I re-watched Truman Show not long ago, after the Covid panic started.
What really stood out was how every time Truman started talking about leaving the town where he lived, and going off to explore the world for himself, his captors would do something to absolutely terrify him.
There would be reports of plane crashes. Elevators dropping. Nuclear accidents. They even staged some kind of radiation disaster that he saw when trying to leave the "set."
This is just the way the Deep State keeps the normies frightened into compliance with fears of disease, radiation, terrorists in MAGA hats, etc. And it works on them the same way it worked on Truman.
Great observations you picked up on if this was the first time you have seen the movie.
No doubt just by that name in the script, it's clearly mocking God.
Note that the control center and "observation center" is literally the Moon in the movie. See the link below for all the redpills. I believe it is in there.
It makes you wonder if the way MK ultra works to create their "stars" is that the chosen child has their life scripted for them. Life events are staged for them to witness at critical times. It'll look real to them. They'll think it's real, but their life was scripted so they could play a role.
That vivid memory at 8 was just clowns deliberately being racist to their father so their father looked like a "hero". They are a witness who now tells everyone about it. The father is just a farm asset, but he's raised up as a hero and victim. Later he runs for office. The son is also groomed for a role.
It makes you wonder if they do/ did this to make their "stars" and big political figures.
Not much difference between “name stealing” and acting in terms of practical skills. Thus, the cabal infestation of Hollywood.
This is one of the “dark arts” practiced by the cabal through hundreds of years of family histories. Certain individuals that exhibit talent for it are groomed and prepared from an early age from each of the top families. This appears to be the way they have been doing it for at least 800 years. Medium has changed, but practice has not.
May I suggest The Game starring Michael Douglas for a future Anon Theatre thread? It’s a great one that flies under the radar.
“Michael Douglas plays Nicholas Van Orton, a Scrooge-like San Francisco investment banker following in his father's Scrooge-like footsteps. On Nicholas's 48th birthday (the age at which his father committed suicide), his younger, free-spirited brother Conrad (Sean Penn) blows into town and gives Nicholas a special gift for "the man who has everything" -- a ticket to CRS (Consumer Recreation Services), a company that constructs games custom-fit for each participant to provide, as CRS salesman Jim Feingold (James Rebhorn) cryptically puts it, "whatever is lacking." Nicholas's secure life begins a downhill slide as CRS masterminds a series of elaborate pranks, harmless at first, that quickly become malicious and life-threatening. Stripped of financial resources and convinced that he can trust no one, Nicholas begins to wonder if CRS is a front for a more covert operation, and if the game is in fact an attempt to steal his fortune and leave him for dead. Determined to fight back alone, Nicholas infiltrates CRS in order to "pull back the curtain and meet the wizard."
You bet! It was one of the first movies I saw in my own early awakening days that made me sit bolt upright and point at the screen and say (to no one lol) “THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!!!”
I worked downtown SF when they filmed this. One night I watched them film a scene where they were backing a car up in front of the Palace Hotel. Over and over and over again. It made me realize just how boring the profession could be. (I looked for the scene in the movie and it was literally about three seconds.)
I learned this while shooting a 6 minute commercial. Took all day to shoot. Very tedious work. Also makes you appreciate how talented good filmmakers are.
Starring Joe Carrey, I mean, Jim Biden, I mean...you know what I mean.
Since birth, a Big Lie defines the well-organised but humdrum life of the kind-hearted insurance salesman and ambitious explorer, Truman Burbank. Utterly unaware of the thousands of cleverly hidden cameras watching his every move 🇨🇳, for nearly three decades, Truman's entire existence pivots around the will and the wild imagination of the ruthlessly manipulative television producer, Christof--the all-powerful TV-God of an extreme 24/7 reality show: The Truman Show. As a result, Truman's picturesque neighbourhood with the manicured lawns and the uncannily perfect residents is nothing but an elaborate state-of-the-art set, and the only truth he knows is what the worldwide television network and its deep financial interests dictate. Do lab rats know they are forever imprisoned?
