I've sent many emails and tweets to Remington to not give anyone anything because it was a false flag for more gun control and sent them the only video you need for proof. The totally dead kids singing at the Superbowl 3 months after the Sandy Hook hoax. How's that "hiding in plain sight" gonna work out, Cotton? https://youtu.be/pMftSyXFgSU
Another one for me is the Sandy Hook scene in the Dark Knight Rises. When someone pointed that out to me, it was a huge... "what in the unholy fuck am I seeing" moment.
There's a scene where Gordon and others are standing around a map making plans to stop whatever attack is happening. Gordon circles a spot on the map that's labeled Sandy Hook and written next to it is "STRIKE ZONE"
It blew my fucking mind.
I saw a YouTube video about it years ago, then I said to myself "This is bullshit, this guy made this up." So I went to my copy of the movie, to that very scene and saw it for myself.
EDIT: The streets do NOT match up. I remembered incorrectly from a ten year old video. The part that struck me was they wrote "STRIKE ZONE" on the map next to Sandy Hook.
Either way, the movie came out before the attack happened so labeling Sandy Hook as the strike zone before Sandy Hook happened is just fucking weird.
And the St. Rose of Lima school drill footage that they used as real. Plus all the cars lined up in that weird way facing one direction. So many weird anomalies.
The Lanza family home that looked barely lived in.
I was calling bullshit on the first couple - I mean, kids can look similar to one another. But how in the hell do you end up with a singing group that are seemingly all close if not dead matches for a dead kids?? What did it end up being, half the group? That's implausible in the extreme. These fuckers love to flaunt their shit.
After the 52 second mark. It will say "anyone else?". Everyone after that is a supposed dead kid. Before 52 seconds is brothers and sisters of "dead" kids. Keep in mind, they used pictures where they were much younger than they were at the time. There's no denying a few of them. Like Olivia Engel and Josephine Gay.
My favourite is still the Robbie guy; crisis actor playing the "dad" who is laughing and joking at the press conference unaware cameras are rolling then psyches himself up to turn on the waterworks. Unreal. Literally.
Well the kids did in fact exist and are still alive. They were most likely the same kids that sang for the superbowl. I'm sure there are records of some sort. The daily mail article says the parents provided the info. I'm curious af what the info actually say.s
That whole deal was a shit show. I knew that day that it was fishy as shit. Some of the acting, like Gene, was too freaking stupid. There were so many red flags it was pathetic. That was the point when I got pissed and started more seriously prepping. I knew then a shit storm was on the horizon.
the whole narrative was completely absurd. Multiple car doors open, multiple sweatshirts, people in the woods, people clearly reading from and repeating scripts, "i hope the truth doesn't fall on this community later", CT governor saying "we were made aware that something like this would happen", ZERO bodies were brought to local hospital, bulldozed both the school and lanza's house, on and lanza's dad was a major player in the LIBOR scandal.
What I don't understand about the Sandy Hook thing is this:
I understand adults playing along with some kind of deep state terror attack in order to gain fame and money. Totally, I get it. People want money, the deep state wants power, they offer you money to pretend your kid died in some horrific shooting.
What I don't get is that there are like 10+ kids who supposedly died in this attack who have all been seen after the attack walking around, attending superbowls... etc.
I have three kids. The chances that they would have been able to keep their mouths shut about being part of a fake attack... ALL Of them, it so close to zero that it's almost nonexistent.
So where are these kids now? Anyone been keeping tabs on them? I'm just wondering if they've been disappeared to keep their mouths shut.
They were all crisis actors. All of them of where spotted a couple of years later in other crisis acting positions. They were a bit older but obviously the same children. They were even stupid enough to use them together again. Sandy Hook was one of the most sloppy false flags ever seen.
