This explains my ex so much. If he did something shitty I would say "How would you feel if I did the same thing that you just did?" He would say, "Yeah but you wouldn't do that!" and I would say, "Let's pretend I did though, how would you feel?" and he'd still say "But you wouldn't do that!"
Used to frustrate the shit out of me until I realised he's a low IQ individual.
Nah; there are plenty of wonderful people in the world.
You just gotta stay positive, get comfortable & happy being alone, and look in the right places for a good mate; Church, Library, sports (the kind you play; not watch), etc.
Imagine if you found love in a southern state. Head over heels in love. Would you not move for that person? Then why won't you move to meet that person?
You like it over there? I actually like jersey, I get accused of falling accent when talking to strangers from across the country, I have a thick Yankee accent haha
I feel your pain mate. It's rough out there finding someone... Am Canadian, the convoy has resparked some hope that it's not a lost cause finding a based chika up here.
High IQ low EQ would be more like Billy Gates, how to get rid of 'unwanted' people? Let them choose to kill themselves! But isn't that super cruel and F*Up? especially to kids? Billy: ??? of course they aren't gonna 'like' it???
I was tested at 140 IQ as a child and placed in gifted programs. I learned things very quickly and had many talents but I always felt like nothing special and suffered from impostor syndrome at times.
I always just assumed that most people were like me. It wasn't until I came across the story about how the A&W 1/3 pound burger failed because people thought 1/3 was less than 1/4 that I started to really open my eyes to how dumb a lot of people are, and these last few years with the rise of wokeness and progressivism have made me lower the bar even further.
I feel like a damn genius these days with the stupidity I see on a daily basis during this plandemic.
I had moved to a new city and started a new job ten years back and didn’t really pay attn to politics or wokeness at the time. I complimented this ladies’ kid on being really smart and said she must have a really high IQ. The kid asked “what’s IQ mommy”. The dumb bitch said it was just some out of date test. At the time I was like…out of date? Really? Why? Since when? Is this another thing to stop making people feel bad for being stupid?
Now I look back and everything makes so much more sense. That town was extremely liberal and the people there were next level crazy.
I took a sample test once and passed, the Mensa rep told me I should join etc. I had planned on it but I did some research and also encountered others that were in Mensa and it just turned me off.
Honestly most Mensa members are just very pedantic and condescending people who wield their IQ as some badge that they are somehow better than everyone else. It's basically a glorified social club where they circle jerk and pat themselves on the back about how smart they are. That's my opinion on it anyway.
IQ is not that important. As I posted, mine is 151. Know what fabulous high paying career I have? Wife and mother for 40 years - love my jobs and would absolutely hate working outside of our home. My husband's IQ is 130. He has an MBA. Know what he chose as his life's work? He was a farm manager. Now you do need math because the gov't has about 5 bazillion forms every year but most farmers don't have MBAs.
How do you feel about marriages where the woman having 20 IQ points on the husband? I've heard that if the wife is smarter than the husband then the marriage can be difficult bc she will refuse his headship and always try to undermine him or resent him for being not as smart.
worked with a lot of low IQ individuals over the years, and I agree; there are so many things they can't do, and it gets worse every year, hence the situation we're in now. any multi-step problem/task is a challenge, and they get frustrated easily, so they give up; then complain that it wasn't fair to begin with; vicious & generational cycle for sure:(
many times it seemed genetic, I'd have families of siblings over the years, with similar learning styles/were like their parents. environment of course adds to the issues, hard to improve on any skills if you're watching cabal brainwashing on TV, and your parents never read books. generations raised on junk shows/food/menial jobs, it's the only life they know, and they don't have the ability to mentally rise above/get frustrated. of course you occasionally have family members who go on to a good job/higher education. would assume that's something hidden genetically that appears, helps that person break the programming.
That’s interesting. Reminds me of the movie Malibu’s most wanted. White kid of a politician raised by MTV and he grows up so be a mess. It’s painful to watch.
I find a lot of people nowadays, over baby their children, and "think" for them.
Such is to the point that when they are older, they freak out when they aren't babied and thought for.
