Having lived in Africa for a couple years I never saw ANY kid that age who needed to be tied to a post to be kept safe. Older kids look out for younger ones and village kids grow up fast in terms of basic safety.
There are snakes all over the place too, whatcha gonna do, tie him up on top of a ladder so they can be safe from both lions and snakes?
What I DID see in Africa was "orphanages" that were in it for profit and treated their kids horribly. They would maximize their grants & donations then only pay out the barest of barest essentials to keep the kids alive. It was a gross violation of human rights, all kinds of abuse, and horrible.
I think too many people still have a misconception that in Africa, lions are hiding behind every bush waiting for a child to come along so they can have a meal. Now, that isnt to say that there are NOT lions about, because there are, but not in the numbers people here or in the media make it seem. And remember, the people grow up in the region knowing about the wildlife.
We also have roaming cougars, bears, etc here in America and we sure as shit arent tying our children up to keep them from being eaten by them.
Remember this is another country and not 1st world. You need to discern that this is normal and right to protect their children from death ( being eaten by predators) so think what kind of life you would have in a less developed country. OK good, it would be great to be able to pluck this child from poverty but the parents are doing what they can with the world they live in. I. Keep running into 1st world woman judging other cultures with Western values. Look at your world at 30,000 feet. See they world they live in. Yes we all want what's best for the innocent but back in the day your forefathers also lived a barren hard life. Ok lecture over.
It's called child trafficking in plain sight.
Our forefathers didn't tie their children up while they met to give us a government of the people. My wife is from a 3rd world country. No child is ever tied up for any reason where she is from.
We live in an area with bears, cougars, wolves, badgers, rattlesnakes, etc. This doesn't keep a child safe; this gets a child eaten.
I'm pretty sure big cats on a different continent work the same way.
True. I've heard the reason certain Asian countries have no issue selling their young daughters for sex slavery is because they believe in some reincarnation BS and it sort of absolves them in a way from feeling bad (they'll get another shot at a better life later on).
I don't know if you're being sarcastic but I will take your comment for a positive one. To everyone else, I wanted to try to get you to see another view point. Context, at a Christmas mass a guest speaker was asking for donations so she could build a salon in Africa and buy every female villager a cell phone. She was angry that the woman of the village had to cook and care for the children while the men went hunting. She wanted them to have her lifestyle and not need the men folk. Did I tell you this was in Africa, not a city but a village. This village has no infrastructure but she wanted to build the salon anyway. A 1st world building and infrastructure in a village that did not have plumbing or running water.
This story was posted on September 5, 2015, but a tineye search showed the photo was first posted on a blog in 2009. I am somewhat doubtful this story is true.
I can't be certain, but it's possible that the image is from her book, "Notes from My Travels", which was published in 2003 regarding her UNHCR work from 2001-2002. I'm not going to buy the book to find out, but someone else certainly can!
I figured you were reposting it after having downloaded it from somewhere. I dont think you are the person that holds the negatives of this picture. I am hopeful people with much better investigation skills than I can find the source of the picture. This picture is very upsetting to me.
Must have been a publicity photo from one of her trips as Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
hahaha sick bastards. This is like the cropped europe invader photo that looked like they were drowning, but there was a guy standing up in the knee depth water.
The public is just like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed a load of shit.
Someone posted the article thus is from, apparently this kid has autism and the parents don't want him wondering off. Idk how true that is but that's what the article says. Just want to make sure we don't jump to conclusions without bringing up the possibility 1st. While it's messed up he's tied down, this is Africa after all.
This is what I read. Again I think it provides some more context. Still messed up but the kid is litterally autistic so that's why he's tied up apparently
I’m not sure of the situation in this photo, but it’s not proof that Jolie is the one who tethered the kid’s ankle. I’m no fan of Jolie, but fair’s fair
Would a genuine servant of humanity take a picture with a child chained up or would they just untie the child and then comfort them? My opinion is the latter and I’m looking at a fake person who is projecting.
