She flat out says, it wasn't specifically the VAX, but "a perfect storm" with her conditions. Would she forbade anyone else from getting the vax though? I think she'd still recommend it under certain conditions, but not if you already have health problems. Hard to determine from this single tiktok.
Mainly, I believe she's just sorry about her position. She's likely going to be more cautious about "following doctors", but still isn't seeing the forest for the trees - the jab is bad and is the cause.
It sucks, but my heart would be softer if I knew she was truly aware the jab is bad and not blindly following the "experts". Maybe she'll see the light, as things continue to get worse for her.
Pizzagate was heavily censored and misdirected as soon as it started gaining traction on 4chan. I'm going to give the normie's much more leeway there. Despite the censorship, vax info was a bit more readily available.
I agree with your stance here - I think we've all experienced this to some degree, not exclusive to Pizzagate.
The saving grace here is that The Great Awakening is suppose to be a return to God or a firming of beliefs, if you're already a believer. Let's pray that it lives up to the appropriate name - God fearing society is the only way forward.
Dude I was thinking the SAME EXACT THING! Pgate was the first thing that truly woke me up. I was at a point where I already was awake enough to even run in circles where pgate would surface, but once I learned and followed that rabbit whole, it all fell in place so easily. It truly was like an ascension process.
Everything about my belief system and values has changed since that period of time and all of them for the better. Being in since pgate gave us the ability to digest smaller chunks as we were already awakening.
These poor people are having to awaken and swallow every last chunk that has been percolating for generations and generations.
You are dead on with thinking these are people who denied pgate or never even knew about it.
Get ready folks, this is just the first of many, many more videos and stories that will be coming out. As the compliant population realizes their injuries and family deaths were as a result of the so-called "vaccines," something is going to change in our society. We are right now this |---| far from a revolution, millions of people are angry and have given up on our government, folks are dying and getting sick... and the government band just plays on, nothing to see here, folks, move along....oh, and get your vaccines. Fuck these idiots who are literally AND figuratively killing America.
Yeah, "Brave New World" doesn't even scratch the surface of what future generations will be facing. I strongly suspect that there is going to be a fertility crisis as a direct result of mRNA tampering, and that humans will barely be able to reproduce in even replacement numbers. And unvaxx'ed countries like Africa will dominate in population because of it. I wonder if they will write history books about the lost Caucasian races that used to inhabit the world?
Rooftop, I hope u are right. I feel like we are just beginning to see the rise in deaths amd exacerbated diseases.
.the shot exploits weaknesses some how. Your individual issues just get worse with the jab. Some are just now starting to feel it.
It’s not as bad as I expected. Yet. I thought the heart issues would be far more prevalent in a faster manner.
They were smart. Think about how long it takes to die from aids, and how long you walk around not knowing you have it. Years. The heart issues and sudden death we see are just the tip of the spear, results of spike proteins tearing apart the cardiac walls and causing clotting. The other victims that will suffer from ADE/VAIDS have some time, just like someone who just picked up HIV.
After that, we are gonna see more deaths from dozens of things. They will be spread out all over the place. What is gonna fuck them eventually is that so many people didn’t take the vax. The data points will become so glaringly enormous that eventually the whole thing is gonna topple. It will become impossible to explain away the increased death rates among vaxxed.
They were so damn desperate to get the shots into everyone. Makes sense. That’s the only way to cover up what’s starting to happen
So, supposedly to "avoid the worst", patriots-in-control deemed it "necessary" for, possibly hundreds of thousands if not millions, to lose their health and die in this cruel way, instead of "taking the risk" of intervening directly on the cabal?
I wonder how they made that call, or even thought they could.
No, I don’t think they had captured comms that the vaccines were designed to be harmful. I think they had no idea what the mRNA drugs would do, both the government and the drug makers. But if you force everyone to get them, it sure makes it easier to hide the side effects.
They rushed them, with no QA and no testing. Because of the EUA, there was no reason to ensure they were airtight safe like other drugs. They just slopped some shit together and put it on the market.
And what happened? What you would expect from government sponsored drugs with no repercussions if they don’t work? Pretty much what we got. Useless dogshit that doesn’t work and has endless side effects.
