Hmmm, the problem is, that is too obvious. Could it be the 9th, 12th? I've heard Trump signed the IA on various different days after Jan. 6th and before Jan. 20th. I guess we only have to wait 2 more weeks to find anything out... 2 ... moar... weaks...
When you are ninety, smiling too vigorously can cause you to sprain your back. So can a good sneeze. A little old lady can sprain her back reaching for her back-scratcher.
Having once sprained my back and suffered a subluxation of my 5th lumbar vertebra, I can testify to how easily it can happen. The elderly are far more prone to such problems, even though for a younger person the same problem would be shrugged off. One can raise an eyebrow at official explanations, but there is no need to sneer at a possibly truthful one, when the injury could be quite painful and debilitating. (Ever tried to wipe your ass with a strained back?)
I hope he is right on all of this.To be fair he is spot on with his ADA call and some great stuff on there.
I really hope he is wrong about Gen Flynn though as i will be well pissed off if he turns out to be DS Traitor.
If you go back even further he talks about other Cryptos as well and "proof of location".
If he's right about Flynn and Lin Wood I'm not worried. We on this site are all waking up! We are searching for the truth, finding our own answers, and sharing what we got. No bad actors can handle millions of decentralized minds all researching and reporting their findings. We are all Americas (and the worlds) hope and prayer!
Yes i have been looking back. The video from the Barcelona Olympic opening Ceremony was jaw dropping.
You are right i shouldn't be surprised by anything now.
Who knows what is going on with Wood and Flynn bizarre at any level.
Take care
I personally believe she is dead, however, The reason I said " she's on her way out" is simple...What if someone here asks you for "Proof"...or "Source"... What would you present to them as such ...
If we think she's expired and they'll announce on the 20th, perhaps we can happily tell people on the 18th or the 19th that she's gone and it doesn't matter if they believe us at that point.
Go through his tweets and you'll realize he's using the Crypto Time Traveling gimmick as as a way to wake people up. I would be surprised if he isn't someone on GAW.
He announced he would leave after the Queens death announcement I think back in October
He started reporting the Queens upcoming death even before then.
The British Monarch has the power to declare war at any time on any nation. The Queen has never exercised that power. Prince Charles, next in line, is a mental midget and seems to be awfully sympathetic to Islam. I would like the Queen to live as long as she can.
Sprained back? More likely osteoporosis caused a bone to collapse. There is medicine that helps women rebuild bones in their 80's but it can't stop the inevitable.
It will be announced on January 20th
17 Days before her Platinum Jubilee
also, Inauguration Day in the United States
1 year Delta of the foreign occupation of Washington DC as described in 11.3 of the Law of War
That's... two more weeks.
You know it's kek but true
So kek, but trueee🎵
Ok, U’m lost on what KEK is and what comms are. Can you fill me in please?
Has roots in gaming, Egyptian god, 4chan and more. It’s a positive exclamation on these boards.
...EXACTLY correct fren, esp. 1 yr. delta on the foreign occupation. Jan 20 is the day
Hmmm, the problem is, that is too obvious. Could it be the 9th, 12th? I've heard Trump signed the IA on various different days after Jan. 6th and before Jan. 20th. I guess we only have to wait 2 more weeks to find anything out... 2 ... moar... weaks...
Is it 1 year after the signing of the act, or the "official" transition of power
Not a mystery for those on this board.
Nope. She's been gone for awhile
"sprained her back"? What was she doing, clean and jerk with no belt?
A royal that sprains their back? Yeah not buying it at all.
When you are ninety, smiling too vigorously can cause you to sprain your back. So can a good sneeze. A little old lady can sprain her back reaching for her back-scratcher.
Chasing a crawling baby through the dungeons.
"Get back here, you little shit, I'm not going to hurt you" 🤔
Nightmarish. She wouldn’t have been wearing IT’s human meat sack either?!
Those who cover for the evil are as bad as the evildoer. She’s repulsive. Sulu, turn the ship around, the good Dr has been redeemed!
I expect you’ll have a rewritten resume in my Inbox soon Dr? We wouldn’t want to confuse the Federation?
