Why would someone say "Folks, get your video on that, there's just been an incident here at the dam"... that strikes me as quite odd...Even as I assume that these folks were on a tour its still a "strange request"...
check out this twitter thread where multiple news outlets such as CNN and ABC are publicly posting asking for permission to use the video and then being directed to another media company's help desk.
If you ask me it's even more evidence that the patriots are in control. Who's "storyful"? It feels strange watching these once great news outlets beg for scraps from a weird new "johnny on the spot" news outlet.
I was scanning the comments to see if anyone else thought that odd. I mean that's like one of those Hollywood tour buses passing a 6-car pileup and saying, "And if you look past Zsa Zsa's former house you'll see a pretty gnarly accident so get your videos on it!"
Notice the "D" is cut out of Danger from the angle of the camera. It actually reads "Anger".
It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. It was referred to as Hoover Dam after President Herbert Hoover in bills passed by Congress during its construction, but was named Boulder Dam by the Roosevelt administration. The Hoover Dam name was restored by Congress in 1947.
Have you looked at Q post# 1873 dated 8/14/18
The post reads:
Armed man HOOVER Dam re: link to Q?
They will not stop.
Nothing to see here.
Ask yourself - WHY?
That they would threaten the Hoover Dam was already forecast in Q posts.
False, the WH are going to blow up the economy by forcing the DS to blow up the economy by their massive shorting of Gamestop and their continuation to short it to suppress the price. It all has to come crashing down for it to be rebuilt by we, the people.
White hats did it to create an energy crisis in Vegas, which is a hub of black hat money laundering and other illegal activity. Additionally, Google will have to virtually transfer its massive underground data center in zip code 89074 (according to Q) to another physical site. This digital transfer of Google's servers (V-motion in VMWare terms) can be digitally captured by Space Force and white hats as it passes through satellites or even the internet backbone.
Judging by the Georgia Guidestone explosion, white hats know how to strategically take down an entire site using the least amount of explosives necessary. Repairs to that one generator at Hoover Dam will necessitate the shutdown of the entire station. It will be temporary, but long enough to deplete the backup power source at Google's data center.
Thinking it through, white hats can also use the Hoover energy crisis as an opportunity to depopulate Vegas and execute military operations on cabal sites like the Luxor Hotel.
I don't know anything, but I'm going to say they burned up the windings on a transformer or generator. When an electric motor does it, it looks just like that but usually way smaller.
The dam probably overheated. It's been very low water lately. Check out Lake Mead underSin City Outdoors on youtube. Or just click this damn link https://www.youtube.com/c/SinCityOutdoors/videos.
They check around the area there, even show Hoover Damn and how low the water is.
Not really sure what the truth is. There were reports of shooting in 7 casinos allegedly but then the casinos said it was just glass breaking or smth like that.
I didn't know there was a food processing plant At hover dam!
Food, Power, Drugs... they hate us
Message delivered, FBI will collapse.
Why would someone say "Folks, get your video on that, there's just been an incident here at the dam"... that strikes me as quite odd...Even as I assume that these folks were on a tour its still a "strange request"...
check out this twitter thread where multiple news outlets such as CNN and ABC are publicly posting asking for permission to use the video and then being directed to another media company's help desk.
Feels Good Man.
Kristy Hairston @kristynashville · 8h To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please contact licensing@storyful.com
Johnny on the spot?
If you ask me it's even more evidence that the patriots are in control. Who's "storyful"? It feels strange watching these once great news outlets beg for scraps from a weird new "johnny on the spot" news outlet.
I was scanning the comments to see if anyone else thought that odd. I mean that's like one of those Hollywood tour buses passing a 6-car pileup and saying, "And if you look past Zsa Zsa's former house you'll see a pretty gnarly accident so get your videos on it!"
The was indeed quite odd
Agree ... I would have run for the hills and gotten off of that structure!!
Yes, sounded rather like a "disciplined instruction" to me...
SemperSupra gets the credit for this one. I think he hit the nail on the head:
Water = information
Dam holds back information.