They were counting on mass adopting of the covid vaccine to then implement global controls and endless vaccines. These were only going to be the first ones. After that, it would be endless. I think the DS were counting on that endless amount of vaccines with side effects to very slowly and quietly lower the population over an extended period.
Yes reducing population on purpose,but without ever actually saying it or specifically creating the drug to do that. Relying on side effects over extended periods.
So according to your view of things, one cannot say that "IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY", as many Q followers think, referring to the plandemic and its "normie-waking" virtues.
So, if such an awful plandemic wasn't part of the plan, why are patriots-in-control LETTING IT RUN wild, killing perhaps millions worldwide? I thought these patriots-in-control had it in very high priority to protect the public, to keep them safe? Isn't that precisely what Q repeatedly said?
Even if the jabbed were ""WRONG"", I just don't think that "believing in the authorities" should be a FATAL ERROR for millions, like this.
So why are the patriots LETTING THIS GENOCIDE HAPPEN if they are in control? Isn't genocide grave enough?
And this, is what smells fishy with this so-called "PLAN".
I think “in control” is taken in too large a context.
Of course they aren’t in total control. If they were, half this shit wouldn’t be happening globally.
My take is that it essentially means they didn’t hand over the nuclear weapons to Biden, he has zero real control over most of the military, and he won’t be allowed to start ww3 with anyone while one by one people are picked off by classified court proceedings we may never know exist. The Ukraine thing is what I consider proof that the globalists no longer have control of the military. We are allowing globalist HQ to be taken. Since the globalists no longer control the military operationally, the only thing they have left is the politicians. So they are sending money, but the military isn’t sending troops.
They didn’t outright perform a visible military coup after the election, so clearly there are things that they are still not in control of. 20% public, 80% private means just that. We may never see in public what we think we will see, in order to preserve global stability.
I think shit is taking forever because the amount of criminality is overwhelming, and each one of these fuckers has to be prosecuted legally and correctly. Even if these are occurring in secret, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a long process to do correctly.
Clearly, Patriots are not in control of everything yet. We would see it. So what would they have absolutely held control of? Nuclear weapons and operational control of the armed forces makes sense to me.
I do absolutely think there is some bonkers shit going on, I do think covid and the election fraud kicked off some sort of continuity of government plan, rightfully so. We were attacked with a weapon of mass destruction, and essentially it did cause a total breakdown of our political system. They have been drawing plans up for this exact scenario for 50 years.
I don’t think everyone is going to be happy how it turns out. 80% private. Meaning we aren’t going to see everyone get arrested. I expect some big names, but not all of them. Most likely I think people will resign and quietly disappear. That’s a detail that can be overlooked. The resignations are there, in both government and business. It’s already happening.
Everyone has a different opinion. I think we are at war, 5th gen war, and we are in battle in a thousand different directions. And we take losses, and we have wins. The problem is, we expect the wins to be obvious. To be shown to us. I don’t think that’s how this war works. Hidden hand. What we see may not be what we think we are seeing. 80% private.
Look at the list of politicians who have resigned or will not run again. There is a pattern. Almost all of them are scumbag Dems, with some rinos in thrown in. What if what we are seeing is not what it appears to be? Why would anyone just resign from such a bullshit cushy job? Usually they fight to the death to keep their spots.
They had to show us what we are up against. They had to unify us. They had to let it get so bad, that when the time comes, the military appears to be saving the world, not performing a coup for Trump.
I don’t have tiktok (and never will) but I would love to find out if she was one of those, “if you don’t get vaxxed then you deserve to lose your job” people…
The crying is a good sign that she is nearing acceptance that the can never again trust her government or doctors. This is a good thing. She's about the exit the cult.
I have compassion. I used to trust the government, I used to trust vaccines. It took me a while to get here, but here I am & I'm thankful I got here sooner rather than later.
She in Australia. They literally wouldn’t let people work without the injections. Terrible. I moved from there in 2016, and thank the Lord I was back home in the USA during the ronashow.
unfortunately many Aboriginals took the shit too.
