone, anyone from the Cabal who "apologizes", actually repenting, even if then we can slam them for not going far enough....
Do our emotions cloud our judgment? Are we seriously holding the line?
Now, due diligence. If anyone can find a translation of the REST of the original 5 minute video ( or a transcript of the whole thing, or a translation of a transcript, something that actually indicates Reichelt is actually apologizing for Bild's actions, as opposed to apologizing as a representative of the Adults of Germany to the Children of Germany, then I'm all ears, and I'll eat my words.
Take this shill post out. This is a subtle.strategy they use to make it seem we are vindictively obsessed with "hanging the traitors". Yes we want justice and that may well in some cases include death penalties, but most of us are not looking for some guillotine french revolution madness and this rhetoric is seriously off putting to newbies and normies.
Maybe you missed it, but not everyone tried and convicted in Nuremberg went to the gallows. Thousands went to prison. For a man in his position, with the responsibility to his readers on his shoulders, a simple "oopsie" (penned only because he's seen the ocean protesters outside his office, no doubt) shouldn't suffice for anyone.
So weird seeing so many GAW anons jump to conclusions and throwing out judgments about this guy and his actions....
Did ANYONE do a little digging? Or has GAW simply become a more hip, more 'awake' version of REDDIT? I mean, seriously, frens.
Firstly, listen to the actual speech. Then, look at ALL the headlines being spouted. Shit. So much misinformation.
I cannot hear anything in the "apology" that actually refers to Bild's coverage of the Covid19 pandemic. Nothing. Am I missing something here? Yet 100 different alt-media sites are saying he is apologizing for HIS coverage, aka BILDs coverage. I wonder if the so-called awake masses have slipped back into replicating the lazy and destructive habits that the Lamestream Media have institutionalized...
According to Cabal mouthpieces, Bild is a "Right-wing" magazine. This guy - they basically tried to Assange him - pull him down with allegations of sexual harassment and such. Put the pieces together. (I'll assume there are some German anons here who could rally add some clarity on this)
"However, after finding insufficient evidence to warrant action, Reichelt was reinstated in his role at Bild on March 12 following a four-week internal inquiry into complaints about his relationships with female employees and accusations of abuse of power"
his actual statement says (assuming the translation is accurate):
To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares tell you. We ask you to forgive us. When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so, it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided. It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic.”
Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation, and loneliness.”
“We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven.”
I mean, if you actually IGNORE the headlines that assert that he (and the paper) are apologizing for THEIR coverage, and listen to the actual words, you would come away with a completely different conclusion:
He is apologizing to the Children of Germany for what the Chancellor, and the Government, has been doing for the past 18 months. He is apologizing, because they will not.
Why is it that just about every report on this uses a clipped down version of the original 5 minute video?
To victims of violence, neglect, isolation, emotional loneliness. For politics and media reporting that to this day, like poison, gives you the feeling that you are a mortal danger to our society.” You’re not, don’t let that persuade you. We have to protect you, not you us, “admits BILD editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt
He mentions media, and he mentions politics, but no where can I see him actually apologizing for the coverage that BILD has done.
I don't know enough German to review. And it does appear that Bild has gone along with the general narrative. so maybe its a fair statement to say this is a Mea Culpa. But why the focus on Bild? Why not "apologizes for the fake and destructive policies of the government and media"?
Citizens Free Press is a tad more accurate:
Germany’s largest newspaper apologizes for Covid hysteria…
That's certainly true. But so many anons (??) here are either saying the guy has to back up his apology with actions, and others are saying "look, it's a start. Admitting you have a problem..."
How many actually investigated, or are we now reduced to simply reading headlines of prepared, regurgitated news? (Yes, I know I'm being repetitive, but seriously.... )
I'm trying to figure this out. It seems to me that so many of us are so pissed off, so tired, so angry at the war that is raging, that many of us seem desperate to find someone, anyone, who "apologizes", who is of the CABAL and the rotten bunch, actually repenting, even if then we can slam them for not going far enough....
So desperate that we miss the mark.
Now, due diligence. If anyone can find a translation of the REST of the 5 minute video ( or a transcript of the whole thing, or a translation of a transcript, something that actually indicates Reichelt is actually apologizing for Bild's actions, as opposed to apologizing as a representative of the Adults of Germany to the Children of Germany, then I'm all ears, and I'll eat my words.
You're free to ruin your mind that way, of course.
I refer we just give free helicopter rides to commies. We should probably burn their books too. Who knows what types of child porn we will find in them!?
