Joe Biden himself said in February 2022 "Nord Stream will end" if Russia moves into Ukraine with tanks and armed men. When asked how he was going to do that, he responded saying--" I promise you we're able to do it". And NeoCon Victoria Nuland preceded Biden in January by publicly stating the same thing. To me, you can't be any clearer than that. The United States has been planning the sabotage of Nord Stream for a while now. Biden is really taking his orders from the WEF and Klaus Schwabb. Biden does what the uni-polar financial order tells him to do. I believe this is a NATO operation. NATO member States were briefed on it and participated in the sabotage. Ukraine personnel may have been trained to set the detonations, but were transported by American naval ships. There may be some plausible deniability using UkroNazis. However, NATO member Poland was most certainly involved.
In 2021, while Nord Stream 2 was still being build, the Polish navy had interfered and endangered the pipe laying vessels in the very same place. Poland has reacted angrily to President Joe Biden’s decision to waive US sanctions on Nord Stream II, warning the move could threaten energy security across Central and Eastern Europe.
“The information is definitely not positive from the security point of view, as we know perfectly that Nord Stream II is not only a business project – it is mostly a geopolitical project,” said Piotr Muller, a spokesman for the Polish government.
Poland has shown us clear motivation for destroying Germany's industry. It appears the German government had no issue with Poland's act of shutting down LP imports to Germany though. During the developing Ukraine crisis Poland rejected to receive Russian gas. It closed the Yamal pipeline that transports natural gas from Russia to Germany. This screwed Germany from receiving LP gas from Russia. Poland didn't care. Why? In addition, Poland continued to consume Russia gas. It received it from Germany which had received it through the Nord Stream I pipeline from Russia. Also, The U.S. allegedly warned Germany of sabotage of the Nord Stream system (in German). Poland has been showing great hostility toward Germany and now it demands $1.3 trillion in WWII reparations after consistently waiving further reparations from Germany since 1956. NATO appears to be at war with the German people.
Poland and Denmark have build a new sub sea pipeline which connects it to the pipeline that brings Norwegian gas to the Netherlands and Europe. The pipeline was opened yesterday, the very same day the Nord Stream system was sabotaged. Coincidence?
Was Ukro-nazis used as scapegoats hiding behind NATO orders?
The WEF installed German chancellor, Olaf Scholz was ordered by NATO and the EU to shut down Russian LP imports. When he did so, prices sky-rocketed. Germany is viewed as the wild card in the war against Russia. The German public started protesting, German industry leaders like BASF pushed back and warned that they would be forced to shut down if energy prices were continued to rise. The protests grew and were beginning to sway Scholz to back down on banning Russian energy imports. Then BOOM, BOOM, and BOOM. Three massive explosions occur and three massive ruptures to both Nord Stream pipelines occur. Each one recorded by Swedish seismologists and determined to having the signatures of massive detonations. The very same day, Poland and Denmark announce the opening of the Norwegian LP pipeline which connects the Norwegian gas to Poland. Now the Warsaw government has leverage over all of Germany's industry. How does one control an economic giant like Germany? Now Germany is thought to be no longer a wild card in the uni-polar financial war that uses NATO to make war against the Russian led multi-polar financial system of BRICS. Where Germany goes, so does the EU.
There is NO possibility the leaks were caused by some natural anomaly. The construction of these pipes themselves tell us otherwise. These pipelines are extremely robust and would withstand even powerful earthquakes. The steel pipe itself has a wall of 1-5/8 inches, and it's coated with another 2-3/8 to 4-5/16 in. of steel-reinforced concrete. Each section of the pipe weighs 11 tons, which goes to 24-25 tons after the concrete is applied.
Who benefits from this? NATO does more so than any individual government. Albeit, Poland, Who doesn't benefit?
A week or so ago on intelslavaz there was a picture of one or two kayak looking drone subs with explosives, one was caught in the wild by the Russians and the other washed up on shore. It’s a possibility something like this was used on the lines
No it's not. There was an article either on here or on some German site I was reading today that had pictures of it, and talked about it. The drone boat can go only slightly below the surface because of the engine and the satellite antenna. It has camera(s) on top that look like a periscope, there is an engine compartment behind the camera(s) and the (likely) Starlink antenna is behind the engine. The whole thing is basically a bigger version of a kid's radio-controlled boat - with explosives.