My brother had Absence epilepsy (Absence is pronounced with French accent)
He'd just drift away...he called them dizzy spells.
One morning, while tying his shoes getting ready for school, he asked mom when the hamburgers would be ready. Mom said " dont be silly" or something.
He said " yes you are! I smell them!"
Mom asked if he was having a dizzy spell and he said, " I think so."
Boom! off to bed.
After each one he'd sleep for 6-10 hrs. Common after a seizure.
Poor kids.
“I'm like anyone else on the planet; I'm very moved by world hunger. I see the same commercials, those little kids starving and very depressed. I watch these things on TV and I see those commercials. And I look at it and I think, 'God how cruel, to see a little kid out there.' And I go, 'Fuck, I know the film crew could give this kid a sandwich.' You know that kid's not out there filming a letter from home with a Betamax. You know there's a director five feet away going, 'Don't feed him yet. Get that sandwich out of here. Doesn't work unless he looks hungry.”
Sure looks photoshopped to me. Look at the light outline of her pants on both sides of her right leg and up her mid section but not on her hair that I can see. And the kids leg too.
nice try, satan. lol. discernment, please.
reasons i doubt that jolie is a person who drinks blood and harms children for her pleasure: she has a loving, stable relationship projected over time with her children, she has been relentlessly mocked and demeaned by the msm, and like most alive today i have heard her discuss her feelings and thoughts about love and family and what you are implying here is incongruous. why inspire people to think vile things without proof? she's more likely a white hat. yet another beautiful woman unleashed on a fact finding missile against evil-doers.
The BRCA gene that she has gives a woman up to an over 70% chance of getting breast cancer. And significant chance of ovarian cancer as well. Many women choose to prevent this altogether by having prophylactic surgery. This is not an unusual course of action for someone with these genetics.
I’m not saying she’s not screwed up in certain ways. What do I know? I don’t know the woman.
my goodness, please do more research. this sort of "preventative" medicine has been going on for decades. i don't even say that it's correct or necessary but it would be quite a leap from woman has preventative surgery due to being advised of genetic likelihood of dying young like her mother and wanting to live to see her children into adulthood to she must be a pedo/trafficker/lunatic.
What in the actual fuck is going on here?
I believe this is the story connected to the picture (after doing a reverse image look-up).
... well hopefully the lions don't find him tied to a stake....
otherwise... the lions would have a stake dinner!!!
Well done.
Winner Winner Stake Dinner!
I'm going to Hell for that one.... And many others. Oh well.....
And more of the story would be "stake sauce"?
Having lived in Africa for a couple years I never saw ANY kid that age who needed to be tied to a post to be kept safe. Older kids look out for younger ones and village kids grow up fast in terms of basic safety.
There are snakes all over the place too, whatcha gonna do, tie him up on top of a ladder so they can be safe from both lions and snakes?
What I DID see in Africa was "orphanages" that were in it for profit and treated their kids horribly. They would maximize their grants & donations then only pay out the barest of barest essentials to keep the kids alive. It was a gross violation of human rights, all kinds of abuse, and horrible.
I think too many people still have a misconception that in Africa, lions are hiding behind every bush waiting for a child to come along so they can have a meal. Now, that isnt to say that there are NOT lions about, because there are, but not in the numbers people here or in the media make it seem. And remember, the people grow up in the region knowing about the wildlife.
We also have roaming cougars, bears, etc here in America and we sure as shit arent tying our children up to keep them from being eaten by them.
This photo is fucking sick.
Remember this is another country and not 1st world. You need to discern that this is normal and right to protect their children from death ( being eaten by predators) so think what kind of life you would have in a less developed country. OK good, it would be great to be able to pluck this child from poverty but the parents are doing what they can with the world they live in. I. Keep running into 1st world woman judging other cultures with Western values. Look at your world at 30,000 feet. See they world they live in. Yes we all want what's best for the innocent but back in the day your forefathers also lived a barren hard life. Ok lecture over.