Not sure what other inference to make from that request; why else would you ask for their records?? (“Ooh, that’s quite a few D/F’s...maybe they had it coming?). Interdasting
"My daughter got shot in the face an hour ago.....come on kids, put your make up on and cheer up! We've got prime time interviews with CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX and BBC. I am totally a mother and you kids are totally siblings"
I deep dived into this. 100% false flag. One of the things I noticed but have never seen anywhere else. From the helicopter video I noticed something very odd about the parking lot. It was that all the "employees" pulled through in the parking lot so that they were facing out, then the car behind them pulled in facing the back of the car ahead of them. EVERY SINGLE ONE except for a couple on the end. Which means all the vehicles arrived at the same time and were directed where to park. No different from if you have ever been to a state fair or an amusement park where people are directing the parking. While a lot of people do this you will NEVER find a parking lot where everyone does it. It was like they had 50 cars and were told to park them as quickly as possible.
110% serious. I was in college and used it in a presentation for a “persuasive” speech. The fucking class went dead silent. People started asking all sorts of questions about it. It was quite an experience. The computer I had is long gone and I didn’t put much thought it preserving it, I though I was one in a million who cared, I thought it was almost pointless to share it again.
Alright, thanks. To clarify, was it donation pages of individual 'victims,' or just a general Sandy Hook donation page? Was it on facebook? Maybe I could find some old stuff if I look up the individual names (if it all hasn't been scrubbed.) It's great to hear the class members were engaged with the subject matter and wanted more info. Wonder if that would happen in a college class today. Anyway, thanks. But if you ever do stumble on SH info like that, please create a post here because I'm sure many would be very interested.
It was an individual site. Not a social media based page. I am almost certain it was a victim donation site. I found it through google, which I used at the time.
Absolutely, I will post! Oh yeah, that was super strange situation, the vibe in the room was so odd. The professor let me finish the entire presentation too.
Okay, thanks for answering. I can't help but wonder about those other kids who were hearing your presentation. It's encouraging that they wanted info, but I feel sort of sad thinking that less than 10 years later, toay's college students may not be so curious. And I do wonder if any of them went ahead and independently verified what you said, and then used that to redpill others. Sorry, just the way my mind works, lol. There's always follow up thoughtss. And good on the prof for letting you finish! That would be rare today I'd wager.
Scroll down to pic 5 that shows a door with blood on and around it. What else do you see????? Look at the door, along the wall and at the door joint. Do you see it? A water mark and MOLD.............LOL
This was supposed to be an elite school that attracted families from around the country...........and there is MOLD on the wall and door. LOLLLLLLLLL Not to mention the carpet looks like something from the 70's.
I had to take a paper up to a local school the other day. It’s one of our older elementary buildings, decades old. I had just watched a sandy hook thing so I looked for any of the nasty on that school. It wasn’t there. There was some staining but you could see where they clean the building. This is a small county, with not a huge or rich population.
There are enough alternative theories about a false flag aspect to that event that, since they are being sued as if they were responsible for it, yeah, I'd take a cue from that total amateur that sued Alberta over covid: Make the plaintiffs prove it was even real. If they can, it will better inform us free of media spin. If they can't, Remington wins, and we all have big problems if they are really faking stuff to that level.
This entire event at the time was also a major wake up for me. When i think about the way that the news covered this story as well as days such as 9/11 .... It gives me flashbacks of how everything unfolded during those events. I w in high school at the time and it was very strange coverage in both instances. Wall to wall coverage but with carefully crafted information being conveyed. It really makes me think back to another event in colombine. I feel like the colombine school shooting coverage was eerily similar to the coverage of these other false flags we speak about. Something isn't right about that story either. Even things like OJ Simpson. How many events that changed people's ways of thinking were actually just false flags. :(
They should subpoena the teacher who claimed she saved 18 students by locking them inside a classroom bathroom. My kids went through the CT public school system and every elementary school classroom bathroom I've seen is a single toilet and sink, approx. 3'x6'.
