In the eyes of the privileged arrogant liberal Trump is the enemy and Biden is here to save the day.
Biden clearly is controlled by China and is doing their bidding. Shelves are empty at stores, 100s of cargo ships are sitting on either shore of the US, seemingly unable to dock and unload their precious goods. Truckers have begun and will continue to strike further slowing moving product to consumers.
Every business will soon be handicapped to 50% working capacity with the vaccine mandates which will absolutely crush the economy. Evergrande and I'm sure other companies will default, US will default, the biggest economic collapse is now on the front steps of everyone's door.
Red October is in full fucking swing. Almost NO ONE doesn't feel the affect of it, even our own. The slow decline of Bidens popularity goes exponential. Privileged liberal regret is bursting at the seems. The cognitive dissonance is only eclipsed by the effects of Red October.
Damn near everyone is now convinced Biden is driven by the interests of China. To make matters worse tensions have grown in the east between china, Taiwan, North Korea.
NK knows the truth (DarNKness). Kim "Big Dong" Jong-Un has been working with Trump to stop the CCP takeover of the world. He launches one long range nuke at the 3GD (scare event necessary) absolutely obliterates it the entire world wakes up to the atrocities taking place beneath.
Most privileged arrogant liberals will live in shame for the rest of their life for voting for Biden. The 4-6% who refuse to wake up will be hence-forth known as faggots. The word faggot will come back into mainstream use to the chagrin of basically everyone else.
The Trump Golden Age begins and last several thousand years.
With God winning.
Amen fren...
God's already won 🏆
Oh sure, sucking up to God again. kek
Just giving glory where glory is due.
Here's the problem as I see it. Q has repeatedly intimated that people have to be pushed to the edge before they wake up and change.
We all knew that things would get much, much worse and they're heading straight there in a hurry.
The economy is on track to implode and if the half of America that hasn't foolishly injected themselves with poison stands strong, a large % of them will lose their jobs.
Lots of patriots know about Q. A lot more don't. At some point here, we're going to have patriotic, decent people that are going to lose their shit and start taking some very drastic measures.
This has to resolve soon or at a bare minimum, there needs to be a ray of hope for the general patriotic public to make them feel like there's a fighting chance. Because as it stands right now for your average patriotic American that's not on the internet, the world is a very dark place right now.
If it gets to that point, you have to start wondering if that was the plan all along, and that they're ready for you. Just be careful with that line of reasoning. Things could still turn out alright, but it could all just be a big honeypot.
Well look, it's no secret that militias can be formed in hours if need be. You know people with guns, there you have it, militia formed.
If all these people are fired, what kind of a nest egg do most people have to feed and house their family? Two months perhaps? Less?
If this part of the plan has not been addressed, that is a problem. People are not going to watch their families starve to death in the street because we still need time to wake up the normies. You would have to be moronic to make that your plan, and obviously Q isn’t moronic.
Unless Q wants everyone to be fired and to lose their homes and be banned from purchasing groceries and gas. But if that is so, I think a lot of us will be angry that we were told to trust a plan like that. The only way trust the plan works is if after the plan is revealed, everyone agrees with it. If people are like, “All these friends, family members, and neighbors who took the injection are dead, our businesses all went bankrupt, we were fired from our jobs, and our houses have been confiscated by the bank and we now live under a bridge,” it’s going to be pretty hard for Q to jump out and go, “Ta dah! So do you love the plan or do you LOVE the plan?!”
Yep. Just give us a huge coincidence/sign. Because I haven’t seen any light or hope for almost a year now.
The ending will be, Joe Biden sent back in time....only to be killed by his younger self, which prevents Skynet from launching, thus saving the future from alien gay fluoride frogs! - Written and Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Oh my!
I think Doom Patrol will play a big part in it, kek.
The end won’t be for everybody fren
POTUS Trump did say that children should not get the shot. He was leaving it to the individual citizen to decide. While I will never get the vax, I know people who have and they're fine - at least for now.
I posted they are fine, for now. Yes, they shared with me. Two are my brothers and their wives, two of whom are in the medical profession. My niece and her husband - he's a pediatric cancer specialist also got vaxxed and they are fine. Praying they all remain that way. I'm definitely not advocating for any vaccine and begged them not to follow through getting them. it was their decision though I will say that one of my brothers and his wife were coerced by my niece and her husband. Unless they got the vaxx, they couldn't see their grandchildren which is shitty.
