My good friend, who introduced me to Q in 2018 always told me that Everything on tv related to Trump that says "Live," was almost never actually "Live." According to my buddy, before these recent photos and videos, everything we've seen of Trump and Pompeo and some others were pre recorded for security reasons. They all looks so different because we haven't actually seen their true present form in a couple years.
Pelosi knew President Trump was covered in body armor and she mocked him for being "morbidly obese" in hopes she could shame him into removing the body armor. It didn't work.
I like to think the same thing about the AZ ballot audits and although I spent hours watching the livestreams and reporting anything that was even slightly odd... I always hoped the audits were completed months prior to ensure the Harry Potter Banking Goblins were unable to interfere and what we were watching were months old video recordings.
Ooooo I like this theory. It ties in with my theory that even Trump rallies may not be the real Trump. My theory was they mostly went underground when Trump said (paraphrase) "I removed the middle men, names you have never heard of that have more money than you can imagine. I made a lot of wealthy people very very angry and you might not see me for awhile."
Not saying we haven't seen them at all, saying that we have seen less of them than we think. I'm thinking it is real Trump at rallies now because he has massive security including blast screens at the last one I think.
By the same token people rarely actually see fauci, Pelosi, obama, etc...they make appearances allegedly but I see very few videos where it is definitely them in public because we know they would be getting yelled at. Some of the other henchman are around but all the big Dawgs are quiet.
The only answer you need is "Medbeds" it completely clears everything of all health issues including fat/metals from the body as many sources has claimed from 3rd Parties. I have no sources but I believe the med-beds will be used to save many of the vaxxed. However take with a pinch of salt but to me it's very plausible!
I would bet it's the lowered stress level. My husband dropped almost 40 pounds after he retired without changing a thing in his diet or (non) exercise routine.
lol all those ketones do is raise your ketone level, it's like wiping someone else's sweat on your brow and saying you work out. Ketones are what your body produces naturally to burn fat when you eat keto.
That illustrates the point I made perfectly, they dont look at all like the same people.
If he had hid from all media engagements for multiple years and hit the gym and all that, or had cancer or some other illness that causes wasting.. then I could see a change being fairly substantive... But this as far as I know has not happened.
Looks shady as fuck to me. I dont know of any 'good' people that use body double or doppelganger shenanigans, only the bad ones.
Because these things just dont happen practically overnight, they take time and hard work right? Where is the timeline of the gradual improving fitness and health of this person that spends a lot of time in front of cameras?
Do you understand the point I've made? If someone turns up with a 2nd head one day and everyone is all 'thats how they always have looked', thats fuckery afoot. There has to be a plausible continuum to validate that its a genuine change.
If it helps illustrate this concept further, the supposed crooked hillary now is quite a number of inches shorter than she has been in the past, like 8 inches shorter, not even a subtle difference. There are current threads about this on ga.w right now, but its certainly not a new observation. If she was getting shorter in photo after photo over the years, then it could be attributable to some weird disease. But what happens when some radically different crooked hillary just turns up one day?
My word... It still looks like it is him, but only if he has lost a lot of weight. Saying that, most of america is fighting obesity in some way, shape, or form, so good on him for losing it!
It's one style of intermittent fasting. This has you fasting for 16 hours and consuming all your calories in an 8 hour window. Most skip breakfaat or dinner so that you are asleep for the majority of that 16 hours.
It may sound hard, or crazy, unhealthy. But actor Terry Crews, for example, fasts intermittently and....well, look at him.
Both of these people cover keto and intermittent fasting and are very thorough in that regard.
16/8 is an 8 hr feeding window and is a common way people start intermittent fasting.
You skip breakfast and eat from noon until 8PM. Myself, I started off with a 6:30 minute feeding window from noon until 6:30 PM (and could "cheat" until 8 PM).
Eventually I moved to OMAD and now only eat once a day between 12PM-1PM with the occasional cheat day where I'll eat something terrible (usually I go out for ice cream with my wife) outside my feeding window. This is mostly just to shock my system and let it know I'm not actually starving. The trick here is to keep the cheat days to a minimum.