Nailed it
Having once sprained my back and suffered a subluxation of my 5th lumbar vertebra, I can testify to how easily it can happen. The elderly are far more prone to such problems, even though for a younger person the same problem would be shrugged off. One can raise an eyebrow at official explanations, but there is no need to sneer at a possibly truthful one, when the injury could be quite painful and debilitating. (Ever tried to wipe your ass with a strained back?)
She's been dead for quite a while. This is all DS theater.
Lizzy Deuce has been singing with the Choir Invisible for some time. This is all kabuki theater to ease the UK people into the reality.
My guess is they're saving the London Bridge card to shift the news cycle from the walls crashing down on Prince Andrew.
She’s standing before the Greatest Sovereign and all her secret crimes are being exposed by the Highest Court
Someone called it here earlier, her "death" will be to distract from the Prince Andrew debacle that's coming up shortly.
BTW, that text and image are from a Telegram post on Nov. 17, 2021.
Her situation has likely not changed since then.
'Cuz she's dead.
She ded
I was looking at the tabloids last week. One of them said she was dead. 🤔
Just read him and he is obviously winding up and waking people in a good way.
This one is particularly interesting to me.
The Celeb Covid Reporting playbook
I hope he is right on all of this.To be fair he is spot on with his ADA call and some great stuff on there. I really hope he is wrong about Gen Flynn though as i will be well pissed off if he turns out to be DS Traitor.
If you go back even further he talks about other Cryptos as well and "proof of location".
If he's right about Flynn and Lin Wood I'm not worried. We on this site are all waking up! We are searching for the truth, finding our own answers, and sharing what we got. No bad actors can handle millions of decentralized minds all researching and reporting their findings. We are all Americas (and the worlds) hope and prayer!
Look at this link
Yes i have been looking back. The video from the Barcelona Olympic opening Ceremony was jaw dropping. You are right i shouldn't be surprised by anything now. Who knows what is going on with Wood and Flynn bizarre at any level. Take care
You too brother!
Just about all his tweets are archived for later, in case he disappears off Twatter.
Thats it!
I personally believe she is dead, however, The reason I said " she's on her way out" is simple...What if someone here asks you for "Proof"...or "Source"... What would you present to them as such ...
The Crypto Time Traveler
How about her faked 2021 Christmas address for starters...
I recall her (final?) scowl in that limo ride before they boarded-up B-Palace. Just reminiscing sorry.
Elizabeth is kaput. They're holding her body probably until Prince Pedo is arrested or is charged. Then, state funeral
If we think she's expired and they'll announce on the 20th, perhaps we can happily tell people on the 18th or the 19th that she's gone and it doesn't matter if they believe us at that point.
she ded
You need to look at the Crypto Time Traveler
He Was Sent Back From Year 2044 As An Experiment To Help People Create Wealth And He Leaves When The Queens Death Is Announced Publicly
Lol I love to see this guys tweets.
That's the wildest hustle I've ever heard of!
Its fucking great! I love it! 🤣
Go through his tweets and you'll realize he's using the Crypto Time Traveling gimmick as as a way to wake people up. I would be surprised if he isn't someone on GAW.
He announced he would leave after the Queens death announcement I think back in October
He started reporting the Queens upcoming death even before then.
I hope he is here, quietly smiling at us admiring his tweets.
Wilder than 81 million illegal ballots?
When can we stop calling her Queen Elizabeth and start calling her In-Bred Elizabeth?
who gives a shit.
The British Monarch has the power to declare war at any time on any nation. The Queen has never exercised that power. Prince Charles, next in line, is a mental midget and seems to be awfully sympathetic to Islam. I would like the Queen to live as long as she can.
She has achieved room temperature.
Sprained back? More likely osteoporosis caused a bone to collapse. There is medicine that helps women rebuild bones in their 80's but it can't stop the inevitable.
Come the fuck on, this lizard was executed about a year ago.
She's been dead. Now that her actor replacement Betty White has died he effigy is gone too.
The longest execution ever. Rip off the band-aid and move on.
24 hour doctor overwatch is cute when she has likely been gone for some time now.