what i mean by that is . you and i don't know him personally. in my point of view i don't trust kyle. i haven't from the start. i don't know a single person who would go to a riot with a gun to defend anything. that's like my friends pulling out their guns and going to the riots that were near me. its just unheard of.
ill be really honest with all of you here. i see this case as a massive honey pot everything about the lin wood drama stinks to high heaven
the fact that all 3 people he shot at were criminals and one of them was just released a day before makes me believe it was all setup like that so the patriots will scream at the top of their lungs. what better way to make a patriots heart swoon then to have the people that died be criminals. it gave us an easy narrative to distract ourselves with
i take everything with a grain of salt.
the only concrete things i know for sure are: the mask doesn't work and the vaccine kills. both of these i witnessed first hand. aside from that i don't trust lin wood. i don't trust flynn. i don't trust powell. i don't trust them all. I DONT KNOW THEM and neither do most of us. some have maybe exchanged words with those people but as a whole we don't know who these people are or what their thinking on the day to day
im making this post because im seeing people starting to poke holes in this story and i wanted to remind everyone TO QUESTION EVERYTHING. just because on the surface everything seemed like self defense doesn't mean there aren't other things happening behind the scenes
The only person I trust unequivocally are my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Everybody else is suspect.
Now there's a comment I can totally agree with. Well said.
Although I agree with you, even my wife and kids have disappointed me at one time or another. Jesus Christ has never disappointed me. There have been times when I thought He had but in hindsight, it was always for my good. What I really meant was that anybody in the public spotlight these days are suspect. We don’t know what their agenda is.
I think we can all fairly trust Donald Trump. He has shown his true colors as a patriot. I trust both Jesus and Trump 100%. They both came to save us as a people.
Anybody that the career politicians and lame stream media vilify and demonize get put into the “more trustworthy” column in my book.
Yep people can be corrupted.
I agree with you that we need to keep ourselves sharp. A lot of things are weird....
Why is Trump pushing the jab? Why did the AZ audit die right in front of us? Why are we constantly being told a "big" thing will happen, then doesn't? Who really is putting up and taking down the fence in DC, and why? Why doesn't FJB live in the WH? Why does is seem like the new SC justices are more liberal minded?
I do know this though..... People are truly waking up all over the world.... FJB/admin aren't doing most things as a TRUE presidential admin.....tons of retirements are happening....other states are still perusing election fraud...bad politicians are being exposed....sex trafficking is being exposed.....JE didn't kill himself.....
The plan is being played out.... Some days I "enjoy" and some days I'm impatient.... But we do need to stay sharp for sure...
Biden leaving all that equipment in Afghanistan was super weird.
Giving it to China who owns him RE Hunters laptop so not really weird.
He wanted to arm the Taliban so they could kill more Americans. JB is a treasonous asshole!
Almost like saying, “sorry for all the death and war, have this military gear as our apology and a way to fight off china”. Signed - US Tax Payers
I know two things too: Kyle was innocent, and his trial wasn't about him but ALL of our right to self defense with a firearm.
I don't know the truth about all this, and I don't know if we ever will. But I like how you're thinking this through, with good insight. Question everything!
How did they set it up to have 2 people allow themselves to be shot and killed"? I can't think of anyone who would sign up for that?
I don't think this idea makes sense.
Do you believe 26 children ACTUALLY died at Sandy Hook elementary? Crises actors can always fake dying....
yes i saw the video. im not saying its fake. if anything im alluding to it being much worse than that. a planned scare event
but my primary point is that everything isnt black and white and that we must question everything. at the very least the interviews raise some eyebrows
Why don't you use capital letters?
The people who post in all caps must have used them all.
I'm not saying the Kyle thing wasn't legit.... Just saying it seemed too contrived....
Cream & honey plz?
I'm not saying anything is fake or not fake but the people who go about faking these things are prop experts for hollywood, they have decades of experience of making wounds look so real it makes your mrs look away. Think on it.
