Considering they appear to be one of the least affected continents for the whole scandemic (via hydroxychloroquine for malaria), I'd say they know what's going on.
Yep … awesome for them having the stones to stand up. That said … they’re dead as fuk. The Lucifarians/kazarian-mafia/deep state have used Africa as a petri dish for decades. They've killed and enslaved millions. They’re gonna pay for their disobedience.
ALSO … it wasnt just the Tanzanian Prez they snuffed. Haiti, Tanzania, Burundi, eSwatini and Ivory Coast Leaders were all smoked last year. “Covid deniers”.
Genocide project
The Kalergi Plan is a genocide project which was created and worked out by the politician and mestizo Mr. Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove Kalergi together with his Free Mason colleagues. They were the predecessors of the European Union which has got the aim to destroy Europe and to exterminate the white race.
Kalergi Plan for the extinction of the white …
They remember when the US and Europe illegally murdered Gaddafi and plunged Libya into chaos. Gaddafi was about to established a stable, gold-backed pan-African currency which would have made the entire continent more independent from the European Union.
During covid I had an Uber driver from Africa. He told me covid wasn't spreading over there because their healthcare system wasn't corrupted like in the US. I told him he was exactly right. It was a good conversation.
Bill Gates has been experimenting on African and Indian children for decades. They learned the hard way, with dead kids. Now when vaccinators roll into a remote village, with their snake oil, the villagers form an angry mob, pitchforks and torches, and chase them out of town
Awesome. Now be careful my black brother and sister countries. The deepstate is gonna be on the attack with you now. Just keep holding strong, you got this!
Yeah, that. I was picturing the stone at the top of an arch, but typed that instead. We have too many translations of the Bible, frankly, and sometimes I remember NIV quotes instead of proper KJV ones.
Not just pharma. Next step they need to remove income tax. They have some of the highest rates in the world and it's effectively impossible for any law abiding person to generate wealth in those countries, and so they're eternally dependent on foreign aid and foreign loans for infrastructure which require income taxes as collateral.
African Patriots I salute you!
Considering they appear to be one of the least affected continents for the whole scandemic (via hydroxychloroquine for malaria), I'd say they know what's going on.
Praise the Lord.
Never forget what that Tanzanian president did--and got killed for.
Yep … awesome for them having the stones to stand up. That said … they’re dead as fuk. The Lucifarians/kazarian-mafia/deep state have used Africa as a petri dish for decades. They've killed and enslaved millions. They’re gonna pay for their disobedience.
ALSO … it wasnt just the Tanzanian Prez they snuffed. Haiti, Tanzania, Burundi, eSwatini and Ivory Coast Leaders were all smoked last year. “Covid deniers”.
God Bless them all. Hats off to these African nations.
Great stuff!!
Peace out frens. I'm moving to Africa.
The elite are using Africa for the Kalegi Plan, and these end up being the countries to veto the WHO? There's something beautiful about that.
Genocide project The Kalergi Plan is a genocide project which was created and worked out by the politician and mestizo Mr. Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove Kalergi together with his Free Mason colleagues. They were the predecessors of the European Union which has got the aim to destroy Europe and to exterminate the white race. Kalergi Plan for the extinction of the white …
We can’t treat them as equals, because next thing you know, they will be acting like our equals!
Sad when 3rd world African countries make better policy decisions than the western world
Well, if we are living in the upside down/mirrored world, it would make sense that the west would become the east and the east the west.
Excellent news anon.
Africa has been based for so long without any recognition…
Africa just saved the US from untold torment. Seems a bit ironic I guess but we should be thanking them...
They remember when the US and Europe illegally murdered Gaddafi and plunged Libya into chaos. Gaddafi was about to established a stable, gold-backed pan-African currency which would have made the entire continent more independent from the European Union.
They took Gaddafi off the terrorist list after he gave them a bunch of money. No joke.
During covid I had an Uber driver from Africa. He told me covid wasn't spreading over there because their healthcare system wasn't corrupted like in the US. I told him he was exactly right. It was a good conversation.
We were taught that Africa was primitive and developing. Really, they are eons ahead of us and apparently more intelligent.
They are behind us; they're still in the common-sense and sanity phase.
We had better ‘educate’ them, into thinking men can transition into women
We have been really brainwashed.
Good to see some leaders with common sense.
If 47 constitutes several then I guess a dozen is 300
They have had enough of Bill Gates' shenanigans so they had to put their foot down for once and say, "HELL NO WE WON'T COMPLY!!!"
Bill Gates has been experimenting on African and Indian children for decades. They learned the hard way, with dead kids. Now when vaccinators roll into a remote village, with their snake oil, the villagers form an angry mob, pitchforks and torches, and chase them out of town
Awesome. Now be careful my black brother and sister countries. The deepstate is gonna be on the attack with you now. Just keep holding strong, you got this!
Africa is paradoxically one of the best places to be to get away from the govt right now.
Let's Go Africa!
Setting the tone for the rest of the World to follow. Well done!
What are the other 10 countries doing?
And the majority of the USA don't even know or care it happened!
Gotta troll the left a little bit. Make a statement thats so outrageous that they reflexively reject it, and thereby embrace your intended message.
For example, we say,
Damn, those (Africans) are so stupid… they don’t want vaccines, or the WHO? It must be because they are black-ish and therefore ignorant…
"The New Jerusalem"???
God never ceases to amaze me. He truly is the stone that the builders rejected. He is now the cornerstone, and it is marvelous in my eyes.
The stone that the builders rejected, was the keystone. They rejected it because they didnt know what it was for and it looked weird.
Yeah, that. I was picturing the stone at the top of an arch, but typed that instead. We have too many translations of the Bible, frankly, and sometimes I remember NIV quotes instead of proper KJV ones.
Yep, just take a look at Bill Gates and Oprah.
Not just pharma. Next step they need to remove income tax. They have some of the highest rates in the world and it's effectively impossible for any law abiding person to generate wealth in those countries, and so they're eternally dependent on foreign aid and foreign loans for infrastructure which require income taxes as collateral.