This image comes from a now-deleted thread on 4chan. Like most stuff there, it's probably written by someone just for shits & giggles, but it raises an interesting question:
If MSM were actually to start telling the vaxxed that they've seriously harmed themselves, how should patriots react? Some will get giddy and say 'I told ya so' but that doesn't seem to square with wisdom and experience. Patriots ought to be more compassionate and constructive than that.
Among other considerations, there is that of how to deal with normies engaging in local violence and having mental breakdowns. Who knows, MSM may well throw us a curveball we weren't expecting.
yup, I've heard enough smug bullshit about the vax and heard what they want to do with "unvaxxed". I'm going to have a hearty laugh at them when it all gets revealed
went to a top 10 school last year to finish my MBA. the things I've heard professors and other students say about "unvaxxed" are not kind. like we're all devils
If you vaxxed yourself and your kids, or you publicly endorsed the vaccine such as employer mandates, celebrity endorsements, politicians who encouraged the vax, etc, etc; your opinion should be considered worthless in matters of seriousness like national security, health care, politics, etc.
I suggest concentration camps are a good thing to put THEM in. Shedding spike proteins all over because they were vaxed? They should be concentrated and quarentined until a way is found to reverse the damage.
You can already see Scott Adams hedging for this. He knows it's coming.
"No one could have possibly known.", etc.
This is why it's important not to move straight to forgiveness. There must be accountability and punishment. We must always remember what the worst of us did when they got a taste of power.
An enormous number of Americans failed the "if I were a German in the 1940's" behavioral test.
"The LORD replied to Moses, "If her father had spit in her face, would she not have been in disgrace for seven days? Confine her outside the camp for seven days; after that she can be brought back." So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back." -- Numbers 12
That's different. I'm talking about people in positions of influence, pressuring others to get it. The fact is, if it turns out that they were wrong about one of the, if not THE single biggest issues of our times, they forfeit future credibility.
My dad is vaxxed (3x), for the same reasons as you, and he employs 600 people in a business he owns. Not once, did he pressure them to get the vaccine. He was ALWAYS against the mandates, and for personal choice.
He made a personal decision for himself to get it, but did not try to play God with his employees and force them into it..... (thank God for that).
The social media platforms that censored & banned us should experience a great deal of animus from us. Not attacking individuals so much as making them face the fact that their support & tolerance of these platforms that openly banned opposing views lead to their being mislead and vaxxx damaged. There could even be lawsuits against these platforms.
When that sort of blind outrage happens - the Elite lay in wait to exploit it.
I am all for the gallows - just clearly defined swift and precise justice. Not lynchings in town squares. There has to be a line or we will get exploited in the chaos.
100% agree. I started the journey of weight loss because I was fat shamed. Most of these people will go right back to sleep without some sort of reality check.
Without shunning and shaming there is no behavioral modification.
It is unfortunate but they need to quit crying about being victims, even though to an extent they ARE victims of a ruthless disinformation and medical experimentation campaign designed to suppress effective treatments so more thousands would die, and to keep them ignorant and paralyzed with stark, nameless fear for their own and their families' lives.
We don’t have to treat them at all. They separated themselves from us! Were you uninvited from family gathering for lack of a prick? If they reach out to you, that is a big step, treat with respect. If they don’t reach out, they are not taking responsibility for their part in the genocide.
Saw a disgusting cdc ad for children getting the vaccine. Really sick. Begging my brother not to vax his 2 and 1 year old. Not sure his lib wife will care what I say. At least Trump last night made it clear that it is insanity to vaccinate children.
Same. However, some of them did chastise me a bit for not being vaccinated. Some refuse to see me. If OP's post comes true - I will absolutely chide them a bit with "Remember when you called me a crazy, anti-vaxxer?" texts
I was thinking in terms of our nieces - nephews - cousins etc. who have taken the vax. I don't see much sense in browbeating them right as they are justifiably starting to fear for their lives. But maybe that's just me.