I am happy to hear they are fine and things are still pretty good for you considering what is going on. That said, what do you tell the people who are being fired, losing their homes, losing friends and family to the vax, etc... What do you tell them when they have lost everything? Just keep waiting? It will get better? When this ends, who makes these people whole again? Who gets them a home, refunds their 401k's, investments, accounts, brings back their loved ones? This 4-6% lost forever is really starting to sound like good people and not the sick criminals causing all this pain. When does the pain stop for good people and start for them?
There needs to be a better answer to this question than what we are getting or else people are going to flip hard against Q in a few weeks. And I do like Q so people need to get ahead of that. If the plan hasn’t accounted for this, that is a problem.
Maybe tell them take the vaccine so they don’t lose their job?
Idono. For me that’s one hill I wouldn’t want to die on. It’s pretty selfish to not take the vac and lose my job and way of supporting my family.
He never said they shared their full medical history and liver enzymes you nut
Some of them possibly were in the placebo arm of the "study."
Yeah I really don't think the vax is anything beyond a ploy to give people another dead horse to beat and debate over. COVID is a nothingburger and so are the vaccines.
Look at what Trump’s doctor is saying about it:
This is the doctor who treated Trump for Covid. Is this guy a credible source or not? He also treated Giuliani and Bolsonaro.
He’s talking about the injection, not the fake virus.
The government trying to force people to take it is bad and not a nothingburger. I just think the bigger goal rather than killing people is to make the right-wing conspiracy theorists second class citizens. If the intention was killing people then the death count from the vaccines would be much greater and they would just use their greatest propaganda push to hide that fact. But also, why would they want to kill all the liberals that are more prone to take it?
You wouldn’t say that if you knew people it killed.
COVID or the vaccines?
The injection. Covid deaths are highly suspicious, but we are seeing people suddenly die from things that they had no history of within days/weeks of taking the injection.
Honest question, what do you mean by that?
This makes more sense.
That’s a question for Q - not I.
I knew the quote but never understood the meaning. Why do you repeat something you don't know the meaning?
I’m repeating it because Q gave us the knowledge not to trust the government. Q armed us with information the general public didn’t have. It’s like the Bible - if you don’t choose to embrace it, that’s on you. The end is not for everybody.
That’s the one thing I’m curious about. Did Q mean finding out about the children, that we’ve been lied to all of our lives?
Stickied for discussion
Accept the blackpill and your failure and the doomed future you envision here is all but guaranteed. True defeat comes only when the will and spirit are broken. Take the whitepill fren. You and I know not what the future holds with any degree of certainty, hold a bright vision of America and the world's future close to your heart. Put on the armor of god and FIGHT. Move forward into the future with every intention of making that dream reality and we will not fail.
Exactly! There is no time more that we rely on faith than in a time of need. When we are devastated or down, we pray harder than ever. Then months/years/decades later we look at that blip and are grateful for the lessons. It’s the very essence of faith. So, suck it up buttercup and put your big girl (boy) pants on, and hold the line. You are way ahead of the rest, it’s tiresome, defeating, infuriating... but it’s your journey. Be proud fren! WWG1WGA
At the same time, people are being fired. That means no more income. So the money is now rapidly running out. For people who only have a thousand dollars in savings, how long does that last them? What happens when the money runs out and they are in the street? What happens when they cannot feed their children? We are going to need something more than three-year deltas to sustain people on Q at that point, right? So if Q team is here and reading this, they should know that people are very close to flipping against the plan just because they are being forced to. It’s not even a patience or trust thing. It would just be desperation and what happens when parents are forced to watch their children starve.
You’re way ahead of the game if you’re here. So start prepping, buy extra food, make a plan, find your tribe. Don’t let your children starve. I’m one of those with $1000 in my savings but I can feed myself and my kids for awhile. None of us know what’s coming down the line.
That is my attitude as well but I am already seeing people start to break in their resolve at the loss of their homes and jobs and essentially being blocked from society. If the plan does not stop this soon, too many people are going to fold and we are going to start losing numbers.
Agreed! Fortunate to not be in that position myself but I watch how easily the kids are folding under pressure. I’m ready for it to end but have a feeling it’ll be a bit!
Indeed. They are not built for what they are trying to accomplish.
I’ve seen the expression black pill a lot , never heard it before ..I must be slow ..howls ..what is blk pill liberal retards ..or when we doom ? Please teach , ty kindly
I think the black pill is just not believing in anything anymore.
