i believe the underlying point is not "covid" but the counter to the current "ivermectin is a horse drug and not meant for human consumption" narrative
I was realizing that they were giving it to refugees from certain countries because of the prevalence of parasites in that part of the world. It wasn’t for COVID-19 purposes. But hey if it will help them not transmit Covid in our country, great. Maybe we should just tell our doctors that we are concerned about parasites, 😂.
But why do the afghan refugees need to come to the us? cant we send them to mexico or india? Where theyll fit in better? You know places they can shit in the streets
Yes. Funny thing is everyone says buy the paste that only has ivermectin in it, and avoid combo pastes. What is the other ingredient in combo pastes? Well it's Praziquantel. Interesting.
Not that it matters but Afghan refugees didn’t get theirs (probably) until they got here, if at all. So they dragged their effin germs WITH their effin “culture” right along with them. Some “pandemic”?!!
So now we have THIS in addition to Japan going with Ivermectin in addition to India discovering that it works and charging the chief scientist of the World Health Organization with mass murder for telling people that it doesn't work. And Afghanistan. And the audits.
Thank OP! I love posting this kind of stuff on my instagram story as red pills. I always put a caption at the bottom of my posts that says, "propaganda" with arrows pointing down where they'll insert the "covid-19 information" link.
CDC - https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/guidelines/overseas-guidelines.html
Good find, thanks for the source!
Spread it everywhere and destroy this stupid narrative.
I just got back from my 30 day ban on FB an hour ago. I've been posting this like crazy!
Looks like you’ll be having a very short stay.
Keep up the good work, pede
Well done!
You'll probably get another 30 day ban real soon.
Working on it!
This is the way.
What are you suggesting, Dr?! To spread a virus? Well...ok you’re The Dr?!! (cough, sniffle-spit). 🤒
Make mine an OD Double!!
I see what you did there...
Not really, because its only being recommended for intestinal parasites. does anyone actually read the link?
i believe the underlying point is not "covid" but the counter to the current "ivermectin is a horse drug and not meant for human consumption" narrative
And no Covid vax. curiouser and curiouser
Duh, the media is screaming that it is medicine for horses not humans. This DOES counter their stupid narrative.
But ut's being recommended. THAT'S the point. Ruins their narrative that it's not for humans
I was realizing that they were giving it to refugees from certain countries because of the prevalence of parasites in that part of the world. It wasn’t for COVID-19 purposes. But hey if it will help them not transmit Covid in our country, great. Maybe we should just tell our doctors that we are concerned about parasites, 😂.
Every single shitlib that sees this link will ignore it.
Which is why we create intriguing memes, and why we ask questions instead of shoving information.
It’s the protocol for parasites not COVID. Just saying.
We know that. But that's not the narrative we are fighting. The narrative is they choose is that it is not for humans.
https://archive.is/SGvx4 archived
OMG these poor refugees being force fed horsepaste, some one should alert the media!
It’s apple flavored so it should be fine
It's "apple" flavor.
They’ll cover for it and say it’s for parasites, not covaids…but we know
But Dr Fauci said it can be toxic, and it's kind of bigoted to assume someone has worms just because they are from the middle east.
EVERYTHING is toxic in high enough amounts.
Or they will say its not in the US so tbey dont have to follow CDC/AMA guidance.
It's presumptive.......so CDC admitting safe I think is the takeaway.
Yeah, but it’s “horse paste” according to the MSM.
That's exactly what they are doing.
What’s the source of the screenshot?
So it's specifically for intestinal parasites. This won't stand up to rebuttal
But it proves it's safe which is half the argument.
Their narrative is that it's not for human ingestion so it is indeed a rebuttal that stands up
following I would like source also
Sorry motherfuckers,
But why do the afghan refugees need to come to the us? cant we send them to mexico or india? Where theyll fit in better? You know places they can shit in the streets
Did this just come out or has it been out for years and we are just now seeing it? I didn't notice a date on the CDC website.
Edit ... Found the date ... Feb. 6, 2019, it is on the pdf they have linked ...
Wait... Is that Horse Paste? /s
Yes. Funny thing is everyone says buy the paste that only has ivermectin in it, and avoid combo pastes. What is the other ingredient in combo pastes? Well it's Praziquantel. Interesting.
Oh. That's another one that treats cancer.
Do horses never get cancer?
Because dogs do, all the time. But nobody puts them on Ivermectin.
https://rxreal.com/order-stromectol-online-en.html?key=Ivermectin&t=bioklin is it this one?
There is no human ivermectin available where I live, at all. No way to get it.
What I meant was it's not even approved for human use where I live. And it won't pass customs.
Yeah it's for parasites
Well they do strange things with animals over there so Lord only knows what parasites they're carrying.
My horse just took ivermectin today. Except I don’t have a horse.
Wait, are you my coworker's wife's boyfriend?
Lol your poor coworker
What an ape.
To be fair, they're fkn full of worms.
Maybe because they stick things where they shouldn't be stuck! They probably have those parasites that go up your Peter in the rivers.
Thanks. Good find. I got mine today and was starting to be hesitant but here you show US govt endorsing it via use.
Thought that was “horse paste”. Someone ask the damn reporters to explain that.
sure they have to live to vote democrat
200 mcg/kg. Perhaps white hats are trying to provide us with the correct dosage for human sized horses?
The Double Whammy......kill off Americans via a pharmaceutical soup, while bringing in potential Dem voters and make sure the Coof DOESN'T kill them.
Why is CDC trying to kill refugees with dangerous horse dewormer? 😱
Bones, I’ve seen you in surgery. Didn’t you study under Dr Fang Fang at China Federation University? Now I get it...
Cure for them, but not grandma. Sounds about right.
Better let the Libs know that the "immigrants" are being mistreated!
Not that it matters but Afghan refugees didn’t get theirs (probably) until they got here, if at all. So they dragged their effin germs WITH their effin “culture” right along with them. Some “pandemic”?!!
It says it's for: Parasitic Treatment: Strongyloidiasis, Schistosomiasis, and Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections
this needs a sticky! really useful to send to people who think im crazy for recommending ivermectin
cant seem tp find a way to contact peter doocy. i wonder who we can contact to ask jen paki
They know it works but people won't do any research and figure out they are being lied to.
So now we have THIS in addition to Japan going with Ivermectin in addition to India discovering that it works and charging the chief scientist of the World Health Organization with mass murder for telling people that it doesn't work. And Afghanistan. And the audits.
Thank OP! I love posting this kind of stuff on my instagram story as red pills. I always put a caption at the bottom of my posts that says, "propaganda" with arrows pointing down where they'll insert the "covid-19 information" link.
The hypocrisy is unreal...
Is this so Americans are weakened due to virus and the outsiders can easily attack us?
Hahahaha, oh my god. This is rich.