I know people like anonymity, but should require ID, fingerprint, signature, oath, and purple ink on a finger under pain of being charged with sedition.
How does that prove that it is the one ballot per person and prevent tampering? As long as the ballots are anonymous, this would not really prove anything.
The problem is ideas vs. Values. Ideas are flexible, moldable, and ever changing. This is the Democrat party and it's followers. They built their foundations on ideas, and the problem with this is it inherently allows for cognitive dissonance.
The right however built its foundations on values. Values are concrete and don't change, and allows for people to see things as they actually are, and call out cognitive dissonance. However ideas can pull people out of values more easily than vice versa. The problem here particularly is that we built a country on values, and a system around it (inclusive of laws and justice). And as far as I can tell, the right believes in values and law and by extension trusts that the right thing will be done ( that it can or will rectified in the system).
The left has the idea that the right is inherently evil and that they have to fight for every inch from the evil right, while the right thinks the left is stupid and the system will fix it. Problem being the system is no longer controlled by values or value centric people but by people with ideas outside of our value system.
So In short the left mobilizes because it has to survive, while the right has become to complacent with our liberally ran justice and legislative system and because of which does not jump into action.
Remember when Trump was booed by his own base when talking vaccines? It's because of our values (bodily autonomy, freedom, etc..) it doesn't matter what politician is in office and saying what, even someone as amazing as Trump will get challenged by his own base, but unlike dems we can still like someone who has a different view.
Democrats will change their mind any time the politician they praise tells them to. Because they don't give a shit about values, they only care about the ever changing idea parroted by their favorite candidate.
I am a Brit but no longer live in Britain. I lost all respect for my country thanks to Tony Blair and his lies about Iraq.
As a Brit, I know what it is like to live in a country where, as a normal citizen, you have no means to defend yourselves against a tyrannical Govt because we don't have 2A. You are at their mercy.
Protect your Constitution and rights with everything you can because once it's gone, it's gone forever.
'We the people' doesn't exist outside of the US and I envy you for that.
It's difficult for me to say if protests were effective as I no longer live there.
I think there is a limited value to protests but all you really achieve is a little lip service. Fundamentally it changes very little.
I will always advocate for peace and dialogue because I also know what the alternative looks like. I served my country to fight enemies in foreign lands but was also faced with fighting the IRA.
I hope with all my heart that this can be resolved through peaceful means but if like you say, push comes to shove, I can still drop targets at 600yrds+ if needed to protect my family.
Well, firstly, why should the commies stop cheating when it works every time for them? Secondly, I think peacefully and patriotically is not working. Our Founding Fathers knew what to do and how to do it. We need to take a lesson from them. The commies say anything and DO anything they want--we need to take a page from their playbook
Do we actually expect the military to finally do something about it this time? I have heard that prediction made so many times in recent years I have become numb to it.
I don't know what I expect. I am just tired of waiting for the magic moment when the military swoops in and saves the day. I mean, I still hope that - or something like it - happens. I have just heard that it's going to happen shortly after this event or that one so many times now that I am fatigued.
We’re all tired and some are still asleep. Watch Derek Johnson’s interview on Nino Rodriguez Podcast from earlier this week (11/08) He lays it out perfectly. Hang in there Fren!
I am just tired of waiting for the magic moment when the military swoops in and saves the day.
This exactly. I have heard this phrase so many time in the last two years that I don't even take it seriously anymore. It has become a running joke over at R*ddit and pretty much anywhere else I hear it discussed.
At this point the way I see it America has three choices: 1) the military 2) civil war and 3) the FEMA camps.
The FEMA camps are where the leftist cabal plans to take us. That eventuallity cannot be stopped without clean elections.
The courts, the legal system, will not do the job. They have shown us that. And the left is not going to stop cheating. Every election it is more blatant, more we-don't-give-a-damn. And with every stolen election the American Republic fades away and the powerful cabal rises.
They won't stop unless they are absolutely forced to. Force is the only thing they understand. Being exposed means nothing to them.
So it's the military and some disruption - or it's civil war and we are in the modern version of April of 1861.
It would be sweet right now if the military would step in and tell us the elections of 2020 and 2022 were corrupted and they held a paper ballot one day election with the presidential candidates of 2020 on the ballot...
Isn't the military run by Miley, a guy in a dress and a bunch of people who are still there because they took the jab? I have a feeling the military might not have the best in charge, no offense intended to the good folks that are still a part of it. Correct me if my perceptions are wrong.
Sure hope so. Never know anymore who is in charge and who is dealing hopium. That guy in the dress seems to call a lot of shots. Or at least he gets invited to a lot of cocktail parties.
