Have a LOL at Colorado Governor Polis' parting words as he declared Co.'s emergency OVER. Yes, we think you're part of a conspiracy. Yup, the vax doesn't work. And, yup, it has serious side effects, too. And, damn right, Governor, WE'RE HARD TO PENETRATE!
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

COVID-19 does exist. It was created in a lab that was partially funded by the NIH under the control of Anthony Fauci. The mRNA "vaccines" do more harm than good - ADE, blood clots, weakening of the general immune system. The real difficult bubble to penetrate is the one created by the government and media establishment (including Big Tech) who have been working on behalf of Big Pharma.
" It was created in a lab that was partially funded by the NIH..."
The funding we can prove. But how did we prove they actually succeeded with their gain of function research and actually released this new virus which has only been isolated Insilico?
Because lots of people got ill!
But it hasn't been isolated. It's gene sequence is computer generated
I don't agree.
I think it has been designed and or be partially designed on computer and assembled with CRISPR tech and honed with GOF tech through animals. Exactly in which order I do not know.
I am sure it has been sequenced, even if it hasn't been "isolated" - What does that mean anyway?
Do you remember the Indian researchers who identified sequences from 5 different HIV strains which they said facetiously was "Fortuitious"? They must have had a sequence to work with. This research was memory holed.
Notice they always say "isolated" and not "sequenced" or "characterised".
That makes me suspicious.
Another thing.
When it is sequenced it's clear to see the CRISPR marks and other artifacts which prove it's an engineered weapon. When that is proved, it means it's a WMD and an attack by someone (China) We might be forced to retaliate at a time of not our choosing.
It is strategic to deny the sequence knowledge for now.
Don't fall for "not isolated". It's real and it is a bioweapon.
So is the vax of course.
"Don't fall for "not isolated". It's real and it is a bioweapon."
Mere assertions.
There should be PLENTY of covid to test and isolate and analyze a this point in the game. No one has done it or shown it. Interesting. Plenty of labs, but no takers. Just computer modeling...
Also, "I am sure it has been sequenced, even if it hasn't been "isolated" - What does that mean anyway?"
One can't sequence something he can't even identify. Isolation comes first and THEN the sequencing.
What is isolating?
Here's a paper on isolating the influenza virus
All isolating seems to mean here is that the virus has been grown in culture?
The CDC says that COVid has been isolated and grown in culture
see here:
I mean you may choose not to believe them of course, but they say it has been "isolated"
Now what were you saying?
I know what isolation means and how it's done. There are serious issues with how the isolation in western medicine is accomplished. It's not a settled science.
Wait a minute, are you seriously citing the CDC as your "proof" covid is an actual thing out there in reality? Every study cited (there's 4 of them) were asked specifically if they were dealing with a purified isolate. None of them answered in the positive.
Answer me this. If Covid has been isolated, then why can't the test differentiate it from the flu or the common cold?
This is a lame answer.
Lots of people get sick every year - and die. Flu and pneumonia deaths were moved over into the covid column. The test are useless.
Getting sick isn't de facto proof you have a novel virus. lol. Oh and newsflash: neither is losing your sense of taste and smell.
Yes, the tests are rubbish and many things have been misdiagnosed as the 'rona, but that really doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
The labs have the means to create it, they have the means to create the spike proteins, they are there in the vax for goodness sake.
Two things can be true at the same time.
The disease is real, the pandemic is not. The disease is as deadly as the flu, we don't lockdown for the flu.
Treatments like ivermectin have been brutally squished. Why would they bother if the disease wasn't real?
" the spike proteins, they are there in the vax for goodness sake."
Now that IS something we can prove and show - something that hasn't been done for "covid." I think covid was simply a Trojan horse for the Clot Shot. Prepare the public for a "spike protein" that actually comes from the shot, not the sickness.
"Two things can be true at the same time."
How bout this: The panic is real, the disease is not? We both agree with the power that the MSM has to stoke fear. I dont think they needed a real virus to scare the masses. Just borrow from the flu and pneumonia, inflate the numbers, incentivize dr's and hospitals to code in favor of covid and kill people with protocol, fake death certificates, use a faulty test to tell everyone they're sick, and then turn up the propaganda machine to max settings - VOILA! Your panic pandemic has arrived.........<<<enter experimental infection injection>>>
"Treatments like ivermectin have been brutally squished. Why would they bother if the disease wasn't real?"