As for politicos and journos and doctors who pushed this crap on society - I agree, no mercy.
You bring up an excellent point. This has the potential to be like an addict switching to another addiction after breaking the first addiction. No longer will they fear the virus but instead they will live in fear about what their bodies are going to do as a result of the vaccine.
So, I get the ego's need for Rightness; however, the vaccine is so small, so short-sighted, so not relevant in the whole 25 thousands years of scheming from the "black goo" to infiltrate and defeat Divine Light. The vaccine is one "battle" event. The war is still playing out in this space time realm. Wait until Religion, ALL RELIGION, is exposed for the reptilian goo made shit it is. Be careful with the "I told you so's" as there are still four fingers pointing back at you. Gratitude, Compassion, Love are the order of the day (Divine Light, Christ consciousness). Roles were accepted and played to WIN, and trivial BS like "rightness" is so "black goo" BE THE CHANGE.
Considering I knew it was a manufactured bioweapon right away when they published the data on the genetic backbone, researched it and looked at alternative voices, my thinking was trust the vaccine or trust a bioweapon. I trust Trump and believe in him, I felt his involvement with the vaccines were enough for me to take one although I was skeptical and waited.
I’m still not sold on the harm of vaccines for everyone that took one because I researched that too, with the ferret study and Th-2, Th-1 reactions. I took fish oil for months before I got one and had nary a reaction from my innate immune system or eosinophils.
Do people realize what’s causing the reactions and how to prevent it?
Not everyone is making dangerous autoantibodies that react either in Covid or the vaccine. Not enough research being done about it because I haven’t seen it here.
I haven’t seen anyone vaccinated have any health problems I just hear about it online. I’m a hospital nurse too, haven’t heard anything outright either. While I believe people they are happening because of my research I do not think they are as common as people assume they are because of the things they see others say.
I have not found any proof or even biological theory as to why MRNA would cause continued spike protein production. I researched the people who said these things as well. I found proof of type 2 TH reactions from the previous vaccine studies, which it was pointed out. Your cells do replace themselves so that would stop production of any protein. I focused on hot/cold, like hot sauna with a cold bath to enhance the lacking apoptosis of used up immune cells to encourage new immunity and non specific antibodies and do not find myself sick.
These therapies work. While I believe people who get sick or vaccinate need to encourage cell death of primed antibodies and cells, it’s not hopeless. The body is adaptable and can heal. Thinking you can’t heal your body from anything even cancer is antithetical to what I believe. God gave us the intelligence to figure this out, especially if you ask him.
The same people who want me dead? They made this mess and it's their debt and social obligation to clean it up. It's not my obligation to do anything.
Just like it's not my obligation to muzzle myself—to pay out money I don't want to spend, indefinitely, for masks that don't do anything except reduce oxygen to my brain and concentrate CO2 in my blood; inflame the skin of my face; and cause me to constantly touch, scratch, adjust, and infect with microbes the thing that's supposedly protecting me from microbes—all just to somewhat reduce the irrational fear of the terrified and scientifically illiterate.
Pharmaceutical companies, Bill Gates & his Euthanasia organization. The media & Hollywood, people need to know that their following celebrities who truly don’t give a damn about their life, over you, their family….was deeply wounding.
If I were threatening people with isolation, concentration camps, and death for not complying with dangerous and irrational government orders, I'd want to be treated with anger and contempt, which might hopefully snap me out of threatening other innocent, more rational people.
First, your comment that some on this site might be "giddy" at the thought of a loved one finding out they had seriously harmed themselves with a vaxx is really offensive. So as to prove we aren't "giddy" we should be compassionate?
Real people have died due to these idiots. Real people have lost everything, due to these idiots. Children have been abused wearing these evil masks, and given life threatening problems, because of these idiots. Evil cannot flourish with a handful of scumbag politico's. It takes the useful idiots to make sure evil flourishes. They must first know what devastation they have helped create.