He made an appearance at the comedy store earlier this year. It was a tribute to bob saget. It was on saget’s wife’s Instagram page. No video, just a couple photos and you can see Carrey in the background
"Free Guy," which came out last year was also influenced by "The Truman Show." Ryan Reynolds plays a minor character in a role playing video game simulation and after he sees a beautiful woman, decides he wants to be in charge of his destiny and breaks out of the mold of his dull routine. This, of course, meets with a lot of resistance, but he prevails.
Also a good example of how "we accept the reality we're given."
There’s a scene in the Truman show where people try to hold signs to get on live TV - it reminded me of all the banner drops at baseball games in 2021 “TRUMP WON” where the camera would quickly pull away as not to break thier false reality.
This movie does a great job of showing how dark forces can work through NPCs to keep normal humans asleep. Takes super human strength to break the brainwashing spell you have been put under since birth
Great movie—I always used this to show that people may SAY that they want God to make everything go smoothly for them, and they blame him for all the bad stuff, (like—“Why are you doing this to me, God?” Or “Why did you kill so-and-so?!”). Instead, you see we all desire freedom, and we all can see that it is not right for Christof to do that to Truman. We are rooting for him to escape. That is why God gives us free will. If we want Him in our life, we can search for him and find him, but he does not impose himself on us.
The more times you watch The Truman Show the more of it you see in your world.
We are deceived on so many fronts. Our world would be totally different if it wasn’t engineered and controlled by the satanic cabal. People of the world want to live in harmony and peace. Our wars and social conflicts are engineered by evil forces.
May I suggest a watching of "The Manchurian Candidate"? (the 2004 version, directed by Jonathon Demme). There's also the original 1962 version with Frank Sinatra but I think Demme's version speaks more directly to us since it's more high-tech.
One takeaway from it - Demme never specifies political parties in his film. If you look, you can see that he uses red AND blue for the political things, implying the idea of a Uniparty.
They tell us the truth through movies and media. They have to. It shocks me that more people on here haven’t truly awakened from the history of lies. Shows you how powerful their indoctrination is. Attack them conspiracy theorists with smug insults and empty “science”. You think The Great Awakening is only about Trump stuff, think again. We are ascending. Do your part and do the research before acting like a know-it-all who quotes their 3rd Grade teacher. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then back to sleep for you.
Great movie and along with The Majestic are my two favorite Jim Carrey movies. Many believe the simulation of a dome and controlled environment mimics the flat earth model. Of course we'll never know because they won't let us explore Antarctica and we don't have a rendering of earth from a great distance because everything NASA is complete total bullshit.
When Truman hits the edge of "earth" with his boat and takes a bow before he leaves out the side wall to meet that pretty lady was a great scene. That and when he starts to notice the "actors".
With all do respect how do you know? If so based on what, NASA? If NASA which is also a captured part of our government, how can you trust anything you've ever been told?
Now Jim Carrey in years past has mocked trips to the moon as total deceptive bs and I agree.
I say open up explorations into Antarctica and that will tell us a lot.
Like I said everything that has come from NASA is complete lies. You don't know, I don't know and no one knows with complete certainty how the moon works.
It's one of the great mysteries.
Indeed. They blatantly show us reality, but so few will believe it because they've been conned into accepting a BALL of lies. Thing about our ThunderDOME is that all men enter, no one leaves... at least not physically.
Yes it is a fascinating movie. The devil loves to brag about his deceptions and symbolism.
Even the wall the boat crashed into was blue. Blue sky. Great movie. That was a big movie for Jim. Later a person loses their sanity and soul hanging out with these satanic pedos.
