Well if that is how a populations needs to wake up, then hello CNN. The best way to combat the ratings is to give people content they want to see: We will watch this type of clip.
Yes, I found that clip quite disturbing. For a few moments I did not realise that was from CNN - while they were still a bit sneery - that clip was almost back to reporting news rather than instructing the viewer how to think. And absolutely, CNN needs to be broken and to be put back together again as a proper news service - is it really happening? Are the normies going to get their minds back?
Listen to the way she talks about Putin's ego like the way they talk about Trump's ego. I'll tell you what, it takes a huge ego to be bothered by an ego.
Overinflated egos with no sustainable foundation means you can never stop trying to knock someone down so you can be above them, which is what we see the media and leftists do every day
Prossessing.... I guess if people are so programmed that tr.....I just figured it out.
I'm guessing that the vast majority of normies aren't really prepared to know about the worst of the worst of what is going on.
So many people would be broken from hearing the reality of what is actually going on, we might have suicide weekend with the normies in the millions if not tens of millions.
If it can be cleaned up without directly exposing them to all the horribleness and wickedness they were doing, then why would we not? If we can preserve at least some innocence then would it be worth it?
I don't have a problem with preserving innocence, but I'm not sure innocence is what I'd assign them...more like stupidity, rejecting anything that doesn't fit their existing belief system, and a lack of curiosity about what might actually be true
I'm so tired of this take. This whole "I took this information in stride but everyone else is gonna kill themselves when they learn Tom Hanks eats babies" thing is so tired. People can "handle" the truth. If CNN, Fox, etc. are all saying the same thing, and that thing is the truth, people can handle it. I don't believe for a second that suicide weekend means a bunch of people who found out their favorite actors were monsters are going to start offing themselves.
it's ridiculously stupid analysis. Crimea "occupied" but no mention of the Donbas?
Putin "concessions" but no mention of Minsk? it's more 'Merica good, Putin bad.
Because if the wickedness is not exposed to the full light of day, then the evil will continue. Everyone eyes must be fully opened if victory is to be complete and humanity freed from its chains.
This is nothing but a lie in the hopes of tricking Putin into believing Zelensky has all of a sudden 'seen the light".
Putin is not going to fall for this. Why? Ukraine repeatedly violated the Minsk Agreement for 8-years. In these 8-years Russia has tried in vane to get Ukraine to abide by the Agreement. Instead Kiev has done the exact opposite. When Russia said enough is enough and officially announced their participation of the Minsk Agreement, this is when Russia's incursion in 'Banderastan' began (Who is Stepan Bandera?).
It's obvious that Zelensky is lying about this. The first thing he would do is bring NATO into 'Banderastan'. You know the central land of Old Khazaria.
I was listening to Tim Sheets this morning. He is a prophetic minister. He was saying that CNN was bought by a big donor to Trump by the name of John Malone, I think that’s his first name. I’m sure the last is Malone. He said Malone owns property in the US equal to the size of Connecticut. He said Malone stated if the culture didn’t change he would just shut them down. I don’t care who owns them, I don’t know that I could ever bring myself to look at those people.
It seems logical to think this. That’s part of the entire reason for their corruption of DC, control of the military. How much money was spent and resources blown to get their people into office? All of that was done just so things like this don’t happen. Ukraine is 100% essential to the way they launder money and commit other crimes. That’s why the entire deep state shit itself the second Trump called over there asking about Biden.
Look around. The cabal is using every asset it owns right now to protect Ukraine. They switched all of it. Right? Hollywood, social media, big corporations, MSM, all protecting Ukraine.
So why did the military just sit around and do nothing? Why bother corrupting the commander in chief? Biden’s entire reason for existence is to protect their interests with the military. Like Bush and Clinton and Obama.
Well if that is how a populations needs to wake up, then hello CNN. The best way to combat the ratings is to give people content they want to see: We will watch this type of clip.
Yes, I found that clip quite disturbing. For a few moments I did not realise that was from CNN - while they were still a bit sneery - that clip was almost back to reporting news rather than instructing the viewer how to think. And absolutely, CNN needs to be broken and to be put back together again as a proper news service - is it really happening? Are the normies going to get their minds back?
When she said "VOLDEMIR Putin" that reminded me real quick it was shitty CNN.
If you can't pronounce the name of the world's largest nation's president, you should not open your mouth on air.
It was probably intentional!😁
That's like calling President Trump.."Donnie"
Listen to the way she talks about Putin's ego like the way they talk about Trump's ego. I'll tell you what, it takes a huge ego to be bothered by an ego.
Or more precisely, a lack of ego (lack of strong sense of self).
Egotism is what people present to cover up that lack.