Then, they must work to make things right and ensure this never happens again. They need to work with us to eradicate the evil around us. The trans agenda...gone. The school and college programming of children...gone. Hollywood and its never ending debaucheries...gone. Stolen elections...gone. Arrests of those involved no matter what party...done. global warming bs...gone. The list is almost endless. Oh, one more. Stop mocking and embrace the MAGA movement.
If they still think drag queen reading hour is ok, then they are still carrying the water for evil. No excuses. And at that time reminded on how wrong they were in the past.
The giddiness I'm talking about would most likely come from being vindicated about vax dangers after two years of arguing with co-workers, neighbors, and social media rando's about the issue. Obviously, no one is going to be happy about loved ones falling ill.
I'm not suggesting patriots should be compassionate towards Fauci, Daszak, Cuomo, Newsom, Gates, or any of the other ringleaders of this atrocity... I was talking about how to deal with friends and relatives who are freaking out over what they finally realize they've done to themselves.
Sometimes I don't clearly express my ideas and that's just a consequence of my poor writing skills - I hope you will look past them.
I did understand what you were saying. Your writing is just fine. Mine, a lot iffy. Anyway, Fauci, Daszak, Cuomo, Newsom, Gates, they only have power that these idiots gave them.
Most of us knew over a year ago what frauds these folks are. If we would have just ignored them, it would have been all over. If nobody wore masks around, if we threatened citizen arrests on cops who were threatening law abiding citizens, or loss of qualified immunity, etc. it would have been over. The reason this could not be done is that too many people sided with evil instead of "we the people" and the side of good.
Due to this, many people have lost everything. Parents died alone in nursing homes, or may have been abused in such. It is hard yet to know the damage this will do to our young children with all the mask coverings. These evil people hid cures, and yet our loved ones didn't seem to care. So, people died. I have been shocked at how friends who I thought were really good people, just left their adult daughter alone in the hospital for over a week with a non covid issue. HOW?????
Honestly, the ones that need to worry about compassion are those that couldn't be bothered to know that their friend, aunt, uncle, cousin had a different pov and maybe it would be helpful to investigate the expert sourses that didn't agree with the narrative.
Bottom line, The people in our lives who refused to use logic and common sense, need to drastically change. For me to forgive, they would need to help fight the fight against evil. And, stop voting for evil as well.
This image comes from a now-deleted thread on 4chan. Like most stuff there, it's probably written by someone just for shits & giggles, but it raises an interesting question:
If MSM were actually to start telling the vaxxed that they've seriously harmed themselves, how should patriots react? Some will get giddy and say 'I told ya so' but that doesn't seem to square with wisdom and experience. Patriots ought to be more compassionate and constructive than that.
Among other considerations, there is that of how to deal with normies engaging in local violence and having mental breakdowns. Who knows, MSM may well throw us a curveball we weren't expecting.
I'm not so sure about being too compassionate.
Anyone who went along with covid scam plandemic needs to be kicked down a few notches.
they don't need to be making anymore decisions on the behalf of others
yup, I've heard enough smug bullshit about the vax and heard what they want to do with "unvaxxed". I'm going to have a hearty laugh at them when it all gets revealed
How much of that have you heard personally, and how much of that is from Chinabots and Soros Shills on twitter?
went to a top 10 school last year to finish my MBA. the things I've heard professors and other students say about "unvaxxed" are not kind. like we're all devils
That last line for sure.
If you vaxxed yourself and your kids, or you publicly endorsed the vaccine such as employer mandates, celebrity endorsements, politicians who encouraged the vax, etc, etc; your opinion should be considered worthless in matters of seriousness like national security, health care, politics, etc.
They gave away their physical bodies to people they were conditioned to blindly trust.
That’s not a minimal thing when they are taught To Worship Authority - and they learn their best interests was not that Authority’s intent.
