INTRODUCING! The official GAW Holiday "Kid's Table!" Who's sitting there this holiday season? All the little children who aren't big enough to sit at the adult's table, yet! 😁
🧠 These people are stupid!

For the people who don't remember Trump's opinion on vaccines in 2013:
Even back then Trump said he agreed with vaccinations, but not in the amount the CDC was pushing.
Do some digging and look at how many shots the CDC wants kids to have before their 18 months since the 90s. It's crazy. Why does a baby need that many before their immune system is even developed?
I opted out of most of the vaccines the hospital wanted to give my newborn infant...I mean what's a newborn need with a hepatitis vaccine? It's ridiculous how they want to stick a little baby with so many shots right after birth
Right, and people want to know how to prevent SIDS
Shingles vaccine for kids to be added to CDC regiment next.
I would like to respond with a rational and informed rebuttal, however catsfive has made it clear I will be ban-hammered for having a different perspective on his post that he generously decided to award himself a sticky for rather than having it judged on it's merits.
Imagine being a beauty contest judge who awarded yourself first prize and imprisoned anyone who expressed contempt at your behavior...
It would have been a good exercise in critical thinking too.
If only.
If it is anything like "Trump went through all this crap to fight the Cabal, but he's not really on our side because he got a vaccine and encourages others to do so according to their individual choices", then you would need to science out your thought process more before presenting, because postulating such a theory would just be the wrong answer.
It all depends whether the vax is the death shot. If it is the death shot, I don't care what side Trump is on, he is killing people. If it isn't the death shot he can play all the 4 d chess he wants good for him.
So what if it is and he didn't know?
Personally, as long as he is against mandates and champions freedom of choice, I don't care. i didn't take medical advice from celebrities before, and i am not going to suddenly start now.
Yeah, we don't take advice from celebrities but when Joe Rogan, Aaaron Rogers and Tom Brady appear to be on our side we sure push the info. It is nice to have someone in your corner.
I agree with you to an extent, but if it is the death shot and he wants credit for it, it doesn't matter if he didn't know, IMO. De Blasio can say he didn't know as he coerces his city to get the jab.
So far nobody in the US has been physically forced to take the jab, only coerced.
That is true. My theory is that the shot itself is not the death shot. I arrived at the hypothesis in part because Trump encourages a personal choice to receive it, and that he had a large part in the rushing forth of this shot in a trial basis. Trump has shown no other evidence of nefererious purposes, so I will trust him on this one also. I also note that most of my circle has gotten it (not me, I don't need it), and nothing has happened to any of them. Now, I do believe that there is a whole lot of nefarious activity around the vaccination program in that the Globalists hope to use a vaccine mandate and public pressure to establish an infrastructure for control and future delivery of kill shots or controlling nanotech, as well as "papers".
Makes sense, I am hopeful it is not the death shot, I have many friends and family that have taken it.
We agree, if it is not the death shot, the biggest issue with it is the way globalists are using it to control the herd.
I lean toward it is not the death shot, but not fully convinced at this point. I do find it strange how many soccer players have dropped on the field of play. But, we haven't seen it in US professional sports, so we will see.
I think we are seeing experimental levels of side effects as might occur with many medical human trials, coupled with a huge number of human trial "participants". Human trials occur in the thousands. This experimental vaccine has a human trial in the hundreds of millions worldwide.
How do you explain the explosion in vaccine related deaths and health issues? Do you just think all of these doctors are wrong about the danger of the vaccine? Curious.
This was never about the "death" shot. A side effect is of course a generally less healthy public (and some amount of deaths that would have never previously been accept for a "vaccine") but they were never going to mass exterminate people. Rather, they poison every single aspect of our lives: food, water, entertainment, medicine, etc. until everyone is suffering from multiple chronic health conditions.
The depopulation agenda is pushed more so by making motherhood unappealing to women and making having kids prohibitively expensive and that's working like a charm considering the basically the entire western world has birth rates below replacement level at this point.
What this is really about is the social control through fear, coercion, and restriction on movement. Since he doesn't speak out about this issue, I no longer support him.
I hope you are right. I lean toward your thinking,but leave open the ADE potential of the shot.
I feel they are pushing it so forcefully, b/c if 90%+ take it, they can institute the vax passport nationwide and push for more and more control of the people.
There is gonna be ADE and appears to already be hundreds of thousands of deaths. But the main purpose is the passports.
Except the motherhood unattractive argument is null..women are becoming mothers younger and younger even if they are low iq, low info, immature people.
