Finally popped my "account restricted on Facebook" cherry by sharing the following image with someone who insisted "there are no Nazis in Ukraine"...L M A O! 🤣 Full panic mode!
🧠 These people are stupid!

I'm gonna do it now.
24-hr ban.
LET'S GOOOO LMAO, thats what I got 🤣🤣
After your ban is over, try and delete your account, and discover how they make it almost impossible to find the right page to use... which, of course, is all the more reason to delete facebook
Don't delete your account. Weaponize it so you can speak to the normal people out there.
That's exactly what I did....
I use it as a weapon, with lots of good memes, lots of LINKS to articles, but every once in a while, I'll post something, and it'll trigger the Ban, 30 Days consistently, and it's always random......
I am on a 40 day ban right now, about 10 days in, and today got hit with another 30 Day Ban.....
After Trump WINS the lawsuits against the Social Media Sites, MY Lawsuit begins, and I'll be asking for $10.00 Dollars in Gold or Silver or both, for each and every second of being Banned.....
I have accumulated YEARS of being Banned.....
I only shoot from the meme cannon, but they stifle everything on there.
I can't post for 24 hours and am on 30 day probation or whatever because I consistently post things they don't like. I'm highly shadow banned, too.
I admire your tenacity.
Fun fact because I'm trying to pass time before falling asleep!
It's "gypped", and it comes from the gypsies who went around hustling and scamming people out of their possessions.
Reddit likes to call the term racist and get offended.. but they were an impactful sort and deserve the ire they earned.
Amateur lol
Aw, don’t be so defensive. I was just trying to be funny. I, like you, am proud to have been in fb jail many times. Keep up the good work.
Eehhh, I have a LIFETIME FaceFook Ban!
Will never be able to post crap to FaceFook. Ever.
Oh, wait. That is self imposed since I've never had a FaceFook account.... Oh well.
Rotate the image 180 degrees on your phone and post. Algos don’t pick up picture that way. I post anything controversial that I know will get a ban that way and I haven’t gotten banned in a long time!
Ooh!! Nice!! Thanks!
Anyone calls bullshit on this, let them watch Time Magazine's video on the Azov Battalion. That should shut them up if they are willing to listen. Nowadays that is asking a lot, I know. It is much easier to just parrot whatever your twitter celebs tell you.
Most of my loved ones believe everything they see and hear from the media.
They believe that Trump was corrupt - in some undefinable way.
They believe that Putin is the most dangerous man in the world and we should all hate him. And that Ukrainians are all as pure as the wind-driven snow. And that Putin attacked Ukraine for no other reason except that Putin is a madman.
And that vaccines protect you from dying from Covid-19. I.E. triple vaccinated people can still get C19 and spread it, but you don't get as sick.
What I found interesting is that my adult daughter goes so far as to pretend she never thought vaccines prevented you from getting C19. She's even bought into the revisionism.
But anyway, if I 'give up' on all my loved ones who believe all this shit, then I have no one.
And if you gave up on them, not only would YOU have no one, THEY would have no one sane to help them heal.
You cannot help someone that refuses any change. If there is a systemic issue, throwing money and resources at it just helps the bad system to produce more issues. Sometimes abandoning a person is the most rational and compassionate act. Throwing money at a drug addict is not only dumb. It's actually more harmful. What may be done with intentions of displaying love is actually causing effects associated with hate.
Yes, it is the right thing to do if they do not seek to destroy you for your beliefs. It's on continuum, isn't it.
Jesus said something about it is the sick who need doctors. However, there comes a point where loving from a distance is best for all.(we are not Him)
Hopefully, your loved ones reciprocate the level of devotion you have for them.
The problem is that they drag US into these consequences as well.
Yes, they are to stupid to notice otherwise.
FB needs to be stripped of 230 protection.
They didn't have it to begin with....
It's all on HOW you read the 230, but there IS a section of it that clearly delineates that they are claiming to be a Platform, but acting as an Editor, which removes their Platform Status......
Haha, kid you not - I did the EXACT same thing last week. Shared this photo and three others on a relative's post comparing Putin to Hitler. Got a 30-day restriction on my account.
And here I thought Facebook was making an exception and allowing the praising of the Nazis in Ukraine... (I wasnt praising of course, but merely posted w/o comment).
That’s where you went wrong, by not praising them.
It’s a flow chart:
Is the subject nazis?
If yes, then are they Ukrainian and/or left-wing?
If yes, then is the tone of the post negative? BAN!
Is the subject Trump?
If yes, is the tone positive or does not associate the word Nazi with Trump? BAN
Rotate the image 180 degrees on your phone and post. Algos don’t pick up picture that way. I post anything controversial that I know will get a ban that way and I haven’t gotten banned in a long time!
You are most likely shadow banned and they don't care what you post. I used to get temporary suspensions all the time, I would have to delete what I posted and they would give me access again. Then I noticed none of my posts were getting any likes, I could post anything I wanted, they didn't care because no one could see it.
Yeah, I am definitely shadow banned. But they were still dinging me for posting things they didn’t like. When I turn the images upside down they don’t touch those.
If you're not on some government watch list or a social media ban list by now, you're just not doing enough to defend freedom.
If you really want to fuck with their worldview, give them copies of the FBI files that show that the Azov batallion trained the agitators at Charlottesville.
Then to really blow your mind consider that this means Soros has been laundering money to Azov which then was used to train the agitators that perpetrated the Charlottesville false flag op.
They think I am a politician or part of a campaign. They are going to make me sign up for Facebook protect or ban me completely. I am God troll on that shitty platform... when I'm not banned for 30 days at a time that is!
