I’m surprised this old article isn’t being brought up anywhere else besides GWP, and a few other sites, to wreck thee murderous Bill Gates! Seriously, Bill Gates has patents on Covid-19, has dumped money into funding the virus, funding the vaccines, funding the masks, funding the media, doctors, and scientists to condemn/destroy anyone that goes against their narrative! They’ve been doing exactly as this old article laid out! A clear plan to depopulate, or murder people across the globe, use vaccines to do it, and only GWP and 2-3 other news sites are blasting this!? This should be on every front news page! I mean we have his foundation fiscal data, his foundation patents, his own words here and I think in a 2010 WEF training, and all sorts of sauces across conservative news sites, videos, and here in GAW! Can we call him Lucifer yet?!? And isn’t it time for him to be arrested right along with Fauci?!
Lord in Heaven, we are prepared for your Storm.
The biggest story in the world should be these connections:
The key advisor to Bill Gates is Brad Smith, President of Microsoft.
Brad Smith is the key advisor to all global elites on COVID, elections and the big tech agenda connected through groups including ElectionGuard and the New Deal Leaders.
Brad Smith grew up in Racine, Wisconsin.
Bill Gates is related to the founders of Cornell University.
Tony Fauci attended and is closely connected with Cornell University, where he became “America’s Most Trusted Doctor.”
Cornell was founded in Finger Lakes that Hunter Biden has tattooed on his back.
Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Johnson Foundation are a few groups closely associated with Cornell University and Rotary International, founded by Paul Harris of Racine, Wisconsin. Frederick Gates was Rockefeller’s key advisor after marrying his replacement wife in Racine, Wisconsin who devised much of the agenda seen today with COVID and the vaccines.
Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year their largest donation came from Racine, Wisconsin (Johnsons).
Racine, Wisconsin passed “the strictest, most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and used COVID to alter the election process.
Mason Lab, connected with Cornell University and operated by the mayor of Racine’s brother, set up an experimental testing and tracing program in Racine through corrupt processes.
Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary and rigged recount process for expanding the Racine models of community policing, community education and community health.
Zuckerberg, Obama Foundation, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners used Racine, Wisconsin as the gateway and model district as head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five” to rig the swing states in the general election.
Anna Makanju led community organizing for Soros and Obama in Racine, Wisconsin, led Biden’s Ukraine deals and led the censorship efforts at Facebook.
Racine, Wisconsin used funds from Zuckerberg and Chan to alter future elections including a Mobille COVID and Voting RV referred to as Racine’s Zuckerbus.
There is much more, but these points alone should warrant deep investigation and sharing of The Truth about Racine that has been exposed for years on Voat, WIN and elsewhere.
Thank you to u/Brent75 and all others who will help expose the Root of their Agenda.
I have learned so much from your posts u/TrustTheTruth! Thank you and take care! I worry about your safety.🙏
Thank you. This is indeed dangerous and not a game, but there is no other way. Only together with everyone’s help through Jesus Christ and The Truth will the Root be exposed, the Agenda revealed and the Mark denied.
Thank-you! Also here is a new one…flu and corona… https://greekcitytimes.com/2021/12/31/flurona-first-flu-and-covid-case-reported/
I'm very confident there is a "root" in all of this, just not certain what it is. Exposure will be amazing. I pray daily for the truth to finally be revealed, and believe that it will. With God all things are possible.
Bill Gates is dead.
I’ve yet to meet a “Brad” that wasn’t a DOUCHEBRAD. Forgive me to any cool Brads here?!! As usual triple-T brings the goods!! 👍🏽😎
Haha well my late uncle Brad is “late” because he left my aunt with my 3 month old cousin 30 years ago to go up north with his brother. They got high and went snowmobiling across thin ice…Yes. Douchebrad. Changed our family forever.
WHOAAA…oh MAN!!! I’ve known 2 Brads and both vile cretins.
LOL! I know one very cool and good Brad. It's actually his middle name, but the name he goes by.
Haahh…then he’s a redeemer of the Brads!!
Yes, he'd probably like it too!
Friggin Brad-emons!!
Hey man haven’t seen you in a while, I bought a property up in northern BC and have been working on my camp here trying to turn it into something viable for me.
Just wanted to say I’m glad to see you’re still around and I hope all is well with you.