We all make mistakes…did he know what was going on? Did he take payouts to do it? He’s partly responsible for the deaths of thousands. He has blood on his hands regardless. I’m sorry isn’t going to cut it
Since he knowingly came forward without being blackmailed or exposed, I’d punish but later pardon him. He probably realizes his mistake and is truly deeply regretting his previous decisions. A person like this could become a great asset and ally!
A lot of hate on for this man, which I can understand.
However will we get ANYONE to come over from the dark side if they think we will crucify them when they do. They’re gonna get plenty of that from their dark masters when they flip.
As much as it pains me to admit it, we need these MSM types…from every country to come forward and tell the they were told to lie, how they were coerced, threatened or blackmailed.
I’d love to see Rachel Maddcow break down in tears and apologize on tv. Or Don Lemon…or ….anyone from the Royal Family…
I have been screaming for 3 years and 9 months that NOTHING will change as long as MSM tows the party line. MSM has our friends and family by the neck through their television shows, news channels, the movies, music, late night talk show hosts, athletes, newspaper hacks…on and on and on
We need to really pray for some brave heros to come forward…who aren’t afraid of being suicided because we will ENSURE they will have white hat protection. I would suggest they need to do it en masse. Hundreds of them…all the same weekend. Then we might see suicide weekend happen by the dark lords of the world.
We need these people to defect… and more than anything ….our brainwashed loved ones NEED to see and hear it.
Godspeed in your prayers on this.
God wins when we PRAY together for the “Great Reveal and Awakening”
Better late then never, I hate this but at this point in time we need people to start waking the fuck up. Shit is getting real and the only people that will save us is ourselves, so the more the merrier.
I will show mercy if they actively work to undo their damage. Anything less then that, and their apology grants them 3 death sentences instead of the original 4
God said we tell Him how we want to be forgiven by how we choose to forgive everyone else.
When someone realizes what they did and risks everything to admit it to the world one response is to be grateful and overjoyed. Examples? The Prodigal Son. Pharisee Saul becoming Apostle Paul.
I am a man who thinks actions speak louder than words.
It is easy to say you are sorry when the damage is done, but the hard part is actually meaning it and changing. Will Bild change tact, or will this just be a confession with no real contrition? Time will tell, if there is any left.
I'm all for forgiveness. It is divine. But to be forgiven for instilling fear in the hearts of all mankind requires more than just words.
Nope. I would NOT say that. Consider reading Christs conversation with the thief as they were both dying on the cross. Pharisees are given every opportunity to stop being hard hearted and to let God in so He can work with them, through them and transform them. Example? Vicious Pharisee Saul became Apostle Paul. Road trip, when?
You do got a point the problem is our adversaries are using this against us.
This is the reason why in this community we got two groups. Gods preachers and Gods soldiers
My job is not to forgive my job is "annihilation". I cant forgive. I wont forgive. I cant forgive evil.I cant forgive people torture and killing children. I cant forgive people hurting others because of greed,ideology or religion
But no doubt this is the reason why you and others are here. To calm down Gods soldiers. God works in mysteries ways
That’s great, but will they start supporting people fighting to retain their God given rights? Or is this another empty apology not worth the paper it is written on?
He's complicit and he's trying to get out ahead of his crimes, He feels the heat of a coming trial and is trying to avoid prison or worse.
Yeps I they seen the writing on the wall expect many more cowards like him to come out and say they sorry. "They didn't know they thought they were doing the right thing"
Jail cell now!
Cowards? Coming out to the world and spilling the beans is cowardly? Devotee of Orwellian double speak?
Yes cowards 18months to late. Only coming out because they see the writing on the wall.
You can expect many more of these scumbags the next weeks and months to come out and try to save themself
Larping as a Bild insider familiar with the editors thinking? Claiming the ability to read the mind and heart of a total stranger? Or.....
We sincerely apologize for all the fearmongering we’ve done over the past 18 months with our coverage on Covid. I wish we could turn back the clock and do things differently but we must set our sights on how the Delta variant is destroying the world, hospitals are under pressure, the cases are rising, and the unvaccinated are spreading these disease even more. We live in unprecedented times, we are in this together. Please mask up, and get the your shot. Danke.
People make mistakes all the time. Horrible mistakes. Horrific mistakes. At each an every point, the very best thing you can do is stop making mistakes, apologize genuinely, and fix it. Many people bought all the lies; and many people sold them. If you hope to see that stop, this is exactly how it will look.
