I read a thorough thesis on this once and it speculated that angels are so magnificent that humans first instinct is fear. I’d like to judge for myself! I sure hope I get to meet an angel one day, and I hope Jesus comes back in my lifetime. Could you imagine following Jesus around the world? What could be better?
Angels were created before this Universe/our reality was created. They are from another reality other than ours (they are from the base reality). Whatever form or appearance they take in this reality is no different than a system admin taking an avatar in a MMORPG game.
Not really a competition I would have considered, and not really one where I'd want to be a one-upper.
Honestly, it took me months to come to terms with the experience. I was not a believer in anything afterlife (even though at no point did I 'die', I asked). I spent my days in recovery trying to track down the nurse I believed it to be, but none of the staff came close to the description.
Ain't that what they want us to believe. Whatever happened to close encounters and e.t. home phone? Ever since, it's been "They're here to probe our anuses and blow up the Earth". Please, if they wanted to destroy us, all they have to do is hover in the skies and watch us run around like a disturbed ant hill.
Came here to say this.☝🏻“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
Bashar is not just providing interesting ideas but has a great sense of humor.
Listening today actually, and a lady is sad because the doctors say her baby will be born with an opening into the brain. She is sad and near tears, and Bashar tells her the baby has a message that the baby needs her to be sad about the situation like he needs a hole in the head.
I have balls, but not telling that joke to a pregnant crying lady level of balls.
The Coriolis effect needs to be considered for a projectile because the projectile is given all of its energy in one burst and does not have the means to correct its trajectory after its journey has begun. A projectile also needs to maintain the lowest difference possible between point of aim and point of impact. We’re measuring in inches here. An aircraft is controlled by a human, any error is corrected by the operator to get it safely to destination.
We are spinning with the earth, this is basic physics. Don’t skip school. The earths gravity keeps us fixed in one relative position on the planet, prevents the centrifugal force from flinging us off the planet. Everything on the planet is aligned to the rotation of the Earth. The real answer though, is gravity.
I can see the curvature of the earth with my naked eye. Every time I go hiking in the mountains. Never mind from an aircraft.
People who believe this garbage are in the same class as the people who believe big Pharma really wants to help them.
Gravity is still a theory because we only know it exists, not exactly how it manifests. It could be a magnetic field for all we know. We don’t understand the nature of gravity itself.
Helium in a ballon does not defy gravity, it stratifies like anything else. Shit stratification is demonstrated in a house heated by wood without sufficient airflow. Near the ceiling it’s cooking
hot, near the floor, cold.
Why are passengers in cars carried at the same speed as the car? If you spit at the back of the drivers head, why doesn’t your spit slam right back into your face? That’s why
So the unproven theory of gravity (given to us by a Freemason) explains why this imaginary force can hold down trillions of cubic pounds of water from escaping our atmosphere but can’t hold down a helium balloon or clouds that carry millions of gallons of rain water?
To believe in the theory of gravity, is to disbelieve my common sense. Round earth model also challenges ones own senses when traveling 35,000 ft in the air & seeing a flat plain or sailing in the ocean & seeing a flat plain 360 degrees view all around you.
I personally just don’t find it hard to believe that we have been lied to by FreeMasons & occultists. The Devils goal is to deceive us & what better way than to shape our understanding of earth? That’s my personal belief. I chose to believe my eyes, my senses & the Bible over Freemasons.
Then when is every other planet in our solar system a sphere and Earth is a flat plane? Why do we have millennia of star gazing under our belts and all of that math says celestial bodies are spherical?
Denying the reality of our existence is no different that denying your born sex. If there was evidence that wasn't explained away by demonstrable science then I might believe the idea of a flat Earth. However, there is no evidence that I have seen that remotely disproves the idea that the Earth is spherical.
I cannot comprehend the logical fallacies it must take to come to the conclusion that the Earth is a flat plane.
▪️So gravity is still a theory & we agree it is plausible that the theory given to us by a Freemason is bullshit? Glad we agree.
▪️Multiple balloons can make a man fly up, thus making a man defy the theory of gravity. A balloon has mass, yet when filled with helium it can defy gravity. Chew on that one a little longer.
