And guess where he got the info from? Elon Musk. He reports that human blood is more in demand than corn and soy. It is being reported that YOUNG students are lining up in Silicon Valley to donate blood in an answer to advertisements. The elite are paying $8,000 for a blood transfusion taken from a YOUNG person. This is now mainstream. Wait till they hear about the babies and little children.
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against CHILDREN UNITE all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
Russell Brand is incredibly smart.
And very good looking..
Yes, I went there.
Tall, slender, beautiful eyes, hair, and a sharp intellect.
Still don't trust him.
But he's fun to watch and listen to.
Nobody said his penis was smart.
He doesn't have the crazy-eyed look now that he's out of that.
He is indeed - sharp as a whip, exceedingly intelligent. I think he recognizes the errors of his previous ways and is in the process of waking up. Which is the ONLY conclusion one can arrive at when the veils (beliefs) start falling away...
Russell has been well known in the U.K. for 25 plus years.
Thereās lots of shock and scandal and extremely anti woke behaviour that you can plot.
In a world where sons and daughters of politicians/ royalty can stand at a podium and dictate to us what we should be doing based on their questionable intelligence itās refreshing to know that Russell Brands intelligence his ponderings is all self made.
He grew up in a council house in a downtrodden town outside of London , humble background. Thereās 2 blips I question . 1 was his child catcher appearance in the London Olympics Ceremony and the other is Katy Perry.
I think that heās on a journey of discovery with his very open mind.
Agreed across the board. I've always liked him and recognized his intelligence. The Katy Perry thing was clearly a misstep. But this is how we learn, by making mistakes.
As a Brit, I'd like to ask you if you're aware of whether Russell has any relation with Lord Brand (Robert Brand, 1st Baron Brand). Possibly a distant grand nephew? Perhaps his father was a distant cousin?
I'm quite familiar with Carrol Quigley's books, specifically "The Anglo-American Establishment" which details the activities of Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner, William T Stead, Leo Amery, Lord Brand, and many others of course, regarding their international affairs to promulgate "The Commonwealth" around the world via their many secretive "groups within groups" - ala The Round Table, Milner's Kindergarten, The Cliveden Set, etc.
I've always been curious about Russell, but never taken the time to investigate this. Have you ever heard any such rumblings?
I donāt think thereās any link to the Anglo American establishment.
He really does appear to be from ordinary stock. I donāt know whether English regional accents are picked up in the US, Can, Aus and NZ, but his Essex accent is generally regarded as low end, the accent of the dock worker not far from Cockney.
He speaks fluidly and clearly . Gervais also has a strong regional accent from southwest England another one from ordinary stock.
I remember my wife reading Brands book around 2008 - My Booky Wook and she seemed genuinely impressed with him and how he over came childhood heartache.
Thanks Britpat. That's what I've come to understand as well. Appreciate the confirmation!
American, but yes, I noticed.
Since when do teeth have something to do with your intelligence!? LMAO.
This is hitting the mainstream at a greater pace lately.
How could Russell Brand and Elon Musk be linked?
Back in the mid 2000s Brand was developing his image and career and moving away from being just another wacky comedian who was grifting on comedy panel TVs shows.
He got his first big break out acting role in the remake of St Trinians.
His young co star was Talulah Riley Musks former and apparently still close wife.
Rileyās parents are interesting they are either the blackest of black hats or theyāve been playing a long game.
Did you listen to the video? ELON emailed him and told him.
Do you realize u/Britpat did some further digging to find out why Brand is receiving emails from Elon Musk in the first place?
This was the symbolism of HRC coming out of her daughterās āapartmentā after her 911 collapse. That is exactly why she made such a show of the little girl. These people must spend hours getting their transfusions. Basement Joe certainly comes to mind.
Symbolic, yes, but that was clearly a younger and slimmer body double who emerged after the real Hillary collapsed.
Yeah, "HRC" lost 50+ lbs in 2 hours, what's her secret?
It was definitely her double, Teresa Barnwell.
My appreciation for Russ has gone up about a thousand fold in the last 4 months.
He is so - accessible - to a lot of those who have bought into the neo-hippy culture - environmentalism, fairness, etc. The traditional stomping ground of the more aware on the left.
Many of us forget that many on the left actually saw the bullshit that corporations were doing, the Elite, rich, etc, and justifiably pointed to it and protested against it. Of course, corruption infiltrated, and always seeks to turn them towards communism, wokism, and cultural marxism, but for many who have been traditionally on the right, we are only now beginning to realize how deeply the Right was undermined and corrupt as the Left.
So it is, the movement for "it's not about Left vs Right; it's about Right vs Wrong" is growing.
Russ is really accessible to those on the traditional aware left. I know of some who are able to access the Great Awakening content more easily because they listen to Russell Brand now.
I concur with what you are saying. I came from the left and I'm sure lots of people here did. There are people on the left with integrity and those ones can be shown how they have been manipulated and lied to.
