In America. In much of the rest of the world, manual transmission is standard. Purkiss is from South Africa, not sure if he snapped this pic or found it online but I know all my friends in Spain have only ever driven stick.
I learned to drive on my dad's rental cars in Spain growing up.
You could be a millionaire. Invent it! If you make it, morons will buy it! And of course, have it manufactured in China Grove so they don't boycott it. They're not smart enough to figure THAT one out. KEK
I can't believe the owner is not only risking their life, but everyone else on the planet, by not following The Science properly...
Surely everyone knows that (unless you wear 6 of them) those paper 'surgical' masks (along with any other previously acceptable muzzle) ... have now stopped working!, and should IMMEDIATELY be replaced with N95 or FPP2
Oherwise that 'death trap should be immediately confiscated by the FBI, as a potential right wing extremist suicide bomb, that could kill Fauci, AOC and their entire families, from further away than NK Hypersonic missile.
I mocked someone the other day on twitter by saying, "if you wear three masks and a plastic bag over your head you will be extra protected", and they thought I was seriously trying to help them :)
This symbolizes the people that think they are smarter than all of use because they listen to the main stream media. It speaks for itself. Also, looks to be a Europe only car model.
WHOA!!!! omg SO many comments come to mind! Speechless. Imagine being a parent who paid for their child to endure that tirade??! The level of insanity has reached a new low.
Pretty sure this person's family is the same one that bought a package of n95 masks from my son on eBay for so much he was able to add another AR-15 to his arsenal. Yes, one single package. Fuscking idiots!!!
Oh my goodness . . . Insanity runs EAMPANT in LibWorld!!
These people are not just stupid, but lazy. Why no silicone sealant and duct tape around all window openings?? And spray foam gap filler under the dashboard? And neoprene gaskets around dooe frames? I mean -- at LEAST be CONSISTENT!
you cant fix stupid........
Surprisingly no condom on the shifter knob.
I'm sure with masks on the vents, a condom on the shifter would be "horrific" for her/him. LOL
Maybe it's one of those Subaru Barebacks.
That was the first thing I noticed as well... I bet those won’t be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold... no way.
I didn't notice that either and I drive a stick every single day!
That means they're older (and should therefore know better), everyone knows young'ns these days can't drive shift lol.
In America. In much of the rest of the world, manual transmission is standard. Purkiss is from South Africa, not sure if he snapped this pic or found it online but I know all my friends in Spain have only ever driven stick.
I learned to drive on my dad's rental cars in Spain growing up.
They probably have kids too 👀
...reinforces the word " vaxxident " cuz this car will b in one soon
Now we know tue next big Halloween costume
the end won't be for everyone...
I don't even have words.
What about the defrost and floor vent. Maybe someday they will add an cabin filter to vehicles.
You could be a millionaire. Invent it! If you make it, morons will buy it! And of course, have it manufactured in China Grove so they don't boycott it. They're not smart enough to figure THAT one out. KEK
That's the funny part. Most newer cars have them.
They've had them for decades. When I buy a used car that's the first thing I change cause sometimes it will smell like communism.
My 2000 Maxima has em...
I had a 97 Maxima, loved that thing.
my jeep liberty doesnt have cabin filters, i was rather annoyed to find this out.
Sometimes there just are no words.
You say stupid, I say GENIUS! That car has NEVER tested positive for the Coof!
But if the car is in a wreck, it will be called a "covid wreck" :)
no co-morbidities either, no sir, covid all the way
I guess no vaccine needed for that immune car then🤣🤣😂😂
See? masks work!
Cars need a NEG PCR sticker, like an emissions or state inspection sticker? Cuz it’s SCIENCE!!
kinda surprised they don't have copies of their vax record taped to all the windows for the world to see :D
They probably hand it to the cops after being pulled-over with their DL/Reg!! (“Look, I’m a socially responsible commie-bot”!!).
What they'll never tell you is that it's never gotten the flu or a cold either . . .
keep searching the image for the kool aid dispenser that HAS to be there.
oh, wait. it's that radio in the middle there, isn't it?
Tuned to NPR, no doubt
But but but that guy will laugh at me again for wearing it in my car alone!
snickers yeah but unless ALL your cars are masked and 3X booster-shot also, this isn't going to work.
Those aren't masks...they're bras..../s
I'm still fucking speechless....🙄😁
Wait until you see them drive the car probably double or triple masked! Kek!
With BMIs over 50.
Wonder if they have one on the exhaust pipe, too, to reduce Co2 pollution, ya know?
Hey…cars flatulate dontcha know?
That is a special kind of stupid!!!!
Peak paranoia mixed with a dangerous combination of raw ignorance and hypochondria
I think that was the mix for ww2
WOW. That's a new low. LOL!
No wonder the NWO thinks we are all a bunch of useless eaters. Look at this shit!
How stupid do you have to be to think this does any good.
I’m still against cars getting a mandatory vaccination though......
I can't believe the owner is not only risking their life, but everyone else on the planet, by not following The Science properly...
Surely everyone knows that (unless you wear 6 of them) those paper 'surgical' masks (along with any other previously acceptable muzzle) ... have now stopped working!, and should IMMEDIATELY be replaced with N95 or FPP2 Oherwise that 'death trap should be immediately confiscated by the FBI, as a potential right wing extremist suicide bomb, that could kill Fauci, AOC and their entire families, from further away than NK Hypersonic missile.
I mocked someone the other day on twitter by saying, "if you wear three masks and a plastic bag over your head you will be extra protected", and they thought I was seriously trying to help them :)
Darwin had a name for that
That is next level
This symbolizes the people that think they are smarter than all of use because they listen to the main stream media. It speaks for itself. Also, looks to be a Europe only car model.
Definition of ignorance
The definition of living in fear
Probably still wears a mask driving
Not probably. Most certainly. Two at the very least
Taped to face. Faceshield and gloves too all doused in a gallon of hand sanitizer.
And they prolly think they’re GENIUSES?!! Might be a college professor???
Maybe this one?
WHOA!!!! omg SO many comments come to mind! Speechless. Imagine being a parent who paid for their child to endure that tirade??! The level of insanity has reached a new low.
Is it really any dumber than believing one of these will protect you if you wear it on your face?
I’ve seen people take it to the extreme only to wake up shortly after. I pray for this person.
Pretty sure this person's family is the same one that bought a package of n95 masks from my son on eBay for so much he was able to add another AR-15 to his arsenal. Yes, one single package. Fuscking idiots!!!
Some people abuse the privilege of being stupid
Lmfao...I really like that...
No way!
It's just got to be a asinine joke,someone being funny?
This is acquired mental illness from Corporate Propaganda.
Oh my goodness . . . Insanity runs EAMPANT in LibWorld!!
These people are not just stupid, but lazy. Why no silicone sealant and duct tape around all window openings?? And spray foam gap filler under the dashboard? And neoprene gaskets around dooe frames? I mean -- at LEAST be CONSISTENT!
That. Is. Retarded.
That's hilarious!