▪️The spit analogy is silly. Do YOU feel like you are spinning 24,000 miles an hour at the moment?
While we are on the topic of YOUR senses, ever been out at sea & seen a curve? Ever been flying 35,000 feet and see a curve? Yeah… me neither.
Being able to make people deny their basic instincts & senses is a Testiment to the indoctrination, friendo.
Why can’t we fly over Antarctica? Even though it would save certain commercial airliners millions in fuel. Why haven’t we been back to the moon? And why do we always seen the same side of moon? What can explain those that have proven the curvature theory wrong by testing distance in the ocean?
A ballon floats in the air the same way a ship floats on the water. The helium in the ballon has less density for the volume it occupies. Gravity causes fluids/gases to stratify by density. Balloons take advantage of that. The lower density helium and the size of the balloon means that the volume of space the ballon occupies has less mass than the same volume of atmosphere. So, helium is forced up. Like a ping pong ball in a pool.
The spit analogy is not silly, it is the perfect analog for this. We are all riding earth together, moving at the same basic speed. The velocities we perceive are those that differ from what everything else is doing. Watching the stars at night makes me feel like we’re spinning that fast, yes.
Q himself said earth jsnt flat so you believe in Q or you believe in flat earth?
I'm completely open minded and will admit if I am wrong but saying the earth is flat requires incredibly substantial evidence and elites don't believe that shit either so it must be spectacular levels of indoctrination for the elites and the Q community to both not be awakened enough.
I have close friends and family who have all worked for and with nasa and man it would be nice if the earth was flat because their lives would be way easier. I think one of the common misconceptions is understanding "space"...almost nothing actually leaves the atmosphere and goes into outer space. It is real but it is rare because it's a lot more effort and not typically useful.
My honest opinion is flat earth reeks of a CIA disinformation op. All the media started talking about it at the same time because they needed a distraction from real shit that was getting discovered (I believe it was around pizza gate when they went all in on it).
The reason is because bullet ballistics are different than most airborne objects. Once fired they have no additional propulsion or mechanics, just metal flying through the air compared to planes, jets, rockets, etc where there are other forces at work.
I've heard most of the arguments and while I cannot answer all of them myself every single one I have asked my Nasa friend has been easily explained with logic. Like I said I could be proven wrong one day but currently there are far bigger battles at play than whether or not the earth is flat and there is far more proof space exists than proof it is fake. We just magically made all these crazy breakthroughs scientifically including battery capacity, insulation and countless others while trying to leave earth but never left? I don't buy it. Do I think we faked missions? Almost definitely...but it doesn't mean all of it is fake.
I don’t fully understand coriolis, but another posted pointed out bullets can’t correct their trajectory. Snipers only need to take this into account in rare extremely long distance scenarios where the slightest error of any kind will result in a miss. I’m sure there’s an element of coriolis that affects planes, helicopters, birds, etc., but would easily be corrected for, just like wind or any other condition and ultimately not noticeable.
As for the known distance test, that’s not something easily or quickly testable, which relies on where people live. I don’t have a large body of water to test distances out. I have however been to the beach multiple times in my life. With a wide swath of ocean visible, it’s easy to see the curvature comparing it to a flat and level object in the foreground. I checked the flatearth101 site for a few minutes and according to them, “water can’t curve.”
Also, I tried wrapping my head around the map, where Antarctica is a round border encircling the rest of the known earth with the North Pole in the middle. It would be extremely obvious to anyone traveling in our Southern Hemisphere to notice it takes ten times as long to travel East to West to your origin point than if you were in the northern hemisphere.
It doesn’t make sense that the sun sets if it’s just going in a big circle in the sky. It would change in scale if it was physically moving away from our position and would just look like it was making a big loop in the sky.
At this point, I’m starting to believe this is all just trolling and distracting from real issues.
See, I dont know about flat earth, YET these are still good questions.......
I would love to see one of those satellites that can see if a dime is heads or tails on Earth and have it take a picture of all those upsided down people and objects in Australia.
Q doesn’t state in which direction the “vastness of space” actually extends - upwards or outwards. The fact that he also states this is the “highest classification level” suggests he is being a little bit cheeky with his answer, otherwise he just declassified the highest classification level.
