Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147434025
Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST)
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.6 - Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). **The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). **A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
Y'all should have just heard the sailor swarm of cuss that spewed from my mouth reading that.
Don't like to curse so much, but Lord my shoulders are riding lighter.
If the rioters are supposed Trump supporters, why would we want to have popcorn while swift justice is going on, wouldn't we want to help the patriots? Or are you meaning something else? I am a little confused by your statement.
A hospital group in the Midwest did a “mass blood transfusion drill” at the same time last week. It was a drill for an unlikely scenario, in which many people
Would need a blood transfusion and there wasn’t enough blood. It’s the type of drill
Airports do for I’m assuming terror attacks. My nurse friend told me about it as it seemed a highly strange drill, never been done before. This same hospital group also issued a vaccine mandate not long ago, so they’re definitely bought off.
CHILLING WARNING What a joke. And 'domestic extremists' so they MUST mean like auntee fa? B L M? The ones organizing and hosting summer of love 2020?
BC tho I know countless DT supporters, I know NOT one who is violent or planning violence. We are quite confident the truth is on our side and facts remain that will prove this. And of the 2 potato supporters who dont like potato but actually just hate DT, well they tend to get a little on the hostile side. Another day, another msm lie.
Uhm.... just me or sounds just another way to say 'we have planned an FF now waiting for the greenlight, to blame QAnon and other Trump supporters and their weapons'
Sound like to me they are prepping to formally define and label us ALL as terrorists and extremists and enable them to target anyone supporting the very idea of election fraud.
I say this because they have to stage some form of drastic action before the Arizona audit results.
They will burn, loot, murder; we will stay at home and watch it on TV. After that, they will blame us, as they say the blm's were a rational reaction to our racism and hate, no arrests made.
They are constantly saying no fraud and most secure in history yet we countless videos of blatant fraud going on, pizza boxes in windows, suitcases etc.
Thank you for the article. "Concerned about calls to violence..." where have calls for violence been?. I haven't seen them. Most of us are still patiently waiting for the TRUTH. let the information flow freely.....Audits are needed in every state. Then put the results on media for everyone to see/read. Reminds me too much of hunger games movies.
It's going to be a time for America to soon take back what's our nation and everything involved with it. When that day comes it will be glorious indeed.
lol, as if we are going to do violence. they want us to, they need us to, but nah, we will just wait. Violence from us will only happen in defense of our family.
The PTB know that they need the world to see uncontested proof of Trump supporters being violent to discredit the movement or they will not be able to stop the fall. And so far all they have been able to muster is what? A kid who struck back in self-defense, a couple who stood on their own lawn and said go away or we'll defend ourselves? The worst they can muster is people walking between velvet ropes after having the cops open the doors.
Whatever we do the main thing, the ONLY thing, we must do is not fall into the blatantly obvious trap that is being set up as we watch.
Don’t riot, no doubt! but to all I would take measures of being prepared. Clean primary and secondary weapons, stock food, water and fuel (if you haven’t already). Let’s face it august is shaping up to be monumental the most promise I’ve seen thus far. The dems Will not give up power easily there will be hell to pay at the pawns expense. Stay frosty. Needless to say I’m excited and I don’t have to take the blue pfister pill for this one!
Searched DHS website for this "chilling warning" which is reported to have been issued 6 August 2021.
There is a "bulletin" (see link below) issued originally on 27 January 2021, which was set to expire on 15 May 2021, but then on 14 May 2021, that bulletin was cancelled and a new bulletin issued on 14 May 2021 that is in effect until 13 August 2021.
That is your run of the mill the sky is blue and if we issue a bulletin that covers every possible Ben Rhodes engineered BOO! narrative no one can say we didn't warn you bulletin.
Cannot find anything on the DHS website of a 6 August 2021 bulletin (or alert - they are different DHS pearl-clutching categories) being issued, of any kind.
It seems that ABC news is the arsonist responsible for this latest mockingbird fire storm of "Oh my God we're all going to die" breaking (6-month-old) news reporting based on an anonymous source at DHS.
Q warned of civil unrest. Q also promised swift justice upon those rioting this time.
Grab your popcorn folks.
Cyber Symposium produces irrefutable proof of foreign interference.
DS hits internet kill switch to prevent news from spreading.
10 days of darkness begins
Biden gives the order to begin lockdowns and door to door vaccinations.
Military in crisis as chain of command crumbles from the unlawful order.