With that being said, I'm only 10 lbs. from my high school weight and dropped all of the weight I gained since moving from construction work to an IT desk job. I can vouch for intermittent fasting/OMAD. I do not do keto but I have cut a lot of sugar and carbohydrates from my diet. I still eat rice and pasta, but not in huge quantities.
With fasting, I think it's important to start off doing something like the 16/8. Eventually you'll hit a wall and won't see much progress.
Slightly changing your routine, even if it's to eat more on a "cheat" day (counter-intuitive, I know) can work wonders as well.
I don't view what I'm doing as a diet, but more as a lifestyle change. Have to say it's pretty amazing to be reducing my grocery bill in spite of what Sleepy Joe and his minions are doing to our economy.
What's with all these posts about what Mike Pompeo looks like??? Have you WATCHED HIS INTERVIEWS? The guy never changes. He is always deliberate with every word he utters, never fills the room with ums and ahs, stares the listener STRAIGHT IN THE EYE, and repeats the same truths in every interview.
Does no one use their intuition anymore? The man inside the fit, tanned body has not changed!
People often DO look like a completely different person when they lose a tremendous amount of weight. Seems he and DJT have both got into fighting shape this past year.
Mike is losing weight.
Good for him!
What a transformation.
I had a good look at images of Pompeo based on date and I'm 100% sure it's him.
My good friend, who introduced me to Q in 2018 always told me that Everything on tv related to Trump that says "Live," was almost never actually "Live." According to my buddy, before these recent photos and videos, everything we've seen of Trump and Pompeo and some others were pre recorded for security reasons. They all looks so different because we haven't actually seen their true present form in a couple years.
Also, bullet proof vests are bulky.
Pelosi knew President Trump was covered in body armor and she mocked him for being "morbidly obese" in hopes she could shame him into removing the body armor. It didn't work.
I like to think the same thing about the AZ ballot audits and although I spent hours watching the livestreams and reporting anything that was even slightly odd... I always hoped the audits were completed months prior to ensure the Harry Potter Banking Goblins were unable to interfere and what we were watching were months old video recordings.
Ooooo I like this theory. It ties in with my theory that even Trump rallies may not be the real Trump. My theory was they mostly went underground when Trump said (paraphrase) "I removed the middle men, names you have never heard of that have more money than you can imagine. I made a lot of wealthy people very very angry and you might not see me for awhile."
Ive been to recent rallies up close. That is Trump.
Could be our buddy, the Trump Impersonator. He's so good it would be hard to tell. Kek!
I've had the same thought.
trump's a gemini. twins at the very least. hence the red tie/blue tie thing.
Not saying we haven't seen them at all, saying that we have seen less of them than we think. I'm thinking it is real Trump at rallies now because he has massive security including blast screens at the last one I think.
By the same token people rarely actually see fauci, Pelosi, obama, etc...they make appearances allegedly but I see very few videos where it is definitely them in public because we know they would be getting yelled at. Some of the other henchman are around but all the big Dawgs are quiet.
Are you sure it's not just a clone or maybe james woods in disguise? /sarcasm
He is a good looking man.
Great Taste, Less Filling...Pompeo Lite
Yeah, he has obviously gone on some sort of low carb regimen to lose that much weight that quickly and without being a very athletic guy
GOOD FOR YOU, MR. VICE PRES—oh wait. Too soon?
Pompeo, Trump and others all seem to have lost weight and have a glow about them.
Perks of not fighting 24/7. Some little rest does miracles to you
Not having to wear body armor also slims a person down...
Yeah but in Pompeo's case he looks to have dropped something like 40-50 lbs.
This dude got serious as a heart attack—about not having one.
The only answer you need is "Medbeds" it completely clears everything of all health issues including fat/metals from the body as many sources has claimed from 3rd Parties. I have no sources but I believe the med-beds will be used to save many of the vaxxed. However take with a pinch of salt but to me it's very plausible!
I'm waiting on this as well. Picking up MBed and ResMed tokens in anticipation.
same was said about Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai with the 10 Commandments
Apparently he had 15 at first but accidentally dropped one of the three stone tablets
Or was that only in that Mel Brooks movie....