I'm glad you mentioned it, I was going to say that myself, do they not have to obey their own rules? That was a straight up answer to the highest classified information.
These morons think the moon and the sun are INSIDE the "dome" and are on the same plane. Watch him use the old "iTs cGI" excuse when you ask him to explain an eclipse. Oh sorry, flat earther's "proofer" argument will be a link to a youtube video; that's the go to, they can't even parrot the shit they watch.
If I lay down on the beach at sunset until the Sun drops below the horizon, why can I see it again when I stand up?
Where do meteors come from if there is a ceiling and space is fake?
I got about 30 more questions flat earth retards can't answer. They do what low intellect slugs only know how to do ; resort to name calling.
Idiots who failed grade 8 science trying to convince you the earth is flat is laughable at best.
I've never engaged with one before. I'm really good at not wasting my time. I'm too self-confident to bother. People who can't stop arguing are trying to convince themselves, not me.
So they started on the wrong leg and had to go from stupid to full fucking retard in order to maintain. Fortunately we know that it's just a CIA psyop so that the mainstream can bundle 9/11 truthers with flat-earthers in the same sentence it's so damn obvious.
▪️Why are all 5 Astronauts from Apollo 9 free masons?
▪️Why is Copernicus , “round earther” treated like a patron Saint to Masons?
▪️Did you know masonry is a religion?
▪️Besides what media & academics tell you about space & universe, can you empirically prove anything yourself? Flat earthers can prove their position with empirical evidence.
Ok explain eclipses to me. Show me your 'empirical evidence" to explain this, please. WITHOUT linking me to a youtube video - tell me with your OWN intelligence and words - how are eclipses possible on a flat earth if the moon and sun are inside the dome and on the same plane?
I'll wait for you 'empirical evidence' - pardon while I pee myself laughing.
I can do physical experiments to prove gravity - which means centrifugal force - which means we're spinning. You can't do ONE single physical experiment to prove your view.
Moon landings are fake, btw. Called the Van Allen Radiation belts - can't get past them. Ever heard 'low earth orbit'? Go down that rabbit hole.
Can you show me, specifically , what mission had FIVE astronauts? Bring a point of argument that isn't even right. LOL. You'd think you would at least CHECK your 'points' before you look like an idiot maybe.
And just to add insult to injury : Can you PROVE, like provide some evidence HERE, that these "five" astronauts are actual free masons?
Oh and BTW:
You DO KNOW that flat earth is from the bible, right?
You do know that Free Masonry MIRRORS Christianity and the bible, right?
So then, you SHOULD know that Free Masonry would NEVER go along with anything in the bible, right?
You might want to actually check your "facts" before you sit at a table next time, son. You might be arguing with someone who knows a LOT more than you do about Free Masonry lol.
Like, you couldn't even figure out NO Apollo missions had 5 astronauts, yet you bring that as an point of contention, and you think you're smarter than folks with PhD's in the field? No wonder you believe in flat earth lol
And bingo...once again a flat earther completely fails the task : can't answer the questions. And you proved again, flat earther's can't even repeat the stuff they ( LOL ) learn.
"Forget asking me about something I can NEVER explain with my retarded flat earth belief, but here " Go dO tHe rEseARch YoUrsElf"
As I said, laughable at best. Can you even tie you own shoes?
If the earth is flat, when I throw something, or you shoot something : why doesn't it travel in a straight line forever? What makes it travel in an arc?
In that :
Then entire time said object is in the air - from the time it leaves my hand until it hits the ground - there is a direct relation between it's weight, the velocity it's travelling and the distance it is from the ground.
What is that relation, and why, no matter where along the distance the object travels you take a measurement, you get the same number of 9.2?
Here's where we find out that , yes, you probably also failed grade 8 math.
Here's another one :
Take a 10 gallon bucket and hook it up to a drill. Turn the drill on so the bucket spins for a few minutes. Then, take a few balls of different density ( size doesn't matter ) and throw them in the bucket.
After a few minutes : what do the balls do, and why? I'm asking you to explain centrifugal force on a flat earth that isn't spinning. I'll wait.