I still take issue with the fact that military forcefully vaccinates soldiers. Many years ago, I woke up to the fact that all vaccines are bad. Even before covid. The fact that they require it and must know what they cause, raises a red flag for me.
When do heads start rolling? This is clown world. Eventually normies will lead the charge saying “this is normal, it’s always been this way,” because of both brainwashing and exhaustion - a desire for normalcy and more of their bread and circuses.
If this election is allowed to stand , just like the last one. Be prepared for the last of our rights to disappear, by 2024. I still believe in the plan, but so far they keep kicking our ass ,and mocking us. My neighbor next door to me was very unhappy with me, with my republican sign in my yard. So they visited the other neighbors and they put their demoncrat signs all facing my house. I have helped everyone of them, when they needed a hand. They never once offered to help me, when they saw me struggling. I feel like a stranger in my own neighborhood.
Well perhaps in your own neighborhood, but across the board surely u know we are hands down the majority and always have been.
I feel u tho. Surrounded by commies here too. They are all too stupid to see the danger in front of them or do not care cuz they are on the gov gravy train.
Also I like u try to help people, but u can tell the dems cuz most would never admit they are wrong, help others, or sacrifice anything for someone else beit time, labor, money, etc. It's Me, Me, Me all the time.
Middle America, shady-street, small-town, red-state America, and the neighbors, the ones with the rainbow curtains in ther windows, are almost like enemies. And I have always helped them. I know they are unhappy and struggling with a breaking-up family and lots of kids. So I help them when I can but the feeling of enmity does not go away.
yes, we need new elections - we need to vote out all the smug sanctimonious RINO never-Trumpers and only vote MAGA in. If you ain't MAGA you are a cheating dim.
Thought the same. It seems a natural response to this statement given the daily multiple posts re: Kari Lake on the path to a win. Why call for a new election if one is so certain she's going ro be victorious?
All I can say is, thank God I live in Pinal County where we will follow the Constitution led by Sheriff Lamb, and we will stand up and say no. However, I am sickened beyond belief by this disgusting disaster. They are trying to start Arizona civil war or what?
Republicans will lose more and more elections until they can never win again. How long are we supposed to dutifully allow them to crush our constitutional rights and silence our voices? This is tragic beyond belief- I’m way out past the precipice
Maybe he's calling for a new election because things are about to break in favor of Repubs and at that point Dems will be calling for new elections. He's baiting the MSM into ridiculing the idea days/weeks before they will be forced to endorse the idea.
Fyi they did this in North Carolina 9th district when a single man was thought to have harvested ballots (and dems were caught counting ballots early but that gets glossed over). Precedent is there.
I am Not an Election Denier but more correctly a Selection Denier. I categorically Reject All politicians from either party who have been Cheated Into power. Americans from All 50 states Must agree to hold new Elections Paper ballots Only carried out and supervised by each states NG. Photo ID'S and once your vote is submitted you get a Paper receipt as proof you voted and each voter will be stamped. A running total will be maintained and the winners will be known that evening. No more ballot dumping, no more electronic Interference. We can get this all set up and done within 30 days likely less.
Paper ballots, all counted on live video using a jumbo tron, with a big scoreboard showing the count in real time. Simple.
Also its not just AZ. The whole damn thing was a joke. Cheating was EVERYWHERE.
I know people like anonymity, but should require ID, fingerprint, signature, oath, and purple ink on a finger under pain of being charged with sedition.
Yes. Goes without saying, but apparently nowadays it needs saying. Lack of common sense and more.
Also show each ballot on camera as it is counted.
How does that prove that it is the one ballot per person and prevent tampering? As long as the ballots are anonymous, this would not really prove anything.
All I can say is, it's up to the people of Arizona (and elsewhere) to stand up and say NO MORE! Peacefully and patriotically of course.
If you're not prepared to fight for your country then stop complaining. The left won't stop cheating, because they can.
This is a tough one to crack.
The problem is ideas vs. Values. Ideas are flexible, moldable, and ever changing. This is the Democrat party and it's followers. They built their foundations on ideas, and the problem with this is it inherently allows for cognitive dissonance.
The right however built its foundations on values. Values are concrete and don't change, and allows for people to see things as they actually are, and call out cognitive dissonance. However ideas can pull people out of values more easily than vice versa. The problem here particularly is that we built a country on values, and a system around it (inclusive of laws and justice). And as far as I can tell, the right believes in values and law and by extension trusts that the right thing will be done ( that it can or will rectified in the system).
The left has the idea that the right is inherently evil and that they have to fight for every inch from the evil right, while the right thinks the left is stupid and the system will fix it. Problem being the system is no longer controlled by values or value centric people but by people with ideas outside of our value system.
So In short the left mobilizes because it has to survive, while the right has become to complacent with our liberally ran justice and legislative system and because of which does not jump into action.