I would bet it's the lowered stress level. My husband dropped almost 40 pounds after he retired without changing a thing in his diet or (non) exercise routine.
Getting trimmed for the VP job.
Exactly what I wrote before seeing yours, kekekek
Lost weight and got a tan. Looks like he’s been spending time in Florida.
Winter White House?
I don't know about you guys, but I like the original actor who played this character in the first series.
Skin imperfections are 1:1, same guy
Lemme guess…keto with x22 ?
lol all those ketones do is raise your ketone level, it's like wiping someone else's sweat on your brow and saying you work out. Ketones are what your body produces naturally to burn fat when you eat keto.
Here a pic of Pompeo when he was a cadet for reference.
Bet he is planning a Veep run with the real POTUS.
Ex cia? Said himself they got up to lots of stuff they should not have done....George Webb didn't trust him and he is a great researcher
He wasn't company. Trump appointed him there briefly.
Excellent point. He was only director, never an agent.
Gina Haspel is the one who was company for 30 yrs. before getting the top job.
And where is she now...?
Don't understand your ...wasn't company? What company?
Now I question if new slang is pushed on every generation as a form of control, since language is constantly shifting adding to our amnesia society.
Technically "The company" is slang for the blackwater group aka the mercenaries that CIA USED to hire out. Ex. 13 Hours the movie shows this.
Maybe! I haven't been around enough to know. I've only heard that distinction of the blackwater group.
He was military before he was CIA and SoS. I’m hoping that was incredibly strategic planning.
George "Old Mossad" Webb?
He looks great.....everyone wants to be super healthy for the tough battle ahead. Good job Mike!!!
More noticeable on a picture from a few days ago:
Any side-by-side and you would swear its a different person entirely, based purely on the image.
That illustrates the point I made perfectly, they dont look at all like the same people.
If he had hid from all media engagements for multiple years and hit the gym and all that, or had cancer or some other illness that causes wasting.. then I could see a change being fairly substantive... But this as far as I know has not happened.
Looks shady as fuck to me. I dont know of any 'good' people that use body double or doppelganger shenanigans, only the bad ones.
You got to compare the side profile shot in the twitter pic. I didn’t link a front portrait. We can easily do that, too though
You can overlay the images and the moles and such line up, as do eyes and the rest of facial features
Skin imperfections align 1:1. Absolutely the same person.
He lost weight and got a tan. How is that shady?
Because these things just dont happen practically overnight, they take time and hard work right? Where is the timeline of the gradual improving fitness and health of this person that spends a lot of time in front of cameras?
Sept 27, not as slim, but slimmer than January.
Sept 4
Sept 3
Aug 27
All I am doing is going backwards through his twitter timeline. Some new posts have old photos from previous political ops.
August he is not as tan, so probably did a spray tan or something for recent pic. But you can see the weight difference over time.
This took me 25 mins of my time to help sort you out but you have probably made up your mind. Same guy.
Do you understand the point I've made? If someone turns up with a 2nd head one day and everyone is all 'thats how they always have looked', thats fuckery afoot. There has to be a plausible continuum to validate that its a genuine change.
If it helps illustrate this concept further, the supposed crooked hillary now is quite a number of inches shorter than she has been in the past, like 8 inches shorter, not even a subtle difference. There are current threads about this on ga.w right now, but its certainly not a new observation. If she was getting shorter in photo after photo over the years, then it could be attributable to some weird disease. But what happens when some radically different crooked hillary just turns up one day?
My word... It still looks like it is him, but only if he has lost a lot of weight. Saying that, most of america is fighting obesity in some way, shape, or form, so good on him for losing it!
...which is the direct fault of the medical establishment, in cahoots with Big Sugar and Big Pharma, seeing to it intentionally
Looking good. Definitely weight loss.
Could be stress or just taking better care of him self.
Getting himself in shape for battle. He looks ready.
You can spend a lot less money taking those suits into a tailor for readjustment.
did the distance between your eyes change ?
People say he is losing weight but I might have to agree, some of those facial features are a little suspect as to it being him.
Eat meat, lift weights.
