I think that AIDS is acquired as a result of the vaccine. HIV is an actual virus that diminishes the immune system. They both impair the immune system, one by something in the vaccine, and the other as a result of an actual virus. IMHO
AIDS is a disease where the immune system is damaged until it stops working... That's why Shingles is one of the first symptoms of AIDS. Shingles is a virus most people already carry - the Chicken Pox simplex virus us in everyone who ever had chicken pox, dormant. But if they get AIDS and their immune system can't fight off chicken pox any more it comes back worse than ever. So bad it is worse than chicken pox and called shingles.
AIDS is the symptoms, the syndrome. HIV is a virus that can cause it by killing off T cells.
Interesting bit of trivia: did you know Shingles cases are on the rise, dramatically?
Funny, I’ve been seeing a very graphic shingles tv commercial lately…..if you’re over 50 ask your dr. About shingles….. My dr also recommended that I get the “new” shingles vaccine recently, he never mentioned it before. There are no coincidences. Ps I’m not getting it.
I got a mild case right after the woo hoo flu started. I'm 72 and literally cried like a baby it hurt so bad. And I have a very high tolerance for pain. The blisters split my head down the middle like a fence had been erected. Covered the left side of my scalp from my forehead to my shoulder and then wrapped around my neck, entered my ear and covered my collarbone. Right side was untouched. I have long hair and it two months to get all the blister scabs out of my hair. I was so fed up with them I shaved my head (couldn't leave the house anyway). My grandkids are still laughing. I would not wish shingles on anyone, but I WON'T take a vaccine either.
Same here. Tho I'm not sure how bad my case would be considered. About 3 years ago. In my 30's.. Stressed as heck at the time and my diet has improved since then but I've never been one to get sick and have always been rather fit so getting shingles really struck me as odd.
Books by Dr. Judy Mikovitz and RFK, Jr with the Children's Defense Fund, most notably his new book "The Real Anthony Fauci," which covers this persuasively.
After reading the Real Anthony Fauci, I've come to the conclusion HIV is a harmless virus on its own, sometimes found alongside other deadlier viruses and symptoms when diagnosing AIDS. Definitely not a virus on its own to cause AIDS.
Zelenko tweeted today that he has spoken to several funeral directors in Israel and that they said their are too many dead bodies to keep up with, and many are young.
🤡MSM: “Oh look Omicron gave everyone AIDS!! Evil, mutant OMICRON—the KILLER VARIANT WE WARNED YOU ABOUT-! You have AIDS! Your immune system is DEAD from OMICRON...even if you didn’t catch it because you didn’t properly MASK UP...But you wouldn’t listen and...No NO VAIDS ISNT FROM THE HOLY VACCINE—How Dare you SUGgeSt that!?!
🤡THE VACCINE is saving your life because your AIDS WOULD BE WAY WORSE without it!! Boosters made your AIDS BETTER!! Get another booster! 🤡🤡🤡
Oh my, if true, this is going to leave a mark. I know people that are jabbed that will go over the top meltdown, Christmas vacation rant nuts for days on end if they end up having to be tested for VAIDS.
I was thinking how hard it will to find an unvaccinated woman after all this shit, considering many vaccinated women are going to start lying about their vaccine status. But now it might be easier than ever!
I just saw a commuter rail train go by in Florida with a massive ad on it about knowing your HIV status. They seem to be marketing the heck out of HIV lately.
It's how they roll. Vaxx doesn't cause cancer, it just turns off your body's ability to fight it and destroy pre-cancerous cells. Just lost an older brother to their shit.
🚨 THIS IS VERY VERY, VERY BIG. The ENTIRE PANEL for C19, are ALL H.I.V. and AIDS specialists. 🚨
Please look into an app called WISER. Go to: What’s New - C19 - Panel. Every single one is an HIV • AIDS specialist.