MK Ultra
Took the words out of my ready to type fingers. No one died at SH and to most, that sounds totally insane. Yet I have enough info for anyone to shift their thinking into viewing it as a total hoax. I see some similar patterns here. I've seen a video where it looks like the court room is a green screen. There was a clip on South Park on 11/18 showing a red car driving into a street full of people and hitting kids. MKultra is often used. People are set up at patsies like I believe the Saranov brothers were in the BB. There is much more to this Kyle Rittenhouse event than we know, but questioning it is putting us on the right track.
i have no doubt in my mind that family's are trained from birth to have normal lifestyles up until a certain point where a trigger is pulled subconsciously to do something that was implanted in them at birth. and by implant i mean mk ultra tatics
There's video of people being shot in the street, i'd say given the methods and circumstances it would be difficult to fake. This was not done in the way Sandy Hook was were there was only video after the fact.
Fair enough....
But Sandy Hook was meant to convince us to give up our guns.... They WANTED the shooting to be real. They purposefully didn't insert video of during it...it would have destroyed their narrative
The Kyle thing was a different direction...isn't it funny that videos surfaced that "just happened" to have a good view to prove him innocent? Not saying it's black hat, just saying it seems contrived...
Well someone convinced the FBI to give up their drone footage too.... which goes along with what you are saying.
Keep in mind that everyone has a video recording device now, and many many people record at events. I don't think it's so unusual to have good video nowadays. In fact i'd probably argue that it's more suspicious when there ISN'T good video (a la Sandy Hook, since it's being discussed elsewhere in this thread)
my answer to that is. do we know everything about satanic rituals and what they might require?
do we have video of the dead body INSIDE the ambulance when it was carried away?
i agree on the surface. why would people agree to be shot? but then i think if i was the deep state how far would i go to make something believable? blackmail?
maybe the criminals really were criminals BUT klye being there in the fiirst place IS the "honey pot" and an event was suppose to take place regardless of who was in kyles way.
my point is everything seems to coincidental and too perfect and with the new info coming out the story just gets weirder
I agree there are some issues happening even now. Personally I don't think it is a honey pot. I think for the right it was a unifying moment, and now the leftists are trying to drive a wedge based on that. I see these disagreements et al, as being the pointy edge of the wedge, trying to split us into two camps instead of one large one.
It's fully fake, from the first event but also including the trial.
People sign up and are paid to die in movies regularly.
Not that I believe it but. Well if they was told "there is lots of chatter that will be a mass shooter 17yr old with purple gloves and if you kill him your a heroe, and we will make you a honorary Cia scout". The left will drink up any half ass made up excuse for why "Your country and this agency is depending on you." If same agency already had been prepping that kid for some real time cqb then some over enthusiastic leftards would be a walk in the park for a trained 17 year old
We do know that Rittenhouse came into contact with these guys earlier in the day/evening, and they said at that point they wanted to kill him. That was in the trial I think.
Who taught Rittenhouse to shoot? To handle the weapon? He was obviously trained by someone with some serious knowledge.... So that part sort of supports your argument. I don't believe that those on the ground had any foreknowledge of him however before the threats earlier in the day....
Just my opinion....
Not making a counter argument for the scenario, most likely was a random situation and his hours of FPS games finally paid off. Just saying what could have been a possibility. Anything is possible when it comes to clowns. Shit they could have all been mkultra'd and willingly did the whole thing sacrifice and all. Shit they somehow convinced the whole world to attempt suicide.
No, games won't teach you how to shoot, especially if you're moving around. About all they can teach is the most basic of basics about ballistics, and that it's easier to shoot at something moving towards you than to the side.