Important to remember. And to paraphrase a scripture from the Gospels.
"There are none who were not lied to and manipulated, no, not one."
We have ALL been lied to and manipulated, on some level, and in some way.
If anybody ever watched the show Silicon Valley, there's literally an episode that is completely about this concept. Gavin who's the CEO of Hooli which is a "big evil corporation" similar to google or something has his own blood boy who just comes over for transfusions.
it's pretty weird that i watched a tv show called silicon valley like 4 or 5 years ago that was exactly about this
Reject their Tech.
Imagine the money that you could make in a place with sketchy laws (a country like Ukraine, perhaps?). You could have clinics full of specially-bred children that could supply rich people with full blood, plasma, stem cells...even body parts like liver, if needed! Why wait in line like some plebe for these things?
And when the kids get troublesome or too old, you could use them for experimentation if you needed to test out some new vaccines or gene therapies. Maybe they'd get to go to a pizza party, as well.
I'm sure this is just some horrible sci-fi type of idea, similar to Robin Cook's "Coma". Could never happen in the real world.
George Webb casually mentioned that a lot of these people have children with they can have spare body parts.
And I believe Chester Bennington and his brother were CLONES of John and Tony Podesta.
Not children.
Edit to add that DNA doesn't always stain the soul. Chester was nothing like John.
Nobody is getting my red, white, & blue pure blood !
Russell rocks.
Iām sure he gives hives to the globalists.
I really do not understand the blind trust in these two guys. They say the right things for five minutes and people wet their pants about them. Elon's parents are both highly suspect, the mother has a billion pictures of her doing one-eyed symbolism, and the father has questionable actions with younger females, as well as the emerald mine. Also his former wife looks to be connected to the witchy underworld herself. And Elon isn't the genius entrepreneur people make him out to be.
Brand was Katy Perry's handler, there is plenty of red carpet video out there showing this. That girl has admitted several times in interviews that she has sold her soul. So much of her music is laced with dark symbolism and one eyed representation.
they thought you would follow the stars
I guess it comes down to whether or not you believe people can change. Or...wake up.
Every one of us here at one time did not know what we know now in terms of waking up. It's just a matter of what degree we started out from.
Are they playing both sides for selfish reasons? Are they faking it? I really don't know. But I DO know that they are speaking some truths that jibe with ours. And if we discount everyone like that then there is literally no one on the face of the earth to be trusted. I guess we have to stay true to God, accept what good we can find from any source and toss out the garbage.
even the devil can quote scripture.
I think Katy was HIS handler.
No matter what the articles might say.
He looked crazed when he was with her.
Now his eyes look normal.
But hey -- I still don't trust him. I just like to listen to him and watch him.
One of the video clips I was referring to went like this: Katy was talking to some blathering idiot reporter, so two blathering idiots conversing basically. Russell was standing there, and pulled out some sort of metallic icon/totem, she sees it and her entire demeanor changed, which basically shut her down to the point of stammering.
It was very manchurian candidate-esque.
8k? I'm young and unjabbed, where do I sign up?
I think the elite pay $8,000 for a transfusion but those donating only get $30. No wonder the elite are after blood.
Gonna go up for non jabbed. Hold out for 35.
You're a tough negotiator.
Let's start a company to cut out the middleman. Then invent a transfusion device that actually pumps vaccinated blood into them while cycling ours back to us.
Not young enough
Jesus tried to tell us about them.
Truly I tell you, If you want to live forever, Drink my blood and eat my flesh.
There are things that were hidden in plain sight. The masses made dumb and complicit to a group of people that have long known how to bypass death and ailment. The Truth is always hidden from the slaves, their feed supply.
Are you trying to say that Holy Communion is ACTUAL blood and flesh. You are wrong, if so. It is a spiritual sacrament, not cannibalism. Literalists, like you, used to propose that Christians in the first century were cannibals when they took communion. This, of course, is idiotic nonsense.
Though I have read an article that said people were putting their communion wafers in the wine and that was turning into flesh and blood, so....
Again, Christ sacrificing himself for us!
No, I am saying that Christ Jesus in all his knowledge completely laid out exactly what the enemy was up to and how they managed to get it done. When you consider the volume of people to those that manage to maintain power for as long as they have you need an understanding of how. If they can keep their young bodies through consuming the blood and flesh of others but conceal how they get their supply behind the law that condones murder as punishment for offenses not even close to murder in severity, granted all sin is equal in the Eyes of The Father who gave us The Law to follow but also spared us our sentence of Death in His, Loving, Mercy. I do not believe that the disciples ate human flesh or drank blood but I do believe the Christ Jesus alluded to who did while offering a sacrifice that was to take the place of consuming the flesh and blood of your fellow human, a practice largely preformed by the Babylon where the Scribes and Pharisees derived their Law from, the Talmud!