Vastness of space meaning more land on the other side of Antartica? I believe there could be more civilization on Earth that they aren’t telling us about 🤷🏼♂️ Admiral Byrd said Antartica had water springs and the water was warm, surroundings were filled with green plants/trees
“Space” is a word with multiple meanings though. “Space” does not necessarily refer to the CGI cosmos in a Neil Degrasse Tyson corporate TV show. The Earth is a space. The inside of an elevator is a space. The ocean is a space. There are spaces everywhere.
Based on my research I believe most of that shit is in the elite private sector and I also believe we've taken that from them. Who knows how much gold and weird technology and unspeakable horror they had hidden in underground bases. Maybe those earthquakes under China Lake we're not earthquakes maybe the half billion dollars that we invested in tunnel Warfare was in order to get that shit.
I agree there's no shortage of superstitious fools in this country but I still have compassion. My 84 year old mother never was interested in UFOs, never talked about them and never asked about them. Then several months ago she told me over the phone that she saw one. To make a long story short I asked her what made her think so, since he only described what looked like a bright star in the sky. She gasped as though she was reliving the experience in her mind and said " I have never seen anything move that fast before!" It shot across the sky and Over the Horizon. I was sold.
There is absolutely no way tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people are aware of aliens and just keep it a secret for decades.
Part of the info Q posted is in my opinion meant to discredit himself to those who we all hope they are after (the Cabal). Someone posting sensitive information about the Cabal would get their notice a lot more than if that same poster starts talking aliens and coded timelines of arrests, etc.
The disinfo is intertwined heavily with the real info - but it is highly doubtful aliens exist and especially to the extent that our government is working with them and hundreds of thousands know about it but just keep quiet.
Like I said, to think we're the only intelligent life in the universe with more stars than three times the number of grains of sand on earth makes the question pretty stupid to me. Over 100,000 people kept the Manhattan Project a secret and unless the News tells it over and over again no one's going to believe it. this is not something you need to keep secret. It's harder to reveal it than to conceal it. We have mountains of credible witness testimony and even footage off the space shuttle. No they were not dust bunnies so don't be naive when they try and spin the story into something even less believable.
My rebuttal would only be that 100,000 people worked on pieces of the project with most never knowing what all the pieces made.
At any one time, for decades, hundreds of thousands would have to actually know they exist with 'proof' they can now snapshot with their phone, or otherwise provide evidence of their existence. We had rumors and allegations of Echelon/Five Eyes before it was ever declassified, or the stealth bombers, etc but no one says look at this alien craft or person.
Demons exist.
And Angels. Why do you think every angel starts off with "do not be afraid"?
I read a thorough thesis on this once and it speculated that angels are so magnificent that humans first instinct is fear. I’d like to judge for myself! I sure hope I get to meet an angel one day, and I hope Jesus comes back in my lifetime. Could you imagine following Jesus around the world? What could be better?
A Demon is an Angel. Just fallen.
Angels were created before this Universe/our reality was created. They are from another reality other than ours (they are from the base reality). Whatever form or appearance they take in this reality is no different than a system admin taking an avatar in a MMORPG game.
Angels most definitely aren’t beautiful ladies in white gowns, with halos and wings.
They would terrify the daylights out of any mortal.
There is no evidence that they are not all male.
Crazy as this might sound, that was my experience. I was in a coma and had an interaction with what I could only describe as a guardian angel.
I don't remember much about the interaction, but the primary takeaway I got was that "everything works out the way it's supposed to in the end."
You had a better coma than my coma for sure
mine too
Not really a competition I would have considered, and not really one where I'd want to be a one-upper.
Honestly, it took me months to come to terms with the experience. I was not a believer in anything afterlife (even though at no point did I 'die', I asked). I spent my days in recovery trying to track down the nurse I believed it to be, but none of the staff came close to the description.
Ain't that what they want us to believe. Whatever happened to close encounters and e.t. home phone? Ever since, it's been "They're here to probe our anuses and blow up the Earth". Please, if they wanted to destroy us, all they have to do is hover in the skies and watch us run around like a disturbed ant hill.
Came here to say this.☝🏻“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
The only truth is this. The rest lies and obfuscation of truth.
