Fauci says that American babies and toddlers could receive the COVID vaccine by the first quarter of 2022, assuming everything goes according to plan. They now are coming for the babies!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Over my dead body!
Mine two. I'm so glad I had my youngest early 2020 and I don't have to go near a hospital
My baby is 22 - but my grandbabies will NEVER EVER get the jab as long a their granny is alive! Thank you sweet Jesus that my oldest is against the jab for herself - I can't imagine her giving it to her babies! God Bless Fren and stay safe!
Thanks very much. We are all healthy My oldest who is 17 has only been to the hospital twice. My daughter 8 once, my son 4, and my son 1 were only in the hospital when born. So I'm blessed to have healthy kids and I can stay far far away from those monsters
Pregnant women already been killing their babies doing this.
You don't have to take the vaccine.
Tell that to Australia.
Came here to say that!!
I suppose some liberal parents are that stupid.
If they are trying to depopulate the U.S., then allowing liberals to depopulate their own families first is probably the best way to go about it.
I know some purportedly conservative Christian folks who have fallen hard for this whole coof psyop. And they will undoubtedly run out and have their tiny munchkins poked as soon as it's available. It makes me very sad and worried for their children.
this is like that UK TV show Utopia ffs
Mary, the same thing entered my head immediately after reading the headline of this post. "I wonder if this is the straw that finally breaks the camel's back. Is this the one where the slumbering lemmings finally wake up?"
I think it might be. I sure as hell hope it might be.
No it won't wake up anyone. We had a beer league softball teammate lose their 33 year old boyfriend a couple of weeks after he got the jab. He stroked out at work. Today I saw another teammate post a picture of his 5 year old with his super hero vax bandaid. Everyone was posting want a hero the kid is. People are stupid.
Difficult to bet against American stupidity :(
No thank you! My babies both have that good ol’ fashioned natural immunity. I literally just got over Covid, at 8 months pregnant, so the little one in my belly is getting all those sweet antibodies. My toddler got it and recovered same time as me, so he’s covered.
Speaking from experience: my 2 year old sprung back SUPER quick and never seemed bothered at all... I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would give an experimental shot to a small child for a cold/flu that really doesn’t carry any risk to them is beyond me.
It's astounding how powerful the brainwashing is isn't it? These people are just so emotionally invested in the idea that if you don't get vaccinated or vaccinate your kids once the government gives the go ahead, it means you don't care about their lives and if they catch covid and end up hospitalized, you'll be vilified for having been unvaccinated.
And if you disagree with their line of thinking, you're just selfish and ignorant for being so anti science. And if you try and have a logical discussion with them, they'll scream at you or ignore you outright.
I'm only 27, but even throughout all my advanced Psychology courses in college, I never thought I'd see so many of the theoretical conditioning concepts be implemented so effectively on such a vast scale as this.
Why is this guy not in front of a firing squad or in prison. This is genocide.
Translation: you won’t let us abort newborns, we’ll just kill them legally within a few hours/days/months and do it that way.
Yikes. I have close acquaintances who have babies around the ages of my younger two (3, 16 months) who will absolutely run to their pediatrician as soon as it's available. And, things may hit even closer to home with my young nieces and nephews soon; apparently the watchtower organization (Jehovah's witnesses) is either condoning or not condemning it because my older half siblings have fallen for the whole coof psyop and gotten their clot shots, so I'm sure they'll jump on board for it as well.
I thought infants and babies were not susceptible the COVID 19, now all the sudden we have to vaccinate them? Fauci is a war criminal.
Next your dog, cat, hamsters???
Seriously, they won't give it to dogs and cats... all the test animals died... it's like dogs being left in Afghanistan... idiots don't care about human babies but start killing off the pets and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Maybe it time we say to vaccinate house pets, especially if you are a Biden lover.
We should, it'd be way better than killing humans.
it's pretty horrible either way tbh
Funniest part about that article: "Fauxi says 'you've got to do a clinical trial'"... Since when? All the other "kid approvals" were based on pretty much 0 data and a trial that just tested for antibodies in a cohort too small to observe side effects. And naturally no long term data at all.
