I don't understand how you can conclude the FBI actively conspired just because Sussman was found not guilty. One does not follow from the other. Trials are all independent, completely orthogonal events.
The jury only said Sussman didn't lie. If you now put FBI agents on trial, the jury can say (and likely will say) the FBI didn't actively conspire either. The two trials are totally unconnected, information from one can't even be presented at the other except in limited circumstances, and the jury does not have to ever explain what they think really did happen.
The honest truth is Sussman did lie, AND the FBI conspired. That outcome, the real truth, isn't even available on your flowchart.
Why not just say what this actually is? Another example of a corrupt, failed court case, which I hope will finally wake up the US military that our entire judicial system is compromised and military tribunals are the only hope we have for justice.
Reading any more into this verdict than that is just wishful thinking in my opinion, and not using logic. Q has told us the military is the only way. Why does everyone here insist on doubting this? Nothing is going to happen until we get to military tribunals. It's all just theater until then. When the military is finally deployed under the guise of riot control, then and only then, is something happening.
Wow someone actually thinking instead of blindly moving goal posts and spinning the outcome to your own narrative win? Thinking for yourself? Calling out other possibilities other than the most crazy? Most likely a ban coming.
you don't know that he lied... you don't know this wasn't Baker setting Sussman up as the fall guy...
All you have is a lying POS Baker's testimony that Sussman lied AND tricked him behind closed doors. Nobody else in the room... no recording of the conversation...
EVEN IF you did have that... you would also have to believe Sussman tricked Baker into opening the investigation...
open your eyes please... if the logic keeps steering you off the cliff, maybe your logic isn't as logical as you thought..
its very tiring trying to fix the logic of everyone that is too lazy to fix themself.. but I guess that's my war... my job...
They also had his text the day before saying that he was not coming on behalf of any client. The defense conceded that this was a lie, and that it was even the same lie the prosecution was arguing Sussman told to Baker the next day - the same lie he was being charged for - but because the case was about whether or not he told this lie on the 19th, it didn’t matter that he previously told it on the 18th. They even argued that it was unlikely Sussman would have told this lie on the 19th, in person, because he already told it on the 18th, in text, and to repeat it would have been redundant.
This doesn't mean that this text and meeting with Baker wasn't a plan to go around the rules of FBI and not open up an investigation sourced from a political opponent.
They are thinking of tiny wins while what is more important is bringing down the entire criminal enterprise and fixing the process.
President Trump has said this many times. To paraphrase he has said you can jail the wrongdoers and the lackeys but you have to clean up those at the top responsible for what keeps taking place.
They're very short sighted. They take any perceived loss as a "well this is it! We're fucked and Trump was wrong!". It's a very depressing community of doomers.
A lot of them are now saying there is no justice in a DC court and it would have to go to military tribunals. While saying this, they are also yelling at how stupid Q and his followers are. They literally don’t realize they are being led, by the news, step by step, down a path that is taking them to what Q said would happen four years ago. They didn’t actually bother to read or research the Q posts themselves, but are just trusting what the corporate media says about Q (Q is the one subject on which T_D trusts CNN and MSNBC completely). So they just make up whatever they want to believe Q said and they figure Q probably said something like, “When Sussman is found guilty, the world will awaken. Trust the plan to indict Sussman.” So they make that up and then in their minds, Q has been debunked yet again. They have no clue they are being emotionally led to an inevitable conclusion that Q already provided.
We also need to consider how infiltrated patriots.win is. It's the main forum where The_Donald patriots migrated to.
Do you question if patriots win was infiltrated? I knew it was when all I saw were upvotes of posts leading up to Jan 6th were ones saying "we need to bring guns to the protest because Antifa will be there"
Lets look at how the enemy uses demoralization in attempt to win:
Sometimes spell check changes what you meant or put in. It has happened to me many times and if I don’t proof read before sending, I look like an incompetent idiot. Besides the judge presides or presided over the case, not precedes over the case.
Sorry about your hands, I know that must make life difficult for you. If it is neuropathy, B12 and Alpha Lipoic Acid-R fraction helps a lot (not that I am a doctor, so Iam not giving advise). I think there is enough hatred going on in this world that we shouldn’t be sweating the small stuff on this site. Everyone has a right to express their opinion without someone having a nasty or hypercritical response. We can save that for the Leftist, Biden supporters/lovers! Often people have a different perspective which makes us think and dig deeper, and I for one appreciate the diverse outlooks.
Or, maybe, just maybe… You’re wrong. I know it’s amazing to think that a human being could be wrong about something but you know what? Sometimes they are. You’re acting on faith and faith alone. Faith that secret messages on the Internet are real, faith that, even if they were real, the plan is actually working.
When all else fails, people will say that the plan is unknowable, therefore it’s impossible to say that it’s not working or that it doesn’t exist. Problem with that is, those same people conveniently forget the plan is unknowable when they claim it’s working and everything is on track. They are basing that on faith alone.
For all we know, the people behind the drops are dead. You don’t know that they aren’t.
And this is working from the assumption, as most of us are, that those messages were legitimate. But we are lying to ourselves if we can say, for certain, that they were.
You don’t know the plan is working anymore than I know that it isn’t. But at least not least I’m willing to admit what I don’t know. I’m not going to be smug and put other people down for beginning to have doubts after years of absolutely no tangible results.