Remember when Trump was booed by his own base when talking vaccines? It's because of our values (bodily autonomy, freedom, etc..) it doesn't matter what politician is in office and saying what, even someone as amazing as Trump will get challenged by his own base, but unlike dems we can still like someone who has a different view.
Democrats will change their mind any time the politician they praise tells them to. Because they don't give a shit about values, they only care about the ever changing idea parroted by their favorite candidate.
I am a Brit but no longer live in Britain. I lost all respect for my country thanks to Tony Blair and his lies about Iraq.
As a Brit, I know what it is like to live in a country where, as a normal citizen, you have no means to defend yourselves against a tyrannical Govt because we don't have 2A. You are at their mercy.
Protect your Constitution and rights with everything you can because once it's gone, it's gone forever.
'We the people' doesn't exist outside of the US and I envy you for that.
It's difficult for me to say if protests were effective as I no longer live there. I think there is a limited value to protests but all you really achieve is a little lip service. Fundamentally it changes very little.
I will always advocate for peace and dialogue because I also know what the alternative looks like. I served my country to fight enemies in foreign lands but was also faced with fighting the IRA.
I hope with all my heart that this can be resolved through peaceful means but if like you say, push comes to shove, I can still drop targets at 600yrds+ if needed to protect my family.
Well, firstly, why should the commies stop cheating when it works every time for them? Secondly, I think peacefully and patriotically is not working. Our Founding Fathers knew what to do and how to do it. We need to take a lesson from them. The commies say anything and DO anything they want--we need to take a page from their playbook
It's not up to the people. The people can only do so much.
Either the military step in or we are fucked.
I don't think Katie Hobbs or Doug Ducey will call for a new election.
I’m sure the Military will solicit their opinion…NOT!
Do we actually expect the military to finally do something about it this time? I have heard that prediction made so many times in recent years I have become numb to it.
It’s either that or Civil War. How would you propose reconciliation with a “broken vote”?
I don't know what I expect. I am just tired of waiting for the magic moment when the military swoops in and saves the day. I mean, I still hope that - or something like it - happens. I have just heard that it's going to happen shortly after this event or that one so many times now that I am fatigued.
We’re all tired and some are still asleep. Watch Derek Johnson’s interview on Nino Rodriguez Podcast from earlier this week (11/08) He lays it out perfectly. Hang in there Fren!
Yeah I saw that one. I want to believe.
This exactly. I have heard this phrase so many time in the last two years that I don't even take it seriously anymore. It has become a running joke over at R*ddit and pretty much anywhere else I hear it discussed.
At this point the way I see it America has three choices: 1) the military 2) civil war and 3) the FEMA camps.
The FEMA camps are where the leftist cabal plans to take us. That eventuallity cannot be stopped without clean elections.
The courts, the legal system, will not do the job. They have shown us that. And the left is not going to stop cheating. Every election it is more blatant, more we-don't-give-a-damn. And with every stolen election the American Republic fades away and the powerful cabal rises.
They won't stop unless they are absolutely forced to. Force is the only thing they understand. Being exposed means nothing to them.
So it's the military and some disruption - or it's civil war and we are in the modern version of April of 1861.
It can't happen here? Blissful ignorance.
It is happening here.
Current and significants investments (and expansions) in GITMO are promising, interdasting and have me smiling inside 🤔 We’ll see…
They would have nothing to worry about.
If they do it over, now that the cheaters have used up all their tools, the discrepancy between the numbers will be so enormous
He's the Genius! Do -over, do-over!
"If" is the operative word.
There will be no redo of their "election" unless they are forced to redo it.
It would be sweet right now if the military would step in and tell us the elections of 2020 and 2022 were corrupted and they held a paper ballot one day election with the presidential candidates of 2020 on the ballot...
(Including Pennsylvania)
Isn't the military run by Miley, a guy in a dress and a bunch of people who are still there because they took the jab? I have a feeling the military might not have the best in charge, no offense intended to the good folks that are still a part of it. Correct me if my perceptions are wrong.
Only half of it. Cheyenne mountain (the real power) is with Trump and he has the nuclear football
Sure hope so. Never know anymore who is in charge and who is dealing hopium. That guy in the dress seems to call a lot of shots. Or at least he gets invited to a lot of cocktail parties.
totally botched 1.6 that milley
I'm sure he likes those cocktail parties all right.
This is the way it is and it is the last hope, the last stand for America - and for the world.
"What is at stake?"
World freedom versus world depopulation and a remnant feudal society.
What makes you think Trump has the football? What source demonstrates this? Because that would be an enormous game changer.
All the better for optic if it appears that that guy is running it.