My family heritage is a combo of Aboriginal and European. Pretty sure my Nans death is due to this shit. The Aboriginal corps pushed this agenda on behalf of the gov. So many got sucked into the fear, disregarding their entire history of abuse. Its sick
Can somebody tell this lady to get checked for "H Pylori"? Doctors won't tell you this, but when you clear H Pylori (with 2 very strong antibiotics), many patients have had Psoriasis completly clear up. Not everyone does, but many have been helped. It was accidently discovered during a study and I personally know someone that this happened to. Its worth a shot as its a very cheap breath test.
A medical industry controlled by greedy, evil beasts... And I guarantee the beasts feel not a speck of sympathy nor compassion for this young woman's suffering and anguish. It's working just like the beasts planned - fry the immune system, generate a plethora of other health issues and then sell more expensive pharmaceutical products.
of course not - there is video footage of these ass hats re Essure. They (FDA / paid puppets state "these women will hunt us down in 10 years when they find out what we did". I would love to be one of those hunters and have my sweet revenge.
The medical field really pushed the clot-shot on those with immune deficiencies when those are the very people who should have avoided it at all costs. Their immune system is already messed up, so the solution is to make it worse with something that deeply effects the immune system? Like putting water on electric car fire.
[I'm not a doctor or a scientist but I wonder if a lot of our common diseases (especially the auto-immune ones) are caused by previous vaccines, the ones received in childhood and all the boosters and flu shots and what not received as an adult. Many in my family were affected by vaccines well before the clot-shot came out.]
I'm not an MD either (am a DC) but it's been my belief for many years that the vaccines are the biggest insult to our health, right from the beginning. The more they inject these poisons, the worse off the people are. It seems pretty clear to me.
Doctors lazily go by the numbers. My own doc just gave me iron to take because I have a condition and I live with lower iron counts than normal. After all these 60 years my body has adapted.
She is a new doc for me through the VA. I have a condition she knows about. Very rare and she isn't fully up on it. Most doctors barely know about it. But iron will trigger the reaction which causes my body to make hydrochloric acid and not be able to neutralize it properly in my blood.
Whole thing easily controlled by alkaline diet. My wife a medical scientist figured it out about 30 years ago amd I've rarely had issues since. Doc went by the lab numbers and didn't think about my condition. Thats why docs are dangerous.
yeap - pretty sure package info on many vaxs actually state if immune compromised dont take them. But you cant get through to peeps when hypnotised by fear. Spleen Oz was the 1st to push this rubbish. Apparently I should have had 4 by now - as soon as they pushed this agenda I told them to f oo
Lady, us, the tin foil wearing crack pot crowd, tried to tell you not to inject that stuff in you. And what did you? You told us we didn't believe in science. You tried to fire us. You tried to make us the social outcasts. Some of y'all even went so far as to say we should be throw in jail.
Well, how is that science working out for you now?!
Everyone stop and say a prayer for this woman. She was lied to and betrayed by those she thought would protect her and thought had her best interests at heart. These are the people that need our help the most
The funny thing is , is she starts off by asking if she is aloud to say the V word on tictock? Right there if she knew it was taboo to ever question the Vax on social media why would you get it in the first place. I mean that is the reason I started looking more into it myself. Why? Why can't people discuss it ? Those questions should have been a red flag. Such a shame.
This is really sad. There are people who argue and defend the government, the mandates and continue to push to vax and boosters and then I think there are people who are also unaware of what’s going on. And they’re unaware because of all of the censorship and shadow banning…
Oof, that hurts. I could have been any of us. If we were not careful. " I just followed whatever they said" . Oof, that's rough and now her quality of life is ruined. So much pain and misery. My heart goes our to you. Ok, here goes.
I feel sorry for her, being stuck in this simulation in absolute misery is awful. But at the same time she was “just following doctor orders and government mandates” and when she put it that way the sympathy meter needle only goes so far.
I wish I could feel bad for her and many others that got screwed, but when I remember everything we went through during the mandates…Did they have compassion for us when a father/ mother lost his/ her job and risked losing everything we worked hard to achieve? Risking losing our homes and starving?Did they feel bad for excluding us from the world and wishing us death, humiliation, alienation, starvation, concentration camps? They fell so much superior, than us. They felt like being first class citizens and we… we were less than insects that deserved to be crushed by the state. Sorry I can’t feel empathy for them. Even those who were neutral about the mandates but took the vax like the good sheeple they are, they are also part of the problem for complying instead of using some of their fucking brain. So… No, I don’t feel bad. My mom used to say “If your brain doesn’t think, your body will suffer”
Three #vaccines later: “I was just following doctors orders and government mandates.”