16/8 is all you need. Literally don't even have to get off ur rear to lose.
It's one style of intermittent fasting. This has you fasting for 16 hours and consuming all your calories in an 8 hour window. Most skip breakfaat or dinner so that you are asleep for the majority of that 16 hours.
It may sound hard, or crazy, unhealthy. But actor Terry Crews, for example, fasts intermittently and....well, look at him.
Then you were accidentally doing the right thing all those years! lol
I've been eating one meal a day for a couple of years - at least. You get so that you don't get hungry in between those one-per-day meals.
My meal is fairly big and keto - eggs, meat, some berries and some veggies, one slice of keto bread, a green drink and coffee, butter and sour cream.
That's about it for over two years. Take a lot of supplements - vitamins and minerals and brain food.
Dr. Sten Ekberg covers diet and healthy eating and dives deeply into physiology.
Here's a link to his YouTube channel-
Another YouTuber I like to watch is Thomas DeLauer-
Both of these people cover keto and intermittent fasting and are very thorough in that regard.
16/8 is an 8 hr feeding window and is a common way people start intermittent fasting.
You skip breakfast and eat from noon until 8PM. Myself, I started off with a 6:30 minute feeding window from noon until 6:30 PM (and could "cheat" until 8 PM).
Eventually I moved to OMAD and now only eat once a day between 12PM-1PM with the occasional cheat day where I'll eat something terrible (usually I go out for ice cream with my wife) outside my feeding window. This is mostly just to shock my system and let it know I'm not actually starving. The trick here is to keep the cheat days to a minimum.
With that being said, I'm only 10 lbs. from my high school weight and dropped all of the weight I gained since moving from construction work to an IT desk job. I can vouch for intermittent fasting/OMAD. I do not do keto but I have cut a lot of sugar and carbohydrates from my diet. I still eat rice and pasta, but not in huge quantities.
With fasting, I think it's important to start off doing something like the 16/8. Eventually you'll hit a wall and won't see much progress.
Slightly changing your routine, even if it's to eat more on a "cheat" day (counter-intuitive, I know) can work wonders as well.
I don't view what I'm doing as a diet, but more as a lifestyle change. Have to say it's pretty amazing to be reducing my grocery bill in spite of what Sleepy Joe and his minions are doing to our economy.
Intermittent fasting, you keep everything to an 8 hour window for food consumption and fast the other 16.
What's with all these posts about what Mike Pompeo looks like??? Have you WATCHED HIS INTERVIEWS? The guy never changes. He is always deliberate with every word he utters, never fills the room with ums and ahs, stares the listener STRAIGHT IN THE EYE, and repeats the same truths in every interview. Does no one use their intuition anymore? The man inside the fit, tanned body has not changed!
Maybe there all getting to use the Med Beds first.
Indeed weight makes the difference
He looks so healthy
Damn, two months is not a long time but skimmed through his images and he’s done a very dramatic weight loss there.
Nice & fit 💪🏼
Wonder if he'll run for office?
People often DO look like a completely different person when they lose a tremendous amount of weight. Seems he and DJT have both got into fighting shape this past year.
He's going to run for president, losing weight is a huge plus in that.
Great Taste, Less Filling,,,Pompeo Lite
It looks like he lost weight, of course he looks different.
Would make sense if he really wanted to run for prez in 2024.
I kept hearing he wants to primary Trump???
Good luck with that.
Lost a ton of weight.
Hard not to notice since fake news quoted him as wanting to "primary" Trump. Looks like Kansas got the Kim Jung Un special.
It’s said he wants to primary Trump.
He wants to be a part of the primary. Pompeo is a Tea Partier, and he knows if he speaks out against Trump he'll lose a lot of support.
If Trump/Pompeo is the ticket, I think they can't lose (until 4am the morning after election night).
Trump/Pompeo or Trump/DeSantis are winning tickets.
in the top left photo he bears a striking resemblance to Ghislaine
Yeah, he doesn’t look like himself. Of course, he’s C_A. That fact still disturbs me.
Definitely not a company man...
Judging by the fact he hasn't resized his wardrobe I think he might just be homeless.