Never thought of it that way, me thinks you might be right! They always try to take the "language" so they may have "code speak" for their commie friends.
What's she banging on about, (((they))) got what they wanted didn't they? Creepy in the WH, cheating still with the elections. This is surely good news :D
It’s pretty obvious at this point that when (they) use phrases like “our democracy” it’s coded language for their oligarchy and control over our media.
So if they’re sounding the alarm that they’re at the precipice of losing their democracy, it means we’re winning!
It's a REPUBLIC, you retard. A REPUBLIC... if, as Benjamin Franklin said, we can keep it.
I'm convinced this is coded language. Democracy to them means "rule of the Democratic Party"
Democracy = Communism
Democracy = 2 wolves and a rabbit deciding what's for dinner.
Correct. A quick glance through History will easily confirm this.
Authoritarian Communism.....
Where the Public are all owned by the ""Authorities"", and the only ones with authority are at or above State Govt Level....
Yep. The context implies "We" is not society in general, so who exactly does she mean by we?
Never thought of it that way, me thinks you might be right! They always try to take the "language" so they may have "code speak" for their commie friends.
There is that phrase again "our democracy."
It means "mob rule -- in a country in which our propaganda media control the mob."
We are a republic
Just in case (⌒ ◡ ⌒ 🌼)
I wonder why they used a painting of her?
Less ugly than reality.
Seems pretty likely. Probably the art director looked at photos of Hillary, threw up a few times, and told an illustrator to fake it somehow instead.
Funny thing is, that is probably exactly what happened.
The real one (if it’s still around) may be so angry it’s having a hard time maintaining its human form :)
It's hard to imagine Cankles in human form. :)
It looks like a smug court sketch. You know, because she's going to be tried
Um, you mean Constitutional Republic right?
We will get our Republic back and we will never hear from this thing again.
What's she banging on about, (((they))) got what they wanted didn't they? Creepy in the WH, cheating still with the elections. This is surely good news :D
Absolutely! 🍿
Threat to our democracy or losing our democracy means that they are afraid of losing power.
That corrupt and criminal piece of shit should be in a small prison cell. hillary clinton is one person the world would not miss.
Her image isn’t fat enough in that picture... darn fake news.
Good, We don't want some sh*ty dumbocracy. We want the Constitutional Republic back
Dumb, it's a Republic for which it stands. Hillary only wishes it was a democracy.
Well there's the trigger word.
Tighten those seat belts frens. Oil up your 2A.
This sounds like either a threat, a whimper, or at best scapegoating the naysayers.
No matter what it is, this does indicate some massive events are imminent.
Good thing we live in a republic
If you ever find yourself on the edge of a precipice with HRC, do the world a favour and give her a shove.
She's right
Totalitarian dictatorship isn't democracy
Why HRC? I thought the democrats were in charge??
This Side O Beef statement shows they clearly are not.
I smell PANIC.
It’s pretty obvious at this point that when (they) use phrases like “our democracy” it’s coded language for their oligarchy and control over our media.
So if they’re sounding the alarm that they’re at the precipice of losing their democracy, it means we’re winning!
Face 🌴