Oh I know, and that's the most likely case, maybe trained by wet worx squads. just saying this world can be surprising, even a small chance he could have just pulled that out of his ass and is some combat Autist, from watching Heat, Blackhawkdown, John wick and mimic it to perfection. Fluke and he sux and can't do that shit again if he tried. Once we went shooting and a buddy was fucking around, we had hung up 4 bottles in the trees and this mf straight up was joking around and said watch this. Through up the gun let off 4 I'm a come seconds and hit all four at 50 yards with a 10mm glock. Not aiming or stance right. Just half ass, was just as surprised as we was. That was 13 years ago and he tries it every time we go shooting since and still can't even come close to doing it agian.
Mulder Rule: Question Everything. Trust No One.
Not to misconstrued towards faith. We can abandon trust in fallible men all while strengthening our faith in God.
My theory on Flynn/Powell/Wood and maybe even Lindell is that they all WANT to insert themselves into a plan that THEY have no idea what is going on and have been told to stand down with their info... None of them have truly done anything to seem like they are flat out against the plan..
I would believe that for Wood, not that I don't like him, but Flynn and Powell were Officially involved with the administration where Lynn was always on the periphery. If anyone was trying to inject themselves I would say it'd be LW
I think LW’s recent over the top antics are a reflection of his frustration that he’s not been taken seriously. He’s killing his own messages with his behavior. Division in the ranks being the only harvest.
What behavior are you referring to?
Ya know what…I’ve been reading about all this seemingly all day, and I don’t know what to think anymore?
I'd have to agree with you on that.
Part of me thinks that IS Linn's role, to be over the top and distract the DS.
I hear you. I’ve been reading about all this seemingly all day, and I don’t know what to think anymore. The thought of any of our core Patriots not doing the right thing really bothers me.
Kyle’s political views DONT MATTER. All that matters is that he defended himself and won in a court of law. I still hope he sues CNN into chapter 11.
I certainly am NOT aligned with anyone that says they don't believe in election fraud or in Q. Someone is manipulating Kyle for their own agenda.
I stand with Lin Wood though. He is a fundamentalist Christian and is proud to acknowledge his salvation through Jesus Christ (just like I am).
Mike Flynn appears to be a good guy although the prayer he said (and carries around on a card) has its genesis in a false satanic prophet (Elizabeth Clare Prophet) see here. Also Flynn thrived in the Obama administration and was very friendly with Susan Rice. Hmmm.
Patrick Byrne is a current member of CFR so he is not to be trusted.
These maniacs on the left always attack those that represent the biggest threat to them. This is a coordinated attack on Lin Wood. I hope he has a good security detail around him. These people have a history of murdering those that dare speak against them (Shawn Lucas and Seth Rich).
heres my thing. pretty much every single person that supported kyle believes in some sort of election fraud or Q. idk about kyle but if i were in his shoes i would be looking at what people say about me and what they support. that fact that he said that about Q and election fraud is weird because he HAS to know that most of use support that right? at the very least the election fraud stuff. imagine turning your back on the crowd that supported you
it really seems like they are trying to split us apart within our own community by having him say stuff like that
We don't know what Kyle knows, when you're tied up in a court case devouring your life for a year and in hiding who knows how much he's learned on his own vs being fed by others while in hiding.
At this moment in time I think this is the most reasonable explanation for Kyle's post courthouse statements:
Meet David Hancock: Ex-Navy SEAL Accused of Controlling Kyle Rittenhouse’s Finances, Contact With LawyersNovember 27, 2021
David Hancock, the former Navy SEAL responsible for involving lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce in Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense efforts, reportedly also manages the teen’s finances and contacts while being subject to a $1 million lawsuit.
Attorney Robert Barnes claims Hancock essentially “kidnapped” the family, and former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne believes Rittenhouse is being “manipulated.” https://ussanews.com/meet-david-hancock-ex-navy-seal-accused-of-controlling-kyle-rittenhouses-finances-contact-with-lawyers/
Kyle is exceptional in many ways, but he's still just a kid. He is idealistic and naive. In fact, he was videotaped that night saying he was there to render medical aid and brought the gun because it was dangerous. I think he's being manipulated for other people's agendas and that is sad. Time will tell.
There's sleepers on both sides.
