So an 18 Year Old Tranny Foreign-born Kid With NO Job Who Lives With Grandma Bought $6K Worth of Two AR-15s, Optics, Ammo, and Range Time to Learn How to Shoot?

He also learned how to fire under pressure while chased by the cops.
Yes, because learning to fire while being fired at is something anyone can do.
They love their lockdowns.
Barricaded? So while his back is turned and he has to put down the guns to start wedging furniture and obstacles in front of the doors the teachers (so more than one).
Amazingly the upset parents have completely obeyed this rule. That's not how parents behaved in Columbine. Most parents freak out and try to reach their kids by any means necessary. But these parents are happy to calmly wait for updates and to stay at the Civic center until the kids are brought to them so the press can get good shots of their tearful reunions.
Told ya.
They wanted the parents to wait there to get the moneyshots of the reunions. The parents care more about getting a close up than finding their kid.
You see up parents to reunite with kids at civic center in front of reports. Don't act like this is about privacy. When they say privacy they mean "don't ask questions".
Right. Let's respect their privacy.
Any research on what happened in events like Columbine shows that parents don't just patiently wait for an "update" if their kid is alive or dead.
But these parents got the message to just wait at the civic center and they'd be told in a few hours if their kid was alive. And they DID.
They learned their lessons at the Hook of Sand. Parents can't be trusted with an op.
For anyone new that doesn't know about Sandycrock:
Dear Wolfgang
This was the video that made me change my mind on it. Far too many weird things going on.
Just like parkland with the unknown truck running out of the building with duffel bags.
The actors they hired as parents are terrible in Ulvade.
These are supposedly parents of one of the dead kids. The mom calls her daughter "The daughter". She also doesn't know what grade her kid is in. The "father" has to step and say "The teacher is named Arnold. He is the third grader teacher".
News later reports the kids killed were all in a 4th grade class room. They keep changing the story now.
wtf? They look like they're about to take a nap. They don't look frantic or even the least bit worried. I don't see tears. Nada.
Had to log in to comment on this, I have four kids my oldest sometimes I am confused about which grade she is in, I don't drive her to school or interact much with her teachers so I couldn't tell you anything about them. It's entirely plausible that the mom doesn't know much about her grade or teachers.
The fact she called her daughter "the daughter" isn't normal at all however.
This isn't them confusing her grade with another a child. This is her straight up saying, "I don't know what grade she is in, but I know the age."
And it's not normal for most parents not to know the grade of a child especially between the ages of 8-11. Their daughter also won an award and everything. I don't buy or the shills on that video trying to gaslight and make excuses.
It's damn obvious these are crisis actors (and terrible ones).
They might as well argue that parents can't remember their kids name or how many they have. It's absurd.
The father quickly jumps in and you see him say what is clearly a rehearsed script of "Arnold Forday. He is the third grade teacher."
Later the news says all the kids killed were in the fourth grade class.
Thank you for sharing this video. I had never seen this before. This video is stunning. If there was nothing to hide why not answer the questions? Seeing the pictures of the school. It really didn't look like an operating school building. Very odd.
I live in the commie paradise of New England. Next time I have to drive south for work, I might take a short detour and check out the school and town. Seeing is believing.
Excellent work
What if this is all a cover to abduct children? IDK but they could say its a closed casket due to the nature of the injuries.
That is an angle I had not considered. Interesting. This whole thing stinks.
Parents would want to see their kid regardless.
This actually happened to a family member. And it sounds like there was a lot of fuckery going on by Government.
My wife's cousin's son was very intelligent. Knew four or five different languages. He lived in Prague for 5 years. While he was there he owned a bar, and he got into trouble with Russian mafia.
He came back to the States and was living in Des Moines. One evening he suddenly died of either a heart attack or asphyxiation. Unnamed federal agents came and gathered his body and wouldn't let his mother see his corpse. Then they told her they cremated him and handed her vase of his ashes.
This of course broke her heart and she was never the same afterwards. She never received closure. I always felt that somehow the clowns in America were involved with him and faked his death.