Especially considering the prediction track record of the people who put others down for not having as much faith. People who were wrong over and over and over and over and over and over again really have no room to put others down for not believing them when they say something again.
The connection between Trump and Q was proven, repeatedly, with mathematical certainty. That is why no amount of mockery, or insults, or Sussman verdicts actually causes people to waver on Q. This must seem very confusing to people who didn’t read Q or research the proofs. For those of us that did, Q and Trump are clearly working as a coordinated team. For me that isn’t really even in question. The tripcode proof by itself proves it, but the proofs are almost endless. It’s more a question of which proof was the one that finally made you accept what you were being told (because Q followers are actually natural skeptics too. not the gullible morons people think).
This means that to reject Q as a black hat is to reject Trump as a black hat, and the theory that Trump has done all of this as part of the globalist plot just doesn’t make sense to me. Particularly because as a strategic move, it seems so unnecessary. Why not just install Clinton in 2016 and allow the corporate media to maintain it’s credibility? Why even introduce the concept of a southern border wall into the national dialogue when nobody was even talking about it? Why defeat ISIS when ISIS was so useful? Why have Trump negotiate a peace deal with North Korea? Why have Trump take down the child trafficking websites like Backpage? Why reveal that the elites are buying and selling child sex slaves like pizza when nobody believed that before? Why arrest Epstein? Why arrest Maxwell? Why indict Sussman? Why have Mueller come back empty-handed and make the left all look like Mueller Time assholes with egg on their face?
They told you the conflicts of interest with the jury. It was in DC also. How can you be surprised.
Dooming is against the rules of the site as well. You are spreading your negative energy and I will call doomers out every time. This isn’t some game. This is legit war. You complain on the battlefield or destroy morale of other soldiers you get in trouble as well.
Yeah? When was the last time one of these “fake losses” turned into a bigger win with an arrest of anyone important? Seven years of this “that loss was actually a win”. Seven years. Name one time there was a major arrest that followed one of these “traps” that we set.
Absolutely it could still be coming, absolutely this could still be part of the plan, absolutely. Maybe next week Hillary’s at Gitmo.
But you don’t know that. This is becoming a faith based movement. And not in a good way. In a cultish way.
Some of the same people who are putting down the “doomers“ who were right, yet again, are some of the same people that guaranteed Trump will be back in office by February 2021. That the barbed wire was facing the wrong way because Democrats are going to be arrested. They told us the election would’ve been decertified many months ago, and then the dates got re-drawn, and then re-drawn again, and re-drawn again.
They are some of the same people who, in their own comment history, talked about how important it was to get this conviction and are now saying it doesn’t even matter.
In the long run it might not matter. But I think what people are getting sick of are the mental gymnastics from people who have been wrong repeatedly for YEARS and can never admit it.
If you had said in 2016 that Epstein would be arrested and his child sex slave island destroyed, people wouldn’t have believed such an arrest was possible. They would have said things like, “I will believe it when I see it” and, “I would jump for joy if that happened, but it never will.”
Epstein gets arrested and his island gets destroyed and people still say, “Show me ONE arrest.”
It is in the nature of a doomer to doom. Hillary Clinton could be arrested and executed on live television, and a week later the doomers would be complaining that nothing ever happens, Clinton was just a patsy, nothing ever changes, why even bother, blah blah blah. The doomer is chronically unhappy, way too invested in corporate news, and not actually interested in winning. They are more interested in being seen as right, and gloating. That is why the Sussman verdict is causing them emotional meltdowns - it’s not because what happens to a man named Michael Sussman thousands of miles away actually affects them, it’s because the not guilty verdict took away their ability to gloat. It wasn’t about Sussman, it was about their told-ya-so moment.
Also, if Sussman had been found guilty, the doomers would still be dooming. That is why they are doomers. It would be, “Why are you celebrating? Sussman is a small fish. Nobody that matters is ever arrested. What’s the point? We should give up.” And blah blah blah.
I don’t consider noticing a Deep State scalp to be “dooming”. I think half of these arguments are because people are using different definitions of the same word. Not all negativity or cynicism is dooming. It’s the difference between feeling sadness and chronic depression. Dooming is pure despair, and the reason it’s discouraged is a) it’s demotivating, and b) it’s contagious.
Well, perhaps they are skeptical because of the constant goal post moving, the constant predictions that never turn out to be accurate, everyone saying boom boom boom about things that fall through, almost without exception.
Even with this trial, there were people two weeks ago who got mad at the mere suggestion that we might not get this conviction. Some of those exact same people, right now, are saying that they knew there would be no conviction and that it’s part of the plan.
They are literally lying.
So when it comes to PDW and other skeptics, can you really blame them? Remember, many of them used to believe that the drops were real and followed Q almost religiously. Many of them. I guess they just don’t have the same level faith that you do.
I would be very interested in how anyone who followed Q that closely and actually comprehended the proofs mathematically later discredited those proofs in their own mind. Math is math, it doesn’t really change. So how would a mathematical certainty be convincing one day, then not the next?
Fair. I'm being critical and I understand the logic.
Assuming what we know to be true (FBI participated in the crime) so what? Unless there is a follow up investigation this is done now. Has there been any "official" announcement about going after the FBI? If not, this is just speculation and I will wait and see instead of celebrating now.
Who are you expecting an "official announcement" from exactly? And why does an "official announcement" suddenly confirm anything when it's the officials who are corrupt?
