I thought this from the start. There's no way he even takes that thing into a repair shop in the first place, unless he is alright with someone seeing what's on it. He certainly could have found someone to fix his computer that was in his circle of friends, if he wanted it repaired. He either wanted the contents to be found, or someone helped him make that decision.
The guy is so fucking wealthy why not just stick the laptop in a cupboard and buy a new one? Why not hire some DNC lackey to come and quietly fix it? Why would he give it to some random repair shop knowing what the contents of it could do?
a lot of people think HB is a fool. but I don't get that feeling from him, I think he's stealthy, and left the laptop on purpose as bait. and if Rudy & HB are connected where does that lead?? could HB be working with whitehats? so many twists and turns hard to keep track.
Idiocy also breeds arrogance especially when your so rich and powerful like the Biden's. It would be more plausible to think of him as an arrogant idiot and dumping the laptop in a wardrobe with all it's salacious contents and just going out and buying a new one.
I've entertained this idea from the start, too. It is beyond belief that this guy accidentally did this with the attempts to contact him. But did he do it on purpose himself, or did someone make him do this? Then again, I've worked with drug addicts who couldn't remember anything they did, so I suppose he could have completely blocked it out and then ignored the phone calls simply because he's a privileged brat who can just pick up another laptop if needed. But why not do that in the first place? He probably already had another laptop. But surely he knew what was on the laptop? So many juicy, possible options to consider.
He did it to expose the corrupt and evil things the elites do. Much like Mike Lindell, his crack addiction led him to a path of awakening and finding God, and he now wants to expose all the evil things he saw while under Devils influence.
Not just a crackhead but one who has never known any consequences (only rewards) for his lifetime of highly illegal and immoral actions. He probably expected a high five from the PC guy. Then again it sounds like he was so fucked up that he didn't even remember that he took the laptop to a repairman.
Is there a second Hunter? Switched out around the same time Joe Mk 2 was rolled out? Great actors? All playing their roles for no other reason than mass Pop awakening?
yes^ I think it's something like that; they're putting on a show to stir the pot, get people thinking. also, there's something about Hunter's mom & her accident, but not sure what it is. she was from finger lakes, and that's the tattoo on his back...
Ah ok doh. Thanks for the correction fren! I pride myself on the facts and am more than a little embarrassed that I've thought Finger Lakes were in WI not NY. Being in Australia is not an excuse either lol.
In US version of The Office, when Steve Carrell left the show, they had guest actors interviewing for his position, like Ray Romano and Ricky Gervais. Jim Carrey was one of them and he basically just kept asking if he would be able to go on vacation because his family is still at the Finger Lakes camping and he needs to get back to the Finger Lakes and he says the Finger Lakes so many times... That show is hilarious but this scene was so weird and I just chocked it up to Carrey being a crazy person but now it seems super creepy...
yes I think so too, and from what i can tell, she was the brains behind Biden's first campaign/he won against a career politician. maybe her accident was a warning.
I think it's the same man, but he has awaken and is on the side of God. Drug addiction can do that, if the person has the mental fortitude to survive it. (see Lindell)
Have you seen our FBI? It's totally fucking believable. Now, if a Karen neighbor was accusing a Trump-supporting neighbor of attending the Jan 6 protests and going inside the capital with a shoelace shaped as a noose, with zero evidence, the FBI would be doing 4am raids.
I don’t disagree, but I think if the FBI was offered the laptop of the son of a former democrat VP (and presidential candidate), they’d take possession of it just to bury its existence if not destroy it. They’re corrupt, not stupid. Unless it never made it up the chain, which is possible.
Benn saying that both Hunter and Ashley left their respective laptop and diary where they could be found. No doubt Hunter is a depraved asswipe. Imagine having perverted Joe as your father? ] What is your father used you as the front man for his criminal enterprise? In other words, you were his cannon fodder. Not excusing Hunter at all because some people are brought up by perverts and turn out to be wonderful humans. Those are not the norm though.
Ashley has had both an eating disorder and a drug problem. She posted in her diary that she felt like she had been abused.
It's my opinion that both of them are/were tired of being abused by their father and discussed hanging the big man out to dry.