It's called child trafficking in plain sight. Our forefathers didn't tie their children up while they met to give us a government of the people. My wife is from a 3rd world country. No child is ever tied up for any reason where she is from.
Excellent, then you have more knowledge than I do. I do not know enough to speak in absolutes. My take was for the differences in cultures.
You bring up valid points I hadn’t realized
Staking out a child is known as "bait".
We live in an area with bears, cougars, wolves, badgers, rattlesnakes, etc. This doesn't keep a child safe; this gets a child eaten.
I'm pretty sure big cats on a different continent work the same way.
I just don't know enough for context. I hope not.
Context: the whole of human history and pre-history. NEVER HAPPENED ANYWHERE, ANY TIME.
True. I've heard the reason certain Asian countries have no issue selling their young daughters for sex slavery is because they believe in some reincarnation BS and it sort of absolves them in a way from feeling bad (they'll get another shot at a better life later on).
And they believe liars who tell them their child will have a better life
I don't know if you're being sarcastic but I will take your comment for a positive one. To everyone else, I wanted to try to get you to see another view point. Context, at a Christmas mass a guest speaker was asking for donations so she could build a salon in Africa and buy every female villager a cell phone. She was angry that the woman of the village had to cook and care for the children while the men went hunting. She wanted them to have her lifestyle and not need the men folk. Did I tell you this was in Africa, not a city but a village. This village has no infrastructure but she wanted to build the salon anyway. A 1st world building and infrastructure in a village that did not have plumbing or running water.
This seems sacrificial ?
I had that thought. Sounds like it's something f along those lines reading other post.
Thanks. Good find!
Of course! It's just about the only thing I could find on the image, so if anyone finds out anything else, I'd be interested to see it!
That's so sad. I wish God would do us a favor and kill a couple of million of the top criminals.
This story was posted on September 5, 2015, but a tineye search showed the photo was first posted on a blog in 2009. I am somewhat doubtful this story is true.
I can't be certain, but it's possible that the image is from her book, "Notes from My Travels", which was published in 2003 regarding her UNHCR work from 2001-2002. I'm not going to buy the book to find out, but someone else certainly can!
Get it here for free https://b-ok.asia/book/1444243/d7da65
Angelina Jolie: Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR showing compassion.
I’m gonna wait 48 hrs before commenting on this one. Keep us posted.
I like your way of thinking
Those poor children. What happens to them? Makes me ill.
Does anyone know the source of this picture? I'm curious where it came from.
I downloaded it a while back, put it up because someone asked to see it when I mentioned it on another thread.
I figured you were reposting it after having downloaded it from somewhere. I dont think you are the person that holds the negatives of this picture. I am hopeful people with much better investigation skills than I can find the source of the picture. This picture is very upsetting to me.
If it’s been photoshopped, that’s one of the best I’ve seen.
I think it’s legit looking at the way her pants are displaced by the rope, same for the childs legs.
I think I got it off Voat a long while back. People on there were pretty clued up, would have spotted a fake.
Could it be due to being reposted from various sources and enlarged? Wouldn't want to put up anything dodgy.
Must have been a publicity photo from one of her trips as Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
Me too
Someone posted this
In 2015, the photo first appeared in 2009.
From the article at top of comments:
"He is tied to the post to stop him from wandering away and getting eaten by lions[...]"
He has vaccine induced autism which apparently makes him a flight risk and their solve is tying him to a stake.
Vaccine injury from a Bill Gates experimental program there, is highly likely.
hahaha sick bastards. This is like the cropped europe invader photo that looked like they were drowning, but there was a guy standing up in the knee depth water.
The public is just like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed a load of shit.
Please tell me this isn't real. How can people be so sick and evil. That poor child.
