Monarchies are so G.O.T. and about where loyalties lie. The fact is that KC always wanted to slim down the Monarchy. It has been no secret. Did those employees really think a slimmed downed Monarchy would need all those estates fully staffed? Most of the people being let go are staff from Clarence House.
Maybe your computer is hacked and you were directed to a different article.
"Up to 100 employees at the King’s former official residence, including some who have worked there for decades, received notification that they could lose their jobs just as they were working round the clock to smooth his elevation to the throne."
It was the combination of the OP header and sloppy reading that brought me to that conclusion 😳
Don’t know why I’m voted down, it’s an honest mistake, that even OP did.
Because GAW has turned into Reddit. You should have been here for the first 6 months of this sites existence, it was glorious. Real research was being done, real conversations were had. Unfortunately the people actually interested in discussion left at the same time as memes being stickied and silly videos of females bitching at their cameras in their cars started.
I agree with you and u/scurfie. However, it seems like the cutting-edge research posts are decreasing. For the life of me, I don't know why u/Heldiggrisen was down-voted. I really don't know what to make of it except the down-voting tends to be abusive. Is this why? As a personal rule, I will never name call, nor will I down-vote anyone. I'll only seek to understand the other person's thesis and position. I may disagree, but I will always respect the other person's position. In the end, we must always remember the purpose of GAW and as being an active part to the Great Awakening. As an avid reader of the posts here on GAW, it is from these differing views that I have learned so much. An individual's posting and their thoughts is what truly inspires me. As an old-timer, I thank God everyday that so many people here help me to learn more. I've said this before and I'll state it again-- I could have a thousand academic degrees, but the sum of all these don't equate to the thoughts and writings I have found here at GAW. All of you have been helpful to me. You are the news. It gives me comfort that there are [many] other people out there having similar thoughts as mine too. WWG1WGA.
As one who believes in the one true God, and I think nothing happens by chance, we must be patient during these slow trying times. Calm before the storm?
Fascinating analysis. Reddit, hmm. Not a good thing! Real research was going down, you say? Then people stopped digging, researching, and decoding, and got lazy, started posting sporadically—like, say, just every few months—focusing instead on just low effort whinging and complaining and snarky comments, you mean that sort of thing? This place would be better without those losers, wouldn't you agree?
Oops. I just looked at your post history. THAT'S YOU!
Ponder your existence for a week.
I've added notes on your account. Come back as a STAR researcher or meme lord or I'll make this vacation permanent.
Some decided that the real and only TRUTH is found in the written Word of God, It's ALIVE! And as they researched more realized the need to draw closer to, ask for forgiveness and receive the Word, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior! Get to know Him and share in eternal life.FACT: He took upon Himself human form, born as a baby and lived on as a man who lived a sinless life. FACT: His atoning death and finally, FACT: His resurrection from the dead. One Fact more important than all the other facts: Jesus Rose From The Dead based firmly in history. Great TRUTH!! Jesus was a man, He became flesh and blood so that He might die our death, and in dying our death, He would break the power of the one who had the power over us. That is the devil. His ultimate purpose was liberation through identification with us.
Do you identify with Christ or the Devil? Eternal life and freedom or Hell and eternal enslavement. It is a decision we all need to make. I feel all of these bad actors, corrupt politicians, Deep State Cabal etc. are being given more than enough time to tell the truth and turn from their wicked ways and time is up! Many have refused. It is as simple as Good vs. evil..... that is what this is all about. It doesn't matter which area that you want to dive into to do your research, sooner or later you are able to see the devil in the details, he is a liar, the author of deception, he wants to steal kill and destroy.....after awhile you can see it more clearly and more quickly that he roams this earth that we Christians are in but not of. God Almighty is Intervening because this is way beyond any man's ability to solve. All praise and honor and glory be to Him. We have already won! **** Revelation 12:11****. And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death [holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing].
…The portfolio of work previously undertaken in this household supporting the former Prince of Wales’s personal interests, former activities and household operations will no longer be carried out…
Go on. What “interests” and “activities” could THOSE be? Are we trimming the little sir jimmy saviles out…or replacing them?
😻I do hope this staff anger produces a wave of whistleblowers that make life miserable for the royal abusers.
A person with an ounce of class; knows there is a time and a place for passing along bad news - career ending bad news.
Your mother's funeral service is neither the time, nor the place.
This is an unnecessarily public, sadistic and self-promoting way to tell England exactly who their new ruler is - and why Queen Elizabeth did not abdicate her throne; because she knew the psychopaths waiting in line behind her.
Up to 100 employees at the King’s former official residence, including some who have worked there for decades, received notification that they could lose their jobs just as they were working round the clock to smooth his elevation to the throne.
Is it time for some tell all books? kek
Stupid move.
And here I thought he was just born that way.
Monarchies are so G.O.T. and about where loyalties lie. The fact is that KC always wanted to slim down the Monarchy. It has been no secret. Did those employees really think a slimmed downed Monarchy would need all those estates fully staffed? Most of the people being let go are staff from Clarence House.
they were too old probably
Actually, it sounds like he's firing his own current staff, and retaining the staff that previously worked for the queen. Still a dick move.
I read it the other way around; firing the Queens staff, replacing them with his own.
Maybe your computer is hacked and you were directed to a different article.