I agree...not sure what kind of parents these are though. Apparently they all corralled into a stadium to wait for the kids? Id be armed and at the school but hey, this was in Texas right?
I dont know just thinking out loud.
That is fucking weird
My daughter was in a recent lock down that started at 130 and ended around 7pm. Despite the school sending out an email saying all is fine, don't come to the school, we'll let you know when you can come the entire parking lot and streets around the school were bumper to bumper with parents from 2-7.
You're absolutely 5000% right in that parents don't just calmly comply with the school instructions.
Be two steps ahead. Never send them there to begin with. But your point stands.
They once put my kid in a lockdown like that I usually never go to her school her dad pickes her up for some reason I went that day there were several of us at the front doors demanding to know where our kids where. I stated multiple times they were holding my child against her will and this was illegal imprisonment.
Ever since I had gotten involved with DCF I have a bit of paranoia in me when it comes to things like the police or her public school. I went as far as calling the police demanding they let her go.
Honestly it didn't make much of a difference and they kept them on lockdown till they were released, I don't know how to get my child out of that prison when they do that.
They were told, and they DID. Perfect representation. The precise, same root socio -compliant expected conformance as wearing a barrier with the capacity to filter 60 microns (cloth and paper composite masks), generally speaking, to protect against a 6 to .6 micron threat (terrifying pandemic virus <- /sarc), and advocate, shame, dox, bully, yell, freak out, meltdown etc. Etc. Over another individual that has not complied with the same actions of insanity. I think this has uber defined the psyche of sheeple unequivocally.
Don’t forget the body armor he was wearing…just like the shooter in buffalo. Who’s body armor was so advanced that the security guards round were bouncing off of him and the ricochet is what killed he security officer…the same security officer who learned how to engineer a engine to run off of water not too long ago
I don't think bullets "bounce off" pf body armor, but it just slows down the bullet and absorbs the energy. I have seen body armor after being hit several times and saw bullets embedded in the material. Kevlar is good for that, and even steel plates will most often stop a bullet. Once a bullet has spent all its energy, whether it's a tree or a car door or body armor, it has little to no energy left to bounce off and kill someone.
Correct, which is why I thought it was really strange that it was the story being out out there.
I have seen a body armor, consisting of honeybee grate formed parts that stops a .50 armor piercing round.
I' ll see if I can find the video of it. ...
found it.
Well DAMN! I still wouldn't want to get hit by a. 50BMG round, even wearing that. There would be months of healing broken ribs and sternum, not to mention any organ damage from the shock. Still, an amazing vest, I'll give you that.
Yes plus armor causing ricochets is a bad design as it endangers bystanders and other operatives with you. It's way safer to dissipate all of the energy.
Car door? 9mm ball will rip through both doors of a car and keep on going. If it was soft body armor, Kevlar, etc. will "trap" the bullet - i.e. slugs left behind. Hard or plate body armor, the bullet mashes flat, often sending pieces of spall in various directions (spall can be mitigated with a plate coating like Line-X), but the bullets don't "bounce" off.
I know, but the conversation was about bullets "bouncing off" of things. Yeah, 9mm tends to overpenetrate, like through multiple dry wall etc., it's one of the downsides to using 9mm indoors. That's why for interior self defense I prefer. 45 or 12-gauge.
Those 12 ga 000 balls (.38 cal) can also go right through walls as well. In all my carry pistols (9 mm) I keep Hornady Critical Defense in them. The problem with using 12 ga inside is the smoke. One shell and you have a cloud problem. .45 of course, you can never go wrong with.
There are frangible 9mm rounds that fragment into almost granular powder on impact, that can cut down on overpenetration. Besides, why waste muzzle energy on a wall, when it would be put to better use in stopping a bad guy?
I'm not a fan of frangible for home defense as the energy dissipates too easily. Better than nothing, but not optimal. The only time I've seen frangible used in a real scenario was for training related to nuclear power plant security.
That makes sense, but when they first came out they were sold mainly as a good self-defense round for inside a home or business. Guess people drifted away after the initial novelty wore off....plus they were more expensive than regular ammo.
Oh shit...my bad, not sure what I was thinking on that one
That's why a double tap to the head is required.
