Interesting thought. It would depend on the administrator that approved the hire. But in some schools I would not doubt this is happening. ESG is corp America exists
They have also forgotten that it's natural for kids to rebel against authority, no matter what that authority is. The rainbow guard is the authority currently. I can forsee many rebelling against it even more as they continue to try and ram it down our throats.
Most people on the more normal side of the psychological spectrum that they claim to protect and represent hate them.
Lesbians, gays, trans, the people who just want to fit in. The people who don't make a big deal about their sexuality. They tend to believe that these are private matters that is none of the public's business.
So when they're trying to jam it down children's throats, especially since the one commonality all western kids tend to have is that school is a chore, not fun and pointless anyway, just continues to turn it against them.
They're hated by their own kind...because they can't just let things be.
its also natural for kids (humans) to rebel against faggotry. This fat faggot thinks he's in hell because a bunch of kids make fun of him. Thats a facet of life for everyone. What a pussy.
The millennials were never bullied growing up, they received trophies for everything they ever did. They were taught that they could do no wrong and the world would always accept and love them.....
This is probably the first time this fag has ever been pushed back on about his beliefs. We all need a bit of childhood bullying, you either learn what is acceptable in society or learn to toughen up and accept the consequences of being an outlier.
And I am not saying bullying to the extent of physical abuse is ok, but getting made fun of on the playground is normal and helps shape who you are as an adult.
By their own actions they turned developing toleration into hatred. Things like this would not be happening if the gay mafia hadn't demanded that the rest of society treat them like privileged heroes. Things like this would not be happening if they maintained public decency and kept their goings on behind closed doors like other folks, but no, they have to get in your face with it. Going after the kids was the last straw. I do not feel sorry for this teacher. They did this to themselves by being jerks.
I view tolerance as not going out of one's way to be mean to people who are different. In no way am I suggesting that shameful behavior on display should be tolerated or that coercive behavior should be ignored. I think people should stand up speak the truth, even if the ones hearing it think it's brutal.
That aside, I must say that you're right. They had a plan. Toleration was the first step to move us to acceptance and then to marginalization of natural affection and sexuality, as if being normal isn't normal at all, and then they openly started to attack the natural human family structure itself as not being necessary for the raising of children.
Of course, this is more than just a group making the unreasonable demand that we celebrate them in all their Skittle colors. It's part of a bigger plan that the communists in our national institutions have been working a long time. The breakdown of established mores and social structures is a fundamental communist tactic, and that began here in the 1960s and 70s. They couldn't have gotten the population to accept homosexuality as something normal without first doing that.
In any case, the trend is now going the other way on this issue because they pushed people over the edge by being militant about it, and the momentum is building. I'm pretty confident that the future will not be a moral wasteland where no one knows what language they're speaking. The future belongs to us, the sensible who reject absurdity and don't use made-up words to identify people.
By faggotry, you mean authoritative types trying to force their will on all of us, right?
Cause if you mean homos, you're wrong. Most lgbtqrslmnop whatever types just want the same thing we do: to be left alone and live their lives in peace.
As a gay... I don't think that's true. I only even mention that I'm gay because as a gay I know alot of them and alot of them ... actually MOST of them are faggots that absolutely would stick you in a gulag for daring to say you don't like them.
Some want to live their lives in peace. But most want to live their lives destroying everyone else's lives "in peace" ... which is NOT the fucking same thing.
"Toleration," is either good or evil in direct proportion to the goodness or evil that a person is asked to tolerate.
They play childish word games with the language and demand the public agree.
Toleration now means tolerate WHAT THEY DO. Nothing else qualifies.
Homosexuality is now "gay," a good happy positive thing. It is no longer sodomy, the proper legal term.
They even create word constructs that are not words. "homophobic," is not a word. It is a construct with a conclusion. A phobia is a mental illness. Anyone who thinks sodomy should not be taught to children as a good thing is automatically mentally ill.
This mental illness category also includes God, and the sacred scriptures of every moral/religious system that has existed from the beginning of time to the present. The behavior is even condemned in The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
It isn't necessarily evil to tolerate and evil person in the sense of being kind, but you make a vary good point about what it is they demand we tolerate.