Exactly. Nailed it.
With more visible stars than grains of sand on earth I believe that the question is stupid.
We barely know jack shit about the true depths of our planets oceans, let alone the vastness of space.
The Bible disagrees with science. Pick your source carefully.
Check that shit out and become dumber. Shit in shit out.
Bashar is not just providing interesting ideas but has a great sense of humor.
Listening today actually, and a lady is sad because the doctors say her baby will be born with an opening into the brain. She is sad and near tears, and Bashar tells her the baby has a message that the baby needs her to be sad about the situation like he needs a hole in the head.
I have balls, but not telling that joke to a pregnant crying lady level of balls.
Bashar, lol
Well the spin of the earth is the spin of the atmosphere which is the spin of the plane. Air is as thick as mass when you're moving that fast
Yes and much love despite our differences.
The Coriolis effect needs to be considered for a projectile because the projectile is given all of its energy in one burst and does not have the means to correct its trajectory after its journey has begun. A projectile also needs to maintain the lowest difference possible between point of aim and point of impact. We’re measuring in inches here. An aircraft is controlled by a human, any error is corrected by the operator to get it safely to destination.
We are spinning with the earth, this is basic physics. Don’t skip school. The earths gravity keeps us fixed in one relative position on the planet, prevents the centrifugal force from flinging us off the planet. Everything on the planet is aligned to the rotation of the Earth. The real answer though, is gravity.
I can see the curvature of the earth with my naked eye. Every time I go hiking in the mountains. Never mind from an aircraft.
People who believe this garbage are in the same class as the people who believe big Pharma really wants to help them.
Why is gravity still a theory & not a law?
Why does a helium balloon defy the theory of gravity?
Why doesn’t a plane fly faster going in the same direction as the spun of the earth?
These should be easy questions to answer.
They are easy to answer. You ignore the answer.
Gravity is still a theory because we only know it exists, not exactly how it manifests. It could be a magnetic field for all we know. We don’t understand the nature of gravity itself.
Helium in a ballon does not defy gravity, it stratifies like anything else. Shit stratification is demonstrated in a house heated by wood without sufficient airflow. Near the ceiling it’s cooking hot, near the floor, cold.
Why are passengers in cars carried at the same speed as the car? If you spit at the back of the drivers head, why doesn’t your spit slam right back into your face? That’s why
So the unproven theory of gravity (given to us by a Freemason) explains why this imaginary force can hold down trillions of cubic pounds of water from escaping our atmosphere but can’t hold down a helium balloon or clouds that carry millions of gallons of rain water?
To believe in the theory of gravity, is to disbelieve my common sense. Round earth model also challenges ones own senses when traveling 35,000 ft in the air & seeing a flat plain or sailing in the ocean & seeing a flat plain 360 degrees view all around you.
I personally just don’t find it hard to believe that we have been lied to by FreeMasons & occultists. The Devils goal is to deceive us & what better way than to shape our understanding of earth? That’s my personal belief. I chose to believe my eyes, my senses & the Bible over Freemasons.
Jesuits gave us the science religion full of lies.
All related.b
Then when is every other planet in our solar system a sphere and Earth is a flat plane? Why do we have millennia of star gazing under our belts and all of that math says celestial bodies are spherical?
Denying the reality of our existence is no different that denying your born sex. If there was evidence that wasn't explained away by demonstrable science then I might believe the idea of a flat Earth. However, there is no evidence that I have seen that remotely disproves the idea that the Earth is spherical.
I cannot comprehend the logical fallacies it must take to come to the conclusion that the Earth is a flat plane.
▪️So gravity is still a theory & we agree it is plausible that the theory given to us by a Freemason is bullshit? Glad we agree.
▪️Multiple balloons can make a man fly up, thus making a man defy the theory of gravity. A balloon has mass, yet when filled with helium it can defy gravity. Chew on that one a little longer.
▪️The spit analogy is silly. Do YOU feel like you are spinning 24,000 miles an hour at the moment? While we are on the topic of YOUR senses, ever been out at sea & seen a curve? Ever been flying 35,000 feet and see a curve? Yeah… me neither.
