FACT CHECK: It's a 'conspiracy theory' that 28 CEOs have resigned since Ghislane Maxwell went on trial, AND YOU'RE A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAGGOT for even noticing
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️

Spawned a rash? Sounds like an STD.
Or worse....
A Symptom of Trump Derangement
Interesting. High churn observed a couple years ago as well.
Chief executives are leaving in record numbers this year, with more than 1,332 stepping aside in the period from January through the end of October, according to new data released on Wednesday. While it's not unusual to see CEOs fleeing in the middle of a recession, it is noteworthy to see such a rash of executive exits amid robust corporate earnings and record stock market highs.
Last month, 172 chief executives left their jobs, according to executive placement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Yeah exactly & healthy soccer players normally get a heart attack even though it never happened before. Yeah OK
It's normal for six year olds to have heart attacks too! Especially when that winter weather comes, damn global warming.
Don’t forget winter vagina. Claiming more cocks than Tyson foods.
Exactly! The winter would have been colder if not for global warming and so they, um, um .... Are you sure it's not racism?? Those soccer players were all racist!
chess is racist
What do you mean, there are white pieces and black p..... OMG you're right!! Chess is SO racist. All the pieces must be the SAME COLOR!!!
Actually, it doesn't matter because the woke are too stupid to play.
Must have been all the pot those children smoked
I’m just glad we are FINALLY all talking about what a problem pediatric acute coronary events have always been!
It's the new normal. Haven't you heard?
Kinda like building 7 at WTC.
inb4 a 9/11 shill tries to say that an asymmetrical fire can cause a symmetrical collapse.
It has happened before. Soccer players have passed away in games for a while. In 2018 there were a high number of incidents.
Ummmmmmmm yea no I’m not buying there’s like twenty + football player just crooking in the middle of games every year. 🤣😂🤣
I mean you can do the research yourself. I was surprised myself seeing all the reports on this thread but when I looked up the stats I saw reports of things like this happening every year.
the electrolyte imbalance rabbit hole.
Yeah that’s not true
Compared with what? Last year when there were basically no games?
They didn’t play that much for a year or so. A lot of pro athletes are also cokeheads (who were no longer getting drug tested thanks to lockdown), and now they’re suddenly back and running around like their lives depends on it for 90 minutes. Yeah that’s going to go great!
The deaths look consistent with past years except there’s sudden scrutiny.
You know they have to be quadrouple jabbed to play, faggot.
in a real pandemic, would football be deemed "essential"
We can see you were brain e-vaxuated. Say hi to Hillary for us. Will yer? Oh & George too. I'm curious, do they pay you per comment or per word?
It passes my 'per post test' i.e. not enough illogic said with too many words.. 😉
I love the oddly specific approximate numbers -- "more than 1,332."
Yeah, sure. Like what, maybe 1333? Or is it number comms?
once you notice how often they HEDGE their numbers, it sticks out like dog balls.
topping our Channel 4 news tonight,
at least 8 clowns die in fiery clown car incident.
in weather news, todays high was way more than 95 degrees!
on wall street, the Dow closed up at least 0% higher
in sports, one football team beat another team by at least 10 points.
right before the wuflu was released
Its probably so they can sell stock in this fucked up market. Once you resign, you can sell the fucking shit out of your stock.
Crash incoming post TPG listing is my best guess.
This is the time of the year when it is most common for CEOs announce that they aren’t coming back.
That “season” usually starts in October from what I’ve noticed in the past.
Let’s say that 28 have stepped down during this time frame. Is that a lot? What’s the historical average? What were last year’s numbers during that same timeframe? How about the year before that? What about 2005? How about 2010? What were the numbers? Just saying “look at all these CEOs stepping down!!!” Is meaningless without context.
It just makes us seems so desperate when we dig this hard to try to find something to show that “something is happening”. It’s depressing.
The news isn't the CEOs stepping down.
The news is that the cabal cares so much it felt the need to target the rumor.
You don't expend ammunition shooting things down that don't matter.
Trolls don't speak for "us". Unless you're saying the trolls are desperate, in which case I agree.
I agree that we should compare with previous years and seasonal trends. The NBC article shows a time series figure (not saying it’s accurate but it could be).
If you are going to be this depressing you got to show the numbers & where you get them from.
I have no idea about his statement. But at the bottom of this article there is a table with numbers, just FYI: https://www.challengergray.com/blog/october-2021-ceo-turnover-report-the-great-resignation-hits-the-top-spot/
Good article. Thank you for that. Numbers help to give an indication of trends (so long as they’re not manipulated). They could have actually used more by-month charts for clarity here.
TY, it seems that they ramped up after Trumps' 1st year - makes sense. You're right it slowed a little now but still going faster than before Trump
agreed. don't listen to the fags calling u a shill. Sometimes we need to hold each other accountable here instead of just circlejerking every confirmist headline we see
the media won't fact check this list :(
Cause we're WINNING!
What do you really think happened at that? I know someone who knew the mother (she was the cleaning lady where my friend worked,) & my friend met the younger son (the one now in jail) a few times, thought he was a good kid & very well behaved. I'm curious what you know. I know Boston was "locked down" we weren't allowed to leave our property for a number of hours. During that time I heard police sirens going off in the opposite direction from where the police were chasing down the brothers so I'm curious what you know. I know there is more to that than they say but have no idea what it is.
Why would they? There’s nothing remarkable about that many resignations after an incident like that. Especially not among that many people who are that old, that close to retirement already, and some who we found out later were sick and dying soon anyway.
Plus why would they resign? What… They were going to be punished for the roles they played? Don’t make me laugh. What was the heat on them? Come on. We know they get away with whatever they want anyway.
I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of CEOs have a morals clause in their golden parachutes.
It's been established in court that these are just 'opinions', so there you go :)
They freely admitted it...
So how many did step down then?
It's completely a conspiracy 🙄
Fact Check. Resigning is them getting away with it. They take their golden parachute and fly off into the sunset. That is not justice.
What's with the no face NPC in the picture? Alluding to their control over NPCs through fact check manipulation?
One of the victims. Hidden ID.
but their "fact checks" are just opinions..
Their "technicality" on this one was that only 1 stepped down after the trial began. the other 27 they list stepped down after her arrest, arraignment, probable cause hearing, plea hearing, status hearings, pre-trial, and jury selection.
Your basing you position on what USA Today claims is false? Are you for real or is the title of post meant as sarcasm?
I think it’s meant as sarcasm
You sthillygoosthe
Well, they aren't wrong, it was more than 28... LOL
The thing with posts like this is that I don't know what is "normal". How many CEO's typically resign around the country in a similar period of time.
So what's the real number then?? 29???
These people are sick.
If these ideas are so blatantly false and “fringe” why spend any amount of time discussing them?
Daniel Funke is a trash human full of shit.
Oh. My bad. Off by a few. 🙄
Are they stepping down because they are being replaced or are they stepping down and another bigger business is swallowing up their company?