There is no way that thing could go down underwater far enough to run into that pipeline, and even if it could go fully underwater it would've lost satellite signal before it ever got near the pipeline.
Those boats were pretty cool, but the best they can do is run into a boat to detonate.
There are probably other drones that could do it, but not these things.
That said - one thing everyone is ignoring is this could actually have been done with people using those things you hold onto underwater that have propellers that zip you through the water. The explosives could have been set manually. Probably not likely, but it is possible.
The boats did look like kayaks though - that was my first thought too.
As drone descends it communicates with repeater on surface, repeater communicates with satellite.
After demo, repeater is sent signal from satellite to open a hatch and flood the system with water, bringing it to the bottom of the ocean.. basically lost forever.
There have been reports of a US P8 (subhunter) aircraft in the area
Why would we ne doing that if it were our own people setting explosives. We would already know their whereabouts. I think maybe we heard chatter then went looking. We probably have the dirt on who it was, just holding it for future use. Why else would we even know to send a P8 to the area.
Yep. Ask this question, "What scenario would be best for the US, the UK, and NATO?" (Not directly involved)
In June of this year NATO trained Ukrainians on how to operate submersible vehicles, and they provided six of them to Ukraibe. I believe it was primarily the US and UK.
US and Ukraine are currently synonymous. Along with NATO. It’s coming to our attention that until we get Trump back in office to clean up the mess, we are dealing with axis evils vs the ally’s of Russia, China, India, and apparently Africa. Until we clean house, we don’t get to join the winning side.
Trump gets Germany and Italy to divulge the election interference, prosecute those responsible in those countries (including in the UK), put out an Interpol red notice for Biden and the rest of his people that facilitated our election fruad, and help us eliminate the DS operatives in their territory. We patrol the new pipeline, guarantee free passage, agree not to hold Germany and Italy citizens responsible for what their government/deep state did, and when Trump is back we make sure they have energy once we get ours back.
This would track with the new Italian leader election. Think Germany would be on board (because of the energy squeeze?) Or did their new deal with UAE (mentioned earlier in this thread) eliminate pressure?
You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.
We will DECLAS.
We will shine LIGHT.
Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.
[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.
I appreciate Joe stating his feelings. Just like the Ukraine aid money/SONOFABITCH statement, Biden put his foot down and let everyone know he is not to be played with. He can stand by that, and the rest of the world knows how they need to treat him.
From which country or countries the assets came from to blow up Nordstream does not matter. The evil perpetrated throughout the world has only one origin-- the pedo death cult that has infiltrated every one of our governments. This death cult doesnt recognize borders, only their Nazi World Order. Putin understands this and it is why he blames the Dems in power for the bioactivity in Ukraine and not the Nation of the United States itself.
We didn't do it, no reason to, but we will get the blame in a setup for receiving the bill for the entire Ukrainian war effort, after all it was Nuland's, "I was just following orders," 2014 Coup D'Etat that installed the Ukrainian leadership, so now we must pay for the entire Ukraine makeover. But never fear, those who installed the USA leadership are going to have pay a much much bigger and grander bill ... in fact the "bill" of all "bill's." Count on it, Trump and Q are on it.
Joe Biden himself said in February 2022 "Nord Stream will end" if Russia moves into Ukraine with tanks and armed men. When asked how he was going to do that, he responded saying--" I promise you we're able to do it". And NeoCon Victoria Nuland preceded Biden in January by publicly stating the same thing. To me, you can't be any clearer than that. The United States has been planning the sabotage of Nord Stream for a while now. Biden is really taking his orders from the WEF and Klaus Schwabb. Biden does what the uni-polar financial order tells him to do. I believe this is a NATO operation. NATO member States were briefed on it and participated in the sabotage. Ukraine personnel may have been trained to set the detonations, but were transported by American naval ships. There may be some plausible deniability using UkroNazis. However, NATO member Poland was most certainly involved.
In 2021, while Nord Stream 2 was still being build, the Polish navy had interfered and endangered the pipe laying vessels in the very same place. Poland has reacted angrily to President Joe Biden’s decision to waive US sanctions on Nord Stream II, warning the move could threaten energy security across Central and Eastern Europe.