I still take issue with the fact that military forcefully vaccinates soldiers. Many years ago, I woke up to the fact that all vaccines are bad. Even before covid. The fact that they require it and must know what they cause, raises a red flag for me.
Of course they know the covid vaccines are deadly, slow-acting bioweapons.
Time to call out the military? They have the EO and all the evidence they need to get involved.
When do heads start rolling? This is clown world. Eventually normies will lead the charge saying “this is normal, it’s always been this way,” because of both brainwashing and exhaustion - a desire for normalcy and more of their bread and circuses.
Enough of the insanity.
If this election is allowed to stand , just like the last one. Be prepared for the last of our rights to disappear, by 2024. I still believe in the plan, but so far they keep kicking our ass ,and mocking us. My neighbor next door to me was very unhappy with me, with my republican sign in my yard. So they visited the other neighbors and they put their demoncrat signs all facing my house. I have helped everyone of them, when they needed a hand. They never once offered to help me, when they saw me struggling. I feel like a stranger in my own neighborhood.
Well perhaps in your own neighborhood, but across the board surely u know we are hands down the majority and always have been.
I feel u tho. Surrounded by commies here too. They are all too stupid to see the danger in front of them or do not care cuz they are on the gov gravy train.
Also I like u try to help people, but u can tell the dems cuz most would never admit they are wrong, help others, or sacrifice anything for someone else beit time, labor, money, etc. It's Me, Me, Me all the time.
vaxxed to the maxx and they are blind as bats
That is true of me too.
Middle America, shady-street, small-town, red-state America, and the neighbors, the ones with the rainbow curtains in ther windows, are almost like enemies. And I have always helped them. I know they are unhappy and struggling with a breaking-up family and lots of kids. So I help them when I can but the feeling of enmity does not go away.
God will remember, Patriot. That is what matters. They may not remember what you did for them, but He will.
And even if they treat you like trash, help those in need anyway and pray for them. They'll hate it. God loves it.
yes, we need new elections - we need to vote out all the smug sanctimonious RINO never-Trumpers and only vote MAGA in. If you ain't MAGA you are a cheating dim.
It's Saturday, November 12. As of this morning, roughly 73% of the ballots in the state of Utah have been counted.
So it’s over? Hobbs was declared winner??
Not even close. Even the Washington Post is now predicting a Lake victory.
"According to our model, Lake is behind in the vote count, but slightly favored to win after all votes are counted. Hobbs still has a chance."
I did that that, but why would trump call for a new election then? Unless he knows something to be different?
Thought the same. It seems a natural response to this statement given the daily multiple posts re: Kari Lake on the path to a win. Why call for a new election if one is so certain she's going ro be victorious?
Because it doesn’t matter who wins, even if it’s the “good guy”. The fraud still needs to be punished.
And the whole electoral process must be made honest, through and through.
Okay...that makes sense. A preface ("Regardless of the outcome...") would have helped me think beyond what I typed. 😄 Thanks for the help!
Exactly. Conflicting statements from trump and Kari.
Now THIS is predictive programming I Like! 👍
Also, NY. We need a do-over up here, too.
hey they need to just fucking count the votes in nys and audit
they just stopped not acceptable
All I can say is, thank God I live in Pinal County where we will follow the Constitution led by Sheriff Lamb, and we will stand up and say no. However, I am sickened beyond belief by this disgusting disaster. They are trying to start Arizona civil war or what?
Republicans will lose more and more elections until they can never win again. How long are we supposed to dutifully allow them to crush our constitutional rights and silence our voices? This is tragic beyond belief- I’m way out past the precipice
Maybe he's calling for a new election because things are about to break in favor of Repubs and at that point Dems will be calling for new elections. He's baiting the MSM into ridiculing the idea days/weeks before they will be forced to endorse the idea.
Fyi they did this in North Carolina 9th district when a single man was thought to have harvested ballots (and dems were caught counting ballots early but that gets glossed over). Precedent is there.
I was suspecting it might be leading up to this. Maybe they'll just redo it.
I am Not an Election Denier but more correctly a Selection Denier. I categorically Reject All politicians from either party who have been Cheated Into power. Americans from All 50 states Must agree to hold new Elections Paper ballots Only carried out and supervised by each states NG. Photo ID'S and once your vote is submitted you get a Paper receipt as proof you voted and each voter will be stamped. A running total will be maintained and the winners will be known that evening. No more ballot dumping, no more electronic Interference. We can get this all set up and done within 30 days likely less.
Do Maryland too!
The problem is the frauds in the election process And The People of Arizona that aren't standing up to this.
Things that will never happen for 500 Alex. It appears Trumps becoming senile.
He may have a plan you don't see yet.
He says things I would love to be true but typically are over zealous and not realistic.