Yes -- Truman Show was completely ignored at Oscar time that year and it was actually THE film of Jim Carrey's that spectacularly deserved attention. He changed after that year. To me it seemed like punishment for having made the film, but you know the cabal knew he was making it. And now the murmurings are that Jim Carrey is the High Priest of the entire Church of Satan in Hollywood and that all the characters he has played in his other films were his various demons.
If you hang out with Satanists like the Kardashians or SatanWood it is not surprising to pick up a demon with the exception of a Spirit filled Christian.
I re-watched Truman Show not long ago, after the Covid panic started.
What really stood out was how every time Truman started talking about leaving the town where he lived, and going off to explore the world for himself, his captors would do something to absolutely terrify him.
There would be reports of plane crashes. Elevators dropping. Nuclear accidents. They even staged some kind of radiation disaster that he saw when trying to leave the "set."
This is just the way the Deep State keeps the normies frightened into compliance with fears of disease, radiation, terrorists in MAGA hats, etc. And it works on them the same way it worked on Truman.
Great, great film.
Great points. The use of scare tactics and nothing to see here.
It does show a lot of tactics used.
I just am finishing it now and had to pause because it’s clear they’re mocking God and those who believe in God.
The creator of the shows name is Christof.
He sees and directs everything.
They portray him as narcissistic and selfish.
He says “I know you better than you know yourself” and “in my world you have nothing to fear”, yet they’re portraying him as evil.
This was a great movie with some great moments and scenes but I’m pretty sure hollywood is mocking God and Christ and those who believe in creation.
Also that Cannes Film cover that just came out where it’s literally the scene of Truman reaching the “end of the world”. Something to think about.
A good movie like I said, very good at making you emotional. Can’t help but notice the mockery though. They just can’t help themselves.
Great observations you picked up on if this was the first time you have seen the movie. No doubt just by that name in the script, it's clearly mocking God.
Thanks. It was just so on the nose.
Christof…they never say his last name, but clearly they’re inferring he’s “Christ of the Tru-man show.”
They’re clearly saying God is like him and people with faith are like Truman.
Note that the control center and "observation center" is literally the Moon in the movie. See the link below for all the redpills. I believe it is in there.
It makes you wonder if the way MK ultra works to create their "stars" is that the chosen child has their life scripted for them. Life events are staged for them to witness at critical times. It'll look real to them. They'll think it's real, but their life was scripted so they could play a role.
That vivid memory at 8 was just clowns deliberately being racist to their father so their father looked like a "hero". They are a witness who now tells everyone about it. The father is just a farm asset, but he's raised up as a hero and victim. Later he runs for office. The son is also groomed for a role.
It makes you wonder if they do/ did this to make their "stars" and big political figures.
Haven't researched, but I wonder what "true man" would be linked to. Is it just a play in words, or one of the terms they use?
Smart thoughts.
Not much difference between “name stealing” and acting in terms of practical skills. Thus, the cabal infestation of Hollywood.
This is one of the “dark arts” practiced by the cabal through hundreds of years of family histories. Certain individuals that exhibit talent for it are groomed and prepared from an early age from each of the top families. This appears to be the way they have been doing it for at least 800 years. Medium has changed, but practice has not.
At the very least I think the CIA cultivates actors from childhood. I assume that was the purpose of the Mickey Mouse Club.
May I suggest The Game starring Michael Douglas for a future Anon Theatre thread? It’s a great one that flies under the radar.
“Michael Douglas plays Nicholas Van Orton, a Scrooge-like San Francisco investment banker following in his father's Scrooge-like footsteps. On Nicholas's 48th birthday (the age at which his father committed suicide), his younger, free-spirited brother Conrad (Sean Penn) blows into town and gives Nicholas a special gift for "the man who has everything" -- a ticket to CRS (Consumer Recreation Services), a company that constructs games custom-fit for each participant to provide, as CRS salesman Jim Feingold (James Rebhorn) cryptically puts it, "whatever is lacking." Nicholas's secure life begins a downhill slide as CRS masterminds a series of elaborate pranks, harmless at first, that quickly become malicious and life-threatening. Stripped of financial resources and convinced that he can trust no one, Nicholas begins to wonder if CRS is a front for a more covert operation, and if the game is in fact an attempt to steal his fortune and leave him for dead. Determined to fight back alone, Nicholas infiltrates CRS in order to "pull back the curtain and meet the wizard."
