The only search engine that doesn't hit you with all the fucking propaganda first is yandex.
A critical thinker would propose that, in this particular case, the results are such because Yandex is Russian, but search any other "controversial" topic, coViD for example, and you'll find similar results.
Yep. Yandex gets you results with the same keywords that used to work on Google. I was worried about what search engine I'd have to use next after it got cucked like DDG but looks like that won't be an issue.
No, you can't turn it off with WebRTC IP handling policy. The closest you can get is "Default Public Interface Only: WebRTC should only use the default route used by http. This doesn't expose any local addresses."
Keyword is "should only."
Fact of the matter is I've tested it and it doesn't work on even 50% of scans. In other words, I'm using a VPN and my browser is handing out my local IP address. Unacceptable.
I don't blame Brave for this. They've built it on top of Chrome open source code, and Google Chrome does not even have options for WebRTC configuration. With that being said, if a website utilizing WebRTC is coded correctly, Brave's "defenses" won't stand a chance. The default setting works only for the websites not trying to harvest your WebRTC data in the first place.
tl;dr If you're not behind a VPN, really doesn't matter.
Brave. I thought everyone had that by now. I don't anyone at church or work that uses anything but Brave. The internet lies about Braves popularity. It's so popular because its faster, it blocks ads, and it ruins censors.
Brave browser. Make sure you are using brave search. Mine was using DDG, but probably because I have been using brave before they got their search engine online. Switched over recently
Based on machine learning and natural language processing. I don't think they've been tasked with the massive censoring that other search engines have. Maybe eventually they will.
Brave browser.
Thanks. Is It free?
Wow Brave should notice a huge swift by this weekend lol!
Have been using Brave pretty much since it began operation and love it. The search engine is great!
I use the browser for privacy but what search engine?
Brave, Yandex
Their SE is just so slow...
And gives like five results.
Judge for yourself:
Search term was simply "ukraine"
google Brave Start Page Ecosia Yandex
The only search engine that doesn't hit you with all the fucking propaganda first is yandex.
A critical thinker would propose that, in this particular case, the results are such because Yandex is Russian, but search any other "controversial" topic, coViD for example, and you'll find similar results.
Yep. Yandex gets you results with the same keywords that used to work on Google. I was worried about what search engine I'd have to use next after it got cucked like DDG but looks like that won't be an issue.
Add Yandex to your web browser:
Go to browser://settings/searchEngines in crome or find the search settings in your browser settings
Add a new search-engine:
Keyword: yan
URL for the search query:
Hit the Save button, and back on the search engines list, enable to make default
Now your search engine is in English, with standard search results also in English.
Sometimes I find Yandex gives odd results, off in the weeds. I use both Brave and Yandex, depending on the search.
I've been suspicious since DDG was offered as an option for default search engine. I should have gone with my instincts
I find a lot with Yandex that I don't find elsewhere.
StartPage is okay, but it just anonymizes Google searches, so you still get shaded results.
They knew it.
It was always something like a limited hangout.
I've been pasting this around here for a while. Please feel free to share.
Brave has a search engine that doesn't go through Google as well. Duckduckgo's search engine goes through Google first.
Brave gives you hardly any results
It's been working fine for me. have you tried it recently?
I've been using Qwant for a couple months. I like how I get more fair results than if I do the same search over on Duck or Google.
I used Qwant also, but they recently openly announced their intent to censor "Russian misinformation".
Uggghhh. I hadn't heard that. Damnit.
??? Didnt see that one. The announced it?
March 1 on their Twitter.
Awesome. Thank u very very much. Did nit know this. Fuk them. Brave it is (for anything but Russian/Ukraine stuff because they/re based in France and complying with cucked EU laws)
Those are my three search engines.
Haven't tried Brave's search engine yet because their browser doesn't let me block WebRTC natively.
brave://settings/privacy you can do it now!
No, you can't turn it off with WebRTC IP handling policy. The closest you can get is "Default Public Interface Only: WebRTC should only use the default route used by http. This doesn't expose any local addresses."
Keyword is "should only."
Fact of the matter is I've tested it and it doesn't work on even 50% of scans. In other words, I'm using a VPN and my browser is handing out my local IP address. Unacceptable.
I don't blame Brave for this. They've built it on top of Chrome open source code, and Google Chrome does not even have options for WebRTC configuration. With that being said, if a website utilizing WebRTC is coded correctly, Brave's "defenses" won't stand a chance. The default setting works only for the websites not trying to harvest your WebRTC data in the first place.
tl;dr If you're not behind a VPN, really doesn't matter.
Starlink needs an official search engine
Truth social needs a search engine facility
I ditched the duck today.
Switched to brave
We are the alternative
I use brave browser with brave search. It doesn't have a real good map section yet. Maybe they could use open street maps.
So frustrating to experience this. I switched to DDG years ago and now 5his happens. Money talks I guess.
Brave. I thought everyone had that by now. I don't anyone at church or work that uses anything but Brave. The internet lies about Braves popularity. It's so popular because its faster, it blocks ads, and it ruins censors.
This pretty much sums up the situation:
Thanks for that - just what I needed after the day I've had. Laughter is good medicine.
My pleasure, fren. 😉
Brave browser. Make sure you are using brave search. Mine was using DDG, but probably because I have been using brave before they got their search engine online. Switched over recently is your friend.
Decent article on search engines.
I'm digging my Brave...
Q used Bing when he posted search results.
Bing is Microshaft, I trust that about as much as Bill Gates’ medical advice.
If you use FireFox there is an add-on to make Brave your default.
Or you can use the Brave Browser
Based on machine learning and natural language processing. I don't think they've been tasked with the massive censoring that other search engines have. Maybe eventually they will.
Time to leave the internet. LOL.