I wish her well and that she gets her life back on track AND NEVER BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
She should tell FAUCI the FRAUD togo and do something to himself with a dildo!!!! (I do HOPE everyone gets my drift)!!!!!!!!!!
She's an Aussie. They were much worse with lockdowns and mandates mind control.
Indonesia, their neighbors, even worse. I think their whole country basically got it out of fear of losing what little income they already had.
Primarily because people like this women accepted their slavery and worshipped at the alter of Satan
She flat out says, it wasn't specifically the VAX, but "a perfect storm" with her conditions. Would she forbade anyone else from getting the vax though? I think she'd still recommend it under certain conditions, but not if you already have health problems. Hard to determine from this single tiktok.
Mainly, I believe she's just sorry about her position. She's likely going to be more cautious about "following doctors", but still isn't seeing the forest for the trees - the jab is bad and is the cause.
It sucks, but my heart would be softer if I knew she was truly aware the jab is bad and not blindly following the "experts". Maybe she'll see the light, as things continue to get worse for her.
Pizzagate was heavily censored and misdirected as soon as it started gaining traction on 4chan. I'm going to give the normie's much more leeway there. Despite the censorship, vax info was a bit more readily available.
I agree with your stance here - I think we've all experienced this to some degree, not exclusive to Pizzagate.
The saving grace here is that The Great Awakening is suppose to be a return to God or a firming of beliefs, if you're already a believer. Let's pray that it lives up to the appropriate name - God fearing society is the only way forward.
Dude I was thinking the SAME EXACT THING! Pgate was the first thing that truly woke me up. I was at a point where I already was awake enough to even run in circles where pgate would surface, but once I learned and followed that rabbit whole, it all fell in place so easily. It truly was like an ascension process.
Everything about my belief system and values has changed since that period of time and all of them for the better. Being in since pgate gave us the ability to digest smaller chunks as we were already awakening.
These poor people are having to awaken and swallow every last chunk that has been percolating for generations and generations.
You are dead on with thinking these are people who denied pgate or never even knew about it.
EXACTLY; my first thought as well. I stopped trusting those demons 50 years ago and my distrust has only grown and solidified since then.
Exactly. I feel bad for her, but she is the kind of sheep the government want everyone to be. THE GOVERNMENT WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF YOU.
I don’t feel bad for her. She took three and she even said it….everytime she took one it got worse…….
But for the Grace of God go I. Thank God for this site and the info shared.
Get ready folks, this is just the first of many, many more videos and stories that will be coming out. As the compliant population realizes their injuries and family deaths were as a result of the so-called "vaccines," something is going to change in our society. We are right now this |---| far from a revolution, millions of people are angry and have given up on our government, folks are dying and getting sick... and the government band just plays on, nothing to see here, folks, move along....oh, and get your vaccines. Fuck these idiots who are literally AND figuratively killing America.
Prion disease… and over the weekend the NYT did a piece on “now is the right time for cannibalism”…
Turn prion diseased people into food to further spread the death, maybe?
Yeah, "Brave New World" doesn't even scratch the surface of what future generations will be facing. I strongly suspect that there is going to be a fertility crisis as a direct result of mRNA tampering, and that humans will barely be able to reproduce in even replacement numbers. And unvaxx'ed countries like Africa will dominate in population because of it. I wonder if they will write history books about the lost Caucasian races that used to inhabit the world?
The races are so mixed there will always be Caucasians, blacks and asians
Rooftop, I hope u are right. I feel like we are just beginning to see the rise in deaths amd exacerbated diseases. .the shot exploits weaknesses some how. Your individual issues just get worse with the jab. Some are just now starting to feel it.
DAE think it's taking waay longer than expected?
It’s not as bad as I expected. Yet. I thought the heart issues would be far more prevalent in a faster manner.