Thank you. We will never quit until the Root is exposed, the Agenda is revealed and the Mark is denied. Joe and Justin are two of many puppets in the play directed by their masters who have met in Racine for generations. The Truth is free for all to know and share, and all help is welcome. May your family and camp be blessed with health and safety, and know that when you stand with Jesus Christ, you have nothing to fear. One day a great celebration will be had, and you will know the location.
Fuckin A. There he is. 🤜🤛
Only together through Jesus Christ and The World can the world be Saved and rid of the evil that seeks to destroy and enslave humanity for eternity.
It is time to flip over the table they cannot allow to be flipped over.
My whole family took the vax, and although they didn't have any adverse reactions, I am still concerned for their health. They're normies, and watch the MSM, though in recent months, that's been happening less frequently. It's funny how they have traditional values, yet are still voting Left -_-
I have hope that God will heal them, and others around the word who took it, and ALL will be exposed!
I'm basically in the same exact boat. I think I'm the only member of my family (immediate or extended) that hasn't taken a jab. Nobody I am aware has had adverse reactions but I am concerned for their health too.
I appreciate your attitude and found it inspiring. Thank you.
I know 2022 is going to be very busy, and on the health sides of things, I hope that after this, my family/loved ones, won't feel guilty for forcing us to take the vax. Even if they were misled by the elites, I know that next time, they'll develop clarity, and hopefully, draw closer to God. I also know that next year 2022 would also be a year of MUCH exposure, and their eyes will 'be opened'. It's a difficult time, but we'll all prevail in the end and the world will heal from this.
God Bless.
I don't know any relatives who admit to ending up in the hospital from a hot shot like those who ended up with heart issues but some do seem to be getting sick more easily than before and at least a couple women have been fussing that their hair has been thinning. I do however know a friend of a friend who had a heart attack after the first shot! I do think something in the shots does make people dumber though as I don't see how mass psychosis can explain all the other idiocy and absent mindedness that I have observed increasing in the past year.
I agree. My husband's parents who took it seem to be developing dementia now that they have had 3 shots.
It DEFINITELY has a cognitive effectS. That 4-6% figure will rise.
Pretty much the same boat here, warned them to no avail with the vax. I've been able to awaken my father as much as an external consciousness can (still has a ways to go on his own), but my mother is so lost. So far they're not boosting, so fingers crossed.
Sadly, it seems Free Will prevents God from just setting people straight...why divinely heal someone just so they can go back to their old lifestyle and perspective that led them astray in the first place? If God kept doing that over and over wouldn't he be clinically insane to expect a different result? The change has to be driven by the individual's Will, one has to throw the bowling ball down the lane on their own and God will pop-up like gutter guards to make sure you get at least one pin (make it to the destination without falling into the gutter).
I have dealt with these types in my circle as well. This is a battle of the soul. The soul is what God gave us to allow us to have free will and fully make our own decisions to go one way or another. Another reason why some of the angels (especially satan) grew jealous of humans - because we have a soul and were made in God's image, where as angels are only a spirit. We often say "it's a battle of your mind", but in all reality, it's a battle of your soul. There is no other creation that has a soul except humanity.
This also perfectly explains why in the end times it is said that there will be a "Mark of the Beast", the "Beast" will have complete control over you, and there is also likely the potential for complete "mind control" if you receive the Mark of the Beast (making it nearly impossible to find God/Jesus during the tribulation).
Your soul is what allows you to turn away from something and go your own direction. Your soul is what allows you to turn away from the world and run towards Jesus. No other creation has the ability (free-will via soul) to do this. The enemy wants your soul.
howbad.info This website allows you to check the batch number (all the shots) against the reported adverse events. There's a section of about 10 batches (in sequence) for Pfizer which are the most reported. Interesting stuff.
Thank you for this Sauce: WinnerofGames! Nice find.
Also down below is a massive link of sauces from TrustTheTruth!
Nice work to both Anons! I’ll sticky this up a few days so you all can dig in!
I’m just sticky-ing some very important things back up for new Anons. God bless you all.
I am with you, fren, I just watched a video about Gates. He had a formula on a board about carbon emissions and how we had to get one of the variables down to zero. I know the one variable was population.
he literally said "if we do a really good job with vaccines, we can reduce the world's population by 10 to 15 percent." but people still think he's a good guy...