“The information is definitely not positive from the security point of view, as we know perfectly that Nord Stream II is not only a business project – it is mostly a geopolitical project,” said Piotr Muller, a spokesman for the Polish government.
Poland has shown us clear motivation for destroying Germany's industry. It appears the German government had no issue with Poland's act of shutting down LP imports to Germany though. During the developing Ukraine crisis Poland rejected to receive Russian gas. It closed the Yamal pipeline that transports natural gas from Russia to Germany. This screwed Germany from receiving LP gas from Russia. Poland didn't care. Why? In addition, Poland continued to consume Russia gas. It received it from Germany which had received it through the Nord Stream I pipeline from Russia. Also, The U.S. allegedly warned Germany of sabotage of the Nord Stream system (in German). Poland has been showing great hostility toward Germany and now it demands $1.3 trillion in WWII reparations after consistently waiving further reparations from Germany since 1956. NATO appears to be at war with the German people.
Poland and Denmark have build a new sub sea pipeline which connects it to the pipeline that brings Norwegian gas to the Netherlands and Europe. The pipeline was opened yesterday, the very same day the Nord Stream system was sabotaged. Coincidence?
Was Ukro-nazis used as scapegoats hiding behind NATO orders?
Germany no longer wants any russian gas nor does any country in europe for that matter.
Only reason for the CIA to do this was to draw the nordic countries more to the war, seems futile ase they are all in allready.
So why would russia destroy their own pipeline ? Fear tacticts ? Does not make a lot of sense.
The pipeslines werent even in use anymore... No one in europe wants any communist gas.
Right Germans want to buy USA gas at 10x the price instead. Not the smartest generation of Krauts are they. Glory to the USA! Get outta here shill.
Russia is communist?
Probably still thinks it's the Soviet Union.
Its amazing. That and the Putins a dictator nonsense.
Tell your boss you need more practice.
You're absolutely TERRIBLE at producing anything remotely believable.
The WEF installed German chancellor, Olaf Scholz was ordered by NATO and the EU to shut down Russian LP imports. When he did so, prices sky-rocketed. Germany is viewed as the wild card in the war against Russia. The German public started protesting, German industry leaders like BASF pushed back and warned that they would be forced to shut down if energy prices were continued to rise. The protests grew and were beginning to sway Scholz to back down on banning Russian energy imports. Then BOOM, BOOM, and BOOM. Three massive explosions occur and three massive ruptures to both Nord Stream pipelines occur. Each one recorded by Swedish seismologists and determined to having the signatures of massive detonations. The very same day, Poland and Denmark announce the opening of the Norwegian LP pipeline which connects the Norwegian gas to Poland. Now the Warsaw government has leverage over all of Germany's industry. How does one control an economic giant like Germany? Now Germany is thought to be no longer a wild card in the uni-polar financial war that uses NATO to make war against the Russian led multi-polar financial system of BRICS. Where Germany goes, so does the EU.
There is NO possibility the leaks were caused by some natural anomaly. The construction of these pipes themselves tell us otherwise. These pipelines are extremely robust and would withstand even powerful earthquakes. The steel pipe itself has a wall of 1-5/8 inches, and it's coated with another 2-3/8 to 4-5/16 in. of steel-reinforced concrete. Each section of the pipe weighs 11 tons, which goes to 24-25 tons after the concrete is applied.
Who benefits from this? NATO does more so than any individual government. Albeit, Poland, Who doesn't benefit?
Deep state did it (nost likely).
Whether it was US, UK, or Ukraine operatives, or mercs is irrelevant.
Its the same bosses
The flag doesn’t matter if it’s false….
Russia did not reinstate a draft. Russia did a partial mobilization by calling up reserves.
Thank you for correcting me. Clarification is super, my fault - I should have researched better
You need to be more subtle shill.
Thats what Ukraine did... Putin called up 300k reservists. I
A week or so ago on intelslavaz there was a picture of one or two kayak looking drone subs with explosives, one was caught in the wild by the Russians and the other washed up on shore. It’s a possibility something like this was used on the lines
No it's not. There was an article either on here or on some German site I was reading today that had pictures of it, and talked about it. The drone boat can go only slightly below the surface because of the engine and the satellite antenna. It has camera(s) on top that look like a periscope, there is an engine compartment behind the camera(s) and the (likely) Starlink antenna is behind the engine. The whole thing is basically a bigger version of a kid's radio-controlled boat - with explosives.
