May allow significant to Chicago news “i.e. events that have the impact of the George Floyd and Adam Toledo shootings, Ed Burke corruption charges, etc.”
OK, so technically sound is just energy waves and doesn't actually become "sound" until it hits someone's eardrums so the answer to that question is no.
I can attest. I used to live there. And I’ve posted there too. Two weeks after I moved there was a shooting in front of my house in the burbs. And a dead body dumped in my alley. Car jackings are way up in the burbs. Shootings ion the highways. Tourists getting beaten by mobs in the loop. I grew up there when it wasn’t like this. Chicago PD will tell you that what you hear about is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s bad. And not getting better any time soon.
I got banned from the Spokane WA sub for posting original content of me interviewing people on the topic of masks. It was polite civil discussion but I was still banned.
Funny, at first glance I thought Reddit was going to try to eliminate crime in Chicago during November by some kind of community outreach. Nope - they just won’t let you post about it.
The only crimes anyone that reads reddit are going to commit are crimes they can commit sitting in their parent's basement eating Doritos.
That is an excellent quote.
Ya but how hard is it for them to lure children into said basement
Probably doing drugs is the peak of their existence. Or furry pr0n.
"Don't confront us with the consequences of our failed leftist la la we can't hear you la la la." - retarddit 🙉 🙈 🙊
May allow significant to Chicago news “i.e. events that have the impact of the George Floyd and Adam Toledo shootings, Ed Burke corruption charges, etc.”
Code for “fits our narrative”
Well you know the left's mantra. If it's not talked about, it didn't happen.
A big eye opener for me was the New Years rapes in Europe a few years back. Not talked about much and I realized what else wasn’t being reported
OK, so technically sound is just energy waves and doesn't actually become "sound" until it hits someone's eardrums so the answer to that question is no.
Sorry not sorry.
Lol, if they don't talk about it on reddit it won't exist.
Nice link!
I can attest. I used to live there. And I’ve posted there too. Two weeks after I moved there was a shooting in front of my house in the burbs. And a dead body dumped in my alley. Car jackings are way up in the burbs. Shootings ion the highways. Tourists getting beaten by mobs in the loop. I grew up there when it wasn’t like this. Chicago PD will tell you that what you hear about is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s bad. And not getting better any time soon.
Sad but true. I was almost carjacked here a week ago. I want my city back.
Wow, incredible.
I got banned from the Spokane WA sub for posting original content of me interviewing people on the topic of masks. It was polite civil discussion but I was still banned.
Freedom of Speech..
Watch what you say..
The is no freedom of speech in a cesspool.
Poor reddit mods, working their tails off to hide the fact that Chicago is a crime-ridden liberal shit hole.
So if no one talks about it then it didn't happen? SMH...
Somebody hacked the FBI's email system, someone should hack theirs.
This is fucking evil. Plain & simple 😳
Let's all hold hands, sing "Kumbaya" and unload our ammo for a month! Yeah - THAT'll work.
everything is fine if you just ignore the issues.
Yes because the way to deal with problems is just not to talk about them or even allow mention of them any more.
So we can do that with race, then. Punish anyone who brings up that inherently divisive topic. Thanks!
Next thing you know, pedophilia is a sexuality. Get the rope !
Hide the crime except when its white on black crime, is that how I read it?
Head in Sand November
That leaves them nothing to talk about
the solution is easy, lock the sub and approve users that live there.
bet it won't stop
Because we all know ignoring a growing problem always makes things better
Typical retarded leftist logic.
Delusional but in line with leftist policy so
Why do these mods or any mods think that their job is to delete posts and threads....and decide what is and isn’t worthy of censorship....
They cannot even see the irony let alone the principle....!
Interesting that they are blocking it for November. It reeks of election fraud cover up.
Funny, at first glance I thought Reddit was going to try to eliminate crime in Chicago during November by some kind of community outreach. Nope - they just won’t let you post about it.
Sorry for the good folks stuck in Chicago. For the rest that can leave and don't, fix your fucking shit.
Or just not report it and act like it never happened, just like VAERS doesn't have any adverse event reports about the jab.
Actually that's for your, and everyone else's safety.
you know.
The THiNG..!