Yeah, his "Buddy" just happens to leave his side right before the main event
I would go with a gun. Just because you don't know anyone in your bubble if 10 people doesn't make it strange. Jesus, this is a stretch.
if i personally heard about something going on near me and i was able to open carry and walk over there i would do that. that's the thing tho. everyone is so disconnected here that you don't hear about these types of things and/or people willing to confront them. so it just ends up happening. i do admit i may have different outlook had i been in the type of area he was in
As soon as I heard about the acquittal I loaded up mags and kept one of my ARs in the trunk just in case anything happened that weekend.
Both sides are engaging in Psyop. We dont know Q either...yet we are here. I trust Flynn I trust Sidney I trust Lin. As for Kyle....its more than likely hes being played. I mean theres evidence of greenscreen in court video. Then he went to stay at the winter white house....if he isnt part of white hats psyop then he must have been there to be clued in . There's only one to whom trust can be banked fully...Lord Jesus. Everything those I trust mentioned above have been all we have dug and found soundness in. Lin has nothing to gain and all to lose.....a defamation lawyer of his magnitude doesn't go out saying things he cant back up. . Theres no place for fence sitting here. Those who fence sit aid in our suppression. It isnt smart to fence sit. You're either all in or your all out. It takes conviction and courage to pick a side and stick with it. Salt is for food. Not decision making. Time for waffling on the fence is over. Maybe, just maybe we arent to pick a side. Maybe this is all to make us make our own side. If the saying as America goes so goes the world holds any weight..maybe we need to stop debating and start getting organized and lead the way rather than watch the rest of the world stand. Our protests should dwarf all others. Because were the biggest nation. Either way it's about time people get off the fence. We've already had way too much hang time on the subject. Time to channel Reagan...."Trust,...but verify".
I'd add possibly crisis actor production movie set "shot 3 people"
I agree, good reminder. We need to be wise
Kyle slammed lin woods who personally guaranteed $150,000 in bail monies and who helped collect the full 2 million. I say drop kayle support like a hot potato. we dont need such ingrates in our minds or hearts.
Same I unsubscribed from the mailing list right after hearing him support BLM. I wish him luck on his defamation lawsuits as they hurt our enemies but I'd never donate again now that he's free.
During the interview with Tucker he made the point that he couldn't really agree that he would do the same thing over again.. that he was essentially mistaken in what he did. Heroes usually take the view that they would do the exact thing over again.. since without a person to step up, evil can rampage unchecked.. something intolerable to actual heroes.
So while refreshingly honest, he doesnt sound like a hero by that measure.
I think it's more likely that a naive kid went to a leftist riot, and shot some leftists... They were all criminals rioting, and you find it odd that they had criminal records? They were blm/antifa... Of course they were pedos. If he had shot 10 other leftists he would have hit another 5 pedos and 5 stranglers
"i don't know a single person who would go to a riot with a gun to defend anything."
Probably because your home and the shit depend on to make a living isn't under threat.
i had my house broken into and many people i know have been thru some shit. this is nyc after all. the one thing people don't do here is go into riots with a gun. its just never a good idea no matter what your trying to save when it comes to the city. idk how it is else were. it would be great if it was more community based and we were all together in the same fight but its not like that here. your closest neighbor you barely know nothing about here.
Yes I know people are used to being doormats in left wing authoritarian shitholes. Kenosha has a population less than 100k and it isn't that blue even with "fortification." He was there before the riots started.
its more like we as a whole in the city are one big door mat because we are not all on the same page. there are many patriots in ny. they outnumber the the lefties. you just dont see it because they are in the buildings wokring. we are not door mats. we are separated. the protests are getting bigger everyday here. there is hope
I like your thinking. Anything hyped on the news is a distraction or some other kind of psy op. The trial did confirm our right to defend ourselves, but also makes it easier for deep state agents (blm, antifa) to bring guns to riots.
