You're only a terrorist if you are fighting for individual liberties. You know, like the country was founded on (at least ostensibly). If you are pushing for murder, rape or sex trafficking of children; if you are "peacefully" rioting to oppress white people, or are objecting to a drug dealer, child abuser, family tormenter, or murderer getting caught by the police; if you are fighting for oppression, its not called "terrorism" but "civic duty."
True. My home state of KY is solid red (went for Trump in both 2016 and 2020) but we have Rand Paul (ehhhhh) and Mitch the Bitch (boooo) for Senators, an idiot Dem for Gov (last Gov was a Repub that went against the teachers union and got his ass handed to him) My hometown of Louisville got tore up bad by the Breonna Taylor/BLM riots (she died BEFORE George Floyd but you didn't hear about her till after that. Weird huh?)
We were in downtown Louisville for a concert last month and the CVS down the street from the venue is STILL boarded up from riots. Fucking sad to see my hometown like this.
I'm sorry to contradict, but where I'm at on the Panhandle, not only is there a local actual-fa scene, but when there are protests (Fentanyl Floyd, the SC leak, etc), the local Sinclair-owned Narrative station is always conveniently on hand to give them good press. Plus, there's a stupid amount of idiots around here who support those little astroturfed turds and their "cause".
I'm in the western part of the Panhandle. A lot of the Panhandle is very conservative, yes. Unfortunately, there's also people here trying to bring in riff-raff and blue state refugees to change that. There's a good reason that a portion of the Panhandle was listed in Seth Keshel's fraud map.
The Panhandle is absolutely beautiful, and I love my hometown deeply, so I totally get the appeal. That said, this area is expanding too quickly for the infrastructure to catch up and the influx of new people means that residents are being priced out of own real estate market (we're experiencing that real estate bubble in a bad way here). I would love to welcome you here as a fellow awake conservative if you decide to join us, but I would caution anyone looking into this area to maybe wait a year or two to see how things pan out in terms of politics and the economy.
Here is Seth Keshel explaining his mule map. Hope the link works, and when you get there, look at the second map posted. Number 51 is the western most tri-county area in the Florida panhandle.
Let’s hope and pray God willing, that in every city they try this in, some of the worst wind, rain, lightning and hail appears right over them I think that will take care of most.
Pray that He'll solve the problem, prepare for when He doesn't. Or less poetically, be ready in case His way of dealing with it is putting you in the spotlight and seeing whether or not you defend His little ones.
Do like Indianapolis did in the beginning. Shoot the first few in front. The rest will see it and slink back into their cars and drive back to Portland and DC.
Time to unify all the Davids and quickly take down the Goliath failed abortions. Isn’t that what they’re fighting for, really? Are they upset they didn’t get aborted / fully aborted? I can help them.
The love abortion so much they should abort this idea. They commit genocide and fight for the right to kill. Simpletons being manipulated hy evil minds.
I can tell you this.. there won't be any protests in my town.. there won't be shit.. I wonder why? We don't allow it, if it is happening where you live it is because you decided it was ok. Time to start facing the mirror boys.
Is that a threat on my life and those I love?
There are legal things we can do if it's for the purpose of self defense.
Already on it. Mags loaded, shells in reserve, sighted in. Signs up in yard, just waiting for the right moment.
I'm surprised it's not on FBI letter head.
💯% over target.
You're only a terrorist if you are fighting for individual liberties. You know, like the country was founded on (at least ostensibly). If you are pushing for murder, rape or sex trafficking of children; if you are "peacefully" rioting to oppress white people, or are objecting to a drug dealer, child abuser, family tormenter, or murderer getting caught by the police; if you are fighting for oppression, its not called "terrorism" but "civic duty."
Welcome to Clown world.
Good description of this upside down world we are living in!
Time to clean the boom boom sticks, ladies and gents.
Unfortunately I live in the metro area of one of those lefty hell holes. The joke is on them, people are strapped out here 😂
This only happens in blue states. We’ll never see this in Florida . Everyone here wishes a mother fucker would . Maybe y’all need to be like us .
True. My home state of KY is solid red (went for Trump in both 2016 and 2020) but we have Rand Paul (ehhhhh) and Mitch the Bitch (boooo) for Senators, an idiot Dem for Gov (last Gov was a Repub that went against the teachers union and got his ass handed to him) My hometown of Louisville got tore up bad by the Breonna Taylor/BLM riots (she died BEFORE George Floyd but you didn't hear about her till after that. Weird huh?)