News just said he wore NO body armor
Has the Deep State run out of assets? Tranny Mexican... Seriously?
They're having such a hard time finding white shooters to drive their narrative lately.
Which is one thing Mexico should get credit for. Seriously, good work, hombres.
I think most trannies with an extra 6k in their pocket would probably put that money towards bottom surgery.
I believe it's in the neighborhood of $30k actually, and I never said $6k would cover the entire cost. In any case, you've got me thinking now, I think I'm in the wrong business. I'd gladly chop off some lunatics pecker and drill the appropriately sized vagina hole for much less than the going rate. Plus, think of the stories I'd get to tell when sitting around having a beer with friends!
At least the boobs done.
Or at least upgrade the A-cup...
^^^Post of the day.^^^
Just spoke with a normie neighbor who also thinks this event was extremely suspicious. I need to send this to him.
Again, the cabal is getting desperate. Way too obvious even for emotional normies like my neighbor.
Is the cabal fresh out of Trump-supportin', white racist "QAnon" assets to pin the blame on? Maybe they're keeping those in reserve.
Dear Lord, please throw the real perpetrators behind this evil in a lake of fire! For eternity.
The parents patiently waiting at the Civic Center to learn if their kid is dead or alive stinks to high hell. NO MAMA BEAR is going to wait patiently for hours with reporters if there is even a 0.00001% her kid is bleeding to death in a hospital. She is gonna either be trying to fight her way into the campus to see her kid or fighting her way into a hospital to see if her kid is there. Every parents who gives a damn about their kid knows damn well they wouldn't patiently wait. If their kid is dying they want to be with them for those final moments. And a bunch of cops aren't going to stop that parent.
But yeah sure, parents calmly waited at the civic center and later posted on twitter "My baby is dead! She was such a bright soul!"
Are you kidding me?
More accurate tweet: "I just heard that my sister forced her way into a hospital morgue to see her daughter. My brother-in-law got arrested for punching the three cops that tried to stop them."
Somehow the DS can't get it through their head how desperately real parents love their kids. No, real parents don't sit around tweeting about their newly-dead kid so they'll be "remembered" by online strangers. That's crap.
It does stink to high heaven, even to this “big sister bear”. My youngest sister was trapped at Central Michigan when they had that active shooter situation a few years ago. She called me in tears and said “the dorms are locked down and police will be closing campus before you get here” FUCK that, I was already on my way to pick her up for spring break and did 110mph the rest of the way to campus. Backed into the alley next to her dorm and loaded her up, along with a friend who was too scared to wait for her later pickup. 5 minutes after we were clear of campus, it was locked down. I still would’ve driven up, told the cops I was getting to my sister with or without their help, and gotten her safely.
My point is, if I will drive like a speed demon and be willing to risk it all to reach my little sister, no parent would say “okay I’ll wait 3 hours or more to see if my kid is even alive”.
Agree with all you said.
God forbid, some of those parents are either so brain-washed and addicted to social media points that they obey authorities while tweeting or are fake and in on it. The latter is beginning to be more realistic at this point.
Never doubt that the Deep State would kill innocents for control or a narrative push, yet these tweets are pretty unbelievable. Just the sort of wording the MSM Whores love to write about. Personally I'd be so beside myself with grief that it would be days before I texted anyone but my immediate family about losing a child. Even that would be hard!
Send him also:
Dear Wolfgang
Deep state, in surveilling us through our phones, know who are susceptible in MKUltra style mind control. They probably supplied him with the weapons.
So I didn't get the reason why a Border Control person was the one that killed this shooter at the school. Why was the Border Control person at the school in the first place? No calls for the police? Shouldn't that Border Control person be at the Border?
Seems to be a coordinated shooting and killing of a shooter - LHO and JR at the Dallas police station scenario.
Wait a minute. Is it confirmed that the kid was a tranny? Was he on hormone drugs? Hormone imbalance is known to cause mental illness. If this is correct, then this is a case of medical malpractice, leading to insanity, and not a case of "mUh GuNs."