Can this apology and candor fix the damage? No, not really. But it's also exactly what is needed to stop the further, accelerating lie-driven destruction of the world.
You don't have to be "Oh, it's ok, no worries." But dammit, this is encouraging. THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING.
Apology followed by action to undo the damage that was caused. That is the only acceptable apology.
Yes, for sure.
That's how we find out how sincere this apology is.
It might very well not be followed by action, although I have to, at a minimum, think it will at least make future fearmongering much more difficult, notably less likely at this particular outlet.
And even still, even this editor does not become a veritable hammer for the truth, this is still a big, notable, crack in the damn of lies that has created our present world of utter insanity and tyranny.
Wow, half the post on this thread are shill posts - people arguing that abetting murder doesn't matter if you tell mommy you didn't mean it and you're sorry and now you want to go back out and play.
Troubling take. Perhaps ponder New Testament stories including The Prodigal Son and the story of vicious pharisee Saul who became Apostle Paul.
Please do share what "action to undo the damage" this newspaper editor must take, beyond telling the world the truth, will make his apology "acceptable" in your judgement, dear hard hearted neo pharisee :-)
You’re the one with the forked tongue here
yep, this dudes apology won't mean jack shit unless we see him act to stop the scamdemic evil he helped create. Even then he will still be punished for his part in it.
We don't have complement the guy. But isn't this guy doing our side a world of good by pointing out that it is all propaganda? Don't we want more of them to start calling it bad propaganda?
Don't we try to red-pill people all the time? Well maybe this guy has just been red-pilled. And OP wants to hang him?
Very well said, I agree.
I seriously wonder if ANYONE commenting on this actually followed up and listened to or read hsi statement.
I cannot hear anything in the "apology" that actually refers to Bild's coverage of the Covid19 pandemic. Nothing.
His actual statement says (assuming the translation is accurate):
I mean, if you actually IGNORE the headlines that assert that he (and the paper) are apologizing for THEIR coverage, and listen to the actual words, you would come away with a completely different conclusion:
He is apologizing to the Children of Germany for what the Chancellor, and the Government, has been doing for the past 18 months. He is apologizing, because they will not.
He says “we”, which ordinarily would make for a weasel apology, but in this case, I think it is both a) quite clear as a penitent self-implication, and b) a much more devastating indictment of the far further reaching conspiracy of lies which he unambiguously admits to being a shamefully guilty party of.
No, it’s certainly not a sniveling apology - it’s a genuine and public coming clean of just how horrifically, destructively wrong the entire collusive DS/OWG/media conspiracy has been on this all, himself and his organization certainly not excepted.
Again, this is exactly how the Great Awakening was going to have to begin.
Now what are we going to see come of it? Will he be destroyed as an example to the others? Will he start a chain reaction? I don’t claim to know. But this statement itself is nothing but an unmitigated reason for additional optimism.
Probably correct, although I'm not fluent in German and I don't know anything about what kind of coverage Bild has been doing except for a few big stories about charging the CCP with crimes and Attacking Merkel.
Just curious. Have ever been in a position where you FELT collective guilt, collective responsibility, even though you were NOT the person who did the crime, or mistake, but felt responsible as a member of a larger group that collectively WAS responsible?
I have. On many occasions, actually. (I'm a human being, and what has been happening to human beings for millenia, and what happens every day, is something I certainly feel responsible for.)
I see him coming from that angle, more than from "Our newspaper has been spreading propaganda, and I apologize". It may be both, but I find the almost blanket focus on the latter, and virtual ignoring of the former, to be problematic and shoddy journalism.
I genuinely appreciate your attention to detail and accuracy. I think we’re likely of reasonably similar mind on this here, however I can’t be bothered to parse it any further… because I truly was indeed just going off the headlines in the first place.😆
(and we probably won’t be apologizing for that.😁)
be well, fren.
Based comment!
Admitting you have a problem is the first step...
Unless we want to hang everyone who disagrees with us, these are not the people we want to be screaming about "hanging".
This isn't a disagreement. There is NO believable way that coming to this realization should have taken 18 months. They're only taking these stance because they've had their windows filled with protesters for the past two weeks. It's not "oops, we were fooled," it's "oops, please don't break in and lynch us."
Well... I'm not a Christian, but if you don't mind me borrowing a Christian answer...
Jesus had a repentant thief crucified next to him, right? And said the guy would be accepted into heaven for his repentance.
Assure this guy he can have the same divine reward.
Then hang him.
Ah ha ha! Said perfectly!
Part of repentance is accepting the consequences of one's actions. Otherwise it is only vain, empty words of apology.