I got put in FB jail just for posting a video from OAN with a discussion on Hunter's laptop. The video had two pictures with Hunter on there with two very young girls. One was his niece in a bikini. I guess the suggestive pics of a topless Hunter with his niece in a bathing suit were the reason it got banned for nudity. There was also another one with him lying down without a shirt and with a young female who was not nude but whose eyes were covered.
Rotate the image 180 degrees on your phone and post. Algos don’t pick up picture that way. I post anything controversial that I know will get a ban that way and I haven’t gotten banned in a long time!
Delete your FB account... I just deleted mine a few weeks ago and I don't miss it. Highly recommended!
I only stayed on up till recently because of family and friends who use FB, but honestly, I still keep in contact with everyone who I want to talk to.
Deleted my facebook over a year ago, and haven’t missed it a bit. I actually prefer talking to strangers online, over talking to people i know.
Being in an information war, why do we trust this photo?
I just posted it on Instagram. We will see…
After being on FB for 13 years and not once being in jail my account was permanently suspended last weekend without any warning. The last thing I posted was Maria Zack's senate hearing testimony video. After scratching my head for a short time it turned into a huge dose of hopium as I had just experienced first hand they are indeed in full panic mode at this point.
Hopefully the person you sent it to saw it before the ban. If so that’s huge spell breaking red pill awesomeness. They see the flag, you get banned, they try to reply but what’s this? Their account is gone? What happened? That’s how it starts. Every win like this is a huge deal. People doom because don’t see how huge these wins are and actually see them as losses. I disagree, they see it and see the ban and ask why? Why if this isn’t true would he have been banned? Unless…….it’s actually true? But how could that be? They start to dig and suddenly they are awake. Now they share it with someone and get banned themselves but it’s an exponential growth. Each person red pills the people around them not just one person so that one person could awaken countless more people. Great job anon, keep it up.
Thank you, and great points! The dude was pretty lost unfortunately--he immediately replied and said "oh, ok, so you HAPPENED to find nazis in Ukraine. So what? Still has nothing to do with Russia being there." To me, that's a fight-or-flight "oh fuck he's right, COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ACTIVATE" moment. That's someone outright saying "so what" to a fucking blue and yellow swastika flag because it shatters his world view. Panic. It's annoying, but ultimately a good thing--for many reasons that you highlighted in your comment!
When I posted the picture, it didn't get taken down for a few minutes, so I'm not sure if the guy noticed that it got removed. Either way though, it's the truth--and if a blue & yellow swastika flag isn't enough to shake someone awake, then maybe they're one of the ones that falls into that category from the Q quote "Not everyone is meant to wake up" 🤷♂️
Welcome to the club.It is where all the cool kids hang out. My FB account has been on restriction since 2016. I get banned a few times a year. 😎
Too bad the other asleep side will justify your ban by saying, “see, told ya it was fake news if FB banned you for sharing it”. These jerks piss me off.
Current friend sheep justify their immune system issues on catching Covid 19, not the 3 shots. 🤦♀️
Lol. The algorithm got me even though I posted it so that only I could see it! That's right, no one on my friends list can see it but the good old algo did!! Caught a 30 day restriction :)
Just wanna say I'm proud of all you fuckers LOL, I did not expect that sharing this story would encourage so many people to post the same picture, but that's RAD because it's like causing the opposite of what Fbook wants. Like, oh, you're gonna take down my picture? Fine, there are a dozen anons who are gonna share it. Gonna take down theirs too? Cool, they've got friends who'll post it afterwards as well. It's like less people would have seen the "offensive content" if they'd have let me post it...instead, it started a wildfire of sharing and many more folks have come across it!
This is, of course, a huge win for us, and while it wasn't the point of my post I'm glad it happened all the same. This is truly an information war we are part of folks--and as some of yall have seen me say before, we're white hats too. For me to share that image with good intention, get in trouble, and then have tons of people cascading the image onto Facebook instead of me...that's the digital equivalent of us firing a munition shell at our enemies, and hitting a damn good target. Keep up the good work, frens. Thanks for sharing that picture. I don't know or care what the context is, that shit's fuckin shocking and people need to see it. Speaks for itself. WWG1WGA
No, you ARE the one that started something big. Take a bow. This is great.
just half-mix it with a random artsy image, confuses their AI image recognition. easy to do with GIMP
I bet at least one AI SJW responded with something like, "But when Ukrainian fighters use the swastika, it is for good luck." with a link to the history of the symbol.
Those are rookie numbers. I am on a permanent time-out.
Tell them even CNN admits there are Nazis in Ukraine. Oh, sure they spin it, but it does show even they admit they are there.
That was definitely worth it
What’s the sauce on this picture? Not doubting, just trying to learn more about this.
The international-socialists abhor any sign that reminds them of national-socialists ...
When they ask you to verify your identity with a photo ID, make sure you send them a pic of your CPL. 100% instant permaban. Take it from someone who's been there.
Lol I'm sure that could be explained one way or another
I got a 30 day ban for that same picture with the caption saying “these are Ukrainian neonazis” and i was told that it went against community guidelines to post a picture of a hatespeech symbol.
Rotate the image 180 degrees on your phone and post. Algos don’t pick up picture that way. I post anything controversial that I know will get a ban that way and I haven’t gotten banned in a long time!
I’m done with FB. It’s trash.
Everyone should do it enmass. Make them throw thousands off. Nice class action thatbway v
That's cuz you're a nazi for putting up a swastika on facebuck, OP. /S