They were smart. Think about how long it takes to die from aids, and how long you walk around not knowing you have it. Years. The heart issues and sudden death we see are just the tip of the spear, results of spike proteins tearing apart the cardiac walls and causing clotting. The other victims that will suffer from ADE/VAIDS have some time, just like someone who just picked up HIV.
After that, we are gonna see more deaths from dozens of things. They will be spread out all over the place. What is gonna fuck them eventually is that so many people didn’t take the vax. The data points will become so glaringly enormous that eventually the whole thing is gonna topple. It will become impossible to explain away the increased death rates among vaxxed.
They were so damn desperate to get the shots into everyone. Makes sense. That’s the only way to cover up what’s starting to happen
And the money governments shoveled to big pharma. Hundreds of millions of vaccines going in the garbage and not arms.
So, supposedly to "avoid the worst", patriots-in-control deemed it "necessary" for, possibly hundreds of thousands if not millions, to lose their health and die in this cruel way, instead of "taking the risk" of intervening directly on the cabal?
I wonder how they made that call, or even thought they could.
This is what occupies my thoughts.
No, I don’t think they had captured comms that the vaccines were designed to be harmful. I think they had no idea what the mRNA drugs would do, both the government and the drug makers. But if you force everyone to get them, it sure makes it easier to hide the side effects. They rushed them, with no QA and no testing. Because of the EUA, there was no reason to ensure they were airtight safe like other drugs. They just slopped some shit together and put it on the market. And what happened? What you would expect from government sponsored drugs with no repercussions if they don’t work? Pretty much what we got. Useless dogshit that doesn’t work and has endless side effects.
They were counting on mass adopting of the covid vaccine to then implement global controls and endless vaccines. These were only going to be the first ones. After that, it would be endless. I think the DS were counting on that endless amount of vaccines with side effects to very slowly and quietly lower the population over an extended period.
Yes reducing population on purpose,but without ever actually saying it or specifically creating the drug to do that. Relying on side effects over extended periods.
So according to your view of things, one cannot say that "IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY", as many Q followers think, referring to the plandemic and its "normie-waking" virtues.
So, if such an awful plandemic wasn't part of the plan, why are patriots-in-control LETTING IT RUN wild, killing perhaps millions worldwide? I thought these patriots-in-control had it in very high priority to protect the public, to keep them safe? Isn't that precisely what Q repeatedly said?
Even if the jabbed were ""WRONG"", I just don't think that "believing in the authorities" should be a FATAL ERROR for millions, like this.
So why are the patriots LETTING THIS GENOCIDE HAPPEN if they are in control? Isn't genocide grave enough?
And this, is what smells fishy with this so-called "PLAN".
I think “in control” is taken in too large a context.
Of course they aren’t in total control. If they were, half this shit wouldn’t be happening globally.
My take is that it essentially means they didn’t hand over the nuclear weapons to Biden, he has zero real control over most of the military, and he won’t be allowed to start ww3 with anyone while one by one people are picked off by classified court proceedings we may never know exist. The Ukraine thing is what I consider proof that the globalists no longer have control of the military. We are allowing globalist HQ to be taken. Since the globalists no longer control the military operationally, the only thing they have left is the politicians. So they are sending money, but the military isn’t sending troops.
They didn’t outright perform a visible military coup after the election, so clearly there are things that they are still not in control of. 20% public, 80% private means just that. We may never see in public what we think we will see, in order to preserve global stability.
I think shit is taking forever because the amount of criminality is overwhelming, and each one of these fuckers has to be prosecuted legally and correctly. Even if these are occurring in secret, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a long process to do correctly.
Clearly, Patriots are not in control of everything yet. We would see it. So what would they have absolutely held control of? Nuclear weapons and operational control of the armed forces makes sense to me.
I do absolutely think there is some bonkers shit going on, I do think covid and the election fraud kicked off some sort of continuity of government plan, rightfully so. We were attacked with a weapon of mass destruction, and essentially it did cause a total breakdown of our political system. They have been drawing plans up for this exact scenario for 50 years.
I don’t think everyone is going to be happy how it turns out. 80% private. Meaning we aren’t going to see everyone get arrested. I expect some big names, but not all of them. Most likely I think people will resign and quietly disappear. That’s a detail that can be overlooked. The resignations are there, in both government and business. It’s already happening.
