I was in the ICU for 10 days with Delta 4 weeks ago. Pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, and lactic acidosis. I’m also pregnant. When they admitted me they said I’d do a 5-day round of remdesivir (almost went on ventilator but I was able to avoid it), and I immediately said ‘but doesn’t that cause organ failure?’ The doctor looked at me confused and said, ‘absolutely not.’ And I said well please monitor my organ function daily and he said yes we do that automatically. I had blood drawn every morning around 4-6am if I was awake. Made a complete recovery faster than the doctors said. My lungs were 90% clots and my blood oxygen was fluctuating between 22-40% when I was admitted. Me and Baby were lucky! As of this week I’m off the home oxygen.
Actually they almost vented me but as soon as I got on the oxygen mask I went back up to 97%. The doc said he’s never seen anything like that. Also they do not vent when you’re below 90% that’s just stupid. I’m recovering at home on oxygen and my directions are to use oxygen when I hit the high 80’s as a precaution for Baby. I only hit the high 80’s when climbing the stairs anymore but that’s quickly improving as well.
Jesus. I love this community and was sharing everything from my discharge papers. But wtf?? I’m dumbfounded by these responses. The doctors didn’t believe the numbers either because I was conscious and they just kept saying me and the baby were so lucky.
Yeah the doctors didn’t understand how I was still conscious. My husband wheeled me into the ER because I couldn’t walk. Check my post history. I’m always on here except I took a break during my recovery the past 6 weeks. I talk about being pregnant and of course am based… and unvaxxed!
It was actually miraculous. The doctors and nurses couldn’t understand it. My husband did do the talking in the ER and I had to be wheeled in.
Even now I get 2 visits a week from a home nurse and they are dumbfounded that my lungs sound clear. But anyway, if I wasn’t denied early treatment from my OB with what the queen is getting then I could have avoided all this. It’s criminal.
My husband did the talking when we first arrived but it was weird… COVID is sneaky. I wasn’t even sure if I should go the ER earlier that night but I regressed really quickly. And yes when the hematologist looked at my CT scan of my lungs he just quietly said, “Wow”. Scary moment.
That’s an awfully detailed lie I made up then. Check my post history- what would be the point?? I agree with everything else on this site and have been on T_D since 2015.
Next time when uploading a link from Twitter, please clean the url tracker at the end of the links then post the cleaned link to protect your own and everyone else's privacy. The URL tracker starts at "?".
Yep, that's exactly the dose I took in December 2020. 4 tablets per day for I think 3 days? I was told not to take it on an empty stomach but that shit is STRONG and your stomach will empty anyway about an hour after you take it. And since I'm a lady I won't say how it empties via the runs.
If she is alive, she can’t fire him because she is apparently only committing herself to light duties😂
The dispatch box ( the special red brief case) that contains matters relating to War with Russia and any problems arising in the Commonwealth has been withheld from her as these have been designated heavy duties😂
Don't mean to pop your balloon, but it says nothing of the sort about QueenElizard taking Ivermectin. Just stock footage of medication when the dude was talking about treatment. What is * does * tell us is the video editor is probably one of us. The editor is charged with filling in gaps and I believe including Ivermectin was intentional and sending a message from an ally.
The Queen doesn’t get rid of Trudeau because this is the plan. Squelch anyone at any cost who wants freedom. Try to incite riots, so the UN force brought in can claim violence occurred.
Ivermectin (under the brand name Stromectol) is a medication used for infections caused by certain parasitic worms found in rural tropical areas. Depending on the type of worm being treated, serious side effects can occur. It hasn't been shown to work well for other types of infections.
When we post, it might be better to help educate each other in as timely a manner as possible. It seems more efficient for one person to llok something up than all 10+ of us to.
Newsflash: a ton of people on this site have already taken or have took the horse paste. No major side effects to date. Unless getting rid of parasites and preventing the coof are considered.
you talking to ME? I used to give ivermectin to my pets. I bought it at a farm supply, removed the lid meant for a syringe, and added a dropper cap.