Have you seen mom tiktok? The traffic YouTubers get when announcing pregnancy and doing mommy vlog content? The money instagrammers make with pregnancy/motherhood content? The rising of "breeding fetishes" and expansion of preggo porn? Hell, there's a preggoporn Reddit board that gets more submissions than gonewIld
Motherhood is not discouraged and social media is the new weapon of the baby industry.
When we were born, strollers were $20 and you did formula or breast fed
Now we have $1500 strollers, $500 milk pumpers, and full on luxury designer clothes for babies.
Your metric is social media, porn, and consumerism. My metric is birth rates. Which do you think actually matters when it comes to projecting future population size?
what I mean is even libtard media is glorifying it
I think you will see the trends shifting heavily in reverse very soob
Are you informed about Agenda 2030?
I don't go around "banning people that disagree with me."It gets irksome and endlessly tiresome hearing the same 2D analysis about the intentions and methods of someone that has MORE than demonstrated that he's not just 5D dimensions above his drtrsxtirs, but that many dimensions above those that respect him. Trump from day one has demanded we choose and think for ourselves. He can say "Jump into the ocean," and I don't think I will, but I'll mos def be there with my boat sndu) and TRUMP 2020 flag to crack a few beers and watch YOU guys do it.
Each to their own. That's the POINT.
like i was ban-hammered for a chemtrail comment. https://imgur.com/a/R4i1mkX
If he so much as utters a negative word right now about vaccines they will say he is causing (insert mega fear porn) societal damage and ban him permanently from all media, and he wouldn't be able to run again as that would be forever shut down.
I think he has to say not just yes, but super yes just so they can't use that against him. The Great Awakening is that we don't need to necessarily believe or listen to politicians and to think for ourselves.
I am still holding the water for Trump, but still verifying as well.
(ETA - It may be that due to the original plan for an improved virus, and far better programmed 'vaccine' they had planned for all of us after years of lockdowns, that Trump/'The Plan'/Q team had to just blitz the cabal and the losses we are seeing were the lesser of two evils in this war. IF that is true, Trump has to play his part and his pro-vax stance is also a necessary evil.)
So why is he telling us he's vaccinated and got the booster when is no doubt a lie? He already had Covid-19 as President. He has natural immunity and has no need of an additional risk from the vaccine. I have a theory that is close to yours.
I think what he is doing is trolling the media. He definitely wants the media to run stories that Trump is finally losing his base support by bragging about the vaccine. Even to the point where he writes a personal note to Maggie Haberman of the NYT:
What if Trump came out against the vaccine, called it unsafe and ineffective. Told everybody to stay away from it? What would the news be full of?
"Trump tells outright lies to his sycophant supporters and endangers everybody's health for his own political gain."
"Trump, who doesn't know anything about science or medicine, gives his millions of supporters the false idea that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective."
And what would be the effect of that?
It allows the pro-vaccine crowd the ability to discount any argument, evidence or scientific research as merely parroting the lies of Donald J Trump.
Do you doubt me? Consider what happened to HCQ. Almost immediate there was fake research showing HCQ was dangerous and so ineffective that it killed patients. Doctors were threatened for prescribing it. Governors made executive orders to forbid pharmacies from filling the prescriptions. It was crazy.
What drove all that? How many people died needlessly because of that?
And it happened overnight because DJT said it looked promising.
So what he is doing is helping us fight the vaccines. He is going to take wind out of the sails of all the people who desperately want to blame Trump for anti-vaxxers.
So the pro-vaxxer can't say that we are blindly following the non-doctor Trump. They have to actually address our gathered research, which they don't want to do.
Trump is trading his political capital in order to help us fight the vaccines.
u/lapstrake is cutting the turkey this year 🦃!!!
What is the counter-argument? Does anyone have a believable scenario where Trump goes anti-injections and it actually helps us fight the injections? Play it out. What would the benefit be?
It sounds like you didn't read the comment you are replying to.
TLDR; He's doing it because otherwise every single anti-vax research paper, every single argument would be met with "This is just Trump fans trying to justify his non-science lies about the safe and effective vaccine." There would be no need to look at any of our arguments. Recalled what happened when Trump said HCQ looked promising.
He did read the comment he's replying to. You didn't understand what he's saying. All he's saying is that the anti Trump arguments don't really have a strategic reasoning besides just bitching about him being pro vax.
I re-read his reply several times, but I guess I still didn't get it. Hadn't had my morning coffee yet I guess.
What about coming out pro vaxx and then just not.say anything anymore?
Hell yeah brother! You filled in all the missing gaps regarding my own theory I've been putting together on this exact subject! I think you are right on the money especially since there's no way you would have known what I had pieced together up until now. This community is filled with smarter people than even my 38k a year college I came from a few years ago.
this is a multilevel play a multidimensional warfare....I think you are onto something here anon.