Because it reverses the effects of ALL viruses (which is where they're pulling their numbers from and moving them over to the "covid" column) and it reverses the effects of the Clot Shot (the spike proteins)
"Treatments like ivermectin have been brutally squished. Why would they bother if the disease wasn't real?"
You certainly have a point here, not sure it works for all viruses, but it works for many.
"You certainly have a point here, not sure it works for all viruses, but it works for many."
I've got a NIH link somewhere that categorizes viruses as parasites. There's your missing link.
Why wouldn't you make the disease if you could? They've been working on this tech for years, they used it for the vax I expect.
It's easier than faking it.
The whole plan is easier if the disease is real.
Everything else you say still holds true:
All true whether or not the disease is real, but easier to achieve if it is.
This is a very good conversation to be having btw.
"This is a very good conversation to be having btw."
100% agreed.
"It's easier than faking it."
Is it, though? If Trump rushed their plans, then maybe they weren't ready with their fancy bioweapon? They HAD to do something (and quick) to get Trump out. Enter Event 201 pandemic planning session a few months before "covid comes out." Then covid comes out. Gee, what a coincidence.
If covid is real, then why borrow ALL of the flu and pneumonia cases/deaths and move them over to the covid column?? If there really are 800,000+ covid deaths, then how has the overall total death count remained the same?
Seems to me that they simply ran with their "simulation sickness" for two main reasons:
Vaccine cult victims.
There is definitely something going around that people are catching and making them sick, which has been given the name COVID-19. Where it came from, what it really is, and the rest of it is up for discussion. But to claim it doesn't exist is handing bullets over to the enemy.
I call it "the flu." 640,000 flu deaths the year before, and "zero" last year??? "C'mon man!"
Similar issues with orevious cancer, heart disease and diabetes- related deaths in prior years, which they claim has almost flatlined under the coronavirus. Yeah, RIGHT. So -- it cures all of these maladies, THEN it kills you.
Does anyone have a source for this? I'd love a video we can share for red pilling!
Sauce: https://apps.who.int/flumart/Default?ReportNo=7
Pick a country, then first week of 2016 to last week in 2021.
Click Display Report and see for yourself.
Cut and pasta, make many memes.
If you look real hard you can see in the time of COV-ID there's a very small -- but still non-zero --- bit of influenza reported. Someone didn't get the memo.
Thanks fren! Much obliged.
Will see if I can find them. The flu death count "going to zero" was even reported by MSM earlier this year. A chart showing the other death figures was circulated over a year ago.
Yes. It’s that sophisticated so get your boosters and wear 9 masks unless you’re looting or burning
That's right!
Howdy stranger! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I head north tomorrow, and AG comes up Monday. We'll be there until just before NYE.
I think it's a supercharged or altered flu by Wuhan. Somehow the respiratory issues are heightened in covid but many of the symptoms are straight on synonymous with flu or common cold. But when you look at '98 signs you may have had covid' (This was MSN headline about 8 months ago) you just sigh in disgust and move on. I scrolled through the first 50 or so, and they were so common as to be laughable. (you could have any one or combo of the following: runny nose, diarrhea, headache, eyestrain, insomnia, depression, and so on).
How did we get to this bizzaro world? Where truth are lies and lies are truth?
Media and internet, if you ask me . . .
The 2022 Colorado gubernatorial election will take place on November 8, 2022. Incumbent Democratic Governor Jared Polis is eligible to seek reelection to a second term.
That explains it all. The guy is in election year mode already.
He'll say anything to fool people into letting him stay in office... but it's just words.
What will he do if Dominion is disbanded??? It gave him a sqeaky toy win twice and the REAL voting base had NO representitive votes at all. I would pay to see him frogmarched to jail..
If there is any truth to the recall numbers, he's going to have to cheat a lot to get installed back in.
Is that a dominatrix-style zipper mask?
Odd... I didn't use Photoshop.... I used GIMP
LOL I see what you did there (snickers in GNU)
SUPER weird and highly SUSPECT
yeah WTF is up with that?!
The muzzle diaper is what it is and they no longer care about showing it.
That’s because he has Denver, Boulder, Vail, Breckenrigde, and all of the other tax generating counties, as well as Vail ski Resorts, music venues, etc, towing the line with the mandates.