Choosing to believe Absolutely Everything Sucks and there's no God or hope
The answer is somewhere in between. Get right with God and yourself. Prepare for everything you possibly can. Stay positive and healthy. This is a fight we can and must win.
Oh hell NO
Yeah, don't take it. ❤️
Faith leads to morale, morale leads to will, will leads to conviction. It's why good always wins in the end. Evil lacks all of it. Even if you can hold on to only 1% of your faith, you're stronger than the most powerful evil.
What we see and what is real are two different things.
I wish that more could realize this. Sigh 😔
I’m with you. Trying not to doom, but some days it’s tough. Watching the world being dismantled in slow motion is bad for the soul. I hope that the white hats swoop in to save us, but that may just be wishful thinking.
I can't wait to get to Heaven because this is literal hell on earth watching this play out and knowing what we know and many normies don't.
Doom if you must but always strive to make a life and a community that is independent of the political theatre that is going on.
I think that was the point referenced in the drop about the mission to digital soldiers - Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]
Then why are you here doomer?
For many of us here today, we are veterans from the Missiles of October where we just knew the the location of SAC meant annihilation for cities and towns nearby. When we later found out just how close we came, we of faith knew it was divine intervention that deescalated the situation. Nuclear adolescents at play in the garden of immolation..
We must not fear, fear is the mind killer, we MUST replace fear with faith, the faith that the Alpha & the Omega are in control and that this blessed land IS the Promised Land and will prevail way beyond the rest of the world. Amen..
This doesn't mean they will be dead.
In a prior drop, Q was clear what it means.
Q later came back again and stated.
Yeah I don't mind Trump not getting his power back as long as something actually happens in terms of removing corruption.
One reason we all support Trump is that he fundamentally isn't INTERESTED in Power; he's interested in restoring America. Trump is as close to Frodo as we've had in a long time: someone willing to do a hard and extremely dangerous job only because it MUST be done and nobody else can or will do it.
That's not really in reply to your comment, Chimera, but it came to mind, and Trump would certainly agree with you that removing the corruption and saving America is what's important.
It's going to be hard times either way but my hope is that cryptocurrencies set a new monetary policy where information is free and immutable. I believe there will be a huge economic collapse and many people will suffer and die from it. If the dollar goes to shit with all currencies, likely the people on the ground will trade cryptocurrency in order to make ends meet which could result in a new economic revolution. Also of course people need to be stocked up on dry food & supplies because if there's no electricity and water you're fucked.
As far as our political circus, I seriously hope the people are brought to justice, tried in a nuremburg style court (with the vaccine pushers as well) and hung for public entertainment. I want to see the public become the monsters that all politicians used to fear. Mass uprising of the old corrupt bullshit system must come soon! As much as I love Trump, I believe there is someone better out there just waiting to make their mark on this world and they will bring a new era in this country and all societies. I do hope Trump gets to actually take office but he is getting old and many times I've been reminded I need to lower my expectations.
I'm angry at this American public that has it all and chooses to ignorantly give away all of their power. I see the youth and it frightens me how stupidly directionless they are with such a puffed up ego. I have real hate in my heart for the willfully ignorant and I can't shake it off. I myself am in an unstable place and will be absolutely fucked when the economic house of cards crashes, there was no helping that even before Covid struck.
Civilizations have collapsed in the past with similar circumstances as today. I hope it doesn't happen to the USA and Europe, I hope with our technology today we are able to achieve a breakthrough as well as a return to older values and traditions. Nothing is new under the sun with trying different civilizations and you can guarantee all of these Liberal bullshit ideas have been tried many times in the past and failed. Traditions and conservative values are what have survived the longest and what have stood the test of time, they do create the most stable civilization and I believe you will see a rise in traditionalism in the coming years like never before.
I agree with most of your post. GME!!!! Hedge against the collapse. I believe crypto will crash too, read somewhere like 80% is controlled by China (should recover eventually) blockchain is the future in my opinion. Combine that with nfts, what gamestop is working on, look at their recent team highers...they're definitely working on something big!... ahem r/superstonk .
Wherever this goes, it's gonna be biblical thats for damn sure. Buckle up.
50% of tether is backed by commercial paper, no US bank has come forward and said they issued commercial paper to tether, Evergrande is the largest issuer of commercial paper. Other than that I think the rest of crypto is pretty good.
