Serious WTF? Found a weird image of the resident yesterday, thought it was a fake, so i went to lookup the original on gettyimages... If someone could explain....
🤡 Clown World 🌎

Yo - I call sticky on this. WTF - it's really there. It looks like the tab was in the ear and popped out - there is a crease that lines up. Holy fuck!!!
Good catch, forgot about this.
The “camouflaged” earpiece.
Thanks, anon.
Also why is his earlob looking weirder and weirder
That is one very strange looking earlobe.
its a fake ear lobe...thats for sure....just look at it.
Lizard dont have external ears. Unrelated fact
Many facelifts and the subsequent stretching.
Doesn't make a square tab next to the ear on the face.
Yes. Proof he talks out of his asshole.
also that lower lobe is fake
mask indeed
It's 100% a band-Aid. That being said, there are multiple legit examples of fuckery afoot regarding the ears.
Bandaids come with veins now ?
those aren't veins. they're crease shadows.actually i have no clue what that is. But dude, its a fucking band aid, and like i said, probably covering up sometihing else lol. Trust me, I know shit be cray cray, but its a band aid
🔍🧐I believe there is (possibly) visible lace-front wig 'spots' & oddly un-wrinkled skin along what would be the lace seam between skin & the wig (where the lace is glued to the skin on the border of the forehead & scalp)
They may look like age spots or freckles but I'd love to see a higher resolution picture to compare if those spots are ALWAYS in the same exact place ( age spots & freckles don't move unless they are SE/character makeup ).
Original link: https://www.gettyimages.pt/detail/fotografia-de-not%C3%ADcias/president-joe-biden-attends-the-ceremony-at-the-fotografia-de-not%C3%ADcias/1235181192
Archive: https://archive.is/AGSZa
Everything about that picture is disgusting and disturbing. Weird skin flap/mask or face pull, visible scar from all the plastic surgery along his jaw, the skin and hair on top of his head where more surgery was done. fuck this guy is evil.
A mask flap that folds into the ear maybe?
That was my immediate thought also!! I mean seriously what else could a rectangle piece of flesh coloured errr skin be?
The weird looking knob at the bottom of the ear is so weird too - did you ever see the mask Mrs. Doubtfire used? Reminds me of that.
Yeah the part at the bottom that is also squared off, all very strange, unless of course you go down the mask/double route? I can't recall the mask you speak of in Doubtfire, I watched it years ago.
In the movie, Robin Williams friend was a make up/special effects guy who made him a smooth mask by first pressing and shaping this plasticy, rubbery substance on his face and essentially making a mold of his face so when he had it on, you couldnt see whiskers and such. Williams would carefully peel it off at night and keep it on a wig holder head and ready for the next day. I'm sure Joe have "people" who put his on for him and it looks like on this day they were in a hurry!
It certainly seems very strange to have that "pull tab" just by his ear, I get what you are saying, just imagine how good they are now!
Funny you should mention that. My first thought of the picture was that it looked like Robin Williams!
That would be so much better.
I doubt he wore one long enough to get a sore?
Yeah, looks like a mask to me. Look closely at the wrinkle lines on brow, and of course the line under his ear. The nose & even lips look sketchy too.
That is EXACTLY what it is. Look even closer. You can see the fake rubber skin going around his ear resulting in the elongated ear lob.
Here is a video of the mask slipping off of his eye and his handler trying to signal him to pull it back. https://greatawakening.win/p/12jwaKFx8E/handler-signals-biden-by-running/c/
I had not seen that before - weird!
It actually does just look like palsy. Commenters claim his brow doesn't move but in the first response it does when he attempts to old man laugh. Think that's why half his forehead is smooth most of the time. That's the same half with the busted eye. If they were claiming his forehead didn't then that would be due to the botox but they specifically said brow. It's a pretty stiff minimal movement tho so I can see why they'd lean that way. Kind of think this pic is just something related to his ear piece since we've seen him lacking an ear hole once before at a debate.
