They were always there. The retardation was dormant. Sleeper Karen's, just waiting to be activated. Then finally their perfect moment had arrived. The world finally had need for a very specific set of skills. Virtue Signalling, Passive Aggressive Misanthrope, Overdeveloped Irrational Persecution and Inferiority Complex, Narcissism, Self-Hate, Learning Disabilities, Bad Breath, Allergies, Bad Genetics, Hypochondria, Munchausen's syndrome.
Fight fascism elect Democrats is just the type of brainwashed Lib that would continue to get the 💉 He/she is the 4-6% lost forever because if this can’t wake him/her up, nothing can. I honestly can’t tell if it’s a man or woman
I am kicked off of Twitter. Could someone please glance at the comments to see if people told this woman why she is paralyzed? How did she respond, if they did?
These idiots keep using the word "facism" without knowing what it means. The dems are the definition of fascists but these useful idiots have no clue because they are not students of history and are doomed to repeat it.
Next she will be told she has multiple myeloma, stage III. Lots of expensive treatments and trials will be thrown at the wall but she'll be dead within the year most likely after that diagnosis. Observed it myself.
STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT WAS THE VAX! Unreal. These people are absolutely retarded.
It all comes down to pride. Libtards cannot admit that they're wrong, ever. Narcissism, lack of cognitive thinking, and pride.
Hey, what's the gay month called? Pride Month.
The sin that got Satan thrown out of heaven.
Now that virtue-signaling pride has a face like this. No more pride.
I love this reply. Spot on.
Literally ready to enter into nuclear war because they don't want to admit Hunter Biden fucks children. Nuclear war, over some crackhead.
They would legit rather die, than admit they are wrong. That is how much their pride and ego means to them.
Updated her profile pic yesterday:
Larue is now defined as the shortest distance between two points of stupid.
He/She/It has folded space time and the two points of smooth brain have zero distance between them.
That's a good one.
OMG...Are we a nation of morons??? (Don't answer.)
Idiocracy is now a reality show... 🤡🌎
SHUT UP ! Baitin .
A lot of people are not that bright.
More like Baskin-Robbins. 31 scoops of dumb ass!
That's like...... (counts fingers and toes)....... so many more scoops than Orange Man Bad had!
How are people this fucking dumb? I cannot even fathom thinking like this person.
Sadly, if you walk around in a crowded place, most people look and behave like this person would.
They were always there. The retardation was dormant. Sleeper Karen's, just waiting to be activated. Then finally their perfect moment had arrived. The world finally had need for a very specific set of skills. Virtue Signalling, Passive Aggressive Misanthrope, Overdeveloped Irrational Persecution and Inferiority Complex, Narcissism, Self-Hate, Learning Disabilities, Bad Breath, Allergies, Bad Genetics, Hypochondria, Munchausen's syndrome.
Drip, drip, KAREN!
There isn't even any context in that second post to bring up vaxxines unless she is admitting it caused her paralysis.
I bet Zvi is laughing his ass off right now.
Exactly - to me it read 'look what the vax did to me, you go and get it because I don't want to be the only stupid idiot who took it'
Fight fascism elect Democrats is just the type of brainwashed Lib that would continue to get the 💉 He/she is the 4-6% lost forever because if this can’t wake him/her up, nothing can. I honestly can’t tell if it’s a man or woman
I am kicked off of Twitter. Could someone please glance at the comments to see if people told this woman why she is paralyzed? How did she respond, if they did?
Now that transmission protection is disproved what is their reason?
Just because we say so.... BIGOT
These idiots keep using the word "facism" without knowing what it means. The dems are the definition of fascists but these useful idiots have no clue because they are not students of history and are doomed to repeat it.
If the TV said it, then it's true. That's how fucking retarded they are.
It was a Darwin Award from the beginning. She's a winner...
Hang on. The way I understand how Ramsey Hunt Syndrome works, it can cause shingles, but not the other way around. Even her excuse is suspect.
Looks EXACTLY like what I imagined -- a sanctimonious liberal karen.
That was a she???????
Next she will be told she has multiple myeloma, stage III. Lots of expensive treatments and trials will be thrown at the wall but she'll be dead within the year most likely after that diagnosis. Observed it myself.
But at least she's vaccinated, because it could be so much worse!
Also it turned her into Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye.
They can not even see that the commie Dems are fascistic and the Republicans are for a Democratic Republic, like our Constitution wanted.
Just a republic.
"I got these horrific side effects from the vaccine, so join me in my misery by getting it too!
So when was that picture posted?
April 2022, I guess.
Recent posts show a completely different profile picture. She's obviously reverted to a younger image. Ah, in fact she updated it just yesterday.
Jonestown is now the whole western world.
I am very thankful I was given the common sense to look into things before acting. ...but by the grace of G-d go we, the unvax'ed.
Who the hell is named "Zvi"?
I had to go look that up. You are right, of course.
He knows the nose!
A clue as to how so many fell for the con . . .
What was it Q said? 4-6% cannot be saved?