Criminal. Forcing people to choose between their kids going to school or poisoning them. We need a national student strike, no child goes to school unless they reverse this murder doctrine.
So women have the right to murder a baby in their womb but parents have no choice about their kids being forced to be guinea pigs in an unauthorized drug study? Outrageous and unacceptable! Stand united or watch the children get ill and die, it’s that simple.
It will once it becomes more obvious that these vaccines maime and hurt people. Once that reaches critical mass in media and normies hear this they will go nuts. Thats only true because normies are still blind to this or dont wanna hear the truth. But they will when their kids start dropping dead on the soccer fields
School is useless anyway! Worst 12 years of my life. My brother was a teacher and looked after "behavioral" kids. One girl in the school.... the Karens wanted to throw her in jail. Said she was useless! My brother took over her case. She did grades 9.10,11,and 12 in ONE YEAR! She went on to study law, and is now the chief legal assistant out our province's Supreme court justice! So hell ya... fuck school!
I hated school, was bored, and found my peers shallow and stupid with the exception of three dear friends I have to this day. Turns out I just don’t conform and blindly respect authority like my teachers wanted me to 🤣
I fucking HATED school! I wasn’t bullied by any one student, I was bullied by the school system! Almost 12 years since I graduated and I’m still trying to work through my trauma that’s basically defined my life after I graduated!
I think they are being forced to do this as both a way to expose them and as a humiliation exercise. Force these demons to do what they had planned to do secretly in public with nowhere to hide. It had to be this way. This will destroy western medicine and our educational system and it's high time both of those things happen!
I hope you're right about this "You're watching a movie" line of thinking.
Also, there's this - and it's almost a 2 year Delta for the vote tomorrow. I've had a theory since the early days of the c-19 "vaccines" that THEY may be the "Crimes against children" Q was referring to in this post. Imagine them getting approved and parents being forced to choose between a public education or their children's health. Then damning evidence that the vaccines are dangerous becomes widely available and believed by the general public and that their own government knew they were dangerous before they approved them. These people won't be able to walk down the streets.
OMG I never thought about those being the crimes! NOT ONE TIME! (SMH) God in the name of your son Jesus, I ask you for your love and guidance. Please let THIS evil not be part of the plan. If it is, I ask for your patience and peace to place our hope in you alone!
How the fuck is this even remotely acceptable? This vaccine was not rigorously tested for YEARS like the other mandatory ones. This is an absolute violation against humanity, we need to demand these vaccinations be held to the same levels and standards as every one before it.
This would be akin to designing a car and not testing it in accident situations. Who the fuck would drive that car? And who would let their kid drive it?!!
How the fuck did they read all the comments??? Why do they even ask for public comment? I told them they probably don’t believe in God, but karma was coming for them.
I will be withdrawing my children from the public school systems if this gets pushed in my state -- I suggest you all do the same.
Then organize a parent conference referendum with your school boards on removing any mandates involving vaccination as well as including anyone who passed mandatory vaccinations to step down from their positions or you will not return your children to the school systems. No exceptions.
Anyone willing to pass this unilaterally does not have your children's best interests at heart.
The number of swamp creatures keeps getting larger. Goodness gracious.
On the bright side, have these mutherfuckers pictures and names. I smell civil justice from a parent who lost their child. They keep digging their graves deeper and deeper. I cannot wait for God's wrath on them. I know that isn't good thing to desire, but this is absolutely out of control. These demons need to having a meeting with God asap.
Oh of course they want to make them freely available for poor kids. From my behavior therapy days, the amount of kids on Medicaid that were profoundly retarded “out of nowhere” was unmistakably because they get shoved full of every shot imaginable as a condition of Mama receiving benefits.
Criminal. Forcing people to choose between their kids going to school or poisoning them. We need a national student strike, no child goes to school unless they reverse this murder doctrine.
So women have the right to murder a baby in their womb but parents have no choice about their kids being forced to be guinea pigs in an unauthorized drug study? Outrageous and unacceptable! Stand united or watch the children get ill and die, it’s that simple.
100% on the nationwide student walkout. Schools get paid based on attendance. Take the attendance away and BQQM!
This will unite both sides
Not sure it would - my Dem sister got both her boys vaxxed and boosted. I think most Dims bought into the fearmongering. And quite a few Repubs too.
It will once it becomes more obvious that these vaccines maime and hurt people. Once that reaches critical mass in media and normies hear this they will go nuts. Thats only true because normies are still blind to this or dont wanna hear the truth. But they will when their kids start dropping dead on the soccer fields
School is useless anyway! Worst 12 years of my life. My brother was a teacher and looked after "behavioral" kids. One girl in the school.... the Karens wanted to throw her in jail. Said she was useless! My brother took over her case. She did grades 9.10,11,and 12 in ONE YEAR! She went on to study law, and is now the chief legal assistant out our province's Supreme court justice! So hell ya... fuck school!
I hated school, was bored, and found my peers shallow and stupid with the exception of three dear friends I have to this day. Turns out I just don’t conform and blindly respect authority like my teachers wanted me to 🤣
I fucking HATED school! I wasn’t bullied by any one student, I was bullied by the school system! Almost 12 years since I graduated and I’m still trying to work through my trauma that’s basically defined my life after I graduated!