Meanwhile evidence is presented to the Supreme Court and they are forced to rule that there was fraud and it constitutes an act of war.
Trump is reinstated.
Military rallies together under Trump and arrests all traitors in its ranks.
Biden regime, Fauci, etc arrested as foreign agents.
Riots begin as MSM announces that Trump is launching a coup with his supporters.
Its Antifa dressed as MAGA vs BLM.
Their leaders are missing.
They don't know yet.
Military meets them in the street in a show of force.
Most surrender without a fight.
Violent rioters are identified as insurrectionists and properly dealt with.
MSM goes off the air as military seizes corporate assets of the traitors.
Giant Voice is activated.
Broadcast is sent out announcing unsealed indictments and authorizing citizens arrests of all domestic enemies.
Declaration of War against the Enemies of Humanity.
MSM comes back online with all new crews.
Public disclosure of what has taken place.
Wave of suicides.
Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147434025 Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST) There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
11.3 - Podesta indicted 11.6 - Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). **The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). **A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).
Good speed, Patriots. PS, Soros is targeted.
I hope so :( I want this movie to be over already.
From your fingertips to God's ears, Fren. I pray daily this is the anticipated outcome.
Epic prediction; fantastic username. slaps back of mine head!
Y'all should have just heard the sailor swarm of cuss that spewed from my mouth reading that. Don't like to curse so much, but Lord my shoulders are riding lighter.
It's an easy flag. Just invert all the unnecessary adjectives
Once you hear "YMCA" blaring you'll know it's Trump walkout music and retribution is HERE
I would be so stoked if that started blasting at the beginning of the EMS.
EMS broadcast beeping starts YOUNG MAN
u / #pratt (no spaces)
Forget Thunderstruck and Ride of the Valkyries. Just use 70s disco pop to make enemies wet their pants.
They hate us for our freedom.
I recommend Alka-Seltzer if you've had too much popcorn. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!
There's always something to datefag
These goofballs are totally constipated. They will stay on the pot.
If the rioters are supposed Trump supporters, why would we want to have popcorn while swift justice is going on, wouldn't we want to help the patriots? Or are you meaning something else? I am a little confused by your statement.
the rioters will not be us or Trump supporters, it will be last ditch effort of the cabal flailing.
Sounds like a FF setup.
That's what I'm thinking the August 11 thing will be. Some kind of event. Exactly 1 month before the 20th anniversary of 9/11/01.
Right, alphabet boys letting everyone know they're up to no good
1000% false flag.
Only after some bomb is dropped
They are prepping the distraction for the news
A hospital group in the Midwest did a “mass blood transfusion drill” at the same time last week. It was a drill for an unlikely scenario, in which many people Would need a blood transfusion and there wasn’t enough blood. It’s the type of drill Airports do for I’m assuming terror attacks. My nurse friend told me about it as it seemed a highly strange drill, never been done before. This same hospital group also issued a vaccine mandate not long ago, so they’re definitely bought off.
Not unless your rioting becomes an attack on me and mine. In that case you will feel the full effect of the wrath of a patient man.
Fair warning. All the warning you're going to get.
This is Middle America. We don't do antifa.
Demons run when a good man goes to war Night will fall and drown the sun When a good man goes to war
Damn, these people are pathetic. It's not even amusing anymore. Get some new material, you one-dimensional losers.
"These people are losers!" -Q
Stay home patriots. Fight digitally only.
I have a dog to raise so I'm not ready to go out yet, however if they try to stick a needle in me things will escalate and force will be multiplied
Stay home and be prepared to defend home.
Grow up 333. Is it your impression that the idiots only fight with their keyboards?
What do you think is causing the western wildfires?
Was 911 a cyber attack?
The Wildfires out west are very peculiar to me. Seems hard to believe they’re “natural”
Keep holding the line, we are unbreakable!!!!!
There is not such a thing as a weak link for Patriots ! We stand strong together !🇺🇸
Donald Trump won the 2020 election.
This is a true statement.
The narrative for the upcoming Emergency Broadcast ?
They always share what their plans are
CHILLING WARNING What a joke. And 'domestic extremists' so they MUST mean like auntee fa? B L M? The ones organizing and hosting summer of love 2020?
BC tho I know countless DT supporters, I know NOT one who is violent or planning violence. We are quite confident the truth is on our side and facts remain that will prove this. And of the 2 potato supporters who dont like potato but actually just hate DT, well they tend to get a little on the hostile side. Another day, another msm lie.