Overinflated egos with no sustainable foundation means you can never stop trying to knock someone down so you can be above them, which is what we see the media and leftists do every day
Astute observation, fren
That’s why leftists were so irritated with trump - they are insecure narcissists, and trumps brazen confidence and ego made them feel weak.
Lol well said
--Trevor Horn, "Senator Clint Webb"
Under two min. of hilarity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsWLBOyEv6o
Well... OK.
However, NATO still requires Ukraine to participate in the cookie sale fundraiser.
NATO cookies are filled with laxatives.
Why do you think Jill had so many to give out
"My butts been wiped!" Joe Biden.
No seriously he said that.
[they] will end up doing exactly what Putin wants.
The New CNN.... well, ... OK I guess.
Baby steps?
Prossessing.... I guess if people are so programmed that tr.....I just figured it out.
I'm guessing that the vast majority of normies aren't really prepared to know about the worst of the worst of what is going on.
So many people would be broken from hearing the reality of what is actually going on, we might have suicide weekend with the normies in the millions if not tens of millions.
If it can be cleaned up without directly exposing them to all the horribleness and wickedness they were doing, then why would we not? If we can preserve at least some innocence then would it be worth it?
I don't have a problem with preserving innocence, but I'm not sure innocence is what I'd assign them...more like stupidity, rejecting anything that doesn't fit their existing belief system, and a lack of curiosity about what might actually be true
At this point I'd agree.
I'm so tired of this take. This whole "I took this information in stride but everyone else is gonna kill themselves when they learn Tom Hanks eats babies" thing is so tired. People can "handle" the truth. If CNN, Fox, etc. are all saying the same thing, and that thing is the truth, people can handle it. I don't believe for a second that suicide weekend means a bunch of people who found out their favorite actors were monsters are going to start offing themselves.
Suicide Weekend sounds like a shitty emo band
it's ridiculously stupid analysis. Crimea "occupied" but no mention of the Donbas?
Putin "concessions" but no mention of Minsk? it's more 'Merica good, Putin bad.
Sometimes it’s necessary to simply rip the bandaid off. Start new. Truth hurts at times.
People need to grow up. Something that we used to do a generation or three ago.
Because if the wickedness is not exposed to the full light of day, then the evil will continue. Everyone eyes must be fully opened if victory is to be complete and humanity freed from its chains.
You mean the end justifies the means.
Also, thanks for posting the clip.
Ukraine on Fire. Watch it. They e been switching sides for centuries. Not a loyal people
NATO map timeline...
They sound so sad that peace talks are progressing! Whackos
Just like they were always sad when Chyna virus "cases" and "deaths" went down.
Sinister individuals
Wow, I can't believe I listened to that much of CNN without vomiting! Are those new staff too?
This is nothing but a lie in the hopes of tricking Putin into believing Zelensky has all of a sudden 'seen the light".
Putin is not going to fall for this. Why? Ukraine repeatedly violated the Minsk Agreement for 8-years. In these 8-years Russia has tried in vane to get Ukraine to abide by the Agreement. Instead Kiev has done the exact opposite. When Russia said enough is enough and officially announced their participation of the Minsk Agreement, this is when Russia's incursion in 'Banderastan' began (Who is Stepan Bandera?).
It's obvious that Zelensky is lying about this. The first thing he would do is bring NATO into 'Banderastan'. You know the central land of Old Khazaria.
Off topic but since you said keiv, it reminded me that Woolworths in Australia changed their chicken keiv to chicken kyiv in protest of russia😂😅
I was listening to Tim Sheets this morning. He is a prophetic minister. He was saying that CNN was bought by a big donor to Trump by the name of John Malone, I think that’s his first name. I’m sure the last is Malone. He said Malone owns property in the US equal to the size of Connecticut. He said Malone stated if the culture didn’t change he would just shut them down. I don’t care who owns them, I don’t know that I could ever bring myself to look at those people.
When they have to do that you know patriots are in control.
The same patriots who just approved BILLIONS of OUR MONEY going to Ukraine?
It seems logical to think this. That’s part of the entire reason for their corruption of DC, control of the military. How much money was spent and resources blown to get their people into office? All of that was done just so things like this don’t happen. Ukraine is 100% essential to the way they launder money and commit other crimes. That’s why the entire deep state shit itself the second Trump called over there asking about Biden.
Look around. The cabal is using every asset it owns right now to protect Ukraine. They switched all of it. Right? Hollywood, social media, big corporations, MSM, all protecting Ukraine.
So why did the military just sit around and do nothing? Why bother corrupting the commander in chief? Biden’s entire reason for existence is to protect their interests with the military. Like Bush and Clinton and Obama.
Wouldn’t you be furious?