Dismantle the CDC. Fixed it
The CDC is a private, for-profit company…. Nothing they say or do has any effect on my life.
I think they are being forced to do this as both a way to expose them and as a humiliation exercise. Force these demons to do what they had planned to do secretly in public with nowhere to hide. It had to be this way. This will destroy western medicine and our educational system and it's high time both of those things happen!
They're doing it to avoid liability. They know they're fucked. But they'll play it out as long as they can. They should all hang. Twice.
And drug through a cactus patch on the way to the gallows. I helped you some.
How do they avoid liability?
I hope you're right about this "You're watching a movie" line of thinking.
Also, there's this - and it's almost a 2 year Delta for the vote tomorrow. I've had a theory since the early days of the c-19 "vaccines" that THEY may be the "Crimes against children" Q was referring to in this post. Imagine them getting approved and parents being forced to choose between a public education or their children's health. Then damning evidence that the vaccines are dangerous becomes widely available and believed by the general public and that their own government knew they were dangerous before they approved them. These people won't be able to walk down the streets.
OMG I never thought about those being the crimes! NOT ONE TIME! (SMH) God in the name of your son Jesus, I ask you for your love and guidance. Please let THIS evil not be part of the plan. If it is, I ask for your patience and peace to place our hope in you alone!
Amen you sneakyWino. I second that. And I worked as a teacher for 29 years. I'll be thrilled to watch it go DOWN
Child Death Cult
The UK said no more for 1-12
well if the bill passes I guess I vote with my feet then. Not a UK fan at all but if it keeps my children alive ...
We still have faggots in this community trying to plant the seed and playing along enabling this tyranny. Noncompliance is the only way.
How the fuck is this even remotely acceptable? This vaccine was not rigorously tested for YEARS like the other mandatory ones. This is an absolute violation against humanity, we need to demand these vaccinations be held to the same levels and standards as every one before it.
This would be akin to designing a car and not testing it in accident situations. Who the fuck would drive that car? And who would let their kid drive it?!!
Remember, the definition of "vaccine" was changed to fit this shot.
CDC = Children Death Cooperation the 15 that voted for this EVIL vaccine.. I take it they done it to be covered against being sued ? How evil if true
How the fuck did they read all the comments??? Why do they even ask for public comment? I told them they probably don’t believe in God, but karma was coming for them.
It's required by law that they allow public comments, but following the comments, or even reading them is not required.
Such bullshit. I fear for the children of ignorant parents.
Yeah, fuck the CDC.
"Recommend "
Tell them to shove it up their ass.
All vax are voluntary compliance.
Save your copy! These people are slimy Kuntz.
One word:
Helicopter rides
time to destroy the cdc and end public education.
Pure evil! 👹👹👹🔥🔥🔥
I thought it wasn't till tomorrow.
I believe the 6month to 4 year olds is tomorrow
I will be withdrawing my children from the public school systems if this gets pushed in my state -- I suggest you all do the same.
Then organize a parent conference referendum with your school boards on removing any mandates involving vaccination as well as including anyone who passed mandatory vaccinations to step down from their positions or you will not return your children to the school systems. No exceptions.
Anyone willing to pass this unilaterally does not have your children's best interests at heart.
The vote for today was to make the vaccines freely available to impoverished children if/when they cost money. Vote tomorrow is for schools.
But we need to stay outraged and keep up the pressure. Oppose this at every fucking step. The CDC decides, then the individual states.
The number of swamp creatures keeps getting larger. Goodness gracious.
On the bright side, have these mutherfuckers pictures and names. I smell civil justice from a parent who lost their child. They keep digging their graves deeper and deeper. I cannot wait for God's wrath on them. I know that isn't good thing to desire, but this is absolutely out of control. These demons need to having a meeting with God asap.
Murderhobos are a pain in your party. Never seen one as the DM.
Anyone who “complies“ with this “recommendation” needs to be arrested for child abuse, crimes against humanity and intent to murder.
I recommend the CDC suck on a shotgun barrel.
The vote for today was to make the vaccines freely available to impoverished children if/when they cost money. Vote tomorrow is for schools.
But we need to stay outraged and keep up the pressure. Oppose this at every fucking step. The CDC decides, then the individual states.
Oh of course they want to make them freely available for poor kids. From my behavior therapy days, the amount of kids on Medicaid that were profoundly retarded “out of nowhere” was unmistakably because they get shoved full of every shot imaginable as a condition of Mama receiving benefits.
The vote for today was to make the vaccines freely available to impoverished children if/when they cost money. Vote tomorrow is for schools.
But we need to stay outraged and keep up the pressure. Oppose this at every fucking step. The CDC decides, then the individual states.
Voted unanimously to “recommend”… translation, doesn’t mean anything…except they just solidified their place in line of the gallows walk..
this will destroy the CDC and the public school system simultaniously.
The more studies that prove how harmful this vaccine is, the more they double down on it. It’s almost like they are being held to some evil agenda.