Has there been "any" announcement by anyone of any investigation or proceedings now that the trial is over? Is Durham doing anything? I'm not trying to be a downer but we have to remain vigilant and keep the pressure on them. Not become complacent because "patriots are in control".
Has there been any "official" announcement about going after the FBI?
If you mean Durham laying his cards on the table for the Cabal to see and say "Okay, so now I am going against FBI directly" - no, I dont expect that to happen.
Incidentally, right after the verdict, the whistleblower information related to FBI portal in Perkins Coie just came out.
I expect there will be more indirect indictments - people not directly within FBI - before we see Durham making his moves against FBI. I for one an very excited to watch this unfold.
Well, no. The simplest explanation (NOT SAYING THIS IS IT) is that the drops were a game or psyop and we’ve been misled and no one is helping us behind the scenes and that patriots are not in control.
That’s way simpler.
Doesn’t mean that’s what it is, but it’s undeniably simpler.
That explanation doesn’t explain away the proofs though. That’s why it doesn’t change my mind. I’m gonna need someone who is able to debunk the math behind certain proofs (like the tripcode proof) in a way that shows they actually understand the proof and have some sort of explanation why the math is wrong.
Except Sussman was never a goal post of any kind... My red line is this election. This is all theater to slow drip reality for the normies. This is about laying the ground work to fry the bigger fish. As has been stated a bagillion times, you're watching a movie... Either enjoy the show or get involved locally.
This is all theater to slow drip reality for the normies.
Yes, but it is also far more than that. I think behind the scenes a lot of activity is happening neutralising Cabal's weaponry and getting them to expend their ammo etc. Even if everyone woke up today, right now, we wont have a proper great awakening unless the Cabal is fully neutralised. So the slow drip just coincides with the timings of the cleanup, but I do believe there is plenty more cleanup to be done - especially Taiwan, Iran, Israel etc.
My red line is this election
All indications show that this process will end before the midterms, but I wont bet my life on that, simply because we dont know how much more cleanup is left. The fact that the main stream is talking about voting machine issues makes me thing the 2022 will be secured and they need to shape a narrative beforehand to explain the red wave.
If it's anything other than a MAGA wave, Trump's gonna need to do better than "legal and peaceful". I do not want things to go hot and I hope that the election goes with the wills of the people...
The veil can only stay on for so long... If anything a MAGA wave will calm everyone down. It seems necessary at this point...
I agree, if there is more fraud this time around, I dont think people will be as restrained. The only way that would be allowed to happen is if thats what is required to precipitate the storm, but I think thats unlikely.
The more likely scenario is its a repeat of 2020 - go to bed thinking Red Wave has won and then wake up to see the blue bump, but by mid afternoon arrests starts rolling in with live footage of fraud captured and playing on all channels.
Check comment history. For many, it was absolutely a goal post. The premature BOOM!!!!!!ing was rampant. Maybe not for you - but yes it was - for many who are now lying and saying they never said it.
Many people say a lot of things though. Go back to the Q posts. Q said there would be no justice in a DC courtroom. Q told us the legislative branch is too corrupt and military is the only way. This was like four years ago now. If anyone said otherwise that’s fine, that’s their speculation, but it wasn’t consistent with what Q said.
Completely agree. We can engage in arguments about why the jury came to this decision.
But does the verdict change the fact that this trial demonstrated the FBI knew the allegations were false and pursued an investigation anyway?
Does it change the fact that this trial demonstrated that Hillary and the DNC knew they were pushing disinformation?
Or that this trial demonstrated there was a far ranging conspiracy to falsely make it appear Candidate Trump was a Russian Operative?
It may have even demonstrated that when charges are brought against the DS, it is impossible to get a fair hearing in the judicial system, especially in DC.
What does not appear to be revealed is if any of the conspirators violated the law of war which would permit them being tried before a military tribunal.
Did anybody catch Tucker Carlson last night? An FBI whistleblower came forth yesterday to Representatives Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz, via a letter and conversation, that the FBI maintains a workspace inside the law firm of Perkins Coie.
I am glad for a post like this. I have been seeing major doom by people acting like its the end of the world. I don't normally post to much because I get the "handshake account treatment" even though I have been on the site for a year and a half. lol
Thanks fren. I would suggest not worrying about the "handshake treatment" and keep sharing your thoughts. BTW, I heard that in the recent times "handshake treatment" involves a pampering int he spa and a goodie bag!
If sussman lied to fbi, that has no bearing on whether fbi knew or not
He could lie and be found guilty of lying and the fbi has already been found in this same trial to have suspected he was lying.
Sorry - dumb theory. Sussman convicted dies not preclude fbi knowingly accepted a lie. Plausible deniability is not achieved this way.
In fact, him being found not guilty gives the fbi plaus deniability. They can claim we couldn’t tell if it was true or not and look he was even found not guilty so we are justified in pursuing his claims.
They can claim we couldn’t tell if it was true or not and look he was even found not guilty so we are justified in pursuing his claims.
You realise that the count of lying to FBI had nothing to do with the material correctness of what he reported to them, but rather his claim that he was acting on his own behalf?
And lying to FBI is a crime because it misleads and wastes their resources. Only way to make that case is to prove that FBI was indeed misled by him. Instead Durham provided evidence by the FBI agents saying they knew the facts were wrong and still proceeded with the investigation.