I can't wait until some normie starts talking about Hunter's laptop like it's new information, and I get to say, "Wait until you hear about Ashley's diary!"
Wasn't there a live mic situation during the first day in the WH where Hunter admitted making some kind of deal?
Not sure if the voice was ever confirmed 100% to be Hunter, but makes you wonder, doesn't it?
As much as Hunter looks like an idiot, I think if he could navigate Ukraine & heads of State to broker huge deals, he was probably capable of intentionally leaving behind his laptop. If you grew up in a psychopaths household, where you were abused, you might see an opportunity to destroy that (those) a**hole(s) and take it. I would. “Whoops I was high and forgot”! Seems like a possibility.
So he ignored attempts from the shop to contact him? Very interesting. I was watching Russell Brand talk about Hunter's personal issues because he can identify with addiction and he said it's not an easy place to be in. Think about it, Joe Biden used his son to get bribes from foreign countries. Did they also supply Hunter with drugs and prostitutes as well? Biden took advantage of his son's addictions and dressed them up as the antics of a Playboy who could lure greedy foreigners into dirty deals.
Remember when Hunter told the story he was drugged or overdosed, Russians stole his property? Remember the soccer ball Putin gave Trump? What if Hunters harddrive was in there. How do you introduce it in to evidence? Upload the data to a laptop, dress someone up to look like Hunter and drop it at a known patriotic repair shop owner who has piss poor vision. Leave a phone number that goes to a burner phone. When enough time passes, Hunter forfeits the property. Question remains, how could they predict who the shop owner would hand the harddrive to unless he was in on it from the start. Is this why Scavino is feeling guilty? Sorry about any typos, away from home, on my mobile
Question remains, how could they predict who the shop owner would hand the harddrive to unless he was in on it from the start. Is this why Scavino is feeling guilty? Sorry about any typos, away from home, on my mobile
You can keep repeating this with different repair shops until one of them does what you want.
totally plausible. To me this speaks to the inherent good nature of being we all share, but maybe some through experience learn to silence that inner voice....blah blah blah sorry i like beers
Yea this is all great. But when are they gonna release the dirt? And I don't mean some shit buried deep under some district attorneys desk. When are they gonna release the shit that makes retarded normies turn their heads?
You can download a copy of the laptop.. go through it.. it'll turn your head.. The media won't report on anything that goes against the narrative until everyone else already knows it.
If we're to consider this being deliberate, let's look at another situation that could have been disastrous for him and his family, when he got caught with an illegal firearm. What did he do?
He immediately called in favors and got the thing buried. He protected himself, kept himself out of jail. And he did all of this while maintaining his drug and hooker habits.
So, why would we think he wouldn't do the same with this laptop which had literally everything on it. All the corrupt deals. All the evidence of Biden literally selling out America for money, connections to every major enemy of the US, and some child porn on there to boot? Why wouldn't Hunter immediately call in favors and get this thing buried like he did with the gun thing?
On that note, we've got Ashley Biden's diary of Project Veritas fame in this mix too. Hunter's laptop lays bare the dirty sex secrets of this family. The diary confirms it, from Ashley's own hand. Both were left out in the open to be found. Both of them resisted good faith efforts to return the "misplaced" items.
Revenge for mistreatment within the family and wanting to hurt his dad? Hunter's going down too with this. There's no way he comes out of it looking sympathetic.
One of his Chinese friends in their intel community is blackmailing him and using this as a means of controlling Biden. That's certainly possible and the connections are well documented at this point. However, blackmail only works if the secrets stay secret. If the "secrets" are now public knowledge, can he be further blackmailed? Did Hunter leave the laptop to be found in order to destroy CCP leverage?
On that note, we've got Ashley Biden's diary of Project Veritas fame in this mix too.
Project Veritas was unable to verify the diary and refused to have anything to do with it, and for that reason, Project Veritas was still raided by the FBI.
Maybe he actually deep down has a conscious and he knows he is part of complete evil and he does all the drugs to try to deal with it but decided he would take this chance to burn them all down?
I suspect someone is pulling the strings but the puppet is a spoiled brat, drug and sex addict, pedophile with evidenced Daddy issues happily goes along to get back at the big man. "I'll never be Beau pop, I'll never be Beau!"