Being able to make people deny their basic instincts & senses is a Testiment to the indoctrination, friendo.
Why can’t we fly over Antarctica? Even though it would save certain commercial airliners millions in fuel. Why haven’t we been back to the moon? And why do we always seen the same side of moon? What can explain those that have proven the curvature theory wrong by testing distance in the ocean?
I’m not really sure we agree on gravity.
A ballon floats in the air the same way a ship floats on the water. The helium in the ballon has less density for the volume it occupies. Gravity causes fluids/gases to stratify by density. Balloons take advantage of that. The lower density helium and the size of the balloon means that the volume of space the ballon occupies has less mass than the same volume of atmosphere. So, helium is forced up. Like a ping pong ball in a pool.
The spit analogy is not silly, it is the perfect analog for this. We are all riding earth together, moving at the same basic speed. The velocities we perceive are those that differ from what everything else is doing. Watching the stars at night makes me feel like we’re spinning that fast, yes.
Heavy shot drops not tough to understand.
Cannot grasp the concept of centrifugal force or gravity, huh?
It’s okay. Tough concept for some I see.
Note that both are described as fictitious or theoretical by the beloved scientists. I used to teach that indoctrination material before I awakened.
You said hot air balloons and helicopters. Stay on point
Q himself said earth jsnt flat so you believe in Q or you believe in flat earth?
I'm completely open minded and will admit if I am wrong but saying the earth is flat requires incredibly substantial evidence and elites don't believe that shit either so it must be spectacular levels of indoctrination for the elites and the Q community to both not be awakened enough.
I have close friends and family who have all worked for and with nasa and man it would be nice if the earth was flat because their lives would be way easier. I think one of the common misconceptions is understanding "space"...almost nothing actually leaves the atmosphere and goes into outer space. It is real but it is rare because it's a lot more effort and not typically useful.
My honest opinion is flat earth reeks of a CIA disinformation op. All the media started talking about it at the same time because they needed a distraction from real shit that was getting discovered (I believe it was around pizza gate when they went all in on it).
The reason is because bullet ballistics are different than most airborne objects. Once fired they have no additional propulsion or mechanics, just metal flying through the air compared to planes, jets, rockets, etc where there are other forces at work.
I've heard most of the arguments and while I cannot answer all of them myself every single one I have asked my Nasa friend has been easily explained with logic. Like I said I could be proven wrong one day but currently there are far bigger battles at play than whether or not the earth is flat and there is far more proof space exists than proof it is fake. We just magically made all these crazy breakthroughs scientifically including battery capacity, insulation and countless others while trying to leave earth but never left? I don't buy it. Do I think we faked missions? Almost definitely...but it doesn't mean all of it is fake.
It’s not an insult, it’s a statement of pity.
Keep looking as part of your Great Awakening. Afks is giving you breadcrumbs for the next level of fraud to awaken to.
I don’t believe you’re trying to mislead me. I believe you’ve been mislead.
I know the earth is a sphere, it fits logically with how the universe behaves in recognizable patterns.
Please explain time zones.
Great argument. I’m convinced now.
I don’t fully understand coriolis, but another posted pointed out bullets can’t correct their trajectory. Snipers only need to take this into account in rare extremely long distance scenarios where the slightest error of any kind will result in a miss. I’m sure there’s an element of coriolis that affects planes, helicopters, birds, etc., but would easily be corrected for, just like wind or any other condition and ultimately not noticeable.
As for the known distance test, that’s not something easily or quickly testable, which relies on where people live. I don’t have a large body of water to test distances out. I have however been to the beach multiple times in my life. With a wide swath of ocean visible, it’s easy to see the curvature comparing it to a flat and level object in the foreground. I checked the flatearth101 site for a few minutes and according to them, “water can’t curve.”
Also, I tried wrapping my head around the map, where Antarctica is a round border encircling the rest of the known earth with the North Pole in the middle. It would be extremely obvious to anyone traveling in our Southern Hemisphere to notice it takes ten times as long to travel East to West to your origin point than if you were in the northern hemisphere.
It doesn’t make sense that the sun sets if it’s just going in a big circle in the sky. It would change in scale if it was physically moving away from our position and would just look like it was making a big loop in the sky.