Everyone has a different opinion. I think we are at war, 5th gen war, and we are in battle in a thousand different directions. And we take losses, and we have wins. The problem is, we expect the wins to be obvious. To be shown to us. I don’t think that’s how this war works. Hidden hand. What we see may not be what we think we are seeing. 80% private.
Look at the list of politicians who have resigned or will not run again. There is a pattern. Almost all of them are scumbag Dems, with some rinos in thrown in. What if what we are seeing is not what it appears to be? Why would anyone just resign from such a bullshit cushy job? Usually they fight to the death to keep their spots.
They had to show us what we are up against. They had to unify us. They had to let it get so bad, that when the time comes, the military appears to be saving the world, not performing a coup for Trump.
This process is infuriatingly slow though. At this pace it'll be a decade before any real change.
But hey, no mean tweets.
I can’t believe how many brain dead people actually think like that.
It's more baffling when you see them explain how mean tweets led to what they feel is absolute fascism now.
You know, from their iPhone screens using Starbuck's Wi-Fi.
I have no tolerance for this crying. We told you (and others like you) and you didn't listen. Now live with your consequences.
I hate that this has hardened me so bad. Same thing in my family. Watching parents die slowly with newly discovered heart conditions.
I don’t have tiktok (and never will) but I would love to find out if she was one of those, “if you don’t get vaxxed then you deserve to lose your job” people…
The crying is a good sign that she is nearing acceptance that the can never again trust her government or doctors. This is a good thing. She's about the exit the cult.
Bet she goes to the same doctors for help.
I have compassion. I used to trust the government, I used to trust vaccines. It took me a while to get here, but here I am & I'm thankful I got here sooner rather than later.
She in Australia. They literally wouldn’t let people work without the injections. Terrible. I moved from there in 2016, and thank the Lord I was back home in the USA during the ronashow.
yeah - and some of us aussies did right and held the line - if everyone did we would have been right.
I know. I’m sorry. I have some good friends that did so as well. My heart breaks for the people of your country. God Bless you Patriot.
Exactly - gf and I held the line. We know a couple of others did, but nowhere near enough.
Well someday you will be able to walk into any property you want and have it. Australia will be left for the aborigines and pedes who stood.
unfortunately many Aboriginals took the shit too. My family heritage is a combo of Aboriginal and European. Pretty sure my Nans death is due to this shit. The Aboriginal corps pushed this agenda on behalf of the gov. So many got sucked into the fear, disregarding their entire history of abuse. Its sick
glad ur safe fren
I lost a lucrative job because unvax. Not a moment of regret or doubt. Told them to shove it.
I pray this woman finds healing, but I fear with her use of the Lords name she will not find it without repenting. Idk but thats my gut feeling
how about contacting those demonized "antivaxxers" for help... they might know more than the "doctors"
Can somebody tell this lady to get checked for "H Pylori"? Doctors won't tell you this, but when you clear H Pylori (with 2 very strong antibiotics), many patients have had Psoriasis completly clear up. Not everyone does, but many have been helped. It was accidently discovered during a study and I personally know someone that this happened to. Its worth a shot as its a very cheap breath test.
Didn't she say she has eczema?
A medical industry controlled by greedy, evil beasts... And I guarantee the beasts feel not a speck of sympathy nor compassion for this young woman's suffering and anguish. It's working just like the beasts planned - fry the immune system, generate a plethora of other health issues and then sell more expensive pharmaceutical products.
of course not - there is video footage of these ass hats re Essure. They (FDA / paid puppets state "these women will hunt us down in 10 years when they find out what we did". I would love to be one of those hunters and have my sweet revenge.
Ya it sucks. That fact that they gave immunity to those responsible should have been warning enough not to take it.
What is the definition of insanity ? Don't use your brain, someone will use it against you.
The medical field really pushed the clot-shot on those with immune deficiencies when those are the very people who should have avoided it at all costs. Their immune system is already messed up, so the solution is to make it worse with something that deeply effects the immune system? Like putting water on electric car fire.
[I'm not a doctor or a scientist but I wonder if a lot of our common diseases (especially the auto-immune ones) are caused by previous vaccines, the ones received in childhood and all the boosters and flu shots and what not received as an adult. Many in my family were affected by vaccines well before the clot-shot came out.]