I remember a story a few years ago about a woman in an office misspelling hamster as "hampster" and made a huge stink that it's just how she did it, and that her mom had encouraged her to do it her own way, to the point the woman called her mom in the middle of the office to get "reaffirmation" of the decision.
with all the people who look to the news to tell them to think, I think it's a pandemic of people who were never thought to think critically in their life.
On various websites where i fight (not here), this is highly apparent.
I wasn't sure if it was low IQ, or just trolling.
Now i'm leaning towards low IQ.
One thing I've learned in life is that "Intelligence" does not equate to "Wisdom".
Ergo, someone can be the smartest person on the planet, but if that MFer doesn't know how to pour piss of a boot, what good is he? Unfortunately, I've known several people like that in my 56 years and just shake my head each time at how much a waste it is. If they could stop, just for a moment, and apply common sense to some of that intelligence they'd be a serious asset to the world around them.
I've told this story here before: I went to high school with this really smart girl. She left most people in the dust, test-wise and grade-wise.
She was in my advanced chemistry class and sat beside me in the lab. One day she set a hot crucible on a piece of notebook paper, instead of on the hot pad, and caught the paper on fire. The paper quickly blazed up...and she just froze solid. I grabbed a pair of tongs and picked up the paper, threw it in the water trough in front of us, and turned on the water to extinguish it.
The first words out of her mouth were -- and I kid you not -- "How did you think to do that?"
This frustrates me to no end. Slight of hand with statistics. You can make anything mean what you want with statistics. I look at coworkers and try to explain the " trick" but all I get is vacuous huh????
The thing is most of the stupid ones in the middle of the bell curve can be “brainwashed” easily either way so when white hats take control they’ll just go along with whatever narrative then and that will be gospel.
Some people are pretty smart in some areas but not others. I have a good memory and I am good at learning History. Most of the stuff I talk to my friends about, they’re like “how tf do you remember this?” If you read my sentences or my hand writing, you’d think I was a fourth grader. I stumble over my words like a little kid and probably have a speech impediment. I can do simple math pretty fast but sometimes the harder algebra gets me stumped. I’m always off in my own head so if I have to do something that requires a good attention span… I’ll fail.
I have a short little span of attention too and I have visual stress - I have trouble reading and recognising people.
When you realise that your brain is a bunch of modules some of which work well while others don't, and that sometimes they don't communicate well, then you realise why people are so different.
Haha our study group tried to help a fellow student. We all tried but could not get him to understand equations. He was the only one in our group to fail. He graduated with us. But had to take the entire program over. Good god, it hurts.
When I used to work at 711 years ago whe. I z'ed out the register att the end of my shift the slip gave a tally of the total number of transanctions. It made me realize I saw at least 100 different people in a shift.
I'd hear statistics from time to time about what percentage of the population are sociopaths with no emotions, how many people in 100 have certain stds and you realize you saw 100 people today.
I always thought to myself that if I had the ability to know who was the sociopath or who had the diseases they would probably not be the people I guessed.
That's interesting! I actually keep a page with notes about stats like that. Including sad things like x # in 100 kids have been physically abused, x # in 100 people have experienced severe depression, etc. I find it's helpful to give me some perspective and create more empathy, realizing you might be the only bright spot in someone's day, week or more.
This,this disturbs me. I knew their were less intelligent people. But I did not know how unintelligent people have become. A coworker pointed out that a lot of people are really dumb. I just have a hard time believing it. But we have had how many years of " All children left behind " federal waste. Its paying off now. The dumbing down has been systematic.
aren't education standards vastly different in africa too? that would result in lower IQ scores if they don't have the knowledge to be able to answer the questions lmao
I didn't say anything about the language they spoke. how are africans supposed to get good IQ test results consistently enough to bring the average up when a lot of them are less educated than a high school graduate in the USA? also, in your "majority black school" example, the reason WHY they're less educated is because they're not there to learn, they're just there to cause mayhem. IQ tests require you to be EDUCATED or you won't understand how to solve the problem no matter how smart you really are. in both cases you mentioned the people in question are not EDUCATED enough to do well on the IQ test, even if they're literally geniuses. all you're doing with these "black people dumb" comments is pushing division when you should be doing the opposite.
IQ is not based on education level. There are IQ tests for 6-year-olds. The point of the test is to measure one's cognitive ability, irrelevant of socio-economic background.
