Jilly⚡️XRP 🚀🔴🇺🇸🙏🏼 (@JillRTeamXRP) Tweeted: Geraldo rivera tests Positive and is astounded since he’s double 💉💉and Boosted Seems to be finally sinking in https://t.co/JpdksXPDzI https://twitter.com/JillRTeamXRP/status/1480032320174313473?s=20
Comments (51)
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Watch the msm try and put a negative spin on Florida
As if they haven't been doing that already 😆
oh no.. our traffic will clear up and housing values will go back to normal..
Hah! You wish.
Just like all the global warming cult leaders buying seafront retirement homes, they're gonna say one thing while doing the opposite.
He’s embarrassed of catching a virus. It’s not an STD.
Jerk reaction from when he Had stds
If an STD had a face... it'd be his.
I know lots of people in FL BOTH Vaxxed and not who have it. No one I know is experiencing more than a typical cold
It’s actually making most everyone worry less about Covid
They're coming for Desantis
They have been after him for > 2 years. He is Trump Jr. for all practical concerns. After him, there is Abbott and not many others who are effective at that level. DeSantis is a Patriot, intelligent, educated, and well versed in Military ops. He KNOWS what this is and how to fight it. He is one of the few unfortunately.
Friend of bushs
And they are gonna fail. HARD.
Geraldo is absolutely a pedo.
If you look closely at his mustache, tiny children can be seen trying to escape the hair jungle.
He combs it back towards his ears....😂
Yup, all the vaxxed test positive...
Looks like Dems should stay out of Fla!
Tell that to piss pants pelosi
Key west Florida to be exact..
Lol gay
Gay chickens also
Odd that he knows it came from Florida given that there is not even a reliable COVID test at this point. Yet, the sheeple will of course faint in their fear and piss their pants as always. I can see it now: "Send in the military to shut down Florida"
Add Bob Saget to that list. Came from Florida tour: now dead. No cause of death, so far.
Oh wow, I hadn't heard that.
One less pedo in the world.
Wow !
[My loyal old beagle passed on today....] <--- Looks like Hollywood is about to lose a few 'loyal old dogs'.
Edit: but seriously, I just saw people posting about numerous fresh dog coms. Now, this. They sent the infected bastards to Florida, not the other way around. How many autographs did AOC hand out to the peasants? How many audience members were exposed during these tours?
Spike protiens
Lol trifecta would be swallow well being positive. :)
Am I the only one that thinks all these people on the left who are "fully vax'd and boosted" and getting sick are actually comms?
Thinking logically, if they really were vax'd and really did then get sick, wouldn't they bury that news that clearly goes contrary to their 24/7 vax push? Why would they publicize this info?
Can this be a message that they've flipped, and are no longer a DS asset?
More likely they're going to start blaming Florida or any other problem state
Very well could be !
So predictable 🙄
Bob saget found dead in Florida today
Greetings from Freeblood, Freeface Florida!
Herd immunity for the win!
I was in Miami Beach same time as AOC. I’m fine.
LOL Rivera was awfully cranky as Maxwell got talked about more and more. Wonder if he needs to take a way out?
I like that angle ! All options open at this point !
Geraldo comes to Florida, gets covid. AOC comes to Florida, gets covid. Sagat too? We dont know yet. Is there a pattern starting here? and whoever's making it happen I owe drinks for a fucking month.
Watch for Swallowell to break news.
Will they make a stink about Florida ? Will see what happens
My counter point would be.... SO WHAT? Grow a pair and use that natural immunity God gave us.
100% 👍
What DNC meeting did they have down there for so many democrats to have magically all chosen it as their vacation destination?
I know right !
The "cool" gang has decided to destroy Florida.
If you believe that, I have a Bidge to Tarabithia to sell you.
So.....contact tracing? Why so important to visit FL? Who/what in FL is so important to risk catching the coof?
What narrative? Jabs are useless?
This will be DeSantis's and possibly even Trump's defining moment... Will he cave or will be be DeSantis and tell MSM to go fuck itself... again