On top of the dam, it says, "Danger." Edit: SS notes that the D in Danger is not shown, making it "anger."
The historic landmark was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression.
If the WHs release the dammed up information (Hunter's laptop, etc.), then the DS is going to blow up the economy.
Edit: Also see Q post 1873 (187 = murder)
Armed man Hoover Dam re: link to Q?
They will not stop.
Nothing to see here.
Ask yourself - WHY?
Notice the "D" is cut out of Danger from the angle of the camera. It actually reads "Anger".
Have you looked at Q post# 1873 dated 8/14/18
The post reads:
That they would threaten the Hoover Dam was already forecast in Q posts.
Excellent decode, SS!
Somehow I missed this yesterday. This is EXCELLENT!
Watch the water.
False, the WH are going to blow up the economy by forcing the DS to blow up the economy by their massive shorting of Gamestop and their continuation to short it to suppress the price. It all has to come crashing down for it to be rebuilt by we, the people.
It's probably a transformer.
If correct, do the 50,000 Anon Creds get awarded if the answer is boring?
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation stated that around 10 a.m. local time, a transformer at the dam caught fire and was extinguished a half hour later.
White hats did it to create an energy crisis in Vegas, which is a hub of black hat money laundering and other illegal activity. Additionally, Google will have to virtually transfer its massive underground data center in zip code 89074 (according to Q) to another physical site. This digital transfer of Google's servers (V-motion in VMWare terms) can be digitally captured by Space Force and white hats as it passes through satellites or even the internet backbone.
Judging by the Georgia Guidestone explosion, white hats know how to strategically take down an entire site using the least amount of explosives necessary. Repairs to that one generator at Hoover Dam will necessitate the shutdown of the entire station. It will be temporary, but long enough to deplete the backup power source at Google's data center.
Thinking it through, white hats can also use the Hoover energy crisis as an opportunity to depopulate Vegas and execute military operations on cabal sites like the Luxor Hotel.
but but but I like it here =(
missile strike, drone strike, bomb similar to GA Guidestone bomb
WhItE eXtReMiCisTs! of course!
This was under that video, shows what blew up.
UPDATE - Alarm sirens are now wailing at Hoover Dam.
Looks rather small tbh. Transformer or something.
Here we blow!
Black smoke. Electrical fire transformer blew.
Controlled demolition of a device!
Thats a dam shame...
Dam jokes.
They're working on semi-solid repair media and it should be stuck in place soon. It's damn Skippy.
Interesting. Watched this a couple weeks ago. Homeland security at hover dam?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srYiC9y2LbU
Why do important events like this get instantly unstickied on pdw?
Watch the water……
I don't know anything, but I'm going to say they burned up the windings on a transformer or generator. When an electric motor does it, it looks just like that but usually way smaller.
Memory foggy...is that the generator house? Pre911 you could tour it.
Ah yes, of course, to the surprise of no one.
Any connection with the chyna dam? Interesting timeline...
I think Julie Green said Hoover dam would be in the news
The dam probably overheated. It's been very low water lately. Check out Lake Mead underSin City Outdoors on youtube. Or just click this damn link https://www.youtube.com/c/SinCityOutdoors/videos.
They check around the area there, even show Hoover Damn and how low the water is.
Bring in the dam jokes!
Yesterday was casinos. Today the dam. What’s going on in Nevada?
Sadly, NV is a solidly blue state (governor, both US senators, lots of RINOs at state level)
If the lights went out in LV, I wonder if the idiot governor would finally go to Carson City? He very rarely finds his way to the capital.
I can’t even imagine being the sin city with no power yikes!
Lots of people would die of heat.
What did I miss? What happened with the casinos?
Not really sure what the truth is. There were reports of shooting in 7 casinos allegedly but then the casinos said it was just glass breaking or smth like that.
Wow didn’t hear that I was thinking it had to do with being down no cash or credit processing...
It's not something people like to talk about.
So it was Bruno?
Big deal, a transformer blew. The transformer on my block blows every summer when everyone is running AC.