It is in the app, which takes you to the website you’ll recognize. I don’t know how I found this, last year, other than being nosey. What a hidden gem, literally. Names and info of all panel members responsible. ⚖️
The headline for that first link describing this new super-hiv variant (VB) is 100% intended to scare people. At the very bottom of the article it says this:
“Independent experts have said the finding is nothing to panic about. The analysis found VB arose in the 1980s and has been declining since 2010.“
But I think that you’re correct in suggesting that they are probably going to blame VAIDS on this scary super-hiv variant.
It is in fact the NIH - WISER App. The next to last link to click on within the covid treatment rules. There, you’ll find the full panel of hiv and aids specialists. And the rules they set to go by. This has again, been there since the beginning. All of “they” are these people. ⚖️
HIV is just ONE cause of AIDS. AIDS is the disease, HIV is the virus that is only ONE cause of AIDS and certainly any autoimmune total collapse is academically AIDS by definition if not popular understanding.
by ViiV ... ViiV was created by three companies.
"Born out of a partnership between GSK and Pfizer in 2009, with Shionogi joining in 2012, at ViiV Healthcare we are determined to help end the HIV epidemic. Our one focused goal unites our employees located across the globe, with their expertise in research, manufacturing, policy and more, all guided by our mission to be here until HIV isn’t."
You are still moving from the premise there is something called a virus. Mullins and Mikovitz said it quite clear: AIDS virus has not been shown to exists.
What they use is debris and all they do is, like lego, build it together via PCR.
People are jabbed with 2 shots, 2 shots and a booster. 2 shots and 2 boosters. They call it transfection.
HIV inserts are in the spike protein. You can start the video at 8:20. It's not necessarily the whole HIV virus, but it is being used to make it more infectious to humans. There are other parts of the spike protein that destroys the immune system, which causes VAIDS ( vaccine acquired immune deficiency)
I know 2 women, at the time- they were in their early and mid 20's, just before covid, both had shingles. They didn't even live in the same country and managed to get on the forehead and eye. Because of this, it made me more aware that it is on the rise
Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome?
I think that AIDS is acquired as a result of the vaccine. HIV is an actual virus that diminishes the immune system. They both impair the immune system, one by something in the vaccine, and the other as a result of an actual virus. IMHO
AIDS is a disease where the immune system is damaged until it stops working... That's why Shingles is one of the first symptoms of AIDS. Shingles is a virus most people already carry - the Chicken Pox simplex virus us in everyone who ever had chicken pox, dormant. But if they get AIDS and their immune system can't fight off chicken pox any more it comes back worse than ever. So bad it is worse than chicken pox and called shingles.
AIDS is the symptoms, the syndrome. HIV is a virus that can cause it by killing off T cells.
Interesting bit of trivia: did you know Shingles cases are on the rise, dramatically?
Funny, I’ve been seeing a very graphic shingles tv commercial lately…..if you’re over 50 ask your dr. About shingles….. My dr also recommended that I get the “new” shingles vaccine recently, he never mentioned it before. There are no coincidences. Ps I’m not getting it.
My mom took that shot cuz her doctor talked her into it. She immediately got shingles 😡
Same here.
I noticed shingles vax commerials starting over 3 years ago. Pre plandemic for sure.
I saw a doctor claiming SARS-CoV-2 was actually a retrovirus disguised as a coronavirus. HIV/AIDS is a retrovirus.
I've noticed a narrative over the past few years that "AIDS is no big deal anymore. It's treatable.."
Now just yesterday they announce a new strain of HIV...
I stopped believeing in coincidences decades ago. This all raises a major red flag for me..
All those creepy "step up, prep up" commercials too. "Keep being you."
I like your username.
I've had shingles twice - 26 years ago and then about 10 years ago. No HIV - thank God. I told my Doc, "Hell no!" to the shingles vaxx.
People are going to lose their shit if HIV diagnoses start to flare. Talk about a precipice!!!
started with drugs like Truvada, after that was released cases started making a come back .