It makes me so angry!
What is the Q team waiting for exactly?
This might be it. Children are every one on this planet's future.
I sure hope so fren. Beyond tired of this shit
Someone needs to do "SOMETHING" to those buildings/conferences when those fuckers have their annual meetings.
It's a great opportunity while their sitting on their bubble wrapped butts. And fucking BAN those murder meetings.
We’d all like to have that answer!
Trust the plan !!
After all DJT says he is the FATHER of the vaccine and he signed this EO on Sep 2019:
Everything will not be going according to plan. The Lord has stepped in and will put an end to these evil doers plans. Justice is coming. (There end is near).
From your lips to God’s ear..,
I don't even care anymore. If you vax your kid or infant you fucking deserve to lose them. Millions upon millions of us have been screaming warnings for 2 years now. You get what you fucking deserve.
The kids definitely do not deserve it regardless of what their parents do - your comment makes no sense. So the kids fucking deserve it cos their parents gave it to them ? Right got it
Oh no
The parents get what they deserve. We have been screaming for nearly 2 years about all of the bullshit going on. Oh no some kids will die. Small price to pay to being sanity back to the entire world so that we all aren't fucking genocided by vaccines. Sorry if that hurts your delicate sensibilities.
Nah it does not dont worry too much about it, interesting what you say tho, considering DJT is calling himself the Father of the vaccine as well as signing EO's around vaccines a few short months prior to the covid 'outbreak'
Fuck off with that shit. And he also said it's a persons choice and NO ONE should be forced. Again. Fuck off with that shit.
Sorry if that hurts your delicate sensibilities - LOOOOOL
You claim we are being genocided by vaccines but its nothing to do with the "Father of the Vaccine" cos he said you dont have to take it if you dont want to - WOW
And the stupid mothers will just hand them over. Out of sympathy for these useful idiots.
For a flipping COLD! Let that sink in!
Gee I can't wait to continue waiting for the plan while they inject all of our children with poison, while simultaneously being called a shill or doomer by the only forum paying any attention anyway is the biggest personal black pill for me. :(
You are not alone, fren.
God help us all! 🙏
lol... in the midwest.. the "news" stories were saying that deer were tested and had a high percentage of covid.... so... as a duty to my fellow man, i went out hunting to rid our region of those garden destroying monsters!! i'm on a crusade to save local vegetation one deer at a time so that those plants can LIVE and give us all the oxygen we need!!
CAN WE CALL 2022 - “XX22” to make everyone here picture Dave in Giant undies?
Careful who you follow.
Let’s talk about your health ina. Vpn
Looks like we'll be back to birthing babies at home..... you KNOW they'll be jabbing the babies without parental consent or knowledge
Abortion isn't good enough for their child sacrifices now. They know their master wants more. GOD HELP US PLEASE.
Hope he’s the one we come after soon.
Will most mommies be that ignorant by then?
What’s this evil cocksuckers address? You ever notice Libs have all the GOP fuckers office locations, where they are, trap them in elevators? Why the hell aren’t Patriots doing this shit? Follow AOC everywhere and call her a commie that hates America. Follow that other cunt around talking how she married her brother. Find Romney’s office and let home know what a piece of garbage he is!
Infuriating, I’m still stunned at the amount of parents letting or making their children, of any age, get this bioengineered human depopulation weapon.
Why would they stop? They began jabbing 5 year olds amd nobody stopped them.
Please Lord Remember what happened to the first born of Egypt when the Hebrew children were killed! I beg him to protect!
Every single nurse and Dr in my area will tell you the vaccine is safe. Fortunately, my baby is 34 years old. She got the vaccine and I just said to her this weekend that the vaccine is no good after 6 months. I told her I would not recommend the booster. She's an adult and she can decide for herself.
Looks like we will be losing at least one little one at our daycare. The parents are brain dead, the only love, care, and structure these kids get is with us.
Someone needs to blow his brains out...
It only makes sense when you consider they want us ALL GONE. Every fuckin' one. Making murder on them is only SELF DEFENSE.