What you said about their words is also a good point that should be brought up often. It was an effective tactic to mess with the language, but even though things have gotten to where they are, we should never let them vomit up the word salad without challenging them. The trick is to do that firmly without descending to their level of vitriol. As for being kind, repaying evil with good never means we don't tell them the truth when it might hurt their feelings, which is how they stopped the mouths of the timid (also a tactic). Jesus never spared the feelings of the Pharisees or even His own disciples when He was telling them the truth.
They get feisty because they want to provoke a reaction so they can deflect their own guilt have the baseless justification to say, "See? See? You're just a hateful bigot!" But they have no way to handle a person who can speak the truth firmly without an emotional display, and their own accusations will accuse them. You might hope to convince them in a moment of revelation, but that isn't the primary issue in a confrontation. The primary issue is telling them the truth. Jesus had hope that his disciples would heed it because they were goodhearted to begin with, but He had no such expectations for the Pharisees who wanted to kill Him. He told the truth to them anyway, and it sealed their fate when they wouldn't listen.
Even so, we should tailor our message to the audience. It helps to have the discernment to know who are the true swine and who might be ready to leave the pig trough.
i fucking wish i was back in grade school. we assholes made good, well meaning teachers cry on occasion (which i completely regret). I'd love to have 8 hours a day where these blue haired freaks are stuck with me.
The kids are bullying again. This communist sexual deviant grew up in the generation of everyone gets a trophy, that are now leaving college and entering the workforce and fucking everything up.
The next generation, seeing how badly these degenerate 20 year olds are fucking our entire culture up, really more conservative. This is immense proof, with that many upvotes you know many more of these communists have also been shit on by kids.
This is great. The young generation is based. lol.
I wonder if this is real, and if so, what city/state. If it’s even remotely close in proximity to a blue or moderate/mainstream area, then this is HUGE progress. It means kids are beginning to reject the forced indoctrination.
As much as I detest what has become of this world and the openly authoritarian edicts and attitudes, most of us truly would not realize what’s been taking in place in schools, and why generations of children have become so fucked up.
Maybe a school isn't the appropriate place to be promoting sexuality clubs? Call me crazy but maybe just STFU and teach reading, writing, math, science and history?
Why do we allow these mentally ill teachers near our kids? They are mentally ill sexual predators and have no business being around impressionable children.
Please tell me they took this bs in front of 12 year olds lmao. Me and my brothers and friends back then would've had this thing covered in tears and shame within 2 minutes guaranteed.
Good. Fuck you. You're not there to teach your idea of morals. You're there to teach the facts.
2+2 is 4. 100% of people who consumes dihydrogen monoxide dies. Murder and thievery is against the law. Taxation is theft. The Constitution is the immutable law of the land, and the highest thereof. Language. Punctuation and grammar.
Not sex. Not sexuality. This is the slippery slope that people were concerned about when it came to sex ed being taught in schools.
Maybe just teach the subject you are paid to teach and leave your gay pride flag at home? Ever think of that, fat boy?
Maybe that WAS what he was paid to teach.
Interesting thought. It would depend on the administrator that approved the hire. But in some schools I would not doubt this is happening. ESG is corp America exists
This teacher just realized the real world isn't protected by biased reddit mods and bots.
They have also forgotten that it's natural for kids to rebel against authority, no matter what that authority is. The rainbow guard is the authority currently. I can forsee many rebelling against it even more as they continue to try and ram it down our throats.
Most people on the more normal side of the psychological spectrum that they claim to protect and represent hate them.
Lesbians, gays, trans, the people who just want to fit in. The people who don't make a big deal about their sexuality. They tend to believe that these are private matters that is none of the public's business.
So when they're trying to jam it down children's throats, especially since the one commonality all western kids tend to have is that school is a chore, not fun and pointless anyway, just continues to turn it against them.
They're hated by their own kind...because they can't just let things be.
its also natural for kids (humans) to rebel against faggotry. This fat faggot thinks he's in hell because a bunch of kids make fun of him. Thats a facet of life for everyone. What a pussy.