A child will often say "I'm sorry" when scolded because they want to avoid being punished by their parents, and not because they are truly sorry.
Of course, we don't know his intentions. Only God can see into a man and discern his heart, and only God can accept a repentant sinner into heaven.
It seems that this man is seeking the forgiveness of men rather than the forgiveness of God.
However, Luke 17:3-4 says this:
I love you!
Preach 5
Choosing to share a GUESS framed as fact? Ok. I choose to celebrate the fact that the statement was made and getting coverage.
The rest is outside of my control so rather than being distracted from doing what I can do to help thwart Cult Death, I will pray for the editor and hope he inspires others. In times like this, even non drinkers may find AAs Serenity Prayer helpful.
The media aren't the machines they use or the buildings that house their offices, the media are people and those people have knowingly and willfully comittred a wide variety of criminal acts over a period of many years. Those criminal acts have caused the ruin of many innocent lives and many deaths.
It is critical that the media, the people, be held to account. Many of their crimes amount to sedition and some to treason.
Treason is punishable by death.
Absolutely. What they’ve been doing for decades now has been nothing less than insidious and deliberate. Deliberate Deception.
Now that they feel the control slipping away and are coming to the realization they’re going to be held accountable for their roles in promoting vast human suffering, they want to apologize?! No. Punishment is coming and it’s not going to be a slap on the wrist or gentle admonishment.
This isn't a drinking problem; a victimless crime (unless you kill 3 people including a pregnant woman on Christmas Eve - DUI). This is mass murder - genocide - crimes against humanity.
Get your hand out of the marshmallow bag.
So weird seeing so many GAW anons jump to conclusions and throwing out judgments about this guy and his actions....
Did ANYONE do a little digging? Or has GAW simply become a more hip, more 'awake' version of REDDIT? I mean, seriously, frens.
Firstly, listen to the actual speech. Then, look at ALL the headlines being spouted. Shit. So much misinformation.
I cannot hear anything in the "apology" that actually refers to Bild's coverage of the Covid19 pandemic. Nothing. Am I missing something here? Yet 100 different alt-media sites are saying he is apologizing for HIS coverage, aka BILDs coverage. I wonder if the so-called awake masses have slipped back into replicating the lazy and destructive habits that the Lamestream Media have institutionalized...
According to Cabal mouthpieces, Bild is a "Right-wing" magazine. This guy - they basically tried to Assange him - pull him down with allegations of sexual harassment and such. Put the pieces together. (I'll assume there are some German anons here who could rally add some clarity on this)
his actual statement says (assuming the translation is accurate):
I mean, if you actually IGNORE the headlines that assert that he (and the paper) are apologizing for THEIR coverage, and listen to the actual words, you would come away with a completely different conclusion:
He is apologizing to the Children of Germany for what the Chancellor, and the Government, has been doing for the past 18 months. He is apologizing, because they will not.
Why is it that just about every report on this uses a clipped down version of the original 5 minute video?
He mentions media, and he mentions politics, but no where can I see him actually apologizing for the coverage that BILD has done.
I don't know enough German to review. And it does appear that Bild has gone along with the general narrative. so maybe its a fair statement to say this is a Mea Culpa. But why the focus on Bild? Why not "apologizes for the fake and destructive policies of the government and media"?
Citizens Free Press is a tad more accurate:
That's certainly true. But so many anons (??) here are either saying the guy has to back up his apology with actions, and others are saying "look, it's a start. Admitting you have a problem..."
How many actually investigated, or are we now reduced to simply reading headlines of prepared, regurgitated news? (Yes, I know I'm being repetitive, but seriously.... )
I'm trying to figure this out. It seems to me that so many of us are so pissed off, so tired, so angry at the war that is raging, that many of us seem desperate to find someone, anyone from the Cabal who "apologizes", actually repenting, even if then we can slam them for not going far enough....
Do our emotions cloud our judgment? Are we seriously holding the line?
Now, due diligence. If anyone can find a translation of the REST of the original 5 minute video ( or a transcript of the whole thing, or a translation of a transcript, something that actually indicates Reichelt is actually apologizing for Bild's actions, as opposed to apologizing as a representative of the Adults of Germany to the Children of Germany, then I'm all ears, and I'll eat my words.
Please, frens, what the heck do these words mean?
You are the news now. Handle w/ care.
Take this shill post out. This is a subtle.strategy they use to make it seem we are vindictively obsessed with "hanging the traitors". Yes we want justice and that may well in some cases include death penalties, but most of us are not looking for some guillotine french revolution madness and this rhetoric is seriously off putting to newbies and normies.
