A close patriot friend of mine who is a real estate agent has been harassed by jabbers about getting his shots. He refuses and they eventually let up. Those VERY SAME PEOPLE who were harassing him before, are now asking him for the names of the supplements he recommended them to take instead of jab. One of them even went as far as apologizing to him for giving him a hard time. His FB is full of karens who used to post about how people are selfish for not getting jabs, complaining about how they are "SICK AGAIN! THIS IS THE WORST COLD AND FLU SEASON". No idea it's the jabs.
My wifes boss and his wife are jab cunts. Both husband and wife have been sick non stop for weeks. 5 year old son got the jab and now has rashes (bloody ones) all over his body and is constantly sick. She works from home and in the mornings (we share an office) he sounds like absolute shit in their meetings. Lately he's been repeating himself and forgets meetings they had the night before.
On the radio today the DJ, (random station can't remember it), the woman who sounded like she was in a hospital bed that's how bad her voice was, thanked her colleague for taking over for 5 days because of how sick her and her son were.
The season has barely started.
Today I visited a casino out of town. I remarked to the attendant at the door how nice it was to just walk in and that in my county (same state mind you) you must show proof of vax to enter if you plan to eat or drink. She said "Why does it even matter? I have known 2 people who have died of covid after the vax and I dont know any unvaxxed people who have died of covid." People know.
If someone asks for proof of vax from me, I'm going to take a picture of them and ask for their name and address. When this is over, I want a record of who the traitors to humanity are.
I like your style, fren.
I like it
Why they’ll prob be dead
Then I guess we can let them off the hook.
People know but it takes one shrieking cunt at a workplace to make HR fold like a wet noodle. I just returned my cable box because I am leaving NY forever tomorrow and the guy behind the counter was yelling at everyone to put a mask on, from the communal box of mask, stay 6 feet apart, was ferousciously cleaning his keyboard and making people exit a specific door. It o ly takes one and unfortunately they are everywhere.
Conversely, it only takes one brave soul to tell these power-tripping maniacs "no."
What is the shrieking cunt going to do if someone from HR told her no? Try to sue the company? The mandate is illegal anyway, take it to court. What is the counter guy going to do if you tell him no? Tell you to leave? Well you were anyway. It takes a lot less energy for us to refuse than it does for them to continuously have panic attacks. This is why our side will win, we just have to keep saying no.
You will not regret moving. Sanity prevails in most red states. They’re not perfect but a way higher percentage of sane people live there.
Update, one month into living in a free state and things are amazing. People are so nice, hell my car insurance is 1/6th the cost, my house will be done in 2 weeks and we close on the 16th, never thought we would be moving into a New home. Things are good.
Glad to hear it. Freedom and sanity are good things to surround yourself with.
These people make me so confused. If you're THAT worried all the time, nearly 2 years into this, wouldn't you just want to get it and die? What's the point of living of you're going to be that paranoid every second of the day.
Anecdotally I've noticed the same sort of thing. My brother and his wife have been sick 4 times in the last few months. My brother was out for a whole week, just recently. That's not normal for him. We both never got sick much as kids and if we did, it's 3 days and done , TOPS. My dad's work is mainly vaxxed and he's covering shift after shift because his vaxxed co workers are CONSTANTLY calling in. This is not normal for his line of work. I'm wondering if VAIDS is happening before our eyes.
There is a massive labor shortage in North America and I suspect elsewhere. I've wondered why that is beyond the government aid. However, it doesn't make any sense anymore because the aid is not sufficient enough nor is it as large.
What they aren't telling us is, what I suspect to be, people going on long term leave due to vax injuries. That is ONE factor but I believe at this point, a major factor.
It's definitely a factor. I think firing unvaccinated people and/or the threat of firing is also contributing to the lack of workers.. Then you have the aid ( CERB) and now people getting sick and injured. It's so sad.
And here's the thing, these companies can do their own research if they're mandating the jab just now. Many people have gotten it already. The companies mandate it so now everyone has to report their status and date of vaccination. Well, who's been calling in sick the most this past 6 months? Anyone die?
Yeah, I do believe jabbed people are getting sicker. The thing wipes out immunity for COVID. Is that all! Oh we don't know! No long term studies! Sign me right the fuck up! Derp!
It gives you VAIDS -- vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Or whatever we're calling it.
The only difference is that the definition of AIDS is a low CD4+ T cell count, and in VAIDS it's a low CD8 + T cell count.
I think.
And the low CD8 count also accounts for new or returning aggressive cancers.
https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-cd4-cells-and-vs-cd8-cells/ summary at the end is easiest to understand.
That is really useful. Thanks!
its also why the border was open and those coming werent jabbed. "Oh darn, another american citizen died, probably voted for trump too....our economies going to tank unless we give the illegals full employmeny because americans just arent taking the jobs..."