I got a mild case right after the woo hoo flu started. I'm 72 and literally cried like a baby it hurt so bad. And I have a very high tolerance for pain. The blisters split my head down the middle like a fence had been erected. Covered the left side of my scalp from my forehead to my shoulder and then wrapped around my neck, entered my ear and covered my collarbone. Right side was untouched. I have long hair and it two months to get all the blister scabs out of my hair. I was so fed up with them I shaved my head (couldn't leave the house anyway). My grandkids are still laughing. I would not wish shingles on anyone, but I WON'T take a vaccine either.
I got shingles pretty badly about 3 years ago? I chalked it up stress...this is interesting.
Same here. Tho I'm not sure how bad my case would be considered. About 3 years ago. In my 30's.. Stressed as heck at the time and my diet has improved since then but I've never been one to get sick and have always been rather fit so getting shingles really struck me as odd.
Yeah same here early 30s I just felt like shit really... it probably wasn't bad just very painful.
Same thing happened to me on my 30s. Was under heavy stress at the time and run down.
I like your username... see my below comment.
What if HIV itself, has always been the "cover" for past VAIDS?
Did you know that no study ever proved that HIV caused AIDS?
Books by Dr. Judy Mikovitz and RFK, Jr with the Children's Defense Fund, most notably his new book "The Real Anthony Fauci," which covers this persuasively.
After reading the Real Anthony Fauci, I've come to the conclusion HIV is a harmless virus on its own, sometimes found alongside other deadlier viruses and symptoms when diagnosing AIDS. Definitely not a virus on its own to cause AIDS.
Not according to kary mullis
So then is it possible to get VAIDS from unprotected sexy?
Zelenko tweeted today that he has spoken to several funeral directors in Israel and that they said their are too many dead bodies to keep up with, and many are young.
zelenko said its Vaids....so has simon gold
Yes, but for cover they will most likely use this
Pros and cons to everything. Not necessarily in equal amounts.
congratz on the not dying
it's incredibly rare for heterosexual couples to spread HIV to each other though
It spreads more easily through anal sex so I'd imagine that's a little different now that kink has been normalized.
Maybe it’s spread through spike protein shedding
Remember when an Australian COVID vaccine made people test positive for HIV?
Probably because of the presence of GP120 in the spike.
And GP41 in og sars. Weird innit?
CLEARLY pure coincidence!
Nice pull. Thank you.
🤡MSM: “Oh look Omicron gave everyone AIDS!! Evil, mutant OMICRON—the KILLER VARIANT WE WARNED YOU ABOUT-! You have AIDS! Your immune system is DEAD from OMICRON...even if you didn’t catch it because you didn’t properly MASK UP...But you wouldn’t listen and...No NO VAIDS ISNT FROM THE HOLY VACCINE—How Dare you SUGgeSt that!?!
🤡THE VACCINE is saving your life because your AIDS WOULD BE WAY WORSE without it!! Boosters made your AIDS BETTER!! Get another booster! 🤡🤡🤡
Oh my, if true, this is going to leave a mark. I know people that are jabbed that will go over the top meltdown, Christmas vacation rant nuts for days on end if they end up having to be tested for VAIDS.
Sucks to be asleep.
This was done in Africa and the Caribbean. Gates Fauci.
I was thinking how hard it will to find an unvaccinated woman after all this shit, considering many vaccinated women are going to start lying about their vaccine status. But now it might be easier than ever!
Of ot fits the current schemes: hidden costs and government budgeted taxes so nobody complains and most think it's "free"
Remember if the vaccine worked they would charge a fortune for it, like they do for most life saving medicines.
I just saw a commuter rail train go by in Florida with a massive ad on it about knowing your HIV status. They seem to be marketing the heck out of HIV lately.
They're gonna try to make sex illegal. Population control.
I had the same thought when I saw the article mentioning a new super AIDs the other day, now this.
If all the Vaxxed develop VAIDS, pretty incriminating for Big Pharma.
If all the Vaxxed test positive for HIV as they manifest Immunodeficiency, we just have an unexplained outbreak of a known disease.