Unfortunately, this "shill post" was posted by the most senior moderator on this board. 😳
I haven't read anything so disheartening, so disillusioning, in the ~7 months I have been here.
This is really, REALLY misguided, to say the least.
Doesn't matter who posted it it is a monumentally dumb post - either that or the poster is deliberately trying to obscure truth and subvert justice.
You haven't read anything as disillusioning on here? Uh... Okay, I suppose you missed the posts about SRA, vaccine fetal tissue, etc 🤢
Maybe you missed it, but not everyone tried and convicted in Nuremberg went to the gallows. Thousands went to prison. For a man in his position, with the responsibility to his readers on his shoulders, a simple "oopsie" (penned only because he's seen the ocean protesters outside his office, no doubt) shouldn't suffice for anyone.
Mind reader who speaks German, Bild insider familiar with the editors thinking, just guessing, or.....?
Hmmm... he KNOWS what is coming. He's trying to get ahead of the arrests.
This is good!
Now it puts pressure on Fake News to follow suit
So weird seeing so many GAW anons jump to conclusions and throwing out judgments about this guy and his actions....
Did ANYONE do a little digging? Or has GAW simply become a more hip, more 'awake' version of REDDIT? I mean, seriously, frens.
Firstly, listen to the actual speech. Then, look at ALL the headlines being spouted. Shit. So much misinformation.
I cannot hear anything in the "apology" that actually refers to Bild's coverage of the Covid19 pandemic. Nothing. Am I missing something here? Yet 100 different alt-media sites are saying he is apologizing for HIS coverage, aka BILDs coverage. I wonder if the so-called awake masses have slipped back into replicating the lazy and destructive habits that the Lamestream Media have institutionalized...
According to Cabal mouthpieces, Bild is a "Right-wing" magazine. This guy - they basically tried to Assange him - pull him down with allegations of sexual harassment and such. Put the pieces together. (I'll assume there are some German anons here who could rally add some clarity on this)
his actual statement says (assuming the translation is accurate):
I mean, if you actually IGNORE the headlines that assert that he (and the paper) are apologizing for THEIR coverage, and listen to the actual words, you would come away with a completely different conclusion:
He is apologizing to the Children of Germany for what the Chancellor, and the Government, has been doing for the past 18 months. He is apologizing, because they will not.
Why is it that just about every report on this uses a clipped down version of the original 5 minute video?
He mentions media, and he mentions politics, but no where can I see him actually apologizing for the coverage that BILD has done.
I don't know enough German to review. And it does appear that Bild has gone along with the general narrative. so maybe its a fair statement to say this is a Mea Culpa. But why the focus on Bild? Why not "apologizes for the fake and destructive policies of the government and media"?
Citizens Free Press is a tad more accurate:
That's certainly true. But so many anons (??) here are either saying the guy has to back up his apology with actions, and others are saying "look, it's a start. Admitting you have a problem..."
How many actually investigated, or are we now reduced to simply reading headlines of prepared, regurgitated news? (Yes, I know I'm being repetitive, but seriously.... )
I'm trying to figure this out. It seems to me that so many of us are so pissed off, so tired, so angry at the war that is raging, that many of us seem desperate to find someone, anyone, who "apologizes", who is of the CABAL and the rotten bunch, actually repenting, even if then we can slam them for not going far enough....
So desperate that we miss the mark.
Now, due diligence. If anyone can find a translation of the REST of the 5 minute video ( or a transcript of the whole thing, or a translation of a transcript, something that actually indicates Reichelt is actually apologizing for Bild's actions, as opposed to apologizing as a representative of the Adults of Germany to the Children of Germany, then I'm all ears, and I'll eat my words.
Please, frens, what the heck do these words mean?
You are the news now. Handle w/ care.
"I'm sorry for trying to take away all of your freedoms with misinformation and propaganda."
Sorry doesn't cut it.
Your sorrys don't cut it? Too bad. Fortunately that's a choice. Change is possible.
Did you take the time to examine what he actually says, instead of just reading the headlines?
Worth it.
I don't read propaganda.
You're free to ruin your mind that way, of course.
I refer we just give free helicopter rides to commies. We should probably burn their books too. Who knows what types of child porn we will find in them!?
LOL! You literally read ONLY the propaganda and ignored the actual facts!
funny. too funny.
Hey better late than never, hopefully others follow his lead.