The millennials were never bullied growing up, they received trophies for everything they ever did. They were taught that they could do no wrong and the world would always accept and love them.....
This is probably the first time this fag has ever been pushed back on about his beliefs. We all need a bit of childhood bullying, you either learn what is acceptable in society or learn to toughen up and accept the consequences of being an outlier.
And I am not saying bullying to the extent of physical abuse is ok, but getting made fun of on the playground is normal and helps shape who you are as an adult.
Hope the door slams her fat @ss on her way out!
Gender assuming and fat shaming, how dare you, reeee! :)
'toe the line', not 'tow the line'.
Otherwise great post, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.
By their own actions they turned developing toleration into hatred. Things like this would not be happening if the gay mafia hadn't demanded that the rest of society treat them like privileged heroes. Things like this would not be happening if they maintained public decency and kept their goings on behind closed doors like other folks, but no, they have to get in your face with it. Going after the kids was the last straw. I do not feel sorry for this teacher. They did this to themselves by being jerks.
Tolerating their bullshit in the first place is what got us into this mess. Faggotry is a societal cancer and shouldn't be tolerated.
I view tolerance as not going out of one's way to be mean to people who are different. In no way am I suggesting that shameful behavior on display should be tolerated or that coercive behavior should be ignored. I think people should stand up speak the truth, even if the ones hearing it think it's brutal.
That aside, I must say that you're right. They had a plan. Toleration was the first step to move us to acceptance and then to marginalization of natural affection and sexuality, as if being normal isn't normal at all, and then they openly started to attack the natural human family structure itself as not being necessary for the raising of children.
Of course, this is more than just a group making the unreasonable demand that we celebrate them in all their Skittle colors. It's part of a bigger plan that the communists in our national institutions have been working a long time. The breakdown of established mores and social structures is a fundamental communist tactic, and that began here in the 1960s and 70s. They couldn't have gotten the population to accept homosexuality as something normal without first doing that.
In any case, the trend is now going the other way on this issue because they pushed people over the edge by being militant about it, and the momentum is building. I'm pretty confident that the future will not be a moral wasteland where no one knows what language they're speaking. The future belongs to us, the sensible who reject absurdity and don't use made-up words to identify people.
I agree!
By faggotry, you mean authoritative types trying to force their will on all of us, right?
Cause if you mean homos, you're wrong. Most lgbtqrslmnop whatever types just want the same thing we do: to be left alone and live their lives in peace.
As a gay... I don't think that's true. I only even mention that I'm gay because as a gay I know alot of them and alot of them ... actually MOST of them are faggots that absolutely would stick you in a gulag for daring to say you don't like them.
Some want to live their lives in peace. But most want to live their lives destroying everyone else's lives "in peace" ... which is NOT the fucking same thing.
The slippery slope is real and the current state of clown world is evidence of that.
You mean to be left alone to their grooming activities and have disease ridden pride parades?
"Toleration," is either good or evil in direct proportion to the goodness or evil that a person is asked to tolerate.
They play childish word games with the language and demand the public agree.
Toleration now means tolerate WHAT THEY DO. Nothing else qualifies.
Homosexuality is now "gay," a good happy positive thing. It is no longer sodomy, the proper legal term.
They even create word constructs that are not words. "homophobic," is not a word. It is a construct with a conclusion. A phobia is a mental illness. Anyone who thinks sodomy should not be taught to children as a good thing is automatically mentally ill.
This mental illness category also includes God, and the sacred scriptures of every moral/religious system that has existed from the beginning of time to the present. The behavior is even condemned in The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Well said this - should have many more updoots!
It isn't necessarily evil to tolerate and evil person in the sense of being kind, but you make a vary good point about what it is they demand we tolerate.
What you said about their words is also a good point that should be brought up often. It was an effective tactic to mess with the language, but even though things have gotten to where they are, we should never let them vomit up the word salad without challenging them. The trick is to do that firmly without descending to their level of vitriol. As for being kind, repaying evil with good never means we don't tell them the truth when it might hurt their feelings, which is how they stopped the mouths of the timid (also a tactic). Jesus never spared the feelings of the Pharisees or even His own disciples when He was telling them the truth.