I agree HOWEVER if my business (my livelihood) was in the path of these terrorists you can bet your sweet little ass I’m there with 12 other goons doing hood rat shit. I’ve already made peace with that decision and so has my family. I’ll be dammed if decades of hard work will get trashed or burnt down to the ground by some confused little faggot.
cant argue with that
Election stolen, USA enemy-occupied. That's all I know. Stay sharp, my fren
I disagree. Watched the entire trial and all of its video footage. Kyle appeared genuine the entire time, and there is plenty of video footage to back it up. His story also makes sense: went to protect his community, and he brought a weapon to do so.
Lin Wood, on the other hand, has always struck me as an attention seeking grifter. The more video footage I watch of him, the less genuine he seems. The more communication I read from him, the less genuine he seems.
At a certain point, you have to rely on your intuition, since you can always make a rational case to doubt every person on the planet. My intuition based on many hours of video footage tells me Kyle's an unfortunate 17 year old, and Lin Wood wants donations.
war is done in layers. basically im saying that him appearing to be genuine is what they want you to see. they want you to get excited about him because they want you to talk about him. the more you talk bout him the more they divide you from those disagree with you. i agree with everything you said. on the first layer. but the one under it different opinions can be made. if that makes sense.
if you could fool all five senses how much do you think evil can get away with?
Sometimes we need to believe two seemingly contradictory things - in order to stay sane. We need heroes and leaders - but we also have to understand that things are often not what they seem.
So we can cheer when it feels right to cheer - and write a few check and carry a few signs, and talk with our friends and families. And we can pivot when we have to pivot in order to stay true to ourselves and our own fundamental values.
I think you should read the story. I have to find it and post it here.
This is an actual non-biased, very well written story about Kyle Rittenhouse. If you go down to about the seventh or eighth paragraph you’ll get a better idea of who he was before all this started.
I understand your doubts and concerns about everything these days, but maybe this will give you a better perspective of what he was going through in his life before Kenosha!
And the interview with Tucker immediately after the trial, and calm demeanor of kid Kyle considering? Suspish af
Thank you
Be happy kyle won for gun rights and the right to defend yourself.
Dont make him a celebrity or prop him up as a far right idol.
i think the best way i describe my theory is an artificial win. this was all drummed up just for the right to have a song and dance. a movie
Yes, I agree with the premise of your post - we shouldn’t blindly trust anyone or anything.
I think people like Rittenhouse may have felt compelled or were even asked to come and help protect private property because of the breakdown of law enforcement during the rioting.
Is this site being completely taken over by shills now? Are the mods having a thanksgiving hangover.
Haha idk.. but everything seems like a movie now.. I mean those videos of kyle, taking out three people on the street seemed pretty heroic. It's like we have no need for movies anymore, we can just watch the news... I mean it's legal to burn down cities now.
are you really calling me a shill? look at my history bro. im far from a shill
I agree with you Sir;
How likely was it that all of the important incidents happened on film? Especially the last one where a DRONE just happened to rise up above Kyle and capture all of the footage in hi-def from above? Something really stinks here friends.
Well said. I did pray for Kyle, and still do. But also pray for the others your mentioned. Put your trust in God, and you’ll never be lead astray.
Maybe. But, what if Kyle is a person who just wanted to help, and he was peacefully doing so (and had a rifle as a deterrent and for protection)... and things just escalated. Maybe the black hats helped target him and gave the attackers Kyle as a target. Or maybe the attackers had prior instructions to find and attack opposition.
So, I agree with you that questions are necessary, and all theories are plausible at this point. How and where do we get more info to dig into the underlying forces?
Given how many times we've seen someone draw a gun on BLm or Antifa but not shoot they might really have not been expecting someone to finally open fire.
Excellent point.
You are watching a movie. Question everything and enjoy the popcorn.
It's not enjoyable when it's actually affecting your life, popcorn people can eff off.
One massive, obvious piece is the drone footage put in the air just as the “event” unfolded with Kyle smack dabbed in the middle of the screen.
How did the FBI know?