Something I noticed from the beginning was that all of the parents of the children who were fake killed were much older than typical parents of six year old kids. Neil Heslin kept holding up a picture of him and his son when he was a month or two old. He wanted us to believe that only six years had passed since the picture was taken, but he looked at least 15 years older at the time of the shooting. They were using very old photos and Heslin was a dead giveaway. Also, the news media kept saying this school was in a very upscale area and was a state-of-the-art school. When I saw the pictures and videos of the school, it looked like a real dump. Because it was! Then the videos of the parents who were smiling and laughing, especially Robbie Parker and a couple who were on with Anderson Cooper the next day. The fake mother was smiling and flirting with Anderson. Also, don't forget, the Sandy Hook survivors and families were present at the Boston Marathon smoke bomb in April 2013. There were more fake shootings like this than people could even keep up with.
After the incredible amount of "in your face" lying by so-called trusted authorities in the past year, I look back at Sandy Hook and find it even more believable that everything there was a total lie. And it seemed so to begin with.
I've sent many emails and tweets to Remington to not give anyone anything because it was a false flag for more gun control and sent them the only video you need for proof. The totally dead kids singing at the Superbowl 3 months after the Sandy Hook hoax. How's that "hiding in plain sight" gonna work out, Cotton? https://youtu.be/pMftSyXFgSU
the real prrof was the facebook memorial pages created 3 days before the "event"
this didnt cross their colletive minds that folks would check
Another one for me is the Sandy Hook scene in the Dark Knight Rises. When someone pointed that out to me, it was a huge... "what in the unholy fuck am I seeing" moment.
What scene is that?
There's a scene where Gordon and others are standing around a map making plans to stop whatever attack is happening. Gordon circles a spot on the map that's labeled Sandy Hook and written next to it is "STRIKE ZONE"
It blew my fucking mind.
I saw a YouTube video about it years ago, then I said to myself "This is bullshit, this guy made this up." So I went to my copy of the movie, to that very scene and saw it for myself.
EDIT: The streets do NOT match up. I remembered incorrectly from a ten year old video. The part that struck me was they wrote "STRIKE ZONE" on the map next to Sandy Hook.
Either way, the movie came out before the attack happened so labeling Sandy Hook as the strike zone before Sandy Hook happened is just fucking weird.
Are you saying Christoper Nolan is cabal??? lol
In assuming this movie was made prior to the attack then?
Do you have a clip of someone showing this?
Just look up "Sandy Hook, Dark Knight Rises".
There's probably 10+ videos on different tube sites.
Wasn't the aurora movie theater shooter at the premier of that movie?
Let me guess, nobody archived it...
sure was at the time cuz i read about it and i am not on facebook ever
plus the laughing dad....
Hive mind
Seriously? I wasn't red-pilled then. Do you have any links or other stuff you can share. I would love to read up on this.
I meant to say it was a FEMA drill in there. There's video of people wearing the color coded FEMA badges. Not sure if I have any saved.
And the St. Rose of Lima school drill footage that they used as real. Plus all the cars lined up in that weird way facing one direction. So many weird anomalies. The Lanza family home that looked barely lived in.
Red Flag that not many know about -
The key responding officer was from the “Root” and model community of their real agenda - Racine, Wisconsin.
He was then promoted to chief in neighboring Danbury.
Here is the sauce:
I was calling bullshit on the first couple - I mean, kids can look similar to one another. But how in the hell do you end up with a singing group that are seemingly all close if not dead matches for a dead kids?? What did it end up being, half the group? That's implausible in the extreme. These fuckers love to flaunt their shit.
So all of the kids they pointed out in the video was supposedly shot in the incident?
After the 52 second mark. It will say "anyone else?". Everyone after that is a supposed dead kid. Before 52 seconds is brothers and sisters of "dead" kids. Keep in mind, they used pictures where they were much younger than they were at the time. There's no denying a few of them. Like Olivia Engel and Josephine Gay.