There is no way that thing could go down underwater far enough to run into that pipeline, and even if it could go fully underwater it would've lost satellite signal before it ever got near the pipeline.
Those boats were pretty cool, but the best they can do is run into a boat to detonate.
There are probably other drones that could do it, but not these things.
That said - one thing everyone is ignoring is this could actually have been done with people using those things you hold onto underwater that have propellers that zip you through the water. The explosives could have been set manually. Probably not likely, but it is possible.
The boats did look like kayaks though - that was my first thought too.
Want a work around?
Drone drops a repeater on the surface.
As drone descends it communicates with repeater on surface, repeater communicates with satellite.
After demo, repeater is sent signal from satellite to open a hatch and flood the system with water, bringing it to the bottom of the ocean.. basically lost forever.
There have been reports of a US P8 (subhunter) aircraft in the area Why would we ne doing that if it were our own people setting explosives. We would already know their whereabouts. I think maybe we heard chatter then went looking. We probably have the dirt on who it was, just holding it for future use. Why else would we even know to send a P8 to the area.
Yep. Ask this question, "What scenario would be best for the US, the UK, and NATO?" (Not directly involved)
In June of this year NATO trained Ukrainians on how to operate submersible vehicles, and they provided six of them to Ukraibe. I believe it was primarily the US and UK.
The current US admin is being blamed. Which is deep state.
US and Ukraine are currently synonymous. Along with NATO. It’s coming to our attention that until we get Trump back in office to clean up the mess, we are dealing with axis evils vs the ally’s of Russia, China, India, and apparently Africa. Until we clean house, we don’t get to join the winning side.
Until we clean house? You saw when happened in 2020 right?
Trump was up by almost 800k votes in Pennsylvania after midnight and then you know what happened. Same with all those other “swing states”.
How do we clean house?
Trump gets Germany and Italy to divulge the election interference, prosecute those responsible in those countries (including in the UK), put out an Interpol red notice for Biden and the rest of his people that facilitated our election fruad, and help us eliminate the DS operatives in their territory. We patrol the new pipeline, guarantee free passage, agree not to hold Germany and Italy citizens responsible for what their government/deep state did, and when Trump is back we make sure they have energy once we get ours back.
This would track with the new Italian leader election. Think Germany would be on board (because of the energy squeeze?) Or did their new deal with UAE (mentioned earlier in this thread) eliminate pressure?
That's a great plan!
That is a take I haven’t heard. I like it.
Thank you.
its a win-win for them... they can either get rid of Biden or we go to War.
Definitely think NATO has a hand in it with Ukraine/US.
That is the US.
This the kick off?
We allegedly had ships in the vicinity "training" at the same time.
Who do you think is pulling Ukraine's strings? The U.S. faction of the [DS].
I appreciate Joe stating his feelings. Just like the Ukraine aid money/SONOFABITCH statement, Biden put his foot down and let everyone know he is not to be played with. He can stand by that, and the rest of the world knows how they need to treat him.
I'd say whoever done it had to have a submarine and some trained scuba guys. You know like seals
These cute and snuggly little guys?
From which country or countries the assets came from to blow up Nordstream does not matter. The evil perpetrated throughout the world has only one origin-- the pedo death cult that has infiltrated every one of our governments. This death cult doesnt recognize borders, only their Nazi World Order. Putin understands this and it is why he blames the Dems in power for the bioactivity in Ukraine and not the Nation of the United States itself.
Ah, I'm convinced biden did it
And you think Ukraine / DS is anything without the US?
We didn't do it, no reason to, but we will get the blame in a setup for receiving the bill for the entire Ukrainian war effort, after all it was Nuland's, "I was just following orders," 2014 Coup D'Etat that installed the Ukrainian leadership, so now we must pay for the entire Ukraine makeover. But never fear, those who installed the USA leadership are going to have pay a much much bigger and grander bill ... in fact the "bill" of all "bill's." Count on it, Trump and Q are on it.