Makes the original charge all the more important. Its as if Durham picked the one charge that will have no bearing on the material aspect of the case.
I’m sorry, this chart isn’t correct for anyone who is a lawyer and understands a trial in the context of our criminal justice system.
An acquittal is a finding by the jurors that the government did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. That doesn’t mean the jury believed or found that the FBI actively conspired in a fraud, or even that they believe Sussman DIDN’T lie, as counterintuitive as that sounds. Let me explain.
The standard for criminal guilty is beyond a reasonable doubt. This means more than a mere suspicion - let’s say it means you have to be 85% sure that the defendant committed the crime based on the evidence (though there is not an actual percentage associated with the standard).
Now compare that to the civil standard for liability - that is was more likely than not that the defendant was liable, which we can put an actual percentage on - anything greater than 50%.
What this means is that a juror could have actually thought that Sussman did in fact lie to the FBI, let’s say this juror was 60% sure, but ultimately determined that there was a reasonable doubt - the evidence didn’t quite prove with 85% certainty that Sussman did.
That pretty much makes the chart nonsensical - juries are not making the binary decisions as set out in the chart. There are real world examples of this - Michael Jackson being found civilly liable ad a pedo, but acquitted criminally on essentially the same evidence is one example that comes to mind.
Not trying to doom, just a lawfag with clear eyes.
Makes no sense. He lied either way. Doesn't make a difference if the FBI was willing to go along with it, he still lied to the FBI. Yeah it makes the FBI seem like they were in on it (they were of course), but he should have been found guilty and charges should have been filed regarding Clinton, FBI officials and all the rest we know were involved. The justice system is broken and it will not bite the hand that owns it.
People keep thinking "lying" is all it takes to get a guilty verdict. You also need to prove that the lie was "material" as in it actually derailed the FBI investigation and wasted their time.
Have you been following the trial? FBI already knew his info was fake right from the get go and still participated in the fraud. So no, his lie technically did not start the entire investigation
Also more importantly, there was no "investigation" just a pretense of an investigation - evidenced by the fact that when the FBI agent wanted to interview the Alpha Bank source the higher ups kept denying it.
So what? A.G. Garland controls Durham's purse strings. Because Durham was brought on before Garland was confirmed, he needed to maintain Durham's budget for optics. Durham's funds run out at the end of the year. At the rate these trials happen, he'll be lucky to get one more in by that time. Igor Danchenko is next scheduled for Oct. 11, 2022. Since that will be in Virginia, not DC the chances for a guilty verdict increase but so what? He's another small fish and then Durham is pleading for more money to continue. Garland could just say no it's a waste of time and tax payer money. If that happens the right will cry foul but the left will simply say Durham was just witch hunting and right to be curtailed.
We just want a win! Any win that will shut up the sanctimonious haters. Doesn't Sun Tzu give two shits about troup moral?
Seriously, we know there is a plan, we are just sick of eating their crap, day after day; year after year. I want retaliation for what we have been put through!
My trust and faith have been broken so many times. I'm waiting for God and in the back of my mind I wonder if me or mine will be further sacrificed while things are done in His time. Who is next?
Face it if God wanted to mingle in the affairs of men he would have stopped satan by now? He has the power to stop riots. He has the power to procecute those who are evil. and don't tell me that He is waiting for the whole world to freely chose Him before he chooses see evil and act against it. I don't think the normies will wake up. and it they do, once we are redeemed you think they will stay awake?
Call me a doomer but it's real hard to always be on the losing side.Even the patriots attack you if you dare say enough is enough.
What exactly does it take? What is the precipice? My death? Yours? Personally I don't think Americans have the balls anymore. Mid terms? 2024 ? Sure. Keep giving us platitudes instead of help.
I am going to keep a list of all insightful posts by the Anons regarding this verdict, in one place here:
Dear Friends: The MO Of the elite is to always find a patsy to mark "guilty." Anytime they do something illegal they sacrifice a useful idiot. Sussman's innocence is new to the club. They don't have a patsy. His innocence here means the FBI KNOWINGLY accepted fabrications. For the CLINTONS.
Nobody, not even Sussman, wants to be Sussman right now
Sussmann was responsible (with Elias) for getting Steele on board to execute the Russiagate Hoax. Hillary approved the plan in end of July. Sussmann, Elias and Steele met in August.
Yes, the Sussman trial is important. But him being guilty is not what we’re after.
Good post !
Should add this :
What's the Vegas line on Sussman living past the end of the month?
I don't understand how you can conclude the FBI actively conspired just because Sussman was found not guilty. One does not follow from the other. Trials are all independent, completely orthogonal events.
The jury only said Sussman didn't lie. If you now put FBI agents on trial, the jury can say (and likely will say) the FBI didn't actively conspire either. The two trials are totally unconnected, information from one can't even be presented at the other except in limited circumstances, and the jury does not have to ever explain what they think really did happen.
The honest truth is Sussman did lie, AND the FBI conspired. That outcome, the real truth, isn't even available on your flowchart.
Why not just say what this actually is? Another example of a corrupt, failed court case, which I hope will finally wake up the US military that our entire judicial system is compromised and military tribunals are the only hope we have for justice.
Reading any more into this verdict than that is just wishful thinking in my opinion, and not using logic. Q has told us the military is the only way. Why does everyone here insist on doubting this? Nothing is going to happen until we get to military tribunals. It's all just theater until then. When the military is finally deployed under the guise of riot control, then and only then, is something happening.