I'm not an MD either (am a DC) but it's been my belief for many years that the vaccines are the biggest insult to our health, right from the beginning. The more they inject these poisons, the worse off the people are. It seems pretty clear to me.
Doctors lazily go by the numbers. My own doc just gave me iron to take because I have a condition and I live with lower iron counts than normal. After all these 60 years my body has adapted.
She is a new doc for me through the VA. I have a condition she knows about. Very rare and she isn't fully up on it. Most doctors barely know about it. But iron will trigger the reaction which causes my body to make hydrochloric acid and not be able to neutralize it properly in my blood.
Whole thing easily controlled by alkaline diet. My wife a medical scientist figured it out about 30 years ago amd I've rarely had issues since. Doc went by the lab numbers and didn't think about my condition. Thats why docs are dangerous.
yeap - pretty sure package info on many vaxs actually state if immune compromised dont take them. But you cant get through to peeps when hypnotised by fear. Spleen Oz was the 1st to push this rubbish. Apparently I should have had 4 by now - as soon as they pushed this agenda I told them to f oo
Lady, us, the tin foil wearing crack pot crowd, tried to tell you not to inject that stuff in you. And what did you? You told us we didn't believe in science. You tried to fire us. You tried to make us the social outcasts. Some of y'all even went so far as to say we should be throw in jail.
Well, how is that science working out for you now?!
"i was just following orders!" welp
Love the top comment.
I personally like this response to her plight:
The metamorphosis of the Hippocratic Oath:
That should be posted every day for rhem to see.
Medicine must not be trusted.
Everyone stop and say a prayer for this woman. She was lied to and betrayed by those she thought would protect her and thought had her best interests at heart. These are the people that need our help the most
The funny thing is , is she starts off by asking if she is aloud to say the V word on tictock? Right there if she knew it was taboo to ever question the Vax on social media why would you get it in the first place. I mean that is the reason I started looking more into it myself. Why? Why can't people discuss it ? Those questions should have been a red flag. Such a shame.
This is really sad. There are people who argue and defend the government, the mandates and continue to push to vax and boosters and then I think there are people who are also unaware of what’s going on. And they’re unaware because of all of the censorship and shadow banning…
and the farking bot responses "my arthritis got worse but doing it for immunity" oh ffs
Can't watch these things anymore. 😭
"oozing metallic liquid" woah, yeah when you're flooded with shit it comes out of your skin.
People are saying that Morgellons (sp?) is likely the crap that they were putting in vaccines oozing out of the body.
toxic heavy metals, if your body can't filter it out, it comes out of the skin.
Cry me a river. You did not trust the people warning you so you blindly took the poison. Move along.
Oof, that hurts. I could have been any of us. If we were not careful. " I just followed whatever they said" . Oof, that's rough and now her quality of life is ruined. So much pain and misery. My heart goes our to you. Ok, here goes.
I asked a higher power.
I feel sorry for her, being stuck in this simulation in absolute misery is awful. But at the same time she was “just following doctor orders and government mandates” and when she put it that way the sympathy meter needle only goes so far.
THINK FOR YOURSELF! Don't follow anything the government says. I hate it for ya.
I wish I could feel bad for her and many others that got screwed, but when I remember everything we went through during the mandates…Did they have compassion for us when a father/ mother lost his/ her job and risked losing everything we worked hard to achieve? Risking losing our homes and starving?Did they feel bad for excluding us from the world and wishing us death, humiliation, alienation, starvation, concentration camps? They fell so much superior, than us. They felt like being first class citizens and we… we were less than insects that deserved to be crushed by the state. Sorry I can’t feel empathy for them. Even those who were neutral about the mandates but took the vax like the good sheeple they are, they are also part of the problem for complying instead of using some of their fucking brain. So… No, I don’t feel bad. My mom used to say “If your brain doesn’t think, your body will suffer”
Well, you ought to be talking to the other jabtards. Sorry for your discomfort, pray that God delivers you and that you wisen the fuck up.
All I can do is shake my head and throw up a prayer for her.
For some maybe all they get is a painful lesson.
To me she still denies it was the vax. Something about a perfect storm. No shit.