Never heard of the brand name made for humans.
I have ZERO fear of getting covid-19, because my immune system and my brain work just fine. i can handle it.
Its not rabies or the black death, after all. So, no, I had no need to look up brand names of meds.
What I know about meds is related to pet rescue.
Hmmmm....looks like IVR is established as a legit treatment now, as if it wasn't before, and a lot of people did everything thing they could to steer the people away from a legit cure so that their beloved jab could be used. Those people will be having a world of problems that they will not be able to deal with now.
And handcuffs to the bed and fentanyl to knock her out. Also, kick everyone else out of the room. They can't be there to advocate for her!
Don’t forget to add morphine too.
And DENY Ivermectin, HCQ, Zinc, D, and C and anything else that supports the immune system.
I was in the ICU for 10 days with Delta 4 weeks ago. Pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, and lactic acidosis. I’m also pregnant. When they admitted me they said I’d do a 5-day round of remdesivir (almost went on ventilator but I was able to avoid it), and I immediately said ‘but doesn’t that cause organ failure?’ The doctor looked at me confused and said, ‘absolutely not.’ And I said well please monitor my organ function daily and he said yes we do that automatically. I had blood drawn every morning around 4-6am if I was awake. Made a complete recovery faster than the doctors said. My lungs were 90% clots and my blood oxygen was fluctuating between 22-40% when I was admitted. Me and Baby were lucky! As of this week I’m off the home oxygen.
Glad your doing well and also I don’t believe a word you said Ariel.
Exactly. They vent when you go below 90%. You'd be dead at 22%. Permanent brain damage at least. Maybe that's what happened Ariel?
Just telling you what the nurse told me. She said at one point I hit 22%. She was helping me change so I wasn’t on oxygen yet.
Actually they almost vented me but as soon as I got on the oxygen mask I went back up to 97%. The doc said he’s never seen anything like that. Also they do not vent when you’re below 90% that’s just stupid. I’m recovering at home on oxygen and my directions are to use oxygen when I hit the high 80’s as a precaution for Baby. I only hit the high 80’s when climbing the stairs anymore but that’s quickly improving as well.
Hah, this is my favorite comments. Well wishes combined with disbelief for the initial statement. Well said
I concur.
By the time I was halfway through Ariel's post, I'm like, nope, never happened. But also happy she's doing well.
Jesus. I love this community and was sharing everything from my discharge papers. But wtf?? I’m dumbfounded by these responses. The doctors didn’t believe the numbers either because I was conscious and they just kept saying me and the baby were so lucky.
Yeah the doctors didn’t understand how I was still conscious. My husband wheeled me into the ER because I couldn’t walk. Check my post history. I’m always on here except I took a break during my recovery the past 6 weeks. I talk about being pregnant and of course am based… and unvaxxed!
That sounds...miraculous. 90% clots and 22-30% POX while pregnant. How were you even able to communicate coherently?
It was actually miraculous. The doctors and nurses couldn’t understand it. My husband did do the talking in the ER and I had to be wheeled in. Even now I get 2 visits a week from a home nurse and they are dumbfounded that my lungs sound clear. But anyway, if I wasn’t denied early treatment from my OB with what the queen is getting then I could have avoided all this. It’s criminal.
Glad you're doing better. Sorry so many people are here are giving you a hard time. We're skeptics by nature around here.
My husband did the talking when we first arrived but it was weird… COVID is sneaky. I wasn’t even sure if I should go the ER earlier that night but I regressed really quickly. And yes when the hematologist looked at my CT scan of my lungs he just quietly said, “Wow”. Scary moment.
Aaaannddd....... we're sliding....
Liars lie. Its what they do.
That’s an awfully detailed lie I made up then. Check my post history- what would be the point?? I agree with everything else on this site and have been on T_D since 2015.
honey learn to accept the well wishes and move on.
Most lies are detailed. That's how you can tell it's a lie.
Well then hopefully I can dodge the huge hospital bill that’s coming since I made it all up.
This is why I avoided this board, which I used to visit every day, during my hospitalization. Check my post history…. I was always on here.