This makes a ton of sense. "It wasn't us, it was that other virus"
It's how they roll. Vaxx doesn't cause cancer, it just turns off your body's ability to fight it and destroy pre-cancerous cells. Just lost an older brother to their shit.
I'm sorry for your loss.
TY Fren.
If they gave my daughter AIDS because she made the wrong choice in this motherfucking war I will avenge her until my last breath.
Question everybody? What about the blood supply? Is it it Covid contaminated? New HIV is it in the blood supply yet?
I wouldnt want a transfusion anymore. They talked about how they arent screening blood donations based on vaccs status.
It is absolutely contaminated. With a shot release on this scale, there's no possible way that it isn't.
🚨 THIS IS VERY VERY, VERY BIG. The ENTIRE PANEL for C19, are ALL H.I.V. and AIDS specialists. 🚨
Please look into an app called WISER. Go to: What’s New - C19 - Panel. Every single one is an HIV • AIDS specialist.
It is in the app, which takes you to the website you’ll recognize. I don’t know how I found this, last year, other than being nosey. What a hidden gem, literally. Names and info of all panel members responsible. ⚖️
Looks like lots of wiser apps. Most have 30 reviews
Ht BoondockSainted
The headline for that first link describing this new super-hiv variant (VB) is 100% intended to scare people. At the very bottom of the article it says this:
“Independent experts have said the finding is nothing to panic about. The analysis found VB arose in the 1980s and has been declining since 2010.“
But I think that you’re correct in suggesting that they are probably going to blame VAIDS on this scary super-hiv variant.
HillarysHairyAss meet u/Michelleobamasnuts
I do it needs to be spread many are unfamiliar with it I just found yesterday seeing here Definitely scare but eyes on digging more fren (;
Jeopardy music playing in the background.... I wonder?
It is in fact the NIH - WISER App. The next to last link to click on within the covid treatment rules. There, you’ll find the full panel of hiv and aids specialists. And the rules they set to go by. This has again, been there since the beginning. All of “they” are these people. ⚖️
Anyone have more info on this? I’m very curious. VAIDS incoming would be unreal.
theyre already advertising it
Faucis wet dream -- aerosolized HIV.
Thanks. I’m not surprised; injecting oneself with the poison will clearly lead to autoimmune issues.
Fauci patented HIV fragments and they are in the vaxx.
HIV is just ONE cause of AIDS. AIDS is the disease, HIV is the virus that is only ONE cause of AIDS and certainly any autoimmune total collapse is academically AIDS by definition if not popular understanding.
How convenient that Pfizer is behind the new miracle drug for HIV?
by ViiV ... ViiV was created by three companies. "Born out of a partnership between GSK and Pfizer in 2009, with Shionogi joining in 2012, at ViiV Healthcare we are determined to help end the HIV epidemic. Our one focused goal unites our employees located across the globe, with their expertise in research, manufacturing, policy and more, all guided by our mission to be here until HIV isn’t."
You are still moving from the premise there is something called a virus. Mullins and Mikovitz said it quite clear: AIDS virus has not been shown to exists.
What they use is debris and all they do is, like lego, build it together via PCR.
People are jabbed with 2 shots, 2 shots and a booster. 2 shots and 2 boosters. They call it transfection.
HIV inserts are in the spike protein. You can start the video at 8:20. It's not necessarily the whole HIV virus, but it is being used to make it more infectious to humans. There are other parts of the spike protein that destroys the immune system, which causes VAIDS ( vaccine acquired immune deficiency)
Make us sick so they can sell us treatments. Sick evil bastards
So big pharma as usual except operation warp speed blew the cover. They were forced to do it too fast.
I know 2 women, at the time- they were in their early and mid 20's, just before covid, both had shingles. They didn't even live in the same country and managed to get on the forehead and eye. Because of this, it made me more aware that it is on the rise
Time to take your AZT sheeple
I wouldn't call this 'sauce'
However, I've seen that vaids info for a long while now.
Cause everyone who took the jab will soon have it. And then they will die.