I'd say he wasted an opportunity to actually accomplish something because here we are ONE AND A HALF YEARS LATER and all the big players are still living large. If he wanted to do something he should have gone on Joe Rogan and made a video recording admitting everything, naming everybody, sent copies to Wikileaks, the Attorney General, the FBI, a few major media oulets, and posted the files to Usenet and Bittorrent and posted the video to Bichute and other less censored video sharing sites. That would not be easily swept under the rug like his laptop was.
In other words, don't read too much into the actions of pedophile drug addicts.
I believe he has cut a deal and thats why the laptop was discovered .. even a meth head like him isnt that stupid to leave it at a repair shop .. these guys have oodles of money and would have their own tech people available to come to the house.
I have been around a lot of meth addicts and you can bet your bottom dollar they are that stupid and for bonus points even when they get clean the reasoning center in there brain never comes back.i wish it didnt be like that but it is.
I thought this from the start. There's no way he even takes that thing into a repair shop in the first place, unless he is alright with someone seeing what's on it. He certainly could have found someone to fix his computer that was in his circle of friends, if he wanted it repaired. He either wanted the contents to be found, or someone helped him make that decision.
I agree, and it's interesting that the laptop eventually ended up with one of DJTs best friends; Rudy G.
But what if he was so fucking high and on a binge and completely forgot?
Was the phone number H. B. gave actually the correct one?
He could just be that stupid?
Smart if on purpose though.
IIRC, the repairman left messages on Hunter's voicemail or with his staff?
Oh right! I remember that part now. Thanks!
The guy is so fucking wealthy why not just stick the laptop in a cupboard and buy a new one? Why not hire some DNC lackey to come and quietly fix it? Why would he give it to some random repair shop knowing what the contents of it could do?
a lot of people think HB is a fool. but I don't get that feeling from him, I think he's stealthy, and left the laptop on purpose as bait. and if Rudy & HB are connected where does that lead?? could HB be working with whitehats? so many twists and turns hard to keep track.
or he's a fuckin idiot
and while the first option is certainly plausible, i also think he could simply be a fuckin idiot.
Idiocy also breeds arrogance especially when your so rich and powerful like the Biden's. It would be more plausible to think of him as an arrogant idiot and dumping the laptop in a wardrobe with all it's salacious contents and just going out and buying a new one.
Did the repair shop owner ever say what he 'fixed' on the laptop? Reason for the laptop to be submitted for repair?
Probably needed to be cleaned. I heard it had sticky stuff all over the keyboard.
A strung out idiot is always able to do incredibly stupid things, that's for sure.
I've entertained this idea from the start, too. It is beyond belief that this guy accidentally did this with the attempts to contact him. But did he do it on purpose himself, or did someone make him do this? Then again, I've worked with drug addicts who couldn't remember anything they did, so I suppose he could have completely blocked it out and then ignored the phone calls simply because he's a privileged brat who can just pick up another laptop if needed. But why not do that in the first place? He probably already had another laptop. But surely he knew what was on the laptop? So many juicy, possible options to consider.
He did it to expose the corrupt and evil things the elites do. Much like Mike Lindell, his crack addiction led him to a path of awakening and finding God, and he now wants to expose all the evil things he saw while under Devils influence.
Wasn't his ABC interview after this? Why "out yourself" and then go on air not "outting yourself"? I dunno...just trying to connect the dots.. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/hunter-biden-66298958
I hate to break it to you but all the drugs hes on do not promote good judgment
Shhh you're spoiling the movie u/#mjpopcorn
Is it possible he made these Bad choices Because he was a crackhead?
Absolutely possible....
Not just a crackhead but one who has never known any consequences (only rewards) for his lifetime of highly illegal and immoral actions. He probably expected a high five from the PC guy. Then again it sounds like he was so fucked up that he didn't even remember that he took the laptop to a repairman.
Bingo, Dwyde. The man has no conscience.
A person can actually be harmed by others who are withholding consequences from them. His entire life he has been told that this "is ok."
Well so far ...
I have always thought this, he just forgot about it.