Hi u/Mukzn
Next time when uploading a link from Twitter, please clean the url tracker at the end of the links then post the cleaned link to protect your own and everyone else's privacy. The URL tracker starts at "?".
For example, your link is
The cleaned link without any URL trackers is
Thanks for that info. I wasn’t aware of this.
I had forgotten about this so thanks for the reminder!
That is because she is a reptile .... for sure!
You wish!
Yep, that's exactly the dose I took in December 2020. 4 tablets per day for I think 3 days? I was told not to take it on an empty stomach but that shit is STRONG and your stomach will empty anyway about an hour after you take it. And since I'm a lady I won't say how it empties via the runs.
Not that I'm complaining of course, it could have been worse. I could have had the winter vagina.
Can be bad for some doggos like German shepherds.
Are we sure German Shepherds are actually dogs though.
The queen's stunt double is taking ivermectin.
Misleading title!
Watch the video. It shows Ivermectin as they stat medicines recently approved for Australian hospitals.
The mere fact that they showed it on screen while talking about meds that might benefit the queen - is a real switch from what we've been seeing
Agreed i consider this fake news until I hear otherwise
The Queen is Castreau’s official boss. Why doesn’t she fire him, given all he inflicted to her subjects?
If she is alive, she can’t fire him because she is apparently only committing herself to light duties😂
The dispatch box ( the special red brief case) that contains matters relating to War with Russia and any problems arising in the Commonwealth has been withheld from her as these have been designated heavy duties😂
Maybe the queen can't, but the Governor-General can.
Canadian Governor General is a turbo libcuck.
Can someone shorten the video at the front end so one can pause on 00:17 and see it instead of 00:19? 🤣🤣
Bloody hell!
Don't mean to pop your balloon, but it says nothing of the sort about QueenElizard taking Ivermectin. Just stock footage of medication when the dude was talking about treatment. What is * does * tell us is the video editor is probably one of us. The editor is charged with filling in gaps and I believe including Ivermectin was intentional and sending a message from an ally.
Lol - of course! TPTB know what works!
Never forget what they have done. Never
is she a horse??? a NAG, perhaps!!!
The Queen doesn’t get rid of Trudeau because this is the plan. Squelch anyone at any cost who wants freedom. Try to incite riots, so the UN force brought in can claim violence occurred.
Doesn't she know that it's horse paste, y'all?
She's British so with those teeth, she is an honorary horse. With that loophole, she can therefore have it.
Good enough for race horses and royalty...
Ivermectin (under the brand name Stromectol) is a medication used for infections caused by certain parasitic worms found in rural tropical areas. Depending on the type of worm being treated, serious side effects can occur. It hasn't been shown to work well for other types of infections.
When we post, it might be better to help educate each other in as timely a manner as possible. It seems more efficient for one person to llok something up than all 10+ of us to.
Newsflash: a ton of people on this site have already taken or have took the horse paste. No major side effects to date. Unless getting rid of parasites and preventing the coof are considered.
you talking to ME? I used to give ivermectin to my pets. I bought it at a farm supply, removed the lid meant for a syringe, and added a dropper cap.
Never heard of the brand name made for humans. I have ZERO fear of getting covid-19, because my immune system and my brain work just fine. i can handle it. Its not rabies or the black death, after all. So, no, I had no need to look up brand names of meds. What I know about meds is related to pet rescue.
blah, blah, blah ... blah, blah ... blah
That’s not right because it was actually her younger sister that was the horse.
anyone have a link to the original broadcast? needed for a redpill
You might find it on this site. I got it off the twitter account. https://caldronpool.com/
The norms will want better proof. Nothing says she is taking it.
Horse Medicine? Well they do have a lot of those critters around there.
Hmmmm....looks like IVR is established as a legit treatment now, as if it wasn't before, and a lot of people did everything thing they could to steer the people away from a legit cure so that their beloved jab could be used. Those people will be having a world of problems that they will not be able to deal with now.
What a fucking hypocrite.