Someone posted the article thus is from, apparently this kid has autism and the parents don't want him wondering off. Idk how true that is but that's what the article says. Just want to make sure we don't jump to conclusions without bringing up the possibility 1st. While it's messed up he's tied down, this is Africa after all.
Indeed. Do you have a link to the article please?
This is what I read. Again I think it provides some more context. Still messed up but the kid is litterally autistic so that's why he's tied up apparently
Is that for real?
I’m not sure of the situation in this photo, but it’s not proof that Jolie is the one who tethered the kid’s ankle. I’m no fan of Jolie, but fair’s fair
No-one is suggesting that. It is pretty strange though.
The title can be read to kind of imply that, but I hear ya.
Would a genuine servant of humanity take a picture with a child chained up or would they just untie the child and then comfort them? My opinion is the latter and I’m looking at a fake person who is projecting.
the child had parents, however misguided or lacking in access to resources, or customarily different in solutions.
If that's a blue cloth tied to the child's leg, wouldn't he have chewed it off before he let it chew his leg?
My brother had Absence epilepsy (Absence is pronounced with French accent)
He'd just drift away...he called them dizzy spells. One morning, while tying his shoes getting ready for school, he asked mom when the hamburgers would be ready. Mom said " dont be silly" or something. He said " yes you are! I smell them!" Mom asked if he was having a dizzy spell and he said, " I think so." Boom! off to bed.
After each one he'd sleep for 6-10 hrs. Common after a seizure. Poor kids.
“I'm like anyone else on the planet; I'm very moved by world hunger. I see the same commercials, those little kids starving and very depressed. I watch these things on TV and I see those commercials. And I look at it and I think, 'God how cruel, to see a little kid out there.' And I go, 'Fuck, I know the film crew could give this kid a sandwich.' You know that kid's not out there filming a letter from home with a Betamax. You know there's a director five feet away going, 'Don't feed him yet. Get that sandwich out of here. Doesn't work unless he looks hungry.”
Sam Kinison
I didn't bother to translate that, and the pic may go back further.
You can take pics to 'tineye' and paste them in the search box there, they'll run it down for you if there's any history on it.
Jes sayin'.
!9 matches including this one: the earliest is from 2009
Ummmmmmmm. Ughhhhhh. I have no words
What. The. Fuck.
This is the EVIL that MUST BE ENDED!!
Sure looks photoshopped to me. Look at the light outline of her pants on both sides of her right leg and up her mid section but not on her hair that I can see. And the kids leg too.
And who says it's Africa?
After squeezing to determine if he was ripe, did she buy him?
Is that the one she's chosen to buy on this trip?
Reminds me of those brat leashes you used to see in the 80's.
Stupid fucking bitch I wish I could gouge her eyes out
Ask yourself what vapid and empty AJ actually care about. Also, ask what you think she is actually capable of caring about.
She orders kids. They capture, she becomes the rescuer?
nice try, satan. lol. discernment, please. reasons i doubt that jolie is a person who drinks blood and harms children for her pleasure: she has a loving, stable relationship projected over time with her children, she has been relentlessly mocked and demeaned by the msm, and like most alive today i have heard her discuss her feelings and thoughts about love and family and what you are implying here is incongruous. why inspire people to think vile things without proof? she's more likely a white hat. yet another beautiful woman unleashed on a fact finding missile against evil-doers.
The BRCA gene that she has gives a woman up to an over 70% chance of getting breast cancer. And significant chance of ovarian cancer as well. Many women choose to prevent this altogether by having prophylactic surgery. This is not an unusual course of action for someone with these genetics. I’m not saying she’s not screwed up in certain ways. What do I know? I don’t know the woman.
my goodness, please do more research. this sort of "preventative" medicine has been going on for decades. i don't even say that it's correct or necessary but it would be quite a leap from woman has preventative surgery due to being advised of genetic likelihood of dying young like her mother and wanting to live to see her children into adulthood to she must be a pedo/trafficker/lunatic.
disingenuous comparison.