Wow someone actually thinking instead of blindly moving goal posts and spinning the outcome to your own narrative win? Thinking for yourself? Calling out other possibilities other than the most crazy? Most likely a ban coming.
Mongo just a pawn in the game of life.
~ Mongo in Blazing Saddles ~
Hi shill. Everyone else, take a look at what demoralization accomplishes in psychological warfare:
you don't know that he lied... you don't know this wasn't Baker setting Sussman up as the fall guy...
All you have is a lying POS Baker's testimony that Sussman lied AND tricked him behind closed doors. Nobody else in the room... no recording of the conversation... nothing...
EVEN IF you did have that... you would also have to believe Sussman tricked Baker into opening the investigation...
open your eyes please... if the logic keeps steering you off the cliff, maybe your logic isn't as logical as you thought..
its very tiring trying to fix the logic of everyone that is too lazy to fix themself.. but I guess that's my war... my job...
They also had his text the day before saying that he was not coming on behalf of any client. The defense conceded that this was a lie, and that it was even the same lie the prosecution was arguing Sussman told to Baker the next day - the same lie he was being charged for - but because the case was about whether or not he told this lie on the 19th, it didn’t matter that he previously told it on the 18th. They even argued that it was unlikely Sussman would have told this lie on the 19th, in person, because he already told it on the 18th, in text, and to repeat it would have been redundant.
this is correct
This doesn't mean that this text and meeting with Baker wasn't a plan to go around the rules of FBI and not open up an investigation sourced from a political opponent.
Monomial is right, at least about the Sussman prosecution.
the military is cucked bro cmon now not every servicemember is a qtard
Post this on patriots win since they're all over their circle jerking over "muh Sussman got off nothing is ever going to happen"
They are thinking of tiny wins while what is more important is bringing down the entire criminal enterprise and fixing the process.
President Trump has said this many times. To paraphrase he has said you can jail the wrongdoers and the lackeys but you have to clean up those at the top responsible for what keeps taking place.
They're very short sighted. They take any perceived loss as a "well this is it! We're fucked and Trump was wrong!". It's a very depressing community of doomers.
A lot of them are now saying there is no justice in a DC court and it would have to go to military tribunals. While saying this, they are also yelling at how stupid Q and his followers are. They literally don’t realize they are being led, by the news, step by step, down a path that is taking them to what Q said would happen four years ago. They didn’t actually bother to read or research the Q posts themselves, but are just trusting what the corporate media says about Q (Q is the one subject on which T_D trusts CNN and MSNBC completely). So they just make up whatever they want to believe Q said and they figure Q probably said something like, “When Sussman is found guilty, the world will awaken. Trust the plan to indict Sussman.” So they make that up and then in their minds, Q has been debunked yet again. They have no clue they are being emotionally led to an inevitable conclusion that Q already provided.
Excellent summation.
We also need to consider how infiltrated patriots.win is. It's the main forum where The_Donald patriots migrated to.
Do you question if patriots win was infiltrated? I knew it was when all I saw were upvotes of posts leading up to Jan 6th were ones saying "we need to bring guns to the protest because Antifa will be there"
Lets look at how the enemy uses demoralization in attempt to win:
Probably infiltrated too.
Those Twitter bots go everywhere. Including sending in mail-in ballots.
Lol but hang on i swear the hardcore qers think half the DS have already been executed, or am i missin something
You’re a moran and haven’t read a single q post
Sometimes spell check changes what you meant or put in. It has happened to me many times and if I don’t proof read before sending, I look like an incompetent idiot. Besides the judge presides or presided over the case, not precedes over the case.
Sorry about your hands, I know that must make life difficult for you. If it is neuropathy, B12 and Alpha Lipoic Acid-R fraction helps a lot (not that I am a doctor, so Iam not giving advise). I think there is enough hatred going on in this world that we shouldn’t be sweating the small stuff on this site. Everyone has a right to express their opinion without someone having a nasty or hypercritical response. We can save that for the Leftist, Biden supporters/lovers! Often people have a different perspective which makes us think and dig deeper, and I for one appreciate the diverse outlooks.
Lurk moar
You see things from a 100 foot view whereas real anons see 40k foot view.
I’m sure when the election was lost you didn’t give up hope
Or, maybe, just maybe… You’re wrong. I know it’s amazing to think that a human being could be wrong about something but you know what? Sometimes they are. You’re acting on faith and faith alone. Faith that secret messages on the Internet are real, faith that, even if they were real, the plan is actually working.
When all else fails, people will say that the plan is unknowable, therefore it’s impossible to say that it’s not working or that it doesn’t exist. Problem with that is, those same people conveniently forget the plan is unknowable when they claim it’s working and everything is on track. They are basing that on faith alone.
For all we know, the people behind the drops are dead. You don’t know that they aren’t.
And this is working from the assumption, as most of us are, that those messages were legitimate. But we are lying to ourselves if we can say, for certain, that they were.
You don’t know the plan is working anymore than I know that it isn’t. But at least not least I’m willing to admit what I don’t know. I’m not going to be smug and put other people down for beginning to have doubts after years of absolutely no tangible results.
Especially considering the prediction track record of the people who put others down for not having as much faith. People who were wrong over and over and over and over and over and over again really have no room to put others down for not believing them when they say something again.