Well said! They’ll try to pin it on us though
Uhm.... just me or sounds just another way to say 'we have planned an FF now waiting for the greenlight, to blame QAnon and other Trump supporters and their weapons'
Sound like to me they are prepping to formally define and label us ALL as terrorists and extremists and enable them to target anyone supporting the very idea of election fraud.
I say this because they have to stage some form of drastic action before the Arizona audit results.
They will burn, loot, murder; we will stay at home and watch it on TV. After that, they will blame us, as they say the blm's were a rational reaction to our racism and hate, no arrests made.
Another false flag incoming. Time to frame more Trump supporters as domestic terrorists.
Biden to come on TV announcing lockdowns then they’re going to stage fake riots from Trump “conspiracy theorists?
It's a classic that I didn't appreciate at the time, but do now.
Haha. Good tip.
I am SO SICK OF THE GASLIGHTING we've been under for 9 months.
9 months? You think it’s only been going on that long?
I mean specifically regarding the election.
They are constantly saying no fraud and most secure in history yet we countless videos of blatant fraud going on, pizza boxes in windows, suitcases etc.
The complete article from The Independent -
Thank you for the article. "Concerned about calls to violence..." where have calls for violence been?. I haven't seen them. Most of us are still patiently waiting for the TRUTH. let the information flow freely.....Audits are needed in every state. Then put the results on media for everyone to see/read. Reminds me too much of hunger games movies.
It's going to be a time for America to soon take back what's our nation and everything involved with it. When that day comes it will be glorious indeed.
lol, as if we are going to do violence. they want us to, they need us to, but nah, we will just wait. Violence from us will only happen in defense of our family.
The PTB know that they need the world to see uncontested proof of Trump supporters being violent to discredit the movement or they will not be able to stop the fall. And so far all they have been able to muster is what? A kid who struck back in self-defense, a couple who stood on their own lawn and said go away or we'll defend ourselves? The worst they can muster is people walking between velvet ropes after having the cops open the doors.
Whatever we do the main thing, the ONLY thing, we must do is not fall into the blatantly obvious trap that is being set up as we watch.
Prob BLM & Antifa wearing MAGA hats masquerading as white hats. Trust the plan, NCSWIC.
Using "mistakenly" twice in two sentences.
Lol who are they trying to convince, themselves.
The Storm is brewing. They are planting the stories. FF incoming.
Shhhhh no one tell them when, date fag every day! May they squirm in their wonder of when God will see their consequences met.
God fights for us. II Chronicles 20:17
God didn’t fight with the sword and spear 1Samuel 17:47
It won’t look like we expect it to Habakkuk 1:5
Jeremiah 1:19, they will fight against you but they will not prevail against you. For I am with you”, says the Lord “to deliver you.”
Don’t riot, no doubt! but to all I would take measures of being prepared. Clean primary and secondary weapons, stock food, water and fuel (if you haven’t already). Let’s face it august is shaping up to be monumental the most promise I’ve seen thus far. The dems Will not give up power easily there will be hell to pay at the pawns expense. Stay frosty. Needless to say I’m excited and I don’t have to take the blue pfister pill for this one!
We must all do our best to ensure no one but the crisis actors are in attendance.
Look for the token “blockhead in Buffalo horns” or some clown getup and his soy comrades. Avoid.
Solid Indicators, Sage.
O Lord
Searched DHS website for this "chilling warning" which is reported to have been issued 6 August 2021.
There is a "bulletin" (see link below) issued originally on 27 January 2021, which was set to expire on 15 May 2021, but then on 14 May 2021, that bulletin was cancelled and a new bulletin issued on 14 May 2021 that is in effect until 13 August 2021.
That is your run of the mill the sky is blue and if we issue a bulletin that covers every possible Ben Rhodes engineered BOO! narrative no one can say we didn't warn you bulletin.
Cannot find anything on the DHS website of a 6 August 2021 bulletin (or alert - they are different DHS pearl-clutching categories) being issued, of any kind.
It seems that ABC news is the arsonist responsible for this latest mockingbird fire storm of "Oh my God we're all going to die" breaking (6-month-old) news reporting based on an anonymous source at DHS.
Anybody have something concrete on this please comment.
And gay.
They're scared. They are trying to shape the narrative. Or they're going to try another false flag event. Probably both.
The deep state is not concerned with honesty, integrity, or the people's rights/freedoms. They are evil. Simple as.
Jan 6 was the trial run for a tyrannical government proving it can Tienamen Square the American people.
Maybe Barry's BD party