At this point, I’m starting to believe this is all just trolling and distracting from real issues.
See, I dont know about flat earth, YET these are still good questions.......
I would love to see one of those satellites that can see if a dime is heads or tails on Earth and have it take a picture of all those upsided down people and objects in Australia.
Would be a cool ass picture.
Why does every celestial body always show the round sides to us?
Q doesn’t state in which direction the “vastness of space” actually extends - upwards or outwards. The fact that he also states this is the “highest classification level” suggests he is being a little bit cheeky with his answer, otherwise he just declassified the highest classification level.
Maybe he meant the vastness of cyberspace. At some point we need to stop thinking like a criminal defense attorney who knows his client is guilty.
I'm glad you mentioned it, I was going to say that myself, do they not have to obey their own rules? That was a straight up answer to the highest classified information.
Is the sun flat
Off the planet anyway. I'm going to throw in the Moon while we're at it.
These morons think the moon and the sun are INSIDE the "dome" and are on the same plane. Watch him use the old "iTs cGI" excuse when you ask him to explain an eclipse. Oh sorry, flat earther's "proofer" argument will be a link to a youtube video; that's the go to, they can't even parrot the shit they watch.
If I lay down on the beach at sunset until the Sun drops below the horizon, why can I see it again when I stand up?
Where do meteors come from if there is a ceiling and space is fake?
I got about 30 more questions flat earth retards can't answer. They do what low intellect slugs only know how to do ; resort to name calling.
Idiots who failed grade 8 science trying to convince you the earth is flat is laughable at best.
I've never engaged with one before. I'm really good at not wasting my time. I'm too self-confident to bother. People who can't stop arguing are trying to convince themselves, not me.
So they started on the wrong leg and had to go from stupid to full fucking retard in order to maintain. Fortunately we know that it's just a CIA psyop so that the mainstream can bundle 9/11 truthers with flat-earthers in the same sentence it's so damn obvious.
▪️Why are all 5 Astronauts from Apollo 9 free masons?
▪️Why is Copernicus , “round earther” treated like a patron Saint to Masons?
▪️Did you know masonry is a religion?
▪️Besides what media & academics tell you about space & universe, can you empirically prove anything yourself? Flat earthers can prove their position with empirical evidence.
Ok explain eclipses to me. Show me your 'empirical evidence" to explain this, please. WITHOUT linking me to a youtube video - tell me with your OWN intelligence and words - how are eclipses possible on a flat earth if the moon and sun are inside the dome and on the same plane?
I'll wait for you 'empirical evidence' - pardon while I pee myself laughing.
I can do physical experiments to prove gravity - which means centrifugal force - which means we're spinning. You can't do ONE single physical experiment to prove your view.
Moon landings are fake, btw. Called the Van Allen Radiation belts - can't get past them. Ever heard 'low earth orbit'? Go down that rabbit hole.
Can you show me, specifically , what mission had FIVE astronauts? Bring a point of argument that isn't even right. LOL. You'd think you would at least CHECK your 'points' before you look like an idiot maybe.
And just to add insult to injury : Can you PROVE, like provide some evidence HERE, that these "five" astronauts are actual free masons?
Oh and BTW:
You might want to actually check your "facts" before you sit at a table next time, son. You might be arguing with someone who knows a LOT more than you do about Free Masonry lol.
Like, you couldn't even figure out NO Apollo missions had 5 astronauts, yet you bring that as an point of contention, and you think you're smarter than folks with PhD's in the field? No wonder you believe in flat earth lol
And bingo...once again a flat earther completely fails the task : can't answer the questions. And you proved again, flat earther's can't even repeat the stuff they ( LOL ) learn.
"Forget asking me about something I can NEVER explain with my retarded flat earth belief, but here " Go dO tHe rEseARch YoUrsElf"
As I said, laughable at best. Can you even tie you own shoes?
Hey "bud"
If the earth is flat, when I throw something, or you shoot something : why doesn't it travel in a straight line forever? What makes it travel in an arc?
In that :
Then entire time said object is in the air - from the time it leaves my hand until it hits the ground - there is a direct relation between it's weight, the velocity it's travelling and the distance it is from the ground.