The connection between Trump and Q was proven, repeatedly, with mathematical certainty. That is why no amount of mockery, or insults, or Sussman verdicts actually causes people to waver on Q. This must seem very confusing to people who didn’t read Q or research the proofs. For those of us that did, Q and Trump are clearly working as a coordinated team. For me that isn’t really even in question. The tripcode proof by itself proves it, but the proofs are almost endless. It’s more a question of which proof was the one that finally made you accept what you were being told (because Q followers are actually natural skeptics too. not the gullible morons people think).
This means that to reject Q as a black hat is to reject Trump as a black hat, and the theory that Trump has done all of this as part of the globalist plot just doesn’t make sense to me. Particularly because as a strategic move, it seems so unnecessary. Why not just install Clinton in 2016 and allow the corporate media to maintain it’s credibility? Why even introduce the concept of a southern border wall into the national dialogue when nobody was even talking about it? Why defeat ISIS when ISIS was so useful? Why have Trump negotiate a peace deal with North Korea? Why have Trump take down the child trafficking websites like Backpage? Why reveal that the elites are buying and selling child sex slaves like pizza when nobody believed that before? Why arrest Epstein? Why arrest Maxwell? Why indict Sussman? Why have Mueller come back empty-handed and make the left all look like Mueller Time assholes with egg on their face?
They told you the conflicts of interest with the jury. It was in DC also. How can you be surprised.
Dooming is against the rules of the site as well. You are spreading your negative energy and I will call doomers out every time. This isn’t some game. This is legit war. You complain on the battlefield or destroy morale of other soldiers you get in trouble as well.
Yeah? When was the last time one of these “fake losses” turned into a bigger win with an arrest of anyone important? Seven years of this “that loss was actually a win”. Seven years. Name one time there was a major arrest that followed one of these “traps” that we set.
Absolutely it could still be coming, absolutely this could still be part of the plan, absolutely. Maybe next week Hillary’s at Gitmo.
But you don’t know that. This is becoming a faith based movement. And not in a good way. In a cultish way.
Some of the same people who are putting down the “doomers“ who were right, yet again, are some of the same people that guaranteed Trump will be back in office by February 2021. That the barbed wire was facing the wrong way because Democrats are going to be arrested. They told us the election would’ve been decertified many months ago, and then the dates got re-drawn, and then re-drawn again, and re-drawn again.
They are some of the same people who, in their own comment history, talked about how important it was to get this conviction and are now saying it doesn’t even matter.
In the long run it might not matter. But I think what people are getting sick of are the mental gymnastics from people who have been wrong repeatedly for YEARS and can never admit it.
If you had said in 2016 that Epstein would be arrested and his child sex slave island destroyed, people wouldn’t have believed such an arrest was possible. They would have said things like, “I will believe it when I see it” and, “I would jump for joy if that happened, but it never will.”
Epstein gets arrested and his island gets destroyed and people still say, “Show me ONE arrest.”
It is in the nature of a doomer to doom. Hillary Clinton could be arrested and executed on live television, and a week later the doomers would be complaining that nothing ever happens, Clinton was just a patsy, nothing ever changes, why even bother, blah blah blah. The doomer is chronically unhappy, way too invested in corporate news, and not actually interested in winning. They are more interested in being seen as right, and gloating. That is why the Sussman verdict is causing them emotional meltdowns - it’s not because what happens to a man named Michael Sussman thousands of miles away actually affects them, it’s because the not guilty verdict took away their ability to gloat. It wasn’t about Sussman, it was about their told-ya-so moment.
Also, if Sussman had been found guilty, the doomers would still be dooming. That is why they are doomers. It would be, “Why are you celebrating? Sussman is a small fish. Nobody that matters is ever arrested. What’s the point? We should give up.” And blah blah blah.
I don’t consider noticing a Deep State scalp to be “dooming”. I think half of these arguments are because people are using different definitions of the same word. Not all negativity or cynicism is dooming. It’s the difference between feeling sadness and chronic depression. Dooming is pure despair, and the reason it’s discouraged is a) it’s demotivating, and b) it’s contagious.
Well, perhaps they are skeptical because of the constant goal post moving, the constant predictions that never turn out to be accurate, everyone saying boom boom boom about things that fall through, almost without exception.
Even with this trial, there were people two weeks ago who got mad at the mere suggestion that we might not get this conviction. Some of those exact same people, right now, are saying that they knew there would be no conviction and that it’s part of the plan.
They are literally lying.
So when it comes to PDW and other skeptics, can you really blame them? Remember, many of them used to believe that the drops were real and followed Q almost religiously. Many of them. I guess they just don’t have the same level faith that you do.
I would be very interested in how anyone who followed Q that closely and actually comprehended the proofs mathematically later discredited those proofs in their own mind. Math is math, it doesn’t really change. So how would a mathematical certainty be convincing one day, then not the next?
I think that reaction was part of the plan too.
Now time to take that anger and capitalize on it! and for the next contestant... "Matt Gaetz" welcome to the Price is Right...
Fair warning - for those who keep dooming without understanding this simple logic, we have a special punishment in place. Muahaha!
Fair. I'm being critical and I understand the logic.
Assuming what we know to be true (FBI participated in the crime) so what? Unless there is a follow up investigation this is done now. Has there been any "official" announcement about going after the FBI? If not, this is just speculation and I will wait and see instead of celebrating now.