He also limited access to federal land as senator under Hidden Gems, despite an outpouring of opposition. He was the wealthiest senator in congress as I recall. Also owner of charter school. Bad guy/gal IMO.
Dual citizen of israel Changed his name for ? Reasons
Nothing wrong with either if these things just suspect given how he was also the richest senator i think hes suspect AF
I like how they just ‘assume’ anything you say is misinformation.
They have moved on to claiming if you don’t support a certain politician its because you are misinformed.
Liberal hubris knows no bounds
Yup. He is backing off on a "mask mandate" for Colorado, instead letting county health departments do his dirty work so he can play both sides for re-election. He's trying to soften his image so people remember this next year instead of what he has done before that. He's a total ass and sadly him and his "partner" have kids and I fear for their kids not only now, but also their future. He's the one in a bubble.
Notice how he never actually says that these people are wrong.
Also, fucking "misinformation."
Information is knowledge that is conveyed or obtained.
They are both beliefs that are true. If a belief is not true, then it is not knowledge. If purported information is not true, then it "is not" information.
The prefix "mis" means something is done badly or wrongly. Misinformation means information that is true (because information / knowledge must be true), but which is contrary to the speakers' desires, immoral, unacceptable / bad, etc.
The prefix "dis" means "not" or the "opposite of" information... aka information that is "not true." They're not calling it disinformation... because they're acknowledging that the information is true. It's just information they don't like.
Fucking grammar.
He’s up for re-election. As is Whitmer.
The governors up for re-election are backing down.
The ones that are term-limited, like Wolf and Brown, are going all in while they still can.
Polis locked down Colorado and imposed a totalitarian government on the people.
Never Forget This. Never Forgive
The only reason he's saying this is because election season is around the corner. The democrats use the same lies every election cycle. Do you remember Joe Biden saying he will not mandate the 'COVID' vaxxine?
Polis thinks Coloradans are stupid.
Imagine still living in a bubble where you think Covid is some killer disease at the start of 2022! 😂
It can kill if your vitamin D levels and overall nutrition is low enough, but so can a cold and the flu. Drink your milk, eat healthy, go outside, don't wear a mask, and your will be fine!
The "bubble" of reality. Think mirror, reflecting back what they are.
There's been an uptick in THEM claiming we are in a bubble or an echo chamber. Problem for THEM is, when people find us and lurk for a short time, they see we debate and argue. What doesn't have evidence get's moved from the table until it does. We also don't pander to peoples feelings when discussing straight facts from evidence. Not exactly what you'd expect to find in a bubble or echo chamber. There are many people here from all over the world and we don't agree on everything. But, the one thing that unites us is the fight for freedom against tyranny, wherever it resides. We are the news, and they can't stand it.
There's plenty of topics or viewpoints on this board that will get you down voted or even outright banned if you go against the group think here.
You only have to worry if you are THAT retarded.
Poleass. Colorado has been such a shitshow for too many years.
Does not realize that he is the one in the bubble.
Allo, Guvnah!!!
Nice to see that you stop by from time to time.
This is just his re-election shit. Denver and Boulder are the only places in CO that count. Boulder is a smaller California and Denver is a smaller Ny.
My awoke is impenetrable!!
Didn't Colorado already do this in July of this year (2021)?
Yep, but along came a vagrant varient that had all the food stores in a tizzy. Followed by Moronic and all the fearporn to bolster the primary symptom of the coof: FEAR, abject fear...
Do we even have enough cases to officially qualify it as a pandemic anymore??
If it met his agendas, the "experts du jour" certainly fulfilled his need for a tool to oppress-being a 'bottom' in that "relationship" he has, does that you know..
We do believe this is a massive conspiracy. It is!
I live in Co. Polis said mask mandates are OVER so now EVERY store is making it THEIR rule whether to mandate masks. Some stores have the diaper sign but very few push it. Mostly Dr offices and of all places eyeglass stores. No mask to see Dr but masks if you try on glass frames!
Yup it sure is hard to counter TRUTH, Mr. Governor.
Does his mask have a zipper drawn on it? Like a Sex Gimp mask?
He says this yet hasn't rescinded the EO that gave the board of health the power to mandate masks. FAKE and GAY.