191 Self explanatory and presented with no comment (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Oldpatriot 2 years ago by Oldpatriot +194 / -3 59 comments download share 59 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This... has to be satire... right?
Definitely satire
In 2022, you can never be sure!
Dude looks like a lady.
No, no it doesn't.
I read this in the following DESPERATE voice: please, please get my freeloading, condescending, know-nothing know-it-all sister out of my house and out of my kitchen! I'm literally dying here.
She’s ending her sex strike.
Oh she on the prowl now...😉
This has to be a shitpost, no way 😳
Oh hell I’m on it !!!!
That's a man, baby.
People need to start publicly shaming these folks. However, if given enough time, I'm sure this person will suicide itself.
CDC says it's a 50/50 chance. They need to get those numbers up.
She already has. Just give it time.
I know we’re far beyond this point but, I am still astonished some people voluntarily dress and style themselves this way...
What a catch. Line up!
Looks like he/she/it's good to go already. I see that ring 👌
Mimi from Drew Carey show hasn’t aged well.
Whoof that's one ugly landwhale!
Unemployed but only wants to date xirs with PhD. Makes sense...
He's mighty ugly to be that picky.
Standing on the corner of Settlers Street.
"It" needs to post this galaxy wide to have a slim chance of success.
I've never been happier to not be qualified
And she has a smoke going too. Total package.
smoking a cigarette no less.
She left out the part about the dude being blind. 😂🤣
Bois, we've finally found the "lying dog faced pony soldier" for cereals.
and it smokes during sex.
Cats. She's looking for cats. The poor cats.
That is the sadddest looking clown, barely holding on, thanks to that life saving cig. I can relate.
Either for the money, or to be with someone educated?
they might be more leaning to democrats/independents https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/08/us/politics/how-college-graduates-vote.html
Not sure why that's relevant
Because I'm guessing she won't work...
Undivided attention. May be sterile due to transition? Can't adopt?
Not sure why that's relevant
So if they divorce, she'll take his assests /s
That won't make them wealthy or have a stable income?
Subtlety is the best humor.
Finkle is Einhorn!
Men have adams apples, but this dude's is ridiculous.
(Yes, I know it's a fatty neck ring)
"She" is too ugly for a date. Where she needs to be is in Congress.
no, IT needs to be the HHS secretary.
What in the unholy fuck is that thing.
a NSFW would have been helpful.