Who are you expecting an "official announcement" from exactly? And why does an "official announcement" suddenly confirm anything when it's the officials who are corrupt?
Has there been "any" announcement by anyone of any investigation or proceedings now that the trial is over? Is Durham doing anything? I'm not trying to be a downer but we have to remain vigilant and keep the pressure on them. Not become complacent because "patriots are in control".
Yeah, Durham released a boilerplate, “aw, shucks: you win some, you lose some,” “thanks to the jury for their service,” etc. official announcement.
The only reason you even heard about this is justice is coming. Obvious as the nose non your face v
wow... that's what you think? Here? mkkk
If you mean Durham laying his cards on the table for the Cabal to see and say "Okay, so now I am going against FBI directly" - no, I dont expect that to happen.
Incidentally, right after the verdict, the whistleblower information related to FBI portal in Perkins Coie just came out.
I expect there will be more indirect indictments - people not directly within FBI - before we see Durham making his moves against FBI. I for one an very excited to watch this unfold.
Yikes... Case and point from my last comment.
Wish I could give more than 1 upvote. This is the simplest explanation of what is going on that literally everyone can understand.
Well, no. The simplest explanation (NOT SAYING THIS IS IT) is that the drops were a game or psyop and we’ve been misled and no one is helping us behind the scenes and that patriots are not in control.
That’s way simpler.
Doesn’t mean that’s what it is, but it’s undeniably simpler.
That explanation doesn’t explain away the proofs though. That’s why it doesn’t change my mind. I’m gonna need someone who is able to debunk the math behind certain proofs (like the tripcode proof) in a way that shows they actually understand the proof and have some sort of explanation why the math is wrong.
But muh goal posts!!!!
Except Sussman was never a goal post of any kind... My red line is this election. This is all theater to slow drip reality for the normies. This is about laying the ground work to fry the bigger fish. As has been stated a bagillion times, you're watching a movie... Either enjoy the show or get involved locally.
Yes, but it is also far more than that. I think behind the scenes a lot of activity is happening neutralising Cabal's weaponry and getting them to expend their ammo etc. Even if everyone woke up today, right now, we wont have a proper great awakening unless the Cabal is fully neutralised. So the slow drip just coincides with the timings of the cleanup, but I do believe there is plenty more cleanup to be done - especially Taiwan, Iran, Israel etc.
All indications show that this process will end before the midterms, but I wont bet my life on that, simply because we dont know how much more cleanup is left. The fact that the main stream is talking about voting machine issues makes me thing the 2022 will be secured and they need to shape a narrative beforehand to explain the red wave.
If it's anything other than a MAGA wave, Trump's gonna need to do better than "legal and peaceful". I do not want things to go hot and I hope that the election goes with the wills of the people...
The veil can only stay on for so long... If anything a MAGA wave will calm everyone down. It seems necessary at this point...
I agree, if there is more fraud this time around, I dont think people will be as restrained. The only way that would be allowed to happen is if thats what is required to precipitate the storm, but I think thats unlikely.
The more likely scenario is its a repeat of 2020 - go to bed thinking Red Wave has won and then wake up to see the blue bump, but by mid afternoon arrests starts rolling in with live footage of fraud captured and playing on all channels.
Check comment history. For many, it was absolutely a goal post. The premature BOOM!!!!!!ing was rampant. Maybe not for you - but yes it was - for many who are now lying and saying they never said it.
Many people say a lot of things though. Go back to the Q posts. Q said there would be no justice in a DC courtroom. Q told us the legislative branch is too corrupt and military is the only way. This was like four years ago now. If anyone said otherwise that’s fine, that’s their speculation, but it wasn’t consistent with what Q said.
Correct. Q has been consistent. If anything, these theories are part of the disinfo play.
It's okay to change your mind.
Also the goal post is total removal of the Cabal. That's still in progress.
Midterms are "safe", dontcha know. Except in any swing state lol
We'll let the future prove the past on that one.
This is why the investigation is ongoing.
Not sure why there is confusion but then again if people are obtaining their info from the MSM then that answers that.
Completely agree. We can engage in arguments about why the jury came to this decision.
But does the verdict change the fact that this trial demonstrated the FBI knew the allegations were false and pursued an investigation anyway?
Does it change the fact that this trial demonstrated that Hillary and the DNC knew they were pushing disinformation?
Or that this trial demonstrated there was a far ranging conspiracy to falsely make it appear Candidate Trump was a Russian Operative?
It may have even demonstrated that when charges are brought against the DS, it is impossible to get a fair hearing in the judicial system, especially in DC.
What does not appear to be revealed is if any of the conspirators violated the law of war which would permit them being tried before a military tribunal.
It demonstrated all that, yet it didn’t matter.
And none of this will be considered relevant to any other prosecution or court case, assuming there are any more.
Did anybody catch Tucker Carlson last night? An FBI whistleblower came forth yesterday to Representatives Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz, via a letter and conversation, that the FBI maintains a workspace inside the law firm of Perkins Coie.
Yeah, I dont think the timing of this coming right after the verdict was a coincidence.
Almost like Durham did not want FBI to think they were in his sights in anyway, up until the verdict came.
That's a good point. Hopefully the FBI will actually get in trouble though.