My dad says economic eclipse will be the one thing that effects everyone
The sell offs will blot out the sun with a see of red arrows
These two things don't work very well together.
I agree. If electricity goes out we got even worse problems and I'm not putting it off the table completely.
There are some cryptocurrencies working on a secure offline wallet, look up Cardano unchained offline wallet. But yes if electricity is out it'll be extremely hard for everyone. I believe cryptocurrency will make one of the biggest incentives to keep electricity going no matter what but I won't lay it off completely.
Coolasacumber... you are literally the essence of my anger (though I think you are either a smartass or just having a bad night with your name). There are millions of Americans feeling the way you are. The anger also leads me to believe that there will be a return to traditionalism. I take the heat from my 3 kids (17-21) about worrying about raising them worrying about their feelings (single mom 3 kids) and everyone getting trophies BUT I also sit proudly back while they lecture me about what I did wrong. I realized that I was part of creating a weak generation, then I realized they didn’t like being weak. What I do know, is that these kids are more aware than ever. When did any of us care this much about politics? They are not all as easily guided as we all believe. There is a great awakening in the youth
Heh I created this account when Trump had a rally speech and he was talking about how great the cucumbers were. I thought it'd be a funny name because I'm rarely cool as a cucumber these days :)
No I'm at a university and I see this crap. People mindlessly going on, wearing masks, proudly walking in circles, not following news at all. I am that generation but I'm the only one awake and paying attention in my circle of friends. I spread the news to others to try to awaken them but it's all coming from me.
Ahh.. but you see, you’re not alone kiddo. My kids are your age and they are just as fired up as you. I think many are, even if they are complying and don’t want to be the poster child or face of the resistance. They may just be keeping their heads down for now. When SHTF, people will come looking for answers. Your part in this chapter of life will probably be to answer questions one day. So rather than focusing on the frustration, try to figure out a way to ready yourself for what’s coming. I’ll pray that god wraps his arms around you in times of frustration. You got this!
Thank you, I'll continue to try to prepare.
I've been wondering about this^ a lot. & Q tells us to 'think logically', so what is the next logical step for this plot to take?
Q has also spent a lot of money and time on this 'movie', so I don't think it's ready to end yet, still a quite a few people not paying attention...
maybe this will help us 'paint' the picture; it's some of the predictions for the future from George Magazine-Survival Guide to the Future.
I see a lot of what you're saying.
(Is your name from the ham-wrapped bananas with mayonnaise recipe?)
that's sure different, do you fry it? & have been on a smoothie kick lately, thinking about buying some 'blue' bananas from they're supposed to taste like ice cream:)
Hollandaise not mayonnaise.
thanks & I like to try new recipes, but that's a bit much. funny the things people come up with.
Wow I’ve heard Stuart’s videos but didn’t know they have now put him in military confinement. Unbelievable, for speaking the truth and wanting accountability. Unless he’s in witness protection, is this part of the movie? One of his videos he did have a chess ♟ board in front of him!!!
me likey
Too hard to predict everything but theres some variables at play that seem a bit obvious
military Coup/Voter Fraud weve seen foreshadowing w/ new guinea and myanmar
Epstein Meme Revival
How and when? Beats me but the movie is entertaining.
One of my thoughts
Biblical ending. Apocrypha 2 Esdras: 12
<<<Verse 24: Symbolic representation of the Evil State we are in >>> And of those that dwell therein, with much oppression, above all those that were before them: therefore are they called the heads of the eagle. My Interpretation: elite powerful forces of the world aka deepstate entities are the 3 evil heads on a body of an Eagle. Elsewhere it says the heads are asleep and the feathers of the eagle are the rulers (presidents) that control the bird each in turn one after another
<<< Verse 17: People Unite >>> As for the voice which thou heardest speak, and that thou sawest not to go out from the heads but from the midst of the body thereof, this is the interpretation: My Interpretation: The will of the people will call out to take control of the Eagle. Like a great populist movement. This is happening now
<<<Verse 26: Biggest deepstate player is taken out >>> And whereas thou sawest that the great head appeared no more, it signifieth that one of them shall die upon his bed, and yet with pain. My Interpretation: The deepstate act will fall apart right in front of our eyes. The politicians, media, hollywood, bankers, big pharma and all the other elites will stop pretending they are the good guys because the truth will be so obvious that they are not who they so desperately want you to believe as the the truth will show they are the exact opposite.