That’s a point most of us also hit.
The Great Awakening
Q was clear. We are to be guiding lights in this process. We all knew it was coming.
When they realize the vax wasn’t in their benefit - what else is fake they will think.
If you found out you were tricked into a lifelong illness you're probably going to be all in on socialized medicine and disability income.
If they hoped for concentration camps for the unvaxxed then it’s ok for us to hope for unmarked mass graves for the vaccinated.
I suggest concentration camps are a good thing to put THEM in. Shedding spike proteins all over because they were vaxed? They should be concentrated and quarentined until a way is found to reverse the damage.
For their own good, of course.
/ (mostly) S
You can already see Scott Adams hedging for this. He knows it's coming.
"No one could have possibly known.", etc.
This is why it's important not to move straight to forgiveness. There must be accountability and punishment. We must always remember what the worst of us did when they got a taste of power.
An enormous number of Americans failed the "if I were a German in the 1940's" behavioral test.
"The LORD replied to Moses, "If her father had spit in her face, would she not have been in disgrace for seven days? Confine her outside the camp for seven days; after that she can be brought back." So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back." -- Numbers 12
They're all Albert Speers obviously. Kek! just architects doing their job.
Everything no credibility on any subject ever again.
Only purebloods allowed to vote. 👌🏻
Vaxxed vote = 3/5 of 1 Vote?
I got the vaccine because I am old as fuck.
That's different. I'm talking about people in positions of influence, pressuring others to get it. The fact is, if it turns out that they were wrong about one of the, if not THE single biggest issues of our times, they forfeit future credibility.
My dad is vaxxed (3x), for the same reasons as you, and he employs 600 people in a business he owns. Not once, did he pressure them to get the vaccine. He was ALWAYS against the mandates, and for personal choice.
He made a personal decision for himself to get it, but did not try to play God with his employees and force them into it..... (thank God for that).
Age is not a reason for taking a gene modifying biological agent. Why would it be? It wasn't and still isn't a vaccine.
But did you force Vesemir to get it?
Compassionate with those that you loved in 2019 and struggle to love now. Get on Reddit and lay down the I told you so's with reckless abandon.
The social media platforms that censored & banned us should experience a great deal of animus from us. Not attacking individuals so much as making them face the fact that their support & tolerance of these platforms that openly banned opposing views lead to their being mislead and vaxxx damaged. There could even be lawsuits against these platforms.
Strangely checkout r/conspiracy. It’s been insanely based lately.
Assloads of normies waking up and asking questions apologizing for mocking
This is very important. They’ve failed the test and should never be accepted in ANY position of authority.
I think people should get fucking VERY angry and go after the guilty ...
Mind history.
When that sort of blind outrage happens - the Elite lay in wait to exploit it.
I am all for the gallows - just clearly defined swift and precise justice. Not lynchings in town squares. There has to be a line or we will get exploited in the chaos.
True, but if the normies form mobs and go for the hospitals and newsies in their red pill rage, be smart, don't get in the way.
Yes, I want a reckoning.
You called, squire?
100% agree. I started the journey of weight loss because I was fat shamed. Most of these people will go right back to sleep without some sort of reality check.
You guys are able to run?
Without shunning and shaming there is no behavioral modification.
It is unfortunate but they need to quit crying about being victims, even though to an extent they ARE victims of a ruthless disinformation and medical experimentation campaign designed to suppress effective treatments so more thousands would die, and to keep them ignorant and paralyzed with stark, nameless fear for their own and their families' lives.
We don’t have to treat them at all. They separated themselves from us! Were you uninvited from family gathering for lack of a prick? If they reach out to you, that is a big step, treat with respect. If they don’t reach out, they are not taking responsibility for their part in the genocide.
Tarred and feathered.
10,000 years.
Edit :- or so.
I assume most patriots have family and lifetime friends that have been vaccinated. In my case all of them.