Unreal. Thanks for explaining.
think they were trafficked? they die on paper but go into the underground.
False flag does not mean no one dies. Where does this lolgic come from?
Remington is verifying and rightly so that these kids were legitimate.
My favourite is still the Robbie guy; crisis actor playing the "dad" who is laughing and joking at the press conference unaware cameras are rolling then psyches himself up to turn on the waterworks. Unreal. Literally.
I mean, they were first graders. Why on earth ask for attendance and disciplinary records, if not just to prove these kids existed??
That is definitely the only reason.
Or that Remington is trying to mentally assault the families by daring to ask.
Hmmmm...Possible responses from the school regarding those "records":
A. Covered in blood and were incinerated.
B. Full of bullet holes and are unreadable.
C. Lost in the debris when the bulldozer drove over them.
D. Records NEVER existed.
That's why they are also asking for records on the teachers at the school as well:
Thanks Fren. I missed that.
I understand that Adam Lanza probably didn't exist either. His likeness was used elsewhere beforehand if I recall correctly.
Adam Lanza = David Hogg
Image: https://files.catbox.moe/ncm16w.jpeg
David Hogg is a student survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, and now a “gun control activist.”
Yes! That's the one. Thanks Fren.
Well the kids did in fact exist and are still alive. They were most likely the same kids that sang for the superbowl. I'm sure there are records of some sort. The daily mail article says the parents provided the info. I'm curious af what the info actually say.s
I'm laughing imagining it's because they want to prove that the kids weren't actually all that bright and full of promise and stuff like that.
Hopefully "Robby Parker" won't be laughing anymore. The people that participated in this hoax need to be convicted and executed.
That video still makes my jaw drop.
That whole deal was a shit show. I knew that day that it was fishy as shit. Some of the acting, like Gene, was too freaking stupid. There were so many red flags it was pathetic. That was the point when I got pissed and started more seriously prepping. I knew then a shit storm was on the horizon.
the whole narrative was completely absurd. Multiple car doors open, multiple sweatshirts, people in the woods, people clearly reading from and repeating scripts, "i hope the truth doesn't fall on this community later", CT governor saying "we were made aware that something like this would happen", ZERO bodies were brought to local hospital, bulldozed both the school and lanza's house, on and lanza's dad was a major player in the LIBOR scandal.
Columbine: hours of footage of kids evacuating.
Sandy Hook: one picture of kids leaving the school in the parking lot... When most everyone has fucking smart phones.
from memory: did we just find out the shooter has a brother too?
I remember they found Adams' brother in New Jersey and detained him because Adam was carrying the brothers id on him...so the story goes...
That's correct I followed this when it happened
Also the bit about initial reports were that the shooter was "a teacher's son."
I remember this
What I don't understand about the Sandy Hook thing is this:
I understand adults playing along with some kind of deep state terror attack in order to gain fame and money. Totally, I get it. People want money, the deep state wants power, they offer you money to pretend your kid died in some horrific shooting.
What I don't get is that there are like 10+ kids who supposedly died in this attack who have all been seen after the attack walking around, attending superbowls... etc.
I have three kids. The chances that they would have been able to keep their mouths shut about being part of a fake attack... ALL Of them, it so close to zero that it's almost nonexistent.
So where are these kids now? Anyone been keeping tabs on them? I'm just wondering if they've been disappeared to keep their mouths shut.
I mean, kids go into the witness protection program and keep their mouths shut.
You’ve also never told your kids “you’re a new person now or bad people will get us. If anyone finds out you’re real name, bad things will happen.”
Some kids who are kidnapped are convinced they never had a life previously.
They were all crisis actors. All of them of where spotted a couple of years later in other crisis acting positions. They were a bit older but obviously the same children. They were even stupid enough to use them together again. Sandy Hook was one of the most sloppy false flags ever seen.