I didn't say IQ is based on education level. my point is when the IQ test involves math how are you supposed to get good scores if you don't know how to do the math involved in the test?
There are Bongard, Raven's Progressive Matrices, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale tests. For these, the subject is often asked to identify missing elements in a pattern.
Take a look at some of these practice examples. One does not need to have studied any math to answer these questions. The directions can be read aloud by the test administrator if the subject does not know how to read.
Honestly I am not sure that I believe this. 100% of kids play "pretend" games, they pretend they are soldiers or pirates and run around whacking each other. When you grow up you don't lose your ability to understand pretend.
Maybe the IQ test was just a bad choice of wording, maybe they should have said
"Pretend you didn't eat breakfast or lunch" instead of more complex grammar like "would have not."
Doesn’t follow. Illiterate means they can’t read and write.
I’m not saying they’re not dim. I’m saying the observation that they cannot understand conditional hypotheticals doesn’t equate to them being illiterate.
I also saw a video yesterday of a woman who thought her hair grew from the ends and not the scalp, and was questioning if she had hair inside of her head. I dispair.
My sister's IQ was 175 yet she is an uber liberal jabbed and pro mask. She won't read any research that I send since she considers herself 'smarter' than me.
lol... many people had their brains turned to shit by watching the msm.... they are not recoverable for the most part.... their reality and the real one are miles apart... more like galaxies apart.
Maybe I'm.having s moment here, but is this anon saying that most people have a low IQ, or is the anon saying that most people with a low IQ can understand basic questions designed to make then think?
It's been my experience that most people have a low IQ, lower than 90, that is.
I also think it's a stretch to think that a 90IQ isn't low.
Mine was clocked at 140-145. Sometimes it's hadrs for me to relate to people because of this.
I followed for a while. kind of gave up hope around the same time that Dillan Wheeler dropped off. i see a lot of posts about posts from years ago pointing to recent times. is this because theoretically Trump/inner circle are time travelers? genuinely curious how future events link to post Q links.
Interesting. Whereas the modh coinníollach (conditional mood) is a distinct verb form in Irish - we all had to learn it in school. Some may have learnt it more easily than others though I guess. Remembering the exact spellings & specific conjugations may have been a pain, but the concept should have stuck at least.
This explains my ex so much. If he did something shitty I would say "How would you feel if I did the same thing that you just did?" He would say, "Yeah but you wouldn't do that!" and I would say, "Let's pretend I did though, how would you feel?" and he'd still say "But you wouldn't do that!" Used to frustrate the shit out of me until I realised he's a low IQ individual.
You should date a high IQ individual
I'm married to one now :)
All the good ones are. :/ forever alone
Nah; there are plenty of wonderful people in the world. You just gotta stay positive, get comfortable & happy being alone, and look in the right places for a good mate; Church, Library, sports (the kind you play; not watch), etc.
Yeah, well.
Libraries are great if you're into the homeless.
......? What?
I hear ya, try finding a based lady in North Jersey xD there are a few but at my age they're usually married and with kids.
If you're not "bound down" so to speak then what the actual hell fuck are you doing in Jersey still?
I don't know about him, but I have the same issue finding a guy, since I'm in the one blue place in central IL.
I'd love to move, but I'm the oldest of nine children, with parents who would drive off a cliff with them, if I wasn't around.
Makes dating extremely difficult when everyone around you is a low IQ cuck who brags about how many boosters they've had.
Bring them south?
Imagine if you found love in a southern state. Head over heels in love. Would you not move for that person? Then why won't you move to meet that person?
State level pension, and parents + brothers live here.
Also my career is state-specific
That's a hell of a trek, 😆
You like it over there? I actually like jersey, I get accused of falling accent when talking to strangers from across the country, I have a thick Yankee accent haha
You bring into the universe what you focus on. If you focus on forever alone, so it shall be, right?
hello darkness my old friend
I feel your pain mate. It's rough out there finding someone... Am Canadian, the convoy has resparked some hope that it's not a lost cause finding a based chika up here.
This seems true based on my experience.
The last year I have realized that this is why I have so much trouble trying to reason with the people around me.
I don't understand the OP issue at all. I never go around rhetorically asking people if they've eaten breakfast or lunch.