Actually it was health care along with vaccines and reproductive services. Yes pure evil.
that's even worse XD...
People, unfortunately, are morons.
I agree but how'd you even find this XD
just want to remind everyone that JFKJr. knew all about Bill Gates, and featured him in his 1997 survival guide to the future edition of George Magazine.
Thanks!! 👍🏽
Good read. Thank you!
you're welcome and I agree, think it's an example of Q's 'how many coincidences before mathematically impossible'
& to add another one; this is the fictional story from the same 1997 magazine, about a crisis in 2020 involving the elderly, even has a video wall like Epstein island😳
Gates is a Wanted “man” in India and other countries have charges against him. I believe Italy off top of head, and at least one African nation. Sorry, if memory serves me. The actual trail of his destructive EUGENICS experiments is frightening that this monster is still walking. Screw Prince Andrew being first big arrest; I’d LOVE to see this mental mutant swing first.
Bill Back Better
Re-stickied to top too! Thank you for this sauce Anon! Nice find!
I’m ready for His Storm. We know how the Story Ends. And Who Wins
The question is who does the arresting of Bill and Melinda Gates and Fauci? When you have corrupted judges and Congress and many of those are blackmailed and/or are profiting from the stocks do you really think they are anxious for the gravy train to end? Do you think they care about maiming or deaths? What kills me is Gates and Brad Smith, neither have a medical background but yet the populous acts like their word is gospel. Fauci too is a puppet. Someone has to be pulling his strings for him to flip and flop so often.
Something about that hose paste when I take it. Body feels different in a nice way.
Glad you can still get it! I went five hundred miles away (visiting family), to a rural area, and couldn't get it anywhere. My local supply (the Tractor kind), has stopped carrying it at all. I concur, I feel very good after taking it. Even gotten used to the fake apple taste.
The depopulation apologists in the fake news tried to give a lame excuse that “helping” stupid breeders with vaccines can cause them to become K-selected and more careful with their family planning. The track record shows, however, that any time r-selected populations have been given actual help such as foreign aid, food, clean water, or beneficial medicine, they become even more r-selected and their birth rate booms even higher. So obviously the vaccines are not meant to help.
The elites don't want K selected people, they want r selected people They don't want hardy independent types.
i've pretty much worked out that what matters most in a person is whether they are K or r no matter what any of their other background is.
As long as bill gates gives large amounts of money to the media companies, they will keep his name polished.
Shirley oan, newsMax, epoch Times, etc aren't in his pocket. But I never here this stuff there either!!1!
I mean there is video of him talking about using the vax to reduce the population of the earth. Can anyone else connect the dots? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!
Where is that vid? I haven't seen it
its a ted talk...
I'm not sure about the video, but he talked about all kind of crazy sh*t in his article with JFK Jr.
I wonder how hard it would be to get this up on jumbo trons across the country... ? Where's a hacker when ya need one?
I'm so frustrated that these facts are not common knowledge I could scream! Keep praying frens! 🙏
George Soros and Bill Gates are also backing at least one Covid testing company.
Let it BE so. 🙏
If Bill Gates believes so much in depopulation, he should lead by example.
I'm a Christian, but I relish watching what happens to the main depopulation folks. Bill Gates, Fauci, and the rest of the Satanists. If I could view God's Vengeance regardless of how horrible, I'd do it. I pray For God to do it soon.
ty for sharing source anon
I went to the original source of the newspaper article months ago and a virus was attached so be cautious !
Here's a copy of the entire paper with that article in PDF format. No viruses...
You're welcome. 👍
I keep using this picture all year on Twitter but they just tell me its photoshopped...
Why a trial? lol
Yes agreed! So much more too!
excellent work, fren!
what was in this comment chain? every single comment was deleted.
Would also like to know. According to his/their history, u/TrusttheTruth was in the chain.
See the reply to u/into_the_continuum below. Thank you.
These were comments by Brent75 who asked for the links to be added to the comment. He said he was going to delete his comments in the conversation asking for the links, and would sticky the updated comment with the links, and did so. He is trying to be helpful.
This does not however resolve the suspicious behavior on Patriots.WIN where comments have been shadow-banned at very opportune times.