While they're at it, they should strip the individuals who facilitated the mass influx of migrants of their freedom and put them all in prison. It was done puposefully, and the people who tried to take over our countries using other, vulnerable humans are still lurking around.
I was in London in 2014 and went to a mall in/near North Acton, I swear I was one of the few non-middle East persons in the entire mall. I can only imagine now.
Yeah, I don't really get this seemingly interminable delay - to bring the normies up to speed - that is called the "plan".
Immigration has pretty well ruined England.
Don't the white hats realize that different kinds of people will build a different kind of country?
It is the American ideal, the foundation of our political philosophy, that has been the lodestone for the free world. The failures of education and justice and unchecked immigration have weakened that foundation until the house is crumbling.
We are at war and the outcome of wars is never certain, never a foregone conclusion.
After the great immigration through Ellis Island, the US prohibited immigration for 50 (not sure of exact number) years so the immigrants could become part of our culture. All I hear from Mexicans is how they want respect for their culture, which always makes me think "well go back to your culture, if that's why you want to win." Like the Modelo commercials. Why don't they just stay in Mexico if it's so superior?
The thing is, no one really DISRESPECTED their cultures as a whole. Their foods and what they've lovingly spun off through various fusions are amazing. Some of their cultural stuff ended up being popular as well.
But what people want is for American culture to be there too. What a lot of the illegals have, and indeed a lot of legals at this point, is their culture and only their culture and their culture is all that matters and if anyone cares about their own culture it's wrong.
My forbears came over in the early 20th Century, and they worked in the textile mills and did all right. My grandfather had one of the first cars in town. My grandmother worked two looms in the mill from the age of 13, and by 16 she was able to buy a house. Immigrants need to participate in the local culture and especially learn the language. This is the American way. Work hard, learn the language and educate your children. This makes you an American, over time. Keep your original culture, to some degree, if you wish. But stand at the 4th of July parade, and cheer along with the Americans. We will accept you!!
The demographics of border states have changed so much towards the land of tacos and beans that I do not agree with this message. I will not allow my culture to change to accommodate cheap labor, regardless if the people are legit or not.
For the record, I am living in Mexico and love Mexican culture. I just don't want my country to turn into it. And real Mexicans in Mexico laugh at these types of jokes because, well, they're true.
Or South Korea. But even with China, Chinese civilians rarely cause problems in Western countries and actually tend to bring a lot of money over. Lots of Chinese Trump supporters in the West. If you look at crime rates, Asians are at the very bottom of the pile.
Mexicans can stay and work if they're here legally. The rest need to go and be banned from ever coming back. I'm sick of seeing my tiny rural town look like downtown Juarez because they're such "hard workers." Enough is enough.
While they're at it, they should strip the individuals who facilitated the mass influx of migrants of their freedom and put them all in prison. It was done puposefully, and the people who tried to take over our countries using other, vulnerable humans are still lurking around.
nah, they can go to Syria too
Denmark has never played around. We all hope for their victory. America? Please be next. (But we won't.)
Wish the UK would do likewise. We are swamped.
I was in London in 2014 and went to a mall in/near North Acton, I swear I was one of the few non-middle East persons in the entire mall. I can only imagine now.
Yeah, I don't really get this seemingly interminable delay - to bring the normies up to speed - that is called the "plan".
Immigration has pretty well ruined England.
Don't the white hats realize that different kinds of people will build a different kind of country?
It is the American ideal, the foundation of our political philosophy, that has been the lodestone for the free world. The failures of education and justice and unchecked immigration have weakened that foundation until the house is crumbling.
We are at war and the outcome of wars is never certain, never a foregone conclusion.
We need to move now, not two years from now.
So let's go with the devolution.
After the great immigration through Ellis Island, the US prohibited immigration for 50 (not sure of exact number) years so the immigrants could become part of our culture. All I hear from Mexicans is how they want respect for their culture, which always makes me think "well go back to your culture, if that's why you want to win." Like the Modelo commercials. Why don't they just stay in Mexico if it's so superior?
The thing is, no one really DISRESPECTED their cultures as a whole. Their foods and what they've lovingly spun off through various fusions are amazing. Some of their cultural stuff ended up being popular as well.
But what people want is for American culture to be there too. What a lot of the illegals have, and indeed a lot of legals at this point, is their culture and only their culture and their culture is all that matters and if anyone cares about their own culture it's wrong.
My forbears came over in the early 20th Century, and they worked in the textile mills and did all right. My grandfather had one of the first cars in town. My grandmother worked two looms in the mill from the age of 13, and by 16 she was able to buy a house. Immigrants need to participate in the local culture and especially learn the language. This is the American way. Work hard, learn the language and educate your children. This makes you an American, over time. Keep your original culture, to some degree, if you wish. But stand at the 4th of July parade, and cheer along with the Americans. We will accept you!!
Denmark is one of those countries the left worships, but any attempt to make the US more like Denmark is called far-right.
We should definitely do this for the Asian and Muslim countries.
Mexicans can stay and work (assuming no criminal record), but can't vote.
If you're here illegally, you have to go back. I don't care where you're from
Always this!! ☝🏻
The demographics of border states have changed so much towards the land of tacos and beans that I do not agree with this message. I will not allow my culture to change to accommodate cheap labor, regardless if the people are legit or not.
For the record, I am living in Mexico and love Mexican culture. I just don't want my country to turn into it. And real Mexicans in Mexico laugh at these types of jokes because, well, they're true.
Why the Asian countries?
Okay, China I get. But why Japan?
Or South Korea. But even with China, Chinese civilians rarely cause problems in Western countries and actually tend to bring a lot of money over. Lots of Chinese Trump supporters in the West. If you look at crime rates, Asians are at the very bottom of the pile.
Mexicans can stay and work if they're here legally. The rest need to go and be banned from ever coming back. I'm sick of seeing my tiny rural town look like downtown Juarez because they're such "hard workers." Enough is enough.
Yeah, I can get behind that.
Might not be too great an idea to put Mexicans in line ahead of Indians.
We already put illegals in front of Americans.
The Mexicans share our religion and multiple elements of European culture. The indians don't...but they can stay too
Um. Or stop paying illegals? And just deport them.
It's the illusion of choice. Take the money and go home or get put into deportation camps and deported anyway.
Looks like we turned a corner here. Hopefully sweden is next,I have family in ,Malmo and it's a shithole....
Why just Syrians? Why not all immigrants?
Giving them $$ to go home is not enough. They have to be ESCORTED home.
I find this genuinely surprising.
Last time I was in Denmark, around 4 years ago it seemed like Cuckolding to invaders was almost as popular as in Sweden and the UK.
RIP reputation of Denmark (Germany offered the jews a chance to leave in the 1930s).
Wait til Germans realize this is an option.
All that enriching diversity didn't quite work out.
Wow , good for Denmark !
The US needs to repeal the Hart-Celler Act. It's been a disaster since 1965.
Great! And close those borders, too!
I think the Syrian Christians don’t mix well with the Muslim immigrants.
Take the money and leave, or get kicked out with nothing. Tough choice.
Rules only for the syrian migrants? what about for the rest of 90% migrants?
Hint: Syria supports Russia.
The women of Syria begged for their men to come home a couple years ago.
Aren’t they fucking over the farmers at the same time
From 2021
Bravo 👏
The pendulum has almost come to a stopped. Can't wait for it to swing back.
Those who accept the offer will get deported later. Or move to Sweden, UK, etc.