I will not be giddy with happiness if the worst case is true. It is bad enough if the best case is true.
I'll just be happy if it is enough to convince them to skip getting their nth booster!
I'll be happy if it's enough to convince them to skip dosing their children. (my grandchildren)
Saw a disgusting cdc ad for children getting the vaccine. Really sick. Begging my brother not to vax his 2 and 1 year old. Not sure his lib wife will care what I say. At least Trump last night made it clear that it is insanity to vaccinate children.
Same. However, some of them did chastise me a bit for not being vaccinated. Some refuse to see me. If OP's post comes true - I will absolutely chide them a bit with "Remember when you called me a crazy, anti-vaxxer?" texts
For the ones refusing to see you, it is definitely deserved.
I was thinking in terms of our nieces - nephews - cousins etc. who have taken the vax. I don't see much sense in browbeating them right as they are justifiably starting to fear for their lives. But maybe that's just me.
As for politicos and journos and doctors who pushed this crap on society - I agree, no mercy.
You bring up an excellent point. This has the potential to be like an addict switching to another addiction after breaking the first addiction. No longer will they fear the virus but instead they will live in fear about what their bodies are going to do as a result of the vaccine.
This. This is what will happen.
So, I get the ego's need for Rightness; however, the vaccine is so small, so short-sighted, so not relevant in the whole 25 thousands years of scheming from the "black goo" to infiltrate and defeat Divine Light. The vaccine is one "battle" event. The war is still playing out in this space time realm. Wait until Religion, ALL RELIGION, is exposed for the reptilian goo made shit it is. Be careful with the "I told you so's" as there are still four fingers pointing back at you. Gratitude, Compassion, Love are the order of the day (Divine Light, Christ consciousness). Roles were accepted and played to WIN, and trivial BS like "rightness" is so "black goo" BE THE CHANGE.
Considering I knew it was a manufactured bioweapon right away when they published the data on the genetic backbone, researched it and looked at alternative voices, my thinking was trust the vaccine or trust a bioweapon. I trust Trump and believe in him, I felt his involvement with the vaccines were enough for me to take one although I was skeptical and waited.
I’m still not sold on the harm of vaccines for everyone that took one because I researched that too, with the ferret study and Th-2, Th-1 reactions. I took fish oil for months before I got one and had nary a reaction from my innate immune system or eosinophils.
Do people realize what’s causing the reactions and how to prevent it?
Not everyone is making dangerous autoantibodies that react either in Covid or the vaccine. Not enough research being done about it because I haven’t seen it here.
I haven’t seen anyone vaccinated have any health problems I just hear about it online. I’m a hospital nurse too, haven’t heard anything outright either. While I believe people they are happening because of my research I do not think they are as common as people assume they are because of the things they see others say.
I have not found any proof or even biological theory as to why MRNA would cause continued spike protein production. I researched the people who said these things as well. I found proof of type 2 TH reactions from the previous vaccine studies, which it was pointed out. Your cells do replace themselves so that would stop production of any protein. I focused on hot/cold, like hot sauna with a cold bath to enhance the lacking apoptosis of used up immune cells to encourage new immunity and non specific antibodies and do not find myself sick.
These therapies work. While I believe people who get sick or vaccinate need to encourage cell death of primed antibodies and cells, it’s not hopeless. The body is adaptable and can heal. Thinking you can’t heal your body from anything even cancer is antithetical to what I believe. God gave us the intelligence to figure this out, especially if you ask him.
I agree. Some vax tards wished my family dead and accused me of being a drunk driver recently. FUCK. THEM.
The good people who were fooled I will be there for. But the assholes who want me dead? Fuck em.
Just like it's not my obligation to muzzle myself—to pay out money I don't want to spend, indefinitely, for masks that don't do anything except reduce oxygen to my brain and concentrate CO2 in my blood; inflame the skin of my face; and cause me to constantly touch, scratch, adjust, and infect with microbes the thing that's supposedly protecting me from microbes—all just to somewhat reduce the irrational fear of the terrified and scientifically illiterate.