But imagine if you did
Feel=EQ emotional intelligence.
High IQ low EQ would be more like Billy Gates, how to get rid of 'unwanted' people? Let them choose to kill themselves! But isn't that super cruel and F*Up? especially to kids? Billy: ??? of course they aren't gonna 'like' it???
I was tested at 140 IQ as a child and placed in gifted programs. I learned things very quickly and had many talents but I always felt like nothing special and suffered from impostor syndrome at times.
I always just assumed that most people were like me. It wasn't until I came across the story about how the A&W 1/3 pound burger failed because people thought 1/3 was less than 1/4 that I started to really open my eyes to how dumb a lot of people are, and these last few years with the rise of wokeness and progressivism have made me lower the bar even further.
I feel like a damn genius these days with the stupidity I see on a daily basis during this plandemic.
I had moved to a new city and started a new job ten years back and didn’t really pay attn to politics or wokeness at the time. I complimented this ladies’ kid on being really smart and said she must have a really high IQ. The kid asked “what’s IQ mommy”. The dumb bitch said it was just some out of date test. At the time I was like…out of date? Really? Why? Since when? Is this another thing to stop making people feel bad for being stupid?
Now I look back and everything makes so much more sense. That town was extremely liberal and the people there were next level crazy.
Great video. Maybe I should start a burger place and sell "huge" 1/50 burgers, lol.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Pls advise.
Mine is 151 BUT some Q posts were beyond me.
Well that would explain it.
Some of the decodes like Majic Eyes are just on another level that makes me glad there are much smarter autists than me on the team
Agree 100%
I took a sample test once and passed, the Mensa rep told me I should join etc. I had planned on it but I did some research and also encountered others that were in Mensa and it just turned me off.
Honestly most Mensa members are just very pedantic and condescending people who wield their IQ as some badge that they are somehow better than everyone else. It's basically a glorified social club where they circle jerk and pat themselves on the back about how smart they are. That's my opinion on it anyway.
I know there are IQ tests online but I'm scared to take one bc I know I'm not that smart and don't want the test to gloat over me, LOL.
IQ is not that important. As I posted, mine is 151. Know what fabulous high paying career I have? Wife and mother for 40 years - love my jobs and would absolutely hate working outside of our home. My husband's IQ is 130. He has an MBA. Know what he chose as his life's work? He was a farm manager. Now you do need math because the gov't has about 5 bazillion forms every year but most farmers don't have MBAs.
How do you feel about marriages where the woman having 20 IQ points on the husband? I've heard that if the wife is smarter than the husband then the marriage can be difficult bc she will refuse his headship and always try to undermine him or resent him for being not as smart.
worked with a lot of low IQ individuals over the years, and I agree; there are so many things they can't do, and it gets worse every year, hence the situation we're in now. any multi-step problem/task is a challenge, and they get frustrated easily, so they give up; then complain that it wasn't fair to begin with; vicious & generational cycle for sure:(
Are they low IQ genetically or is it due to upbringing?
Probably little bit of both. And don’t forget the culture they’re brought up in makes a huge impact too
many times it seemed genetic, I'd have families of siblings over the years, with similar learning styles/were like their parents. environment of course adds to the issues, hard to improve on any skills if you're watching cabal brainwashing on TV, and your parents never read books. generations raised on junk shows/food/menial jobs, it's the only life they know, and they don't have the ability to mentally rise above/get frustrated. of course you occasionally have family members who go on to a good job/higher education. would assume that's something hidden genetically that appears, helps that person break the programming.
That’s interesting. Reminds me of the movie Malibu’s most wanted. White kid of a politician raised by MTV and he grows up so be a mess. It’s painful to watch.
Or Buckwild from the flavor flave show. 😑
yeah that is sad; when TV raises kids:( and also shows how lazy parents are. multiply that by millions = current situation.
I find a lot of people nowadays, over baby their children, and "think" for them.
Such is to the point that when they are older, they freak out when they aren't babied and thought for.
I remember a story a few years ago about a woman in an office misspelling hamster as "hampster" and made a huge stink that it's just how she did it, and that her mom had encouraged her to do it her own way, to the point the woman called her mom in the middle of the office to get "reaffirmation" of the decision.
with all the people who look to the news to tell them to think, I think it's a pandemic of people who were never thought to think critically in their life.