He doesn't want to just know we won't blindly follow him, he wants us to shout it from the rooftops. He's trolling us, in a way. The loud boo at the O'Reilly thing, for example, is newsworthy.
I disagree. I think it is aimed at everyone but us. Mostly at the media because he wants the normie mainstream media to run stories that he losing supporters because of his bragging about the vaccine.
Thus the normies learn that the anti-vaccine folks (who are mostly Trump supporters) aren't anti-vax because Trump told them to be anti-vax.
Otherwise, it would be so easy to dismiss any statement by any-vax research or logic, simply by pointing out that you are only anti-vax because Trump told you to be. That won't work now. That makes it much harder to dismiss us.
Hmm, you could be right.
Found the adult in this thread
u/boxrocks is cutting the turkey this year 🦃!!!
I thought him running again was anathema? No I don’t know the comms but I’d like to learn.
I thought he was coming back soon, or that he was already in place and devolution must run it’s course. Now he has to win in election where dominion machines are in place? How can he win?
This is common understanding that he has to win the 24 election to win his presidency back?
No one knows anything, basically.
We really are finding out in our own lives, who the children are. Just took Christmas cookies to a few neighbors—1st & 2nd (Trump supporters) - the first one immediately commented on how good they were and the other brought us cookies. The third (libs) asked if I was vaxxed and sadly looked at the cookies following my response. Definitely in the trash. It’s just disgusting. I can’t imagine ever liking them again.
But, frog! You served them unvaxxed cookies!! What did you expect... /s
I know…people are revealing themselves!
They probably dunked them in bleach
Haha - thanks for that comment! Yep - now they’re safe to eat!
Why is this stickied, AGAIN? You should see modmail! So. The happy, friendly, squeaky plastic toy ban hammer is out on this Xmas day. This doesn't apply to 99.999% of y'all. Just a happy post poking fun at these persistently retarded people. LEARN OUR COMMS, NEWBS! Santa is
comingHERE!Happy hollandaise, frogs! 🐸
As much as I wanna apply for ban hammer powers, that would require me to be more impartial and nice to doomers and I just... Can't. Well I can but I don't wanna!!!
IOW thanks for all you guys do.
I have you bookmarked, fren. Let us know when you're ready to deploy. It's a tough job only for the weirdest of patriots.
I think he is meaning “our moderator” coms. I think this is a comm to a specific user?
Im saying, "Learn how Trump speaks." He's constantly talking in code!
I doomed pretty hard and I’m sorry. When Trump talks about the jab, it triggers me. Shit is hitting hard back home and when I hear that, I get infuriated. Yeah, yeah, optics and whatnot. I get it. But this show has been a rough ride and I know its not even as bad as it’s gonna get. They’re coming for our kids for Christ’s sake. I hope you’re all right on this one.
It happens. That's why the Derp State pushes so hard to make people think emotionally and that was why Q pushed so hard for people to think logically. The main job of shills and propaganda is to make you lose your head and give in to anger and fear. That is the worst thing you can do. Once you do that you become easy to manipulate and control.
No matter how hard it is sometimes the best remedy can be to dig below the surface. It can take a lot of training learn to think with both instinct and logic, but definitely worth it.
You’re very right. I appreciate the words. We need to build each other up, not break each other down. That’s how war is - sometimes you have to pick up your buddy in the trench so he can continue fighting alongside you. Not slap him, call him a pussy, and fight alone.
It’s a choice for everyone, children SHOULD NOT be vaxxed and I believe Trump has said that. I’m still hoping the majority of people received saline but I know several people, Trump supporters and not who are wholeheartedly pro vax there was no changing their minds one bit.
Trump believes in an individual decision to get a vaccine when the situation calls for it, such as an elderly person at higher risk from the flu or flu-like diseases such as covid. He does not believe in mass vaccination programs such as a bazillion shots at infancy or one size fits all for entire populations, and he most certainly does not believe in forced vaccination. This is not hard. Just because he got the booster does not mean he's in bed with Big Pharma, as declared by one headline I came across from one of the occupants of the children's table.
exactly, I think it's a test in discernment, to show that while we love President Trump, we will listen within/connect with God first before following someone else's suggestion.
You are obviously sitting at the grownups' table.
yep most of the time, still foolish about some things, but will never be a doomer;)
So is he lying about taking the booster? Is he playing Russian roulette? Careful who you call stupid.
Does it matter? Trump said make your own choice. Why aren't people obsessing about that?