No, but it is your responsibility to treat others like you want to be treated.
Commiserate for a brief moment, then be ready to redirect their anger back at the Fauci's, Schiffs, etc. of the world. Don't lose that backlash power.
Pharmaceutical companies, Bill Gates & his Euthanasia organization. The media & Hollywood, people need to know that their following celebrities who truly don’t give a damn about their life, over you, their family….was deeply wounding.
If I were threatening people with isolation, concentration camps, and death for not complying with dangerous and irrational government orders, I'd want to be treated with anger and contempt, which might hopefully snap me out of threatening other innocent, more rational people.
First, your comment that some on this site might be "giddy" at the thought of a loved one finding out they had seriously harmed themselves with a vaxx is really offensive. So as to prove we aren't "giddy" we should be compassionate?
Real people have died due to these idiots. Real people have lost everything, due to these idiots. Children have been abused wearing these evil masks, and given life threatening problems, because of these idiots. Evil cannot flourish with a handful of scumbag politico's. It takes the useful idiots to make sure evil flourishes. They must first know what devastation they have helped create.
Then, they must work to make things right and ensure this never happens again. They need to work with us to eradicate the evil around us. The trans agenda...gone. The school and college programming of children...gone. Hollywood and its never ending debaucheries...gone. Stolen elections...gone. Arrests of those involved no matter what party...done. global warming bs...gone. The list is almost endless. Oh, one more. Stop mocking and embrace the MAGA movement.
If they still think drag queen reading hour is ok, then they are still carrying the water for evil. No excuses. And at that time reminded on how wrong they were in the past.
The giddiness I'm talking about would most likely come from being vindicated about vax dangers after two years of arguing with co-workers, neighbors, and social media rando's about the issue. Obviously, no one is going to be happy about loved ones falling ill.
I'm not suggesting patriots should be compassionate towards Fauci, Daszak, Cuomo, Newsom, Gates, or any of the other ringleaders of this atrocity... I was talking about how to deal with friends and relatives who are freaking out over what they finally realize they've done to themselves.
Sometimes I don't clearly express my ideas and that's just a consequence of my poor writing skills - I hope you will look past them.
Best to you, Patriot.
I did understand what you were saying. Your writing is just fine. Mine, a lot iffy. Anyway, Fauci, Daszak, Cuomo, Newsom, Gates, they only have power that these idiots gave them.
Most of us knew over a year ago what frauds these folks are. If we would have just ignored them, it would have been all over. If nobody wore masks around, if we threatened citizen arrests on cops who were threatening law abiding citizens, or loss of qualified immunity, etc. it would have been over. The reason this could not be done is that too many people sided with evil instead of "we the people" and the side of good.
Due to this, many people have lost everything. Parents died alone in nursing homes, or may have been abused in such. It is hard yet to know the damage this will do to our young children with all the mask coverings. These evil people hid cures, and yet our loved ones didn't seem to care. So, people died. I have been shocked at how friends who I thought were really good people, just left their adult daughter alone in the hospital for over a week with a non covid issue. HOW?????
Honestly, the ones that need to worry about compassion are those that couldn't be bothered to know that their friend, aunt, uncle, cousin had a different pov and maybe it would be helpful to investigate the expert sourses that didn't agree with the narrative.
Bottom line, The people in our lives who refused to use logic and common sense, need to drastically change. For me to forgive, they would need to help fight the fight against evil. And, stop voting for evil as well.
There is a truth in what you say. The best word is responsibility. They must take responsibility for their own part in the genocide.
Yes responsibility. For that they will need to understand that genocide is the right word, and not sugar coat it.
Heh. If we can eliminate gay marriage and go back to valuing men and women together raising children... sounds like utopia now.
You must not browse here much if you think that's offensive. They eat downvotes but they are here among you.