"Up to 100 employees at the King’s former official residence, including some who have worked there for decades, received notification that they could lose their jobs just as they were working round the clock to smooth his elevation to the throne."
It was the combination of the OP header and sloppy reading that brought me to that conclusion 😳 Don’t know why I’m voted down, it’s an honest mistake, that even OP did.
Because GAW has turned into Reddit. You should have been here for the first 6 months of this sites existence, it was glorious. Real research was being done, real conversations were had. Unfortunately the people actually interested in discussion left at the same time as memes being stickied and silly videos of females bitching at their cameras in their cars started.
I think this site still has some cutting-edge research posts.
I agree with you and u/scurfie. However, it seems like the cutting-edge research posts are decreasing. For the life of me, I don't know why u/Heldiggrisen was down-voted. I really don't know what to make of it except the down-voting tends to be abusive. Is this why? As a personal rule, I will never name call, nor will I down-vote anyone. I'll only seek to understand the other person's thesis and position. I may disagree, but I will always respect the other person's position. In the end, we must always remember the purpose of GAW and as being an active part to the Great Awakening. As an avid reader of the posts here on GAW, it is from these differing views that I have learned so much. An individual's posting and their thoughts is what truly inspires me. As an old-timer, I thank God everyday that so many people here help me to learn more. I've said this before and I'll state it again-- I could have a thousand academic degrees, but the sum of all these don't equate to the thoughts and writings I have found here at GAW. All of you have been helpful to me. You are the news. It gives me comfort that there are [many] other people out there having similar thoughts as mine too. WWG1WGA.
Very well written. I couldn't agree more!
As one who believes in the one true God, and I think nothing happens by chance, we must be patient during these slow trying times. Calm before the storm?
Fascinating analysis. Reddit, hmm. Not a good thing! Real research was going down, you say? Then people stopped digging, researching, and decoding, and got lazy, started posting sporadically—like, say, just every few months—focusing instead on just low effort whinging and complaining and snarky comments, you mean that sort of thing? This place would be better without those losers, wouldn't you agree?
Oops. I just looked at your post history. THAT'S YOU!
Ponder your existence for a week.
I've added notes on your account. Come back as a STAR researcher or meme lord or I'll make this vacation permanent.
Where did the researchers go?
Some decided that the real and only TRUTH is found in the written Word of God, It's ALIVE! And as they researched more realized the need to draw closer to, ask for forgiveness and receive the Word, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior! Get to know Him and share in eternal life.FACT: He took upon Himself human form, born as a baby and lived on as a man who lived a sinless life. FACT: His atoning death and finally, FACT: His resurrection from the dead. One Fact more important than all the other facts: Jesus Rose From The Dead based firmly in history. Great TRUTH!! Jesus was a man, He became flesh and blood so that He might die our death, and in dying our death, He would break the power of the one who had the power over us. That is the devil. His ultimate purpose was liberation through identification with us. Do you identify with Christ or the Devil? Eternal life and freedom or Hell and eternal enslavement. It is a decision we all need to make. I feel all of these bad actors, corrupt politicians, Deep State Cabal etc. are being given more than enough time to tell the truth and turn from their wicked ways and time is up! Many have refused. It is as simple as Good vs. evil..... that is what this is all about. It doesn't matter which area that you want to dive into to do your research, sooner or later you are able to see the devil in the details, he is a liar, the author of deception, he wants to steal kill and destroy.....after awhile you can see it more clearly and more quickly that he roams this earth that we Christians are in but not of. God Almighty is Intervening because this is way beyond any man's ability to solve. All praise and honor and glory be to Him. We have already won! **** Revelation 12:11****. And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death [holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing].
Just jokes, fren. All good. I'm guilty too of skimming through posts sometimes and getting the wrong impression.
I think the "King's former official residence" is the important part here, specifically the "former" part.
Haven't these poeple seen Game of thrones?
Problem! My copy didn't have a final chapter. What do
They should consider themselves lucky in some ancient cultures the King or Queen took their servants with them into the afterlife.
Well, it's a good thing Charles is king, because he would've made a lousy diplomat.
Monarchs gonna monarch.
Then they all die in the same auto accident....
Sounds like PANIC
LOL guess who could give 2 shits about any of them...THIS GUY! Fuck the "royal" family and fuck the dead lizard queen!
Go on. What “interests” and “activities” could THOSE be? Are we trimming the little sir jimmy saviles out…or replacing them?
😻I do hope this staff anger produces a wave of whistleblowers that make life miserable for the royal abusers.
Charles seems a bit autistic
Or, you could imagine alternative headlines:
New King refuses to fire staff who are no longer required. King wastes £millions on unnecessary staff.
A person with an ounce of class; knows there is a time and a place for passing along bad news - career ending bad news.
Your mother's funeral service is neither the time, nor the place.
This is an unnecessarily public, sadistic and self-promoting way to tell England exactly who their new ruler is - and why Queen Elizabeth did not abdicate her throne; because she knew the psychopaths waiting in line behind her.
Well that is quite a lot of staff for a “figurehead”.
There's nothing for them to do.
He takes over the Queen's staff.
This article makes it sound worse than it is.
It's normal.
To be fair I would do the same thing if I was in the same position. Lots of the servants love the Queen.