Because covid is a lie, the vaxx is a lie, and we’re all kind of hoping to move beyond all of society being motivated to do stupid shit like take big pharma vaxxes over and over on the basis of lies.
Any participation in the lie perpetuates the lie. It should be confronted.
Well wouldn’t it stand to reason then that the vax isn’t deadly if he’s willing to take it three times?
It would. If you assume he actually took it. Which he didnt.
Yet he has said he did. Why?
Likely because doing so was the lesser of two evils since condemning the vaccines as harmful would only be used as leverage by the mainstream media and only serve to further hurt the urgency to take us vaccine resistant people more seriously when we try and bring attention to the adverse reactions, low efficacy rates and financial incentives for pushing these unnecessary and harmful experimental injections
But how do you know he didn’t take it?
Because to take an obviously dangerous experimental injection with such a quickly waning efficacy rate, would be completely out of character for Trump, who I suspect to be an actual genius.
Stirring mistrust and killing the derp state narrative that Trump controls us.
At least that's how the other members of the Q team probably see it since they haven't told him to reconsider his stance.
Obviously he's lying about taking the booster. The only alternative is that he suffered severe Traumatic brain injury and abandoned all the intelligence he gathered over the past decade regarding the cabal.
drumpf? only leftist losers use that term. doesn't even make sense. not a fan of his stance on the jab, but the fact that biden thanked him for the jab, hoping there is something we don't know about why he is doing it. Anyway, pretty lame meme. Trump has been our voice, he is the voice of our movement, I don't think there is a leader.
Did you know? This is how cartoons and comic panels work. Is there a brain cell telling you that it's what the child is saying, and part of the reason why they're sitting at the kid's table? Get back to me and I'll order another table for you
how condescending of you, sorry I didn't like the cartoon. don't be so sensitive that I didn't like or get the meme, not all meme's are good. And not everyone has the same sense of humor or sarcasm. A good meme is obvious to most people, not just the super elite intellect like yourself /s
Bless their hearts 🙏🏻
Count me in for the kids table
Who are the people booing him at events like this last one with Bill O Reilly that the MSM is all over? In the article Bill said he had to lift Trump’s spirits because of it? Are these patriots or others? Genuine question.
Trump disappointed many supporters when he said he got the booster. I understand. They want Trump to be anti vax, and it will take time for this part of the game to sink in for them. My wife being one of them. She’s a huge Trump supporter. Her fight against the vaccine is real, like many others. She has lost her dad, which crushed her, and her uncle. She has lost numerous customers she cares for. So for her to hear such out of Trump hurt her as well. I’ve explained many times over, we cannot be mad at people for the freedom of their choice. It is their choice. I think Trump is lying personally, but I know why. She is just a fighter for those she loves. Ultimately this game isn’t for everyone. We both have Jesus as our anchor, so she’ll be fine.
I’m glad to see you being reasonable, thanks for the reply.
They're not booing him, they're booing his statement, and because they know what he really means. I'd be booing too.
Precisely. And if Trump needed his spirits lifted its because he knows exactly what impact his words are having on his loyal supporters who have witnessed the adverse events first hand.
Thank you for answering, I’m happy to see tolerance and support for the new people. I appreciate it.
I would boo.
Covid is lie. It’s the flu. The vaxx is a lie. It doesn’t do what they say it does. Lies should be confronted, not entertained for two fucking years.
If Trump doesn’t get it, that’s alarming.
If he does get it and it’s more 4D chess, then it’s just annoying. It’s not waking anyone up and it’s hurting our cause.
Until we get the reason why directly from President Trump, I still believe in him and the plan.
This looks to me like literally just a blatant anti-Trump meme. Complete with the juvenile "Drumpf" label.
What am I missing
Is there a brain cell telling you that this is how cartoons work, it's what the child is saying, and part of the reason why they're sitting at the kid's table? Get back to me, if need to know so I can order a second table
Thought the kids table meme was keklarious! 🐸😹 very effective...
Ho ho ho
Never mind, Ebenezer Douche.
Love the kid on the left. She looks like she doesn't understand why she has to sit with these two, especially open mouth boy.
President Trump never tried to bribe or force me to take a vaccine. Fact.
Dumbest post ive seen
Do you think this is exactly appropriate for GAW members who actually lost loved ones to the vaccine? Is this how you would comfort them, by calling them children?
Par for the course for people willing to continue tolerating the covid/vaxx lie. They actually think those of us who want the lie ended are <insert ad hom>.
If a crazy person believes they can change their gender, it would not help that person to entertain the lie.
Trump pushing the vaxx is no different than telling a bunch of confused pubescent kids that they can change gender, it’s safe and effective!