Is there a second Hunter? Switched out around the same time Joe Mk 2 was rolled out? Great actors? All playing their roles for no other reason than mass Pop awakening?
yes^ I think it's something like that; they're putting on a show to stir the pot, get people thinking. also, there's something about Hunter's mom & her accident, but not sure what it is. she was from finger lakes, and that's the tattoo on his back...
Oh wow, I didn't know she was from there. The Racine connection again!
Add to that, could WI be the first state to decertify?
Fascinating times... We were told we're watching a movie after all.
Finger Lakes are in NY, and I've heard the area is connected with child trafficking.
Ah ok doh. Thanks for the correction fren! I pride myself on the facts and am more than a little embarrassed that I've thought Finger Lakes were in WI not NY. Being in Australia is not an excuse either lol.
Gave myself a down vote to compensate.
No one cares about the points. This isn’t Reddit. But props for owning your mistake
That was my point lol.
In US version of The Office, when Steve Carrell left the show, they had guest actors interviewing for his position, like Ray Romano and Ricky Gervais. Jim Carrey was one of them and he basically just kept asking if he would be able to go on vacation because his family is still at the Finger Lakes camping and he needs to get back to the Finger Lakes and he says the Finger Lakes so many times... That show is hilarious but this scene was so weird and I just chocked it up to Carrey being a crazy person but now it seems super creepy...
u/TrustTheTruth has entered the chat. 😁
I bet there's more to that accident than they want us to know.
yes I think so too, and from what i can tell, she was the brains behind Biden's first campaign/he won against a career politician. maybe her accident was a warning.
I think it's the same man, but he has awaken and is on the side of God. Drug addiction can do that, if the person has the mental fortitude to survive it. (see Lindell)
Another potential indeed.
Not to mention the laptop being offered to the FBI and them not having any interest. That's not believable.
Have you seen our FBI? It's totally fucking believable. Now, if a Karen neighbor was accusing a Trump-supporting neighbor of attending the Jan 6 protests and going inside the capital with a shoelace shaped as a noose, with zero evidence, the FBI would be doing 4am raids.
I don’t disagree, but I think if the FBI was offered the laptop of the son of a former democrat VP (and presidential candidate), they’d take possession of it just to bury its existence if not destroy it. They’re corrupt, not stupid. Unless it never made it up the chain, which is possible.
They took it for blackmail leverage of their own, no doubt.
Benn saying that both Hunter and Ashley left their respective laptop and diary where they could be found. No doubt Hunter is a depraved asswipe. Imagine having perverted Joe as your father? ] What is your father used you as the front man for his criminal enterprise? In other words, you were his cannon fodder. Not excusing Hunter at all because some people are brought up by perverts and turn out to be wonderful humans. Those are not the norm though.
Ashley has had both an eating disorder and a drug problem. She posted in her diary that she felt like she had been abused.
It's my opinion that both of them are/were tired of being abused by their father and discussed hanging the big man out to dry.
I can't wait until some normie starts talking about Hunter's laptop like it's new information, and I get to say, "Wait until you hear about Ashley's diary!"
That's what I presume.
Wasn't there a live mic situation during the first day in the WH where Hunter admitted making some kind of deal? Not sure if the voice was ever confirmed 100% to be Hunter, but makes you wonder, doesn't it?
I say it's quantum tunneling: Hunter set the thing down on a desk, and God/The Universe/Whatever tunneled it to where it needed to go.
As much as Hunter looks like an idiot, I think if he could navigate Ukraine & heads of State to broker huge deals, he was probably capable of intentionally leaving behind his laptop. If you grew up in a psychopaths household, where you were abused, you might see an opportunity to destroy that (those) a**hole(s) and take it. I would. “Whoops I was high and forgot”! Seems like a possibility.
So he ignored attempts from the shop to contact him? Very interesting. I was watching Russell Brand talk about Hunter's personal issues because he can identify with addiction and he said it's not an easy place to be in. Think about it, Joe Biden used his son to get bribes from foreign countries. Did they also supply Hunter with drugs and prostitutes as well? Biden took advantage of his son's addictions and dressed them up as the antics of a Playboy who could lure greedy foreigners into dirty deals.