Maybe they are victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and have been programmed as Dr. Corydon Hammond outlined in his Greenbaum Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUersarZuo&t=1866s
Kids are very easy to manipulate.
think theyve been trafficked? given CIA careers?
Not sure what other inference to make from that request; why else would you ask for their records?? (“Ooh, that’s quite a few D/F’s...maybe they had it coming?). Interdasting
"My daughter got shot in the face an hour ago.....come on kids, put your make up on and cheer up! We've got prime time interviews with CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX and BBC. I am totally a mother and you kids are totally siblings"
No one was fucktarded enought to sue Russia every time a Muslim hijacked a plane in the 70’s and 80’s using a kalashnikov???
Fucking retards
I deep dived into this. 100% false flag. One of the things I noticed but have never seen anywhere else. From the helicopter video I noticed something very odd about the parking lot. It was that all the "employees" pulled through in the parking lot so that they were facing out, then the car behind them pulled in facing the back of the car ahead of them. EVERY SINGLE ONE except for a couple on the end. Which means all the vehicles arrived at the same time and were directed where to park. No different from if you have ever been to a state fair or an amusement park where people are directing the parking. While a lot of people do this you will NEVER find a parking lot where everyone does it. It was like they had 50 cars and were told to park them as quickly as possible.
its bout time ....
Sandy hook was my wake up call. I found donation pages created days before it happened.
Seriously? Did you save the links? I wasn't red-piiled then so if you have any links, articles, videos, etc., please post them! Thanks.
110% serious. I was in college and used it in a presentation for a “persuasive” speech. The fucking class went dead silent. People started asking all sorts of questions about it. It was quite an experience. The computer I had is long gone and I didn’t put much thought it preserving it, I though I was one in a million who cared, I thought it was almost pointless to share it again.
Alright, thanks. To clarify, was it donation pages of individual 'victims,' or just a general Sandy Hook donation page? Was it on facebook? Maybe I could find some old stuff if I look up the individual names (if it all hasn't been scrubbed.) It's great to hear the class members were engaged with the subject matter and wanted more info. Wonder if that would happen in a college class today. Anyway, thanks. But if you ever do stumble on SH info like that, please create a post here because I'm sure many would be very interested.
It was an individual site. Not a social media based page. I am almost certain it was a victim donation site. I found it through google, which I used at the time.
Absolutely, I will post! Oh yeah, that was super strange situation, the vibe in the room was so odd. The professor let me finish the entire presentation too.
Okay, thanks for answering. I can't help but wonder about those other kids who were hearing your presentation. It's encouraging that they wanted info, but I feel sort of sad thinking that less than 10 years later, toay's college students may not be so curious. And I do wonder if any of them went ahead and independently verified what you said, and then used that to redpill others. Sorry, just the way my mind works, lol. There's always follow up thoughtss. And good on the prof for letting you finish! That would be rare today I'd wager.
Nice job having the guys to do that. Impressive.
Does this require them to produce something they can't fake just as easily as everything else they've faked?
I need to find something Remington makes that I want
Want a smoking gun??????
Scroll down to pic 5 that shows a door with blood on and around it. What else do you see????? Look at the door, along the wall and at the door joint. Do you see it? A water mark and MOLD.............LOL
This was supposed to be an elite school that attracted families from around the country...........and there is MOLD on the wall and door. LOLLLLLLLLL Not to mention the carpet looks like something from the 70's.
They actually had the balls to post that picture.
I had to take a paper up to a local school the other day. It’s one of our older elementary buildings, decades old. I had just watched a sandy hook thing so I looked for any of the nasty on that school. It wasn’t there. There was some staining but you could see where they clean the building. This is a small county, with not a huge or rich population.
I did a quick search and found that, oh my God, Twitter is outraged Remington is doing this!
So like WTF, their just supposed to stand in court and be like, sure sure yeah yeah.
Twitter is outraged? Must be a day of the week.
Likely, mostly, bots
Lol the gofundme account was up before they say the incident occurred. Absolute clown world.