That’s one hell of a skin tag.
Just like q post 4787. His ear lobe wasn't the focus, his entire inner ear looks fake, like it was hiding a hearing device.
There's clearly a listening device in his ear in that photo. Cleverly flesh-toned, but still obviously blocking the view of the entrance to the ear canal.
What did that post say?
There's an entire channel just about looking at dozens of different "Joe Bidens": https://rumble.com/user/Knighty
Is this movie going to have a scooby doo ending?
Creepy in every way. Someone is getting very sloppy, no?
Sloppy Joe?
We've been screaming it's a man in a mask for months now. Will people finally realize that isn't Joe Biden?
When Shaggy and Scooby catch Biden, that is the tab they pull!
Looks like the wake up process is accelerating.
Yep, can't really make this up, i mean, NO WAY, a professional photographer, just forgets something similar there, and also the rest of the face, if you look the full res original image, there's a difference between the shaved part in the bottom, and what looks like plastic / latex on the cheek
i fairly think it was left on purpose, but who knows, maybe they are trolling us, even if that wouldn't make sense
Latex animated mask. Look at the seam where it's glued to the side of the person's face, the better disguised seams where the person's real nostrils meet the latex of the fake nose bridge, the seams where the person's real upper eyelids poke out of the latex. Johnna Mendez has mentioned the CIA having these since the 80s and that she shook hands with/interacted with GHB in the Oval, while disguised as a man of a different race, and he had no idea it wasn't her.
We Mission Impossible Now.
Reminds me of this scene from Men In Black
MIB Alien Operator
Give me sugar… in water
This is odd.
Mask tab? Forgot to trim the latex?
Look at the difference in skin texture on cheek and bottom of cheek.
oh wow. THAT is weird. really supports it being a mask
WTF is THAT??? Do we have more angles on this?? Totally freaks me out.
This latex mask thing was an element in every Mission Impossible TV show and movie: https://youtu.be/yn6FJ6BUXIE
Maybe it will work for our own impossible mission of taking out the Deep State.
His lower ear looks funny too.
Zoomed view of the left side
His evil a$$ is melting 😄
The reptilians live upon us.
One of lizard-mans, humie face mask clips came loose again.
It's a pull tab to start the peel
If you look below the red line underneath the circled area, there appears to be a fine line where the real skin and the mask are blended with something.
Yep that's the second weird thing (i made those red traces), look the original high res pic, that line between the beard and cheek, it's way to perfect, looks like latex or something similar
Doesn’t even look like Xidan to be honest. And his eye on the right looks strange also, like there is two layers, unless that outer layer is his bottom eye lashes and it’s just blurred.
Edit ....
Why was I downvoted?
plastic surgery scar
Found another one from a while ago that also has the silicone mask becoming untucked from the ear, also look at his eyes in this one, the mask is clearly protruding above them
If ABBA can do a state of the art CGI concert so they look like their 1975 selves, and Boston Sci has dancing robots...What if each of the components of Xidens press stuff are "filmed" separately & assembled in post?. Not like MSM will say anything". That is a pixilation defect
audio/hearing device
The mask edge again. This is a good one.
That's the tab you pull to lift off the mask.
It looks like face lift tape.
Could be but not really sure, specially seeing the beardline break, also never used those nor saw them personally, but at first sight those look different
No idea such a thing existed. Maybe not double and triple masking all the time but some of these loops are visible?
This is exactly what it is, the jaw line scar is from plastic surgery...many plastic surgeries.
It will be EPIC when Patriots in charge show his mask falling off while on camera and in front of an audience. Arrest to shock the world!
Ill add that to my wet dream list....
Unmasked on live TV! Sounds outrageous?....well, I'm not so sure
Kek I wonder if thats were they put the clone's serial number....
When they call in for tech support
'Please clone operator, provide me the serial number of the device'
'Where i can find it?'
'It's simple, just pop off that piece in the inner top side of the ear, you will find it there!'