We were in downtown Louisville for a concert last month and the CVS down the street from the venue is STILL boarded up from riots. Fucking sad to see my hometown like this.
I'm sorry to contradict, but where I'm at on the Panhandle, not only is there a local actual-fa scene, but when there are protests (Fentanyl Floyd, the SC leak, etc), the local Sinclair-owned Narrative station is always conveniently on hand to give them good press. Plus, there's a stupid amount of idiots around here who support those little astroturfed turds and their "cause".
I'm in the western part of the Panhandle. A lot of the Panhandle is very conservative, yes. Unfortunately, there's also people here trying to bring in riff-raff and blue state refugees to change that. There's a good reason that a portion of the Panhandle was listed in Seth Keshel's fraud map.
The Panhandle is absolutely beautiful, and I love my hometown deeply, so I totally get the appeal. That said, this area is expanding too quickly for the infrastructure to catch up and the influx of new people means that residents are being priced out of own real estate market (we're experiencing that real estate bubble in a bad way here). I would love to welcome you here as a fellow awake conservative if you decide to join us, but I would caution anyone looking into this area to maybe wait a year or two to see how things pan out in terms of politics and the economy.
Here is Seth Keshel explaining his mule map. Hope the link works, and when you get there, look at the second map posted. Number 51 is the western most tri-county area in the Florida panhandle.
Glad I could help, and sorry to be a downer, but good luck with where ever you pick!
Panhandle is barely Florida. Real Florida starts from around Ocala South
Oooooh I don't know about that... they do say the further south you go in Florida, the further north you get for a reason. :D :D :D
am I going to have to perform a late term abortion?
post-birth abortion
just somewhere past the 30th trimester.
They're just clumps of cells, after all.
Let’s hope and pray God willing, that in every city they try this in, some of the worst wind, rain, lightning and hail appears right over them I think that will take care of most.
Pray that He'll solve the problem, prepare for when He doesn't. Or less poetically, be ready in case His way of dealing with it is putting you in the spotlight and seeing whether or not you defend His little ones.
If you think God ever doesn't solve the problem, I think you might need to learn to wait longer.
They'll truly FAFO...
Do like Indianapolis did in the beginning. Shoot the first few in front. The rest will see it and slink back into their cars and drive back to Portland and DC.
I thought lefties loved when the government told them what they can and can't do ¯_(ツ)_/¯ What a confused bunch of soyists
I hope these fags realize they're not safe from us
They'll find it isn't a 'safe space"...
Night of the Living Reeeeeeeeeeeee
Don't get bit. It can transmit!
Almost sad there aren't Antifa in my area, the most we get are some marchers who get bored and go home after an afternoon.
Right now though its pushing 100 degrees with very high humidity so the likelihood of ANYTHING happening at all is pretty low.
Funny thing is any rioting will be done in states of which abortion will still be legal after the ruling. Ruling means shit to blue states.
The next wave of “peaceful protests” coming soon!
Any elections coming up?
It summer of love 2.0
I hear there may be plans to raze DC anyway.
The Swamp *Burn morherfucker Burn!
I'm OK with that, as long as they take the capital barriers down first.
What are the odds they overturn it? I just have a hard time believing they are going to do it.
Time to unify all the Davids and quickly take down the Goliath failed abortions. Isn’t that what they’re fighting for, really? Are they upset they didn’t get aborted / fully aborted? I can help them.
I think you're confusing "peaceful protesters" with "domestic terrorists".
How can you tell the difference? Easy. If it's leftists, they're peaceful protesters.
The love abortion so much they should abort this idea. They commit genocide and fight for the right to kill. Simpletons being manipulated hy evil minds.
As we here all know, the DOJ won't bother with these commies--same heart and mind as the DOJ.
I hope they riot.
I can tell you this.. there won't be any protests in my town.. there won't be shit.. I wonder why? We don't allow it, if it is happening where you live it is because you decided it was ok. Time to start facing the mirror boys.
Hey FBI ... Don't forget to leave the FBI issued megaphones at home...
It'll be nationwide, Cities will once again burn, our evil corrupt Gov't will declare Marshall Law and the Mid term elections will be put on hold. FJB
If abortions aren’t safe…UM, ok. Neither is anyone alive that was born?
You said youd riot? Lol tf is this, these ppl are so fucking stupid...
But doesn’t SCOTUS release opinions early in the day, not at night?
Or is this a clue it’ll come at an unexpected time?
Lovely. Get the NG ready to bust some heads.
Shit's going to pop off on both sides if this comes to pass. If. Not to doom but I would not be surprised if the SC capitulates.