Never gave this much thought until "recently". Now it's just another horrible scam to add to the scam pile.
Holy crap.
There are enough alternative theories about a false flag aspect to that event that, since they are being sued as if they were responsible for it, yeah, I'd take a cue from that total amateur that sued Alberta over covid: Make the plaintiffs prove it was even real. If they can, it will better inform us free of media spin. If they can't, Remington wins, and we all have big problems if they are really faking stuff to that level.
Hope they didn't ask for Noah Pozners records. He was sadly killed again a few weeks later in Pakistan.
Send Wolfgang Halbig a presentation grade Wingmaster and ask for his notes.
Now there is a name I haven't heard in years.
Wolfgang or Wingmaster?
This entire event at the time was also a major wake up for me. When i think about the way that the news covered this story as well as days such as 9/11 .... It gives me flashbacks of how everything unfolded during those events. I w in high school at the time and it was very strange coverage in both instances. Wall to wall coverage but with carefully crafted information being conveyed. It really makes me think back to another event in colombine. I feel like the colombine school shooting coverage was eerily similar to the coverage of these other false flags we speak about. Something isn't right about that story either. Even things like OJ Simpson. How many events that changed people's ways of thinking were actually just false flags. :(
There was a story that I only heard reported once, but was very interesting.
The car that Lanza was allegedly driving was parked in front of the school entrance.
Police dogs tracked the scent from the driver's seat directly out to the woods, not the school.
They should subpoena the teacher who claimed she saved 18 students by locking them inside a classroom bathroom. My kids went through the CT public school system and every elementary school classroom bathroom I've seen is a single toilet and sink, approx. 3'x6'.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVLCSqoZYqY - Sandy Hook School shootings- Dr. H. Wayne Carver, Chief Medical Examiner- Full Press Conference
Does this seem right to you? Didnt it come out later he was an actor or was scripted etc.
Something I noticed from the beginning was that all of the parents of the children who were fake killed were much older than typical parents of six year old kids. Neil Heslin kept holding up a picture of him and his son when he was a month or two old. He wanted us to believe that only six years had passed since the picture was taken, but he looked at least 15 years older at the time of the shooting. They were using very old photos and Heslin was a dead giveaway. Also, the news media kept saying this school was in a very upscale area and was a state-of-the-art school. When I saw the pictures and videos of the school, it looked like a real dump. Because it was! Then the videos of the parents who were smiling and laughing, especially Robbie Parker and a couple who were on with Anderson Cooper the next day. The fake mother was smiling and flirting with Anderson. Also, don't forget, the Sandy Hook survivors and families were present at the Boston Marathon smoke bomb in April 2013. There were more fake shootings like this than people could even keep up with.
The Boston marathon was not a smoke bomb. This site is getting weird
If you believe that, you are in no way ready for any hard truth.😏
Yeah well my girlfriend was working in the ER of Brigham and Women’s that day treating many of the people injured from the “smoke bomb”
Sure she was. And my husband was one of the marathon runners and he said it was as phony as Obama's birth certificate.
Pulling up the rear of a marathon doesn't make you an eyewitness.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the oldish parents! Every one of them were well into their 30s if not older. Where were the parents in their twenties?
I was 43 when I gave birth to my youngest son. Soooooo.... Parents can be any age.
Guys...they say the kids died,,,then advertise on super bowl
they traffic kids the most during superbowls...
they did a car commercial for a girl who was kidnapped a year or so previous
Make you wonder about jonbenet ramsey and katy perry
This is literally INSANE
After the incredible amount of "in your face" lying by so-called trusted authorities in the past year, I look back at Sandy Hook and find it even more believable that everything there was a total lie. And it seemed so to begin with.
I was not red-pilled at the time of Sandy Hook, so if anyone has any sauce, links, videos, articles, etc. PLEASE post it here. Thank you!
Hmmmmm.... Alex Jones was right again l betcha --