Unemployment pays more than employment, pretty easy to understand why people aren't working.
Not anymore it doesn't. Those programs ended months ago.
I was sick so much as a kids with every severe thing bronchitis, pneumonia, severe asthma, tonsilitis, laryingitis that it’s a wonder I ever made through school. But my immune system is great now. Had Covid one yr ago and got over it in a few days.
My liberal sister (two doses last spring, no booster) just came down with shingles. Mind you she is about a decade, at minimum, too young to be in the age group of at risk for shingles. Nor does she have any health issues (other than the vax) that would put her in a risk category for shingles.
My dad was in the usual age group and got shingles within 2 weeks of vax. To me its like the vax completely nullifies the immunities you have, if not just for a small duration (lets hope due the the shitty effectiveness of the vax this isnt permanent...)
Those of us who have had chicken pox always have the virus that causes shingles in our systems, but it is usually kept in check by our immune system until we get older and/or have underlying health issues that compromise our immune system. From what I’ve read, one of the first things people with AIDS get is shingles. In my opinion, this vax is causing people’s immune systems to be overwhelmed and we are seeing a sort of “VAIDS”. I hope, like you, that this wanes over time like the shitty vax (as long as these people stop getting boosted).
That’s horrible! It can actually cause blindness or deafness if someone gets a bad enough case in the eye or ear. Hope his cleared up without any complications.
theres been a couple of docs talking about this. that the vax knocks down the immune system and old diseases come up.
No it's going to have to be permanent. Normies don't understand any other way. That's the shitty part of having to deal with normies. Unless they get smashed in the face, they don't learn.
MY OPINION - SHINGLES IS CONTAGIOUS, and can 'get you' if you are in a stressed, or emotionally exhausted condition, regardless of age.
FWIW - When I was about 12, my Aunt who was 56 developed shingles after her husband died of an unexpected heart attack. We visited her of course and kept her company during this trying time, but a few weeks later I got my own shingles outbreak. It manifested on the left 1/2 of my back from the spine to my side, from the middle of my back, up to my shoulder and down the back of my left arm to the elbow. It was thick with blisters and so itchy and painful. I had to take oatmeal baths and wear a sling on my arm. Why did I get it? Well, I have an idea.
Caveat: Our particular family was undergoing some extreme emotional distress with financial difficulties, one family member was really sick with asthma, my older brother was going through a terrible divorce and came back to live at home, Aunt's husband's death, etc. Being the youngest and most obedient, I was the 'whipping girl' for all of my mother's frustrations. No good deed went unpunished. So, my distressed state clearly left me vulnerable and when exposed to my Aunt's shingles outbreak, it got me.
Further interesting point: 20 years later when I gave birth to my first child, he had a café-au-lait hyperpigmentation birthmark in the exact place on his back, shoulder and left arm to the elbow. Talk about transferring injury or trauma through the DNA!
How to explain this?
Lynn McTaggart's The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe discusses (among many other things) Rupert Sheldrake's "morphic fields" which describe self-organizing properties of biological systems. "He believes these fields . . . are different from electromagnetic fields because they reverberate across generations with an inherent memory of the correct shape and form."
I don't know what to think of that, or of McTaggart generally, but I don't dismiss it out of hand, either. Bernardo Kastrup's The Idea of the World: A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality -- consisting mostly of ten articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals -- has really opened my mind up to things I would have never considered.
Excellent. Thank you for that. I'd never heard of that.
Very informative comment. Sorry that you had to go through so much unpleasantness to learn what you did, but thanks for sharing. I never thought about shingles being contagious. Several people we know have had it recently -- younger than the normal range for getting it, so I suspect they're vaxxed.
Yes, I imagine their deteriorating immune system is leaving them ripe for an opportunistic viral attack. Stay away from them, for the time being, will you?
To add to your story:
Someone I know had shingles. The kids who were around the person developed chicken pox.
This was before the chicken pox vax.
They are in the same family, of course. Here are some additional points:
Although shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus, they are not the same illness. Chickenpox usually affects mostly children and is a milder illness, whereas Shingles results from a reactivation of the previous Chickenpox exposure, as the Chickenpox virus lies dormant in the body forever after.
HERE'S THE NEW DATA I found online: "If you have Shingles, you can spread the Varicella virus to people who have never had exposure or vaccination for Chickenpox. On the first exposure, they will likely develop Chickenpox, not Shingles."
MY OBSERVATIONS: If you've ALREADY had Chickenpox and are exposed to Shingles, you will then get Shingles, if your immunity or stress is in a less than ideal condition.
And also: It takes from 10 to 21 days after exposure to either version of the Varicella virus to develop a new outbreak.