I am glad for a post like this. I have been seeing major doom by people acting like its the end of the world. I don't normally post to much because I get the "handshake account treatment" even though I have been on the site for a year and a half. lol
Thanks fren. I would suggest not worrying about the "handshake treatment" and keep sharing your thoughts. BTW, I heard that in the recent times "handshake treatment" involves a pampering int he spa and a goodie bag!
Beautiful - thank you OP.
Not sure why, but this did make things a lot more clearer. Thanks!!
Interesting 🧐
Sweet action
If this law firm also worked with (officially or unofficially) K street lobbiest, thats an even bigger deal. TOTAL SWAMP!
If sussman lied to fbi, that has no bearing on whether fbi knew or not
He could lie and be found guilty of lying and the fbi has already been found in this same trial to have suspected he was lying.
Sorry - dumb theory. Sussman convicted dies not preclude fbi knowingly accepted a lie. Plausible deniability is not achieved this way.
In fact, him being found not guilty gives the fbi plaus deniability. They can claim we couldn’t tell if it was true or not and look he was even found not guilty so we are justified in pursuing his claims.
You realise that the count of lying to FBI had nothing to do with the material correctness of what he reported to them, but rather his claim that he was acting on his own behalf?
And lying to FBI is a crime because it misleads and wastes their resources. Only way to make that case is to prove that FBI was indeed misled by him. Instead Durham provided evidence by the FBI agents saying they knew the facts were wrong and still proceeded with the investigation.
Makes the original charge all the more important. Its as if Durham picked the one charge that will have no bearing on the material aspect of the case.
you’re missing the point
Whetheror not sussman is convicted
has no bearing
on whether or not the fbi has plausible deniability
that idea is retarded
Still 3 indictments left.
I’m sorry, this chart isn’t correct for anyone who is a lawyer and understands a trial in the context of our criminal justice system.
An acquittal is a finding by the jurors that the government did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. That doesn’t mean the jury believed or found that the FBI actively conspired in a fraud, or even that they believe Sussman DIDN’T lie, as counterintuitive as that sounds. Let me explain.
The standard for criminal guilty is beyond a reasonable doubt. This means more than a mere suspicion - let’s say it means you have to be 85% sure that the defendant committed the crime based on the evidence (though there is not an actual percentage associated with the standard).
Now compare that to the civil standard for liability - that is was more likely than not that the defendant was liable, which we can put an actual percentage on - anything greater than 50%.
What this means is that a juror could have actually thought that Sussman did in fact lie to the FBI, let’s say this juror was 60% sure, but ultimately determined that there was a reasonable doubt - the evidence didn’t quite prove with 85% certainty that Sussman did.
That pretty much makes the chart nonsensical - juries are not making the binary decisions as set out in the chart. There are real world examples of this - Michael Jackson being found civilly liable ad a pedo, but acquitted criminally on essentially the same evidence is one example that comes to mind.
Not trying to doom, just a lawfag with clear eyes.
Makes no sense. He lied either way. Doesn't make a difference if the FBI was willing to go along with it, he still lied to the FBI. Yeah it makes the FBI seem like they were in on it (they were of course), but he should have been found guilty and charges should have been filed regarding Clinton, FBI officials and all the rest we know were involved. The justice system is broken and it will not bite the hand that owns it.
People keep thinking "lying" is all it takes to get a guilty verdict. You also need to prove that the lie was "material" as in it actually derailed the FBI investigation and wasted their time.
His lie started the entire investigation.
Have you been following the trial? FBI already knew his info was fake right from the get go and still participated in the fraud. So no, his lie technically did not start the entire investigation
Also more importantly, there was no "investigation" just a pretense of an investigation - evidenced by the fact that when the FBI agent wanted to interview the Alpha Bank source the higher ups kept denying it.
YES! This was about the FBI, not Sussman.
So what? A.G. Garland controls Durham's purse strings. Because Durham was brought on before Garland was confirmed, he needed to maintain Durham's budget for optics. Durham's funds run out at the end of the year. At the rate these trials happen, he'll be lucky to get one more in by that time. Igor Danchenko is next scheduled for Oct. 11, 2022. Since that will be in Virginia, not DC the chances for a guilty verdict increase but so what? He's another small fish and then Durham is pleading for more money to continue. Garland could just say no it's a waste of time and tax payer money. If that happens the right will cry foul but the left will simply say Durham was just witch hunting and right to be curtailed.
We just want a win! Any win that will shut up the sanctimonious haters. Doesn't Sun Tzu give two shits about troup moral? Seriously, we know there is a plan, we are just sick of eating their crap, day after day; year after year. I want retaliation for what we have been put through! My trust and faith have been broken so many times. I'm waiting for God and in the back of my mind I wonder if me or mine will be further sacrificed while things are done in His time. Who is next? Face it if God wanted to mingle in the affairs of men he would have stopped satan by now? He has the power to stop riots. He has the power to procecute those who are evil. and don't tell me that He is waiting for the whole world to freely chose Him before he chooses see evil and act against it. I don't think the normies will wake up. and it they do, once we are redeemed you think they will stay awake? Call me a doomer but it's real hard to always be on the losing side.Even the patriots attack you if you dare say enough is enough. What exactly does it take? What is the precipice? My death? Yours? Personally I don't think Americans have the balls anymore. Mid terms? 2024 ? Sure. Keep giving us platitudes instead of help.