I'll take a look at it. Thank you.
You bet! It was one of the first movies I saw in my own early awakening days that made me sit bolt upright and point at the screen and say (to no one lol) “THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!!!”
It’s really good. I stumbled upon it years ago during late night movie binge.
It holds up too... just watched it again a couple of years ago
Yeah, check it out. It's decent.
Very good film. 👍
I worked downtown SF when they filmed this. One night I watched them film a scene where they were backing a car up in front of the Palace Hotel. Over and over and over again. It made me realize just how boring the profession could be. (I looked for the scene in the movie and it was literally about three seconds.)
I learned this while shooting a 6 minute commercial. Took all day to shoot. Very tedious work. Also makes you appreciate how talented good filmmakers are.
Classic movie
Starring Joe Carrey, I mean, Jim Biden, I mean...you know what I mean.
Since birth, a Big Lie defines the well-organised but humdrum life of the kind-hearted insurance salesman and ambitious explorer, Truman Burbank. Utterly unaware of the thousands of cleverly hidden cameras watching his every move 🇨🇳, for nearly three decades, Truman's entire existence pivots around the will and the wild imagination of the ruthlessly manipulative television producer, Christof--the all-powerful TV-God of an extreme 24/7 reality show: The Truman Show. As a result, Truman's picturesque neighbourhood with the manicured lawns and the uncannily perfect residents is nothing but an elaborate state-of-the-art set, and the only truth he knows is what the worldwide television network and its deep financial interests dictate. Do lab rats know they are forever imprisoned?
Movie Link: https://0123movies.com/movies-the-truman-show-1998-0123movies.html
Watch along side u/Baseballgirl's post, which inspired today's Anon Theatre.
The catch is that this is true but will not be revealed to the people. We will understand it but will not be vindicated.
But this is not About us. It is about winning.
That movie link sets off alarms on my computer. There is nothing to see there but popups and alerts to bad things.
Use the Brave browser.
I am. The site has some bad code on it.
It's working fine:
If you're still having problems, I suggest using your favorite streaming platform.
My settings are as indicated above. The site is flawed.
Please feel free not to use it. I'm not tech support.
fyi...something wrong with the video file at that movie link. Here is an alternate I found and watched last week: https://archive.org/details/the-truman-show-1998
Is Jim Carrey still MIA from social media? I’d research it myself but just thought someone might already be keeping track.
He’s probably resting from playing Biden
He made an appearance at the comedy store earlier this year. It was a tribute to bob saget. It was on saget’s wife’s Instagram page. No video, just a couple photos and you can see Carrey in the background
Use Nitter:
Clicking sign up/login>>then clicking X in top corner allows for further scrolling. Repeat as necessary. Ive never had a twattwr account.
Great video summarizing all the red pills in the film.
"Free Guy," which came out last year was also influenced by "The Truman Show." Ryan Reynolds plays a minor character in a role playing video game simulation and after he sees a beautiful woman, decides he wants to be in charge of his destiny and breaks out of the mold of his dull routine. This, of course, meets with a lot of resistance, but he prevails.
Also a good example of how "we accept the reality we're given."
It made good use of the idea of NPCs. Everybody else in the movie just "going through the motions" each day.
There’s a scene in the Truman show where people try to hold signs to get on live TV - it reminded me of all the banner drops at baseball games in 2021 “TRUMP WON” where the camera would quickly pull away as not to break thier false reality.
This movie does a great job of showing how dark forces can work through NPCs to keep normal humans asleep. Takes super human strength to break the brainwashing spell you have been put under since birth
What is the acronym NPC please?