Is she even considering the possibility that it was triggered by the vax?
I think on some level she does, but not on a level she will admit yet. At least not to me, and probably not even fully to herself.
There was just a post on my local nextdoor site for a GoFundMe page for a family whose 15 year old daughter just died in her sleep unexpectedly. Waiting for someone to ask if she was vaxxed. It is gonna really hurt to see more of the kids dying. I am completely indifferent so far to the adults who die. They made their decision with full opportunity to hear our warnings. They weren't willing to listen.
My job was one of the first to roll out a jab-or-job mandate, and set up a lot of obscure, strange hoops to obtain an exemption, which they stated they could then deny for any reason at any time even if you met their criteria.
I applied for one anyway and had it granted to me. A coworker of mine was too intimidated to even try, thinking she might lose her job in the process, and decided she'd just get the J&J shot instead. Three days out from getting it, she was in the ICU with difficulty breathing and the staff pushing remdesivir on her before her daughter could intervene and tell them to stop giving it to her.
They made sure to tell her once she'd recovered enough to go home (still on oxygen months later and can't work) that this had absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine she took. That the vaccine likely saved her life. We were talking over Facebook messenger a few weeks ago and she said that she had no other covid symptoms at all. She just went from feeling okay to having a hard time breathing, to not being able to breathe at all. She said the daughter of one of her friends who got jabbed around the same time she did went into the ICU a couple days after she did for similar difficulties and ended up dying.
I've been sharing the detox processes I've read here in hopes that it helps her. Hopefully she can undo enough of the damage that's been donethat she can return to some sort of normality in the future.
mind reposting the detox process here fren?
ty pede!
Request as well for the detox. Thanks fren.
Thank you very much.
You had me at "jab cunts"
And... the stories you are relaying are so sad. But it's a truth that will help others awaken.
lmao jab cunts everywhere
Purebloods lead the way!
yes friend, but the future looks painful and sad. hopefully it burns down and from the ashes rise the phoenix.
Yes, the "I told you so" isn't going to feel good. Not when people are ill all around us. A lot of ill people could collapse our way of life as we know it - even if the result is much less extreme, it could still be very significant.
Agreed. Sadly it seems likely we will be seeing dead bodies in the streets, in people's homes, as the medical facilities overflow. It seems we may get those images of people collapsing, just as it seemed the chinese did, after all.
There are people being found dead in their homes all over the world. Been happening for months. Especially in Europe.
i spent a lot of time in germany & france over the years for work. glad to have been there when i was but oh man, my colleagues there have been following lock step. they cant fathom the gov could be so corrupt.
Anecdotal.... a co-worker of mine is double jabbed and just got his booster this past week. Hardcore brainwashed moron. Ever since he got jabbed, he has been in and out of the doctors office with illness after illness. Bronchitis, strep, etc.
Then he was talking about how his booster had him feeling like trash for 2 days straight. Like it was something cool to tell others. Fucking weirdos man...
"I guess you'd rather get side effects than learn statistics."
Oregano oil works wonders.
And NAC.
Also, most coronaviruses sensitise the immune system, causing mild asthma and leaving you with a cough for weeks. I fix it with 5mg of Cetirizine Hydrochloride once each evening for 3 consecutive days. Failing that, try Budesonide inhaler.
Coded a patient chart, pregnant, had the jab, 8 days later had a placental abruption in the early 3rd trimester. Baby was premature but alive. Of course, they won't put 2 and 2 together.😡🙄
i work in research, had a study coordinator go over potential pt's in the ICU. 2 of them had guillian berre, 3 weeks post vaxx. They were unrelated and young by ICU standards ~ 50's, SC rolls her eyes and says "but were not allowed to correlate the two, right??
I work with a number of hospitals, some seem aware, many do not, but all are going along with what theyre told. They will flip quick once the truth gains a bit more traction, this upcoming wave of sick may just be that.
One double jabber I know came by my home last night to drop something off. She has been on complete vocal rest from developing a vocal nodule from coughing. She claims she is still coughing from getting COVID this summer (after being double jabbed) She also has allergies but she did not look good at all.
“It’s a good thing I got the vax or it would have been worse.” - 🤡
lol yea this is what they genuinely think.
I know several people recently with eye issues. One needed glasses suddenly after jab. Two others got a large red blotch on their left eye one has been jabbed and I believe the other also. I can tell you I have been putting in overtime to cover the sick.
My father-in-law had to have emergency eye surgery a few days after his second shot.
I've been noticing the eyes of people on tv that would likely be jabbed and wondered. Drew Carey on The Price is Right has a nearly shut eye.
Twitter is full of that. Especially the Karens who push the third shot. Their eyes are fucked up..