There was a lady that got fired at work. Her mom called to speak on her behalf…..
That’s why I do farm grown meat, use seaweed flakes for iodine and stay away from processed foods.
The local restaurant here grows his fruits and veggies for his restaurant. He uses locally sourced meat for his dishes too.
On various websites where i fight (not here), this is highly apparent. I wasn't sure if it was low IQ, or just trolling. Now i'm leaning towards low IQ.
One thing I've learned in life is that "Intelligence" does not equate to "Wisdom".
Ergo, someone can be the smartest person on the planet, but if that MFer doesn't know how to pour piss of a boot, what good is he? Unfortunately, I've known several people like that in my 56 years and just shake my head each time at how much a waste it is. If they could stop, just for a moment, and apply common sense to some of that intelligence they'd be a serious asset to the world around them.
I think we can just drop the word common and just call it “sense”.
I've told this story here before: I went to high school with this really smart girl. She left most people in the dust, test-wise and grade-wise.
She was in my advanced chemistry class and sat beside me in the lab. One day she set a hot crucible on a piece of notebook paper, instead of on the hot pad, and caught the paper on fire. The paper quickly blazed up...and she just froze solid. I grabbed a pair of tongs and picked up the paper, threw it in the water trough in front of us, and turned on the water to extinguish it.
The first words out of her mouth were -- and I kid you not -- "How did you think to do that?"
A perfect case-in-point if i ever heard one. Yes, its exactly that.
It's weird, because the basic answer to the question could be "hungry"
Seriously….I’d be like…is this a trick question?
This frustrates me to no end. Slight of hand with statistics. You can make anything mean what you want with statistics. I look at coworkers and try to explain the " trick" but all I get is vacuous huh????
But 'less than 90' IQ is much more than 4 to 6% lost forever. However, would explain how people bought into the plandemic hook, line and sinker.
The thing is most of the stupid ones in the middle of the bell curve can be “brainwashed” easily either way so when white hats take control they’ll just go along with whatever narrative then and that will be gospel.
Some people are pretty smart in some areas but not others. I have a good memory and I am good at learning History. Most of the stuff I talk to my friends about, they’re like “how tf do you remember this?” If you read my sentences or my hand writing, you’d think I was a fourth grader. I stumble over my words like a little kid and probably have a speech impediment. I can do simple math pretty fast but sometimes the harder algebra gets me stumped. I’m always off in my own head so if I have to do something that requires a good attention span… I’ll fail.
Everyone has different gifts
I have a short little span of attention too and I have visual stress - I have trouble reading and recognising people.
When you realise that your brain is a bunch of modules some of which work well while others don't, and that sometimes they don't communicate well, then you realise why people are so different.
Haha our study group tried to help a fellow student. We all tried but could not get him to understand equations. He was the only one in our group to fail. He graduated with us. But had to take the entire program over. Good god, it hurts.
Work with the public for 1 day.
Bunch of maroons.
When I used to work at 711 years ago whe. I z'ed out the register att the end of my shift the slip gave a tally of the total number of transanctions. It made me realize I saw at least 100 different people in a shift.
I'd hear statistics from time to time about what percentage of the population are sociopaths with no emotions, how many people in 100 have certain stds and you realize you saw 100 people today.
I always thought to myself that if I had the ability to know who was the sociopath or who had the diseases they would probably not be the people I guessed.
No sociopaths could be the nicest people. Sociopaths are smart. They know how to manipulate people very well and how to evade detection
That's interesting! I actually keep a page with notes about stats like that. Including sad things like x # in 100 kids have been physically abused, x # in 100 people have experienced severe depression, etc. I find it's helpful to give me some perspective and create more empathy, realizing you might be the only bright spot in someone's day, week or more.