They get feisty because they want to provoke a reaction so they can deflect their own guilt have the baseless justification to say, "See? See? You're just a hateful bigot!" But they have no way to handle a person who can speak the truth firmly without an emotional display, and their own accusations will accuse them. You might hope to convince them in a moment of revelation, but that isn't the primary issue in a confrontation. The primary issue is telling them the truth. Jesus had hope that his disciples would heed it because they were goodhearted to begin with, but He had no such expectations for the Pharisees who wanted to kill Him. He told the truth to them anyway, and it sealed their fate when they wouldn't listen.
Even so, we should tailor our message to the audience. It helps to have the discernment to know who are the true swine and who might be ready to leave the pig trough.
Hear hear. Youre absolutely right
Poor baby. Hit the fucking bricks, you pedophile groomer!
The more we hear about the teachers being fucking nuts the more I seem to hear about how kids are fucking based.
The future is bright.
Hard times create strong ones and all that.
Kids hate school.
When school starts trying to teach a subject that is stupid and unengaging, kids will dislike it.
It's a natural thing in the west.
Teacher is baffled.
i fucking wish i was back in grade school. we assholes made good, well meaning teachers cry on occasion (which i completely regret). I'd love to have 8 hours a day where these blue haired freaks are stuck with me.
Hell ya! Teacher here, and we dont want you in our ranks. Vile, dusgusting piece of trash for exactly what groomers deserve.......for a first step.
Dont bring your sex life to school you degenerate.
You know what’s happening here?
The kids are bullying again. This communist sexual deviant grew up in the generation of everyone gets a trophy, that are now leaving college and entering the workforce and fucking everything up.
The next generation, seeing how badly these degenerate 20 year olds are fucking our entire culture up, really more conservative. This is immense proof, with that many upvotes you know many more of these communists have also been shit on by kids.
This is great. The young generation is based. lol.
The kids aren’t buying the bullschiff your peddling and it’s the kids fault? Typical leftist POS
Good Riddance Bad Rubbish!
This is MAGA!! Buh bye.
Public schools just got a tiny bit better.
Real life is not twatter or pRedditor.
And nothing of value was lost.
I wonder if this is real, and if so, what city/state. If it’s even remotely close in proximity to a blue or moderate/mainstream area, then this is HUGE progress. It means kids are beginning to reject the forced indoctrination.
As much as I detest what has become of this world and the openly authoritarian edicts and attitudes, most of us truly would not realize what’s been taking in place in schools, and why generations of children have become so fucked up.
In the comments, the original poster says Tulsa area of Oklahoma.
Good we don't want to see any more groomers in our schools.
Goodbye FAGGOT!
In before you get downvoted by whiteknighting faggots.
So the kids don't want to answer to a pedophile? What amazing kids.
Maybe a school isn't the appropriate place to be promoting sexuality clubs? Call me crazy but maybe just STFU and teach reading, writing, math, science and history?
Why do we allow these mentally ill teachers near our kids? They are mentally ill sexual predators and have no business being around impressionable children.
Baaaa haaahahahaha
Kids know you aren't a teacher. Imposter and ridiculous. Sorry you arent cut out to teach.
Please tell me they took this bs in front of 12 year olds lmao. Me and my brothers and friends back then would've had this thing covered in tears and shame within 2 minutes guaranteed.
I also note...
Its NOT working on the kids. Its just making them HATE gays.
Its almost like people, even young "impressionable" ones, don't like stuff being shoved down their throats and told to comply or else.
Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya
This is awesome ! Kids deserve and award
Based kids. I wonder if this was high school, junior/middle or elementary school. And if it really happened.
even the kids are sick of their pedo shit
Looks like parents are doing their jobs
Good. Fuck you. You're not there to teach your idea of morals. You're there to teach the facts.
2+2 is 4. 100% of people who consumes dihydrogen monoxide dies. Murder and thievery is against the law. Taxation is theft. The Constitution is the immutable law of the land, and the highest thereof. Language. Punctuation and grammar.
Not sex. Not sexuality. This is the slippery slope that people were concerned about when it came to sex ed being taught in schools.