No estrogen has horrendous mood side effects. It is a known side effect and risk factor, and probably if not contraindicated for use with SSRIs there would need to be very close supervision medically. SSRIs take the brakes off the depression but don't address any other underlying psychiatric problem, like psychosis, hallucination, violent ideation, self harm, etc. The person would have the gas pedal all the way down to the floor and no brakes.
Yes, my ex said we were going to dinner with a friend from work. This dude was a tranny. I'm sitting across the dining table, an infant in my arms, as he tells us how Chantix, the smoking cessation drug, made him literally homicidal.
They are insane.
Agitation, hostility, irritability, and mood changes are all listed as rare side effects of Chantix, as a heads up.
Malpractice for trying to help a lost lonely woman trapped in a male body??
Bet it was on SSRIs.
There is no proof that he was on hormone drugs, nor that he was attempting to turn himself into a transvestite.
However, rumors claim that he was bullied at school because he wore makeup, and had a lisp. I can't help but wonder if the kid may have done something stupid with hormone drugs in some kind of attempt to identify as something he was not, and it screwed his head up.
SSRIs aren't hormones.
In the 'narrative' I saw that it worked at Wendy's. I'm thinking of applying so I can have expensive hobbies too.
Yes I stand corrected. His grandpop drove him to a part time job at Wendy's. He didn't have a car or a license, which is another weird thing you think he would have done with the money instead of buy two identical AR-15s.
The Kevlar is most expensive.
Nothing about this makes sense. Weren't they initially reporting that the school was locked down and the shooter didn't get inside?
Yes, several local news reports that the suspect parked in the school parking lot then fired one shoot, resulting in someone with a concealed carry returning fire, resulting in the suspect's death. He never got in the school as was first reported.
He posted his plan to FB 30 minutes before the shooting…so, while in a high speed chase for 85 miles that includes Texas cops somehow not able to deploy spike strips or perform a PIT maneuver? Then he gets enough of a lead that he gets to the school and casually saunters into the locked door that was opened for him for some reason. I’d certainly let a kid packing an AR in…. who wouldn’t? How much weirder is this going to get?
I am not gonna believe Daniel Defense.
I might have believed Bear Arsenal.
Yes these are guns for someone who knows guns imho.
Yep. And who has cashflow.
Of course he could have learned about these brands on Reddit or whatever. It just seems fugazi.
Next up will be info that he has a Honey Badger and a LWRC 13” in 300 BLK with a can.
Press X for Doubt.
yeah i'm def curious in learning more about the back story of this 18 year old..i've only seen so far a pic of him in a dress, and tid bits that he was a manager at Wendy's. Not sure though how long he was employed there.
wondere if he got any of the stimmi money from biden??
What do Border Patrol sharpshooters shoot at during their regular, daily duties, if they are not allowed to shoot at illegal aliens?
Goya cans
Don't forget the $50,000 pickup he was reported to be driving. Typical set of wheels for someone working part time at Wendy's and spending half his income on skirts and panties.
He allegedly stole that from his grandmother.
Meanwhile, I've read in comments here but haven't seen an actual source where his grandfather supposedly claimed he didn't know how to drive.
If that's the case, the high speed car chase is even more suspicious.
Outstanding 👏👏👏 I posted your thread to TS.
Others say he was born in Dakota
Sounds reasonable. LOL
The shooter also drove a truck he allegedly stole from his grandmother.
Meanwhile, his grandfather is a convicted felon who claims he didn't know his grandson had guns, or he would have turned him into the police himself.
I remember reading on another post on this forum the grandfather claimed his grandson didn't know how to drive, either, but couldn't locate the source for that.
Granddad of Texas shooter Salvador Ramos insists he had no idea teen had guns
Archived link - https://archive.ph/z21gM
I wonder if any of his relatives are involved in the government?
Any source for the "foreign born"
What? It could happen 😬
Ain't credit cards wonderful?
What 18 year old is getting a credit card with a 10k credit limit?! My first card I think I got maybe 3k?
This whole thing is fucking weird
If you can get a parent to co-sign you can get some stupid limits.
Gun control trash prefer abortions to murder children.