You should publish this page somewhere
That's a nice comment... I would, but have no idea if it's accurate and don't want to publish fake news 🐸
This,this disturbs me. I knew their were less intelligent people. But I did not know how unintelligent people have become. A coworker pointed out that a lot of people are really dumb. I just have a hard time believing it. But we have had how many years of " All children left behind " federal waste. Its paying off now. The dumbing down has been systematic.
aren't education standards vastly different in africa too? that would result in lower IQ scores if they don't have the knowledge to be able to answer the questions lmao
I didn't say anything about the language they spoke. how are africans supposed to get good IQ test results consistently enough to bring the average up when a lot of them are less educated than a high school graduate in the USA? also, in your "majority black school" example, the reason WHY they're less educated is because they're not there to learn, they're just there to cause mayhem. IQ tests require you to be EDUCATED or you won't understand how to solve the problem no matter how smart you really are. in both cases you mentioned the people in question are not EDUCATED enough to do well on the IQ test, even if they're literally geniuses. all you're doing with these "black people dumb" comments is pushing division when you should be doing the opposite.
IQ is not based on education level. There are IQ tests for 6-year-olds. The point of the test is to measure one's cognitive ability, irrelevant of socio-economic background.
I didn't say IQ is based on education level. my point is when the IQ test involves math how are you supposed to get good scores if you don't know how to do the math involved in the test?
There are Bongard, Raven's Progressive Matrices, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale tests. For these, the subject is often asked to identify missing elements in a pattern.
Take a look at some of these practice examples. One does not need to have studied any math to answer these questions. The directions can be read aloud by the test administrator if the subject does not know how to read.
well whatever, I don't feel like having this discussion anymore anyway
Honestly I am not sure that I believe this. 100% of kids play "pretend" games, they pretend they are soldiers or pirates and run around whacking each other. When you grow up you don't lose your ability to understand pretend.
Maybe the IQ test was just a bad choice of wording, maybe they should have said
"Pretend you didn't eat breakfast or lunch" instead of more complex grammar like "would have not."
Doesn’t follow. Illiterate means they can’t read and write.
I’m not saying they’re not dim. I’m saying the observation that they cannot understand conditional hypotheticals doesn’t equate to them being illiterate.
I think you uncovered the low IQ individual on the board
Whats also frightening is these people can vote
Ever see Idiocracy? Good movie.
It’s unbelievable.
P.S. I really liked this post. 🤗
I also saw a video yesterday of a woman who thought her hair grew from the ends and not the scalp, and was questioning if she had hair inside of her head. I dispair.
Maybe for her, hair does grow that way.
Work a customer service job. You will hate anyone with low iq in 10 minutes .
Any’ll hate them in 10.
people are retarded.. but surely not this retarded
Twatter is full of people like that and so is Fakebook.
My sister's IQ was 175 yet she is an uber liberal jabbed and pro mask. She won't read any research that I send since she considers herself 'smarter' than me.
And you know what's scarier yet is that the gap will only grow bigger soon to the point thete's no bridging it. Prolly there now. :(
The clot shots will take care of this problem for us. :-/
That’s why we’re being buffalo dragged down a cliff with them
Theory of stupid. I know quite a few people I would consider intelligent that are completely stupid.
What makes them “intelligent” in your opinion?
I know lots of good patriots,who never heard of Q and are on the right side of everthing.
lol... many people had their brains turned to shit by watching the msm.... they are not recoverable for the most part.... their reality and the real one are miles apart... more like galaxies apart.
Maybe I'm.having s moment here, but is this anon saying that most people have a low IQ, or is the anon saying that most people with a low IQ can understand basic questions designed to make then think?
It's been my experience that most people have a low IQ, lower than 90, that is.
I also think it's a stretch to think that a 90IQ isn't low.
Mine was clocked at 140-145. Sometimes it's hadrs for me to relate to people because of this.
I followed for a while. kind of gave up hope around the same time that Dillan Wheeler dropped off. i see a lot of posts about posts from years ago pointing to recent times. is this because theoretically Trump/inner circle are time travelers? genuinely curious how future events link to post Q links.
thank you!
Interesting. Whereas the modh coinníollach (conditional mood) is a distinct verb form in Irish - we all had to learn it in school. Some may have learnt it more easily than others though I guess. Remembering the exact spellings & specific conjugations may have been a pain, but the concept should have stuck at least.
Makes sense, I’ve had these conversations before and it’s frustrating and fucking painful.
I feel like this is the same group that has no inner voice or dialog
You can also postulate anything contrary to the five senses and be correct.
Yes, when you are smart it’s easy to forget many people are not gifted in this area. And that’s okay. It takes all kinds.