People complaining about getting banned...
It's not about posting against the grain opinions. I do it all the time. and actually unpopular opinions, like being pro choice
The bans are about being retarded and compromising the win. we have enough shills, we don't need doomers on top of it
If there is going to be heated debate over the holidays. Between good Allies.
People need to remember the word freedom. We strive for a free world. Choice is apart if that. We don’t have to like what happens every time, but we have to respect ones freedom of choice. As Trump said. No mandates, your choice.
Doesn’t matter if he’s lying or not now though. On paper he has taken the shot/booster. Then he is just like the many people in my life, I still love and care for. Doesn’t mean I get mad or give up on them. As they have not gotten mad or given up on me for NOT taking the jab. Trump isn’t pushing any vax on us. He clearly said it was our choice. I respect that. We will continue to do our job, inform others about the dangers of this shot, and pray. We support Trump, not worship him. People can be wrong.
This exactly.
Freedom of choice is only possible with correct info.
Statements like “covid is real” and “the vaxx is safe and effective” are not correct info, they’re lies. They’re the same lies the enemy is pushing.
Lies from trusted people rob people of free choice.
That is true. I still stand by my statement. But yours is absolutely dead accurate. How can a person make a sound decision for themselves, if what info they know is lies. True. It’s why I now know Trump cannot back down now from this stance. It would prove he is lying to his base. I’ll take the stance of ignorance any day, as opposed to a lie. Unless, what Trump is saying is true. And he firmly believes what he’s saying. Then, yes, he would be no different than what the enemy is saying. This game...I hate when people play games. I hope it all works out. But thousands of doctors have proven these shots are of ill intent. We have to keep pushing that truth. No matter who opposes us. Even Trump.
"COVID is real" is a fact. There's clearly something other than the flu that presents certain different symptoms that's going around out there. There's evidence of Fauci and crew participating in the creation of the COVID bioweapon, as well.
No there isn't.
Q: Which different symptoms does Wuhan flu present with that the flu doesn't?
A: none. You are thinking of symptoms caused by maltreatment, such as ventilators
Q: And where did the flu go?
A: Nowhere, they just changed the name. "Muh masking eliminated it" is a retarded answer, because it also disappeared in places that never masked.
It's the flu.
It's not the flu and that's apparent to anyone paying attention. Losing smell or taste for months after getting sick with something is not the flu. People saying they feel like their lungs are full of concrete for months after getting sick is not the flu. Many people who have gotten it even without these symptoms report it as being an extremely worse flu.
And flu cases are reported as COVID to push the narrative (assuming of course anybody even knows the difference since the tests certainly don't). That doesn't mean that they're the same thing.
Yeah it is. I had a flu when I was a kid that made toothpaste taste like pickles to me. Made me almost barf every time I brushed my teeth for quite some time after I was better. Then one day, gone.
That’s a symptom of having been on a vent.
Also, vents aren’t an appropriate treatment for pneumonia induced low blood ox. See: pre 2020.
And many reported it as a mild cold. Just like every flu season.
Since the covid numbers don’t exceed the flu numbers, it actually does mean they’re the same thing.
Don’t worry though. China is still culpable for all the fear propaganda they produced in early 2020.
No point arguing with a brick wall I guess...
Newborns receive a Vitamin K shot and Hepatitis B vaccine in the hospital at birth, next it will be the Covid shot. These little ones do not have a well developed immune system at that age. My question/comment is this: what is the interaction of these 2 injections with a Covid shot given mother in her 3rd trimester or if the hospitals start giving the Covid shot to infants. We don’t know. Mothers and fathers better be sure they get in writing the side effects of any of these shots given to newborns whose mothers have been “vaccinated” in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The hospitals won’t be able to answer that.
May as well get the dumb vote in 2024. Most of the people who seriously listened to him speak about HCQ, Regeneron & other treatments did their homework and opted out of the Quackcine by the time it was offered. He also says it shouldn't be mandated and signed the Right to Try drug law. If fact, anyone who paid attention at all for 22-23 mos. might not have even gotten #2 and I'll bet 75% aren't getting the booster.
Kids have good points though
His stance on this does bother me alot. I hope he is lying... he seemed to get bothered by people booing him for being boosted.
It's experimental and needs years of work to achieve the safety and effectiveness that it should. The Vaxxed are the human trials. The evil is that the powers that put themselves there under highly questionable circumstances are trying to force us all to take part in this medical experiment, which is exactly what the Nazis did with their victims.
Condescending memes like this weaken your argument, not strengthen it. It makes you sound arrogant and like you have a problem with children.