My future MIL accepted the jab and has had painful red, watering eyes since March! Since March her face has been dripping like a faucet with eyes so red it is hard to even look at her but when you ask her if she thinks there is some possibility of a vax injury given the timing she is adamant that it is unrelated. Her doctors have no explanation for either. The best they can do is to tell her she has allergies.
Red deer is just slow to the party.
The Jonestown Jab
Everyday coworkers are taking sick days. Upper respiratory cold symptoms that moves into the lungs.
My family is taking IVM, Quercitin (herbal and citrus peels), and Chlorine Dioxide. For the first time 2 of my family members recovered from cough and cold in less than 24 hrs. We are all pure bloods in the control group.
Let them die. They deserve it, and we will inherit the earth after them. Too easy, they're supporting their own genocide! We don't even have to lift a finger.
Today I went to ask my recently boosted neighbor about borrowing their car trailer but they had the 'flu' and recommended I didn't come over. So I went to the auto garage to ask if they could tow it over and the door was locked with a sign saying call us we all have the flu. The timing since they made these boosters available is uncanny
It really is. The radio lady, facebook posts and my wifes boss being sick are all over this week. Plus the hospitals being "overwhelemed but not with covid cases" world wide.
My boyfriend was watching the news the other day when they announced that a 4th jab is likely going to be needed. I literally saw the lightbulb go off in his brain. He turned and looked at me and said - "oh HELL no! What the hell are they doing? When does this end???"
He's the type of person that I can plant seeds, but he digs into his beliefs and he has to come to his own conclusions, though much slower than I prefer. He got the J&J, but has not been boosted, but seriously considered it. We're both taking D3, Zinc, Quercitine, Vit C and Magnesium since March 2020.
I just looked at him and smiled - and pointed out to him that neither one of us has even had a cold since we started this protocol. We haven't even experienced seasonal allergies that we used to either.
That booster #2 that they mentioned on the news sealed the deal - he's now decided NOT to get boosted - praise God!
We were headed to the grocery store yesterday and he asked me how I learned what we should be taking on the protocol and I told him about America's Frontline Doctors. He said "why doesn't the news tell us this?". I simply said - I've been trying to tell you why, but you weren't ready to hear it, you weren't ready to believe that the media is lying to you.
I knew he would come around eventually - I just didn't expect it to take this long, and it's ironic that it's the very media he trusted that red pilled him when they mentioned jab #4 coming.
God bless you, patriot! That is incredible news. I can imagine you are extremely happy about this. God willing your boyfriend got a placebo J&J. Your seed planting saved that mans life by the Grace of God.
Yup. My mom had the jabs and she was exhausted all the time before but my god she's like a different person now. Tells me the same story like 10 times in a row and doesn't even seem to realize, and is constantly at the doctor for her exhaustion.
Crazy thing is she will take the boost. And the next. She's addicted to it. Thinks everyone knows better than her because they are "more educated" and cannot think for herself. It's so sad.
I'm sorry to hear that. That "expert" line they've used really has put a number on them.
Just found out she got her flu shot this week and it "hit her hard" wtf is wrong with these people... that's like 4 vaccines for her in 3 months.
Terrible. I think it's an addiction to fear of some sort. Like a person who's dying but their "may" be a cure. That person will try anything. The same is happening to normie folks. They think if they contract covid they are going to die so they follow "experts" blindly.
That's just FB mate, tell him to delete it.
Nah it's one of the best indicators of what's going on. These Karens are exposing the sham faster than anyone else as they like to post every thought they have.
VAIDS. But be sure and go get your booster!
It's really depressing how stupid (and compliant) people are.
Sounds like the 5 yr old has hand-foot-mouth disease. It's common in young kids that go to daycare. Could be a rash from the jab, too. But what you're describing is exactly what my best friend's 1 yr old had a couple months ago.
Just tell them that legally they have no right to your privileged health information (HIPPA). See how fast healthcare workers would be fired by their institution if they broke that policy, but yet any damn business has the right to ask? I think not. If the business requires a mask or wants my info., they can go broke. It is the same people who follow the mask mandates, get their vax, who will turn in their neighbor to save themself or if a police officer, will arrest you and cart you off to a quarantine camp because government told them to. They forget for whom they work: taxpayers, citizens, customers. Without any of the above, you have no job.
Sadly it people's workmates, friends and even family who felt getting vaxxed was the right thing to do. You cant just write everyone off because of that decision and wish horrible things upon them .. because you stooping to the level of the loony left.
Some people will never awaken, so lets go a touch easier on those who actually do.
I certainly understand where you are coming from, fren. I personally have written posts/comments like that. They are a frustrating bunch. However, some people are in self induced coma and need more than a cold splash of water. They need to be taken off life support and only then will they pop up.
Be patient. Our time is coming and the DS globohomos are desperate.