We all make mistakes…did he know what was going on? Did he take payouts to do it? He’s partly responsible for the deaths of thousands. He has blood on his hands regardless. I’m sorry isn’t going to cut it
Since he knowingly came forward without being blackmailed or exposed, I’d punish but later pardon him. He probably realizes his mistake and is truly deeply regretting his previous decisions. A person like this could become a great asset and ally!
Repentance is a good thing - now if he went straight back to propagandizing...well screw him, but if he has changed direction? He becomes an asset!
A lot of hate on for this man, which I can understand.
However will we get ANYONE to come over from the dark side if they think we will crucify them when they do. They’re gonna get plenty of that from their dark masters when they flip.
As much as it pains me to admit it, we need these MSM types…from every country to come forward and tell the they were told to lie, how they were coerced, threatened or blackmailed.
I’d love to see Rachel Maddcow break down in tears and apologize on tv. Or Don Lemon…or ….anyone from the Royal Family…
I have been screaming for 3 years and 9 months that NOTHING will change as long as MSM tows the party line. MSM has our friends and family by the neck through their television shows, news channels, the movies, music, late night talk show hosts, athletes, newspaper hacks…on and on and on
We need to really pray for some brave heros to come forward…who aren’t afraid of being suicided because we will ENSURE they will have white hat protection. I would suggest they need to do it en masse. Hundreds of them…all the same weekend. Then we might see suicide weekend happen by the dark lords of the world.
We need these people to defect… and more than anything ….our brainwashed loved ones NEED to see and hear it.
Godspeed in your prayers on this.
God wins when we PRAY together for the “Great Reveal and Awakening”
Putting hard hearted Cult Death rules in all caps? Lol.
Apology not accepted... trust denied
Tough rules bein created by you that apply to you. Consider creating different rules while you still can.
Well, I guess I have a hard time trusting someone that has been lying.
Just one of the first rats to jump ship under the guise of morality.
Germany in May 1945: Hey guys sorry about that whole war thing. Truce?
Great. Now start pumping the TRUTH in your publications. Then we'll think about forgiving you....
Nope! Lives ruined! Nuremberg trials please!
Better late then never, I hate this but at this point in time we need people to start waking the fuck up. Shit is getting real and the only people that will save us is ourselves, so the more the merrier.
Whoa! WHY now? Was he really redpilled or are the whitehats winning?
I will show mercy if they actively work to undo their damage. Anything less then that, and their apology grants them 3 death sentences instead of the original 4
There’s hope for some people in the media, this is a sign.
Too late, the rope is waiting
Gonna have to leave room for those who have a change of heart.
That is a guilty plea.................No Quarter ! No Dice, go directly to the gallows and form and orderly line.
God said we tell Him how we want to be forgiven by how we choose to forgive everyone else.
When someone realizes what they did and risks everything to admit it to the world one response is to be grateful and overjoyed. Examples? The Prodigal Son. Pharisee Saul becoming Apostle Paul.
Perhaps reconsider.
To little to late the buck was going stop and it just happened to be in this generation.. The devil will get his due. May God have mercy on his soul.
Too little too late.
Those are the words you want God to say to you when you are judged? Heart problems detected.
I am a man who thinks actions speak louder than words.
It is easy to say you are sorry when the damage is done, but the hard part is actually meaning it and changing. Will Bild change tact, or will this just be a confession with no real contrition? Time will tell, if there is any left.
I'm all for forgiveness. It is divine. But to be forgiven for instilling fear in the hearts of all mankind requires more than just words.
Well, he did it at the end of May:
We needed 69 days to find it out.
A bit late wouldn't you say.
"I'm sorry" They are all going to claim how sorry they are when they can see the robe on the horizon
Nope. I would NOT say that. Consider reading Christs conversation with the thief as they were both dying on the cross. Pharisees are given every opportunity to stop being hard hearted and to let God in so He can work with them, through them and transform them. Example? Vicious Pharisee Saul became Apostle Paul. Road trip, when?
You do got a point the problem is our adversaries are using this against us.
This is the reason why in this community we got two groups. Gods preachers and Gods soldiers
My job is not to forgive my job is "annihilation". I cant forgive. I wont forgive. I cant forgive evil.I cant forgive people torture and killing children. I cant forgive people hurting others because of greed,ideology or religion
But no doubt this is the reason why you and others are here. To calm down Gods soldiers. God works in mysteries ways
We need to accept their apology and give them forgiveness...
AFTER they go through due process and pay for their crimes lawfully and justly.
Not an apology but an admission. Use it in ckurt.v