<<<verse 21: When will it happen >>> And two of them shall perish, the middle time approaching: four shall be kept until their end begin to approach: but two shall be kept unto the end. My Interpretation: there will be two presidents (represented as feathers) that perish in the when the middle time is approaching which I believe are the midterms based on how the the feather lengths signify the time they are in office.
If this is a Plan To Save The World, it would make sense to try to retain as much infrastructure in place, sanity of your people as best you can and be true to your core to use every available legal means to resolve the Stolen Election with the smallest amount of collateral damage.
So after The Military decides that they have done this after numerous audits/desertification, reinvestment of patriots awake and engaged in the body politic then Christopher Miller and his Crew take over airwaves to advise for all to gather for a National Emergency Announcement.
With the US leading this Global Movement Miller introduces the key US Patriots, Combatant Generals, JFK Jr. Or a Kennedy representative and each International Head of State Saudi, Israel, China, Russia, UK etc. Then Trump comes out of shadows and states his speech of My Fellow Americans and Global Partners A Storm Was Upon Us....
They briefly go over the 30,000 foot view of how we all have been a part of history to right our planets course to collaboration, inclusion and determination to save our sovereign glorious countries, its people's and its children and restore truth justice and the American Way Amen.
The Patriot Global Anons break out in Amen Amen Aaaamen Amen Let me here you Aaamen!!! And in the Dark Dank Dimmed and Dammed background images of the Treasonous Traitors either are flashed on the screen with their military tribunal charges or scurry by like the pestilence they are and then the song Let the Sunshine in from the 5th Dimension begins with the announcement of NESARA!!
One massive problem with your theory ....... WHERE's G-D !!!!
True. Our founding fathers said that our republic was never meant for any other than moral and religious people. That is, people who are willing to sacrifice the trappings of their lives for higher more transcendent ideals for all of humanity - freedom and the integrity to maintain it. This endeavor requires the dependence on Higher Powers for certainty.
The 3GD is NOT anchored to bedrock, the CCPs 5 year plan did not take that into consideration when they built the Lego dam thinking sheer mass would hold together under any 100 year storm; God has provided a 1,000 year storm to prove the obvious fallibility of communist ideology..
trump must be so giddy awaiting his return. the greatest story ever told
You're the first person I've seen to actually muster a decode out of the apparent typo of darnkess. I like it.
That would mean the 10 days did, or will apply to nk if your theory holds true. Noteable.
Not sure what 3gd means though?
And every great movie has a great plot twist, and not an obvious or expected one either.
For example, "Extinction"... that movie has a hell of an unexpected plot twist. Not related, just an example.
Also, convincing actors. Thrill. Excitement. A story line that draws you in. Spats of humor too. And a superhero to save the day at 11:59:59
So far, we have all that for sure.
It sucks, I want my money back. It kinda hurts.
We are not gods you fool, you share the same idea with those in power, they think they are gods too.
I’ve pondered this a lot lately. I live over a thousand miles away from my family. I’m prepared to take care of my Immediate family (And a few more) for a bit but ultimately, my decision will be to run to my tribe. I hope there will be a month (or so) long scare but I’m not naive enough after everything I’ve read, to think it will end there. I have a medicinal Arsenal that will hopefully fix my loved ones. I’m trying to grow a garden. Just in case. And I hope I’m wrong on every part of it. NO ONE knows how this movie will end. To guess invites disappointment. We HAVE to hold the line.
The military.
The Q campaign turns out to be a wide scale Cyber Defence operation to defend the country from stolen election attacks. We're now in the Cyber Incident Response phase. The swamp's capability to cheat has been destroyed, which was the first objective. Then the Cyber Incident Response Team (Q, space force & NCSWIC) investigate to find and prosecute the attackers. This will be done quietly with no leaks. ln 2024 Trump is re-elected because the cheating has been stopped. Then Trump presents Q to the public. The Closing credits roll over Mark Dice voicing Brian Stelter's reaction to muh people can't walk down the street .
When Newsome and Bai-Dan find themselves in court or at a military tribunal, I'll believe that. We have PROOF of the cheating, but haven't yet STOPPED it, as Newsome's landslide "victory" proves.
It’s not going to end. Every day goes by, things keep getting worse and worse and worse. No one‘s coming to save us. Not Q, not Trump, no one on this earth. Jesus is the only thing I look up to now. The rest of it is all noise - Including those so-called plan
So I always thought it was more than one film, there's multiple movies running at the same time.