What is that relation, and why, no matter where along the distance the object travels you take a measurement, you get the same number of 9.2?
Here's where we find out that , yes, you probably also failed grade 8 math.
Here's another one :
Take a 10 gallon bucket and hook it up to a drill. Turn the drill on so the bucket spins for a few minutes. Then, take a few balls of different density ( size doesn't matter ) and throw them in the bucket.
After a few minutes : what do the balls do, and why? I'm asking you to explain centrifugal force on a flat earth that isn't spinning. I'll wait.
Maybe aliens are invading, and they like to eat humans? Maybe the clot shots make us taste bad, and Sleepy Joe really is trying to save us, haha.
Makes MORE sense than believing all this COVID lockdown / mask / social distancing / jab nonsense is for our health !
Or maybe the idea that the clot shot is prepping the crop for “harvest”?
An absolutely valid argument 100% which, fortunately, doesn't stack up one-tenth as high as the counter inductive argument.
Vastness of space meaning more land on the other side of Antartica? I believe there could be more civilization on Earth that they aren’t telling us about 🤷🏼♂️ Admiral Byrd said Antartica had water springs and the water was warm, surroundings were filled with green plants/trees
Yeah I thought the cheeky answer is no we have each other but I highly doubt it
“Space” is a word with multiple meanings though. “Space” does not necessarily refer to the CGI cosmos in a Neil Degrasse Tyson corporate TV show. The Earth is a space. The inside of an elevator is a space. The ocean is a space. There are spaces everywhere.
Including the empty space in this guy's head.
Dude, are you for real?
also, deep sea..most of it unexplored and just as hostile to human life as space
Creation loves to create, so when you think of it like that it isn’t implausible.
Based on my research I believe most of that shit is in the elite private sector and I also believe we've taken that from them. Who knows how much gold and weird technology and unspeakable horror they had hidden in underground bases. Maybe those earthquakes under China Lake we're not earthquakes maybe the half billion dollars that we invested in tunnel Warfare was in order to get that shit.
Cuz "they" don't want anyone stealing their Thunder, cuz it's embarrassing to admit that you're not nearly the smartest kid on the Block.
Actually that post was decoded and the “No” is this post actually means Jr is still alive :)
You funny
The universe was created perfect and was to provide space for mankind to spread out to. The fall stopped this.
I agree there's no shortage of superstitious fools in this country but I still have compassion. My 84 year old mother never was interested in UFOs, never talked about them and never asked about them. Then several months ago she told me over the phone that she saw one. To make a long story short I asked her what made her think so, since he only described what looked like a bright star in the sky. She gasped as though she was reliving the experience in her mind and said " I have never seen anything move that fast before!" It shot across the sky and Over the Horizon. I was sold.
Think mirror.
Disinfo is necessary...
There is absolutely no way tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people are aware of aliens and just keep it a secret for decades.
Part of the info Q posted is in my opinion meant to discredit himself to those who we all hope they are after (the Cabal). Someone posting sensitive information about the Cabal would get their notice a lot more than if that same poster starts talking aliens and coded timelines of arrests, etc.
The disinfo is intertwined heavily with the real info - but it is highly doubtful aliens exist and especially to the extent that our government is working with them and hundreds of thousands know about it but just keep quiet.
Like I said, to think we're the only intelligent life in the universe with more stars than three times the number of grains of sand on earth makes the question pretty stupid to me. Over 100,000 people kept the Manhattan Project a secret and unless the News tells it over and over again no one's going to believe it. this is not something you need to keep secret. It's harder to reveal it than to conceal it. We have mountains of credible witness testimony and even footage off the space shuttle. No they were not dust bunnies so don't be naive when they try and spin the story into something even less believable.
My rebuttal would only be that 100,000 people worked on pieces of the project with most never knowing what all the pieces made.
At any one time, for decades, hundreds of thousands would have to actually know they exist with 'proof' they can now snapshot with their phone, or otherwise provide evidence of their existence. We had rumors and allegations of Echelon/Five Eyes before it was ever declassified, or the stealth bombers, etc but no one says look at this alien craft or person.