Thank you! I’m not a video game player but my kids are. I completely understand. Thanks so much Fren!
Great movie—I always used this to show that people may SAY that they want God to make everything go smoothly for them, and they blame him for all the bad stuff, (like—“Why are you doing this to me, God?” Or “Why did you kill so-and-so?!”). Instead, you see we all desire freedom, and we all can see that it is not right for Christof to do that to Truman. We are rooting for him to escape. That is why God gives us free will. If we want Him in our life, we can search for him and find him, but he does not impose himself on us.
The more times you watch The Truman Show the more of it you see in your world.
We are deceived on so many fronts. Our world would be totally different if it wasn’t engineered and controlled by the satanic cabal. People of the world want to live in harmony and peace. Our wars and social conflicts are engineered by evil forces.
Rev. 22:20
great movie. ending always gives me chills
May I suggest a watching of "The Manchurian Candidate"? (the 2004 version, directed by Jonathon Demme). There's also the original 1962 version with Frank Sinatra but I think Demme's version speaks more directly to us since it's more high-tech.
One takeaway from it - Demme never specifies political parties in his film. If you look, you can see that he uses red AND blue for the political things, implying the idea of a Uniparty.
I'll check it out. I watched the old version in school.
They tell us the truth through movies and media. They have to. It shocks me that more people on here haven’t truly awakened from the history of lies. Shows you how powerful their indoctrination is. Attack them conspiracy theorists with smug insults and empty “science”. You think The Great Awakening is only about Trump stuff, think again. We are ascending. Do your part and do the research before acting like a know-it-all who quotes their 3rd Grade teacher. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then back to sleep for you.
Great movie and along with The Majestic are my two favorite Jim Carrey movies. Many believe the simulation of a dome and controlled environment mimics the flat earth model. Of course we'll never know because they won't let us explore Antarctica and we don't have a rendering of earth from a great distance because everything NASA is complete total bullshit.
When Truman hits the edge of "earth" with his boat and takes a bow before he leaves out the side wall to meet that pretty lady was a great scene. That and when he starts to notice the "actors".
With all do respect how do you know? If so based on what, NASA? If NASA which is also a captured part of our government, how can you trust anything you've ever been told?
Now Jim Carrey in years past has mocked trips to the moon as total deceptive bs and I agree.
I say open up explorations into Antarctica and that will tell us a lot.
So is that your retort when you have none? Some kind of cuss word?
You're like me on this subject. We don't know.
Have a nice evening.
How do you explain a crescent moon?
I'll wait..
Like I said everything that has come from NASA is complete lies. You don't know, I don't know and no one knows with complete certainty how the moon works. It's one of the great mysteries.
Pepeblind. He loves his ball.
Indeed. They blatantly show us reality, but so few will believe it because they've been conned into accepting a BALL of lies. Thing about our ThunderDOME is that all men enter, no one leaves... at least not physically.
Yes it is a fascinating movie. The devil loves to brag about his deceptions and symbolism. Even the wall the boat crashed into was blue. Blue sky. Great movie. That was a big movie for Jim. Later a person loses their sanity and soul hanging out with these satanic pedos.
Yes -- Truman Show was completely ignored at Oscar time that year and it was actually THE film of Jim Carrey's that spectacularly deserved attention. He changed after that year. To me it seemed like punishment for having made the film, but you know the cabal knew he was making it. And now the murmurings are that Jim Carrey is the High Priest of the entire Church of Satan in Hollywood and that all the characters he has played in his other films were his various demons.
If you hang out with Satanists like the Kardashians or SatanWood it is not surprising to pick up a demon with the exception of a Spirit filled Christian.
Genesis 1-6
One of the best lines:
Lucy... you got some splainin' to do...
Also, "They're on a loop!"
Nice! Very insightful. 😎
This movie fucked up my 8 year old brain