A counter narrative operation by patriots so pervasive that the deep state can't retain control over the mainstream narrative.
Judging by how many people worldwide do not trust the vaccine, I would say that we are winning the narrative, it's just not apparent yet that we are winning the war.
But I could have pulled that multiple movies thing outta my arse.
I agree with this! Maybe one movie but multiple scenes? It’s like the attack is coming from every angle that you can’t keep up. Schools, media, big pharm, elections, military, medicine, parties, airlines, etc. I think each one of these are ways to redpill little by little.
Escalating and eventually climactic famine, violence and chaos punctuated by Jesus Christ’s return.
I think it ends very suddenly. It seems like it's taking forever (due to our modern impatience) because they are setting things up perfectly behind the scenes. It might even drag on for another year, though I doubt it. Then, when we are all in between big things wondering when something will happen, they launch and within a few days the world has changed forever.
Ok as I was reading all the comments I see that people are frustrated and afraid. Just stop it already. You are doing exactly what Satan and the black hats want you to do, to give up and cry. Yeah things suck right now, but until we get to Heaven it’s going to suck ok. While the world is crumbling around me, I’m calm and content as I’ve ever been. One other time in my life I felt this peace from God, and that was when my 3 year old was fighting for her life from stage 4 cancer. When all control is out of your hands, you just stand, do nothing! Look Patriots, God had this under control. I have followed Q since the first post, but my biggest source of comfort comes from what the prophets are saying. God is speaking directly to us through them. To us, this about getting our country back, but to God it is about bringing forth the greatest world wide revival of all time. We need and want our freedom, but God wants us ready to meet him even more. I have peace because I stay in the word. Trust me I’m all about my Q and the Patriots, but I’m more about my Savior. So with that being said find peace today. I love you all. WWG1WGA ❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸👍🍿🥳
This shit isn't gonna end until the FEMA camps are already built and staffed and they're ready to load people on trains. Then they pull the ole switcheroo.
They gotta wait at least that long into the operation to do the switcheroo, otherwise how are they gonna manage all the people they gotta round up?
It's gonna scare the ever-loving shit out of everyone, when they do it too.
I’ve known about the camps for a few years now , or i knew about their plans for the camps since ODemon was installed. Most of their plan was finalized during his 8 years , but I really thought it would have been stopped by now, knowing that there are several being built and others near ready to go I’m starting to get a little concerned. So many people even Patriots are so unaware of this reality I really pray it’s stopped and the good plan takes over before this happens! I have a special needs daughter I need to protect, they will never get us in a car , this I know ! .I’m in San Diego I’m making plans to get to safer ground! I pray Justice for our President, I believe this will happen and God already won , but , yes God help us , it will get worse than most realize .
There might even be people in camps or a few deaths. Jan 6 shows few good guy casualties are acceptable to the team.
What the blackhats want has been easier to predict this whole time. I could have told you a year ago they were going for vaccine passports. So in terms of what would come after vaccine passports, I think we would be spot on again by predicting a social credit system that eventually encompasses other ways to control people's lives like climate change etc. and pushes everyone to keep voting Democrat out of convenience. Booster shots subscription model pressuring everyone to stay under their thumb.
However the latest step is running into the most turbulence yet. They are getting protests on the street making them look bad etc. and Biden's approval rating is dropping due to areas like the border and Afghanistan. Some countries like Sweden Norway Denmark aren't playing along. The Republicans will make it harder to cheat next election and the Democrats couldn't get enough support to break the filibuster, pass HR1 and and pack the Supreme Court. Furthermore the black community they thought they owned is starting to slowly turn on them with multiple celebrities and athletes speaking up. Much of these problems is stepping from the declining trust in the media, in an ideal world there wouldn't need to be mandates since they could just use propaganda to make everyone take the vax. However now they are having to use force since the lies are wearing off. So the transition from vaccine passports to social credit system will not be smooth, however it will happen in the California and NYs of the world within a year, but while making people wake up more the whole time and collapsing Biden's support in addition to other problems like the economy and inflation. The booster shots lose a lot of people who felt they had done enough with two shots. The Republicans will do well in 2022 midterms despite the Democrats attempted cheating, and Biden is replaced by Harris in early 2023. Covid continues as people get more sick of it and nobody likes Harris presidency, and she is beat by Trump in the 2024 election. Under a second Trump presidency the knife is stuck in wokeism as people move on and start acting sane again.