Remember when Hunter told the story he was drugged or overdosed, Russians stole his property? Remember the soccer ball Putin gave Trump? What if Hunters harddrive was in there. How do you introduce it in to evidence? Upload the data to a laptop, dress someone up to look like Hunter and drop it at a known patriotic repair shop owner who has piss poor vision. Leave a phone number that goes to a burner phone. When enough time passes, Hunter forfeits the property. Question remains, how could they predict who the shop owner would hand the harddrive to unless he was in on it from the start. Is this why Scavino is feeling guilty? Sorry about any typos, away from home, on my mobile
You can keep repeating this with different repair shops until one of them does what you want.
totally plausible. To me this speaks to the inherent good nature of being we all share, but maybe some through experience learn to silence that inner voice....blah blah blah sorry i like beers
Yea this is all great. But when are they gonna release the dirt? And I don't mean some shit buried deep under some district attorneys desk. When are they gonna release the shit that makes retarded normies turn their heads?
Tired of this "movie" bullshit.
You can download a copy of the laptop.. go through it.. it'll turn your head.. The media won't report on anything that goes against the narrative until everyone else already knows it.
My head began turning prior to 911. It's time for nomrie retardation to end.
Someone made him an offer he could not refuse ….
If we're to consider this being deliberate, let's look at another situation that could have been disastrous for him and his family, when he got caught with an illegal firearm. What did he do?
He immediately called in favors and got the thing buried. He protected himself, kept himself out of jail. And he did all of this while maintaining his drug and hooker habits.
So, why would we think he wouldn't do the same with this laptop which had literally everything on it. All the corrupt deals. All the evidence of Biden literally selling out America for money, connections to every major enemy of the US, and some child porn on there to boot? Why wouldn't Hunter immediately call in favors and get this thing buried like he did with the gun thing?
On that note, we've got Ashley Biden's diary of Project Veritas fame in this mix too. Hunter's laptop lays bare the dirty sex secrets of this family. The diary confirms it, from Ashley's own hand. Both were left out in the open to be found. Both of them resisted good faith efforts to return the "misplaced" items.
I'm not sure. Lots of questions. Few answers.
Project Veritas was unable to verify the diary and refused to have anything to do with it, and for that reason, Project Veritas was still raided by the FBI.
Maybe he actually deep down has a conscious and he knows he is part of complete evil and he does all the drugs to try to deal with it but decided he would take this chance to burn them all down?
I suspect someone is pulling the strings but the puppet is a spoiled brat, drug and sex addict, pedophile with evidenced Daddy issues happily goes along to get back at the big man. "I'll never be Beau pop, I'll never be Beau!"
Isn't this what people thought from the start?
I'd say he wasted an opportunity to actually accomplish something because here we are ONE AND A HALF YEARS LATER and all the big players are still living large. If he wanted to do something he should have gone on Joe Rogan and made a video recording admitting everything, naming everybody, sent copies to Wikileaks, the Attorney General, the FBI, a few major media oulets, and posted the files to Usenet and Bittorrent and posted the video to Bichute and other less censored video sharing sites. That would not be easily swept under the rug like his laptop was.
In other words, don't read too much into the actions of pedophile drug addicts.
I always saw it as Hunter cooperating with whitehats, perhaps to reduce his sentence from death to life in prison or something like that.
As a result of military tribunal that had already been conducted.
How do you introduce evidence? We have it all.
Well except the courts ,every law enforcement agency and military or government but otherwise justice is just around the corner
Hunter is a worthless crackhead with access to millions in free, taxpayer money.
He left the laptop and didn't give a shit.
Why would he? His entire family has been protected by the DS for decades.
I believe he has cut a deal and thats why the laptop was discovered .. even a meth head like him isnt that stupid to leave it at a repair shop .. these guys have oodles of money and would have their own tech people available to come to the house.
I have been around a lot of meth addicts and you can bet your bottom dollar they are that stupid and for bonus points even when they get clean the reasoning center in there brain never comes back.i wish it didnt be like that but it is.
Hmmm interesting terminology in regards to Joe. Not Dad, father, but Pop. Like the first arrest will be a “pop” awakening. 🤷♀️
Wizards and Warlocks in charge! These people will continue doing stupid stuff cause you are watching a movie!