I am the only unvaccinated person in my family. I am also the only person in my family currently not suffering through the sniffle variant. Natural immunity. Suck my cock. I was right all along. We will win.
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^^ Actual quote from the John Griffin household.
That sounds suspiciously like something Big Mike might say.....
And just like that, the latest pornhub title was born.
Tell us how you really feel.! Kek
For those people who are not up their own asses, I bet this is a violating feeling. Getting sick after the vaccine they worship didnt do as advertised? man I would be pissed
You would think so, but "It helps me stay out of the hospital and get really sick"...the excuses are absurd
All that while they are actually somewhat scared of you since you didn't get jabbed lol, I'm so done
This is the part that baffles me. They have somehow been psychologically conditioned to perceive the vax free as "dirty and infected" simply because we didn't roll over as they did. I have seen it first hand in my own family and I can't seem to get them to see the logical fallacy in that thinking.
"Dirty infected" people is SO strange. Who/what gave them that idea? We are dirty and infected UNLESS we are jabbed? Jabbed people are pure and holy? Washed in the science of Fauci? This is a religion.
Vaccines are like someone with the worlds smallest and most vindictive dildo raping your veins
This is the top comment of this entire thread.!
Spike dildos!
The communists gave them that idea.
They drink MSM koolaid every day. They've been doing this for YEARS. I can't remember when I began being able to see through the web of lies. It was kinda gradual and spontaneous.
9/11 , the earthquake & meltdown in Japan did it for me !
The 2008 housing crisis did it for me.
I am not sure but there is no way the backup power was sitting at ground level to get flooded & not work. I think I heard some shit about a rat chewed thru a cable too. I think they used a nuclear device under the ocean in a fault line.
They learned during Barry's years that the "It would've been worse!" metric can get them a LOT more mileage than actually accomplishing anything.
The only person I know who has died from covid was a friend from HS and was a fully jabbed cop.
The blood clots and heart disease are the preferable option to a mild cold.
nah they'll find a way to make themselves not feel like a retard don't worry
They should be pissed at themselves that they were born so retarded to begin with.
I've read that stupid people often overestimate their intelligence. I have a feeling that they probably have difficulty understanding more intelligent people and thus, human ego being what it is, they think the more intelligent people are the stupid ones. Something like that?
Well some people literally do not have an inner monologue. What does that say about about their status as a human being that they're incapable of introspection?
Easier to blame the babies for asymptomatic transmission.
Yep! Two more in my office called out today sick, on top of two on Friday (all double vaxxed, some triple). I’m the only maskless, organic, non-GMO person in here- AND I’m the healthiest BY FAR! Just a bunch of slouchy, pale (NO vitD), sniffling, scared little bitches shuffling around terrified of omegatron...after I overheard the second guy call out, I started subtly playing shadilay in my office KEK
Those sickly people need to quarantine for 14 days before coming back to work. Make sure you file formal complaints with HR if that protocol is not followed.
You have as much right as anyone to expect a sterile working environment.
Use their own tactics against them and do it with authority. Your health and safety matters too.
My wife and I are the only ones left. Well done.
I have a liberal friend on Fb who lives in California and she responds to my posts where I'm trying to red pill. If she disagreed, she'd ignore like she used to. I think she's figuring some things out.
How are you not banned yet? I don't have FB and never will.
I have had a couple short-lived bans, but they always fact check my posts now or shadow ban, I assume. I don't get much traffic as I used to. It's a shite site.
They are letting some of us post still. I’ve had one short suspension, I get fact-checked, and I’m shadow-banned. But my mother grabs some of my stuff to show to her very liberal friends in Vermont. She’s smart as she also shares philosophers’ or statesmen sayings. She also unfriends anyone who is nasty, including a cousin😁
Just reach one person at a time!
It is glorious to be a pure blood. Lets have a toast!
I'll drink to that.
Hear, hear!
Do you think they "get it" yet? My money is on "no".
Same here except for the fact that I identify and am in fact female. The I told you so not as satisfying for me. My fully vaxxed son and many of his fully vaxxed friends have COVID confirmed as of today. My Christmas menu is shrinking daily. At this point I think I'll just buy some chicken nuggets and call it a day. My Mom is 84 and unvaccinated. I don't want her to be alone.
HAHA I didn't even think of that. Merry Christmas to you too!
I hope your son got a smack upside his head for being an authority loving bootlicker.
I was so sad and afraid. He's an adult though and generally a thoughtful hardworking person. Both of my kids are. Straight A students, both worked jobs in high school, the younger worked two jobs simultaneously, one as a maintenance man at a health club and then in the summer he was also lifeguarding. They are actually starting to wake up. Neither is going to get the booster.
My family is still super brainwashed...they won't get it until they are the ones being persecuted.
Gotta wonder if they would be okay with you being stuffed into a train car and shipped off to a unvaxxed "camp" for re-education purposes.
Seriously - they messaged me today saying that I need to take a break from this stuff and it's not healthy. Well, you guys tell me what could possibly be more important to an unvaxxed outcast from society at this time? That's the point I was trying to make, they have no idea.
We have your back fren.
Appreciate it, brother!
The irony is unbelievable.
Most vaxxed people would be as long as it's not them. And it's why I have 0 sympathy for what's coming their way.
I wish omnicon on all my jabbed friends!
I will remain an NGO-free human and still healthy.
I like how vaccinated people are the only ones reporting to have had Covid multiple times. Glad I only had it once.... Yay natural immunity.
Make sure you’re always “coming back from a jog” when they see you in your permanent gym clothes.
Yup gonna tell all the vaxholes to get FUCKED. The non vaxhole normies who were coerced have my sympathies though.
Not how I would describe it to the vicar, but right on, dude.
Same. Only the unvaxed in my office are not sick. Some are really bad.
Out of all the people I know personally who have been diagnosed with the coof (about 25 people), all but two are fully vaxxed and boosted. And the two pure bloods only had symptoms for two days.
Even my sickly 85yo mother (unvaxxed) who ended up in the hospital was able to avoid contracting the virus despite its presence on the floor she was housed on. We are in and out of doctors offices and labs constantly to deal with her heart issues and she has successfully avoided it for two years.
Despite being vaxxed, according to my states' numbers, 30+% of current coof hospitalizations are people who are fully vaxxed. They won't separate the numbers of unvaxxed and partially vaxxed.
Yes me too, my family lives in the Netherlands.
Hold the line!
You don't mince words do you
I agree with everything except for the one part!
I just keep taking the Zelenko protocol daily and have felt great. Actually, I've never felt better at this time of year! Usually I have the seasonal cold / flu by now but nothing! My vaxed retarded coworkers are all hack up lungs but I'm good! Fuck'em all!
We have